368 research outputs found

    Modelagem e controle avançado não-linear multivariável por lógica nebulosa : aplicação para um processo de copolimerização

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    A obtenção de um modelo matemático confiável de um dado processo é um pré-requisito fundamental para o projeto de controladores. Contudo, particularmente para sistemas poliméricos que são intrinsecamente caracterizados por dinâmicas complexas, o delineamento de uma aproximação a partir dos primeiros princípios é uma tarefa bastante árdua e, por vezes, não realizável. Logo, representações matemáticas mais simples, porém reprodutivas das principais peculiaridades do sistema, são bem-vindas. Assim sendo, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento e a implementação de dois esquemas de controle preditivo não-linear multivariável baseado em modelo nebuloso para um processo de copolimerização. Modelos MISO (Multi-Input/Single-Output) lineares e exponenciais são construídos a partir da lógica nebulosa, combinados e aplicados para simulação e predição on-line. Os desempenhos das estruturas de controle propostas foram comparados ao DMC (Dynamic Matrix Control) e a um típico NMPC (Nonlinear Model-based Predictive Control) para o problema servo. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram a eficácia das configurações projetadas

    Risk indicators for oral ulcers among people living with HIV during the first wave of the pandemic: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Little is currently known about HIV-related parameters that may increase the risk for oral ulcers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to overcome this gap in research by assessing the associations between HIV viral load, antiretroviral adherence profile, co-morbidity status, SARS-CoV-2 infection and oral ulcers among people living with HIV (PLHIV). Methods: This was a secondary analysis of data generated from 21,206 to 18 years and above, recruited from 152 countries through an online survey between July and December 2020. Data were extracted for 874 people who reported living with HIV. The dependent variable was reporting having oral ulcer. The independent variables were the viral load, adherence to antiretroviral treatment and a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The confounding variables were age at last birthday and sex at birth. A multivariable logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the associations between the dependent and independent variables after adjusting for the confounding variables. Results: Of the 874 participants, 99 (11.3%) reported having oral ulcers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The odds of PLHIV having oral ulcers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was significantly higher for people who did not know their viral load than those who had undetectable viral load (AOR: 2.036; 95% CI: 1.204–3.443; p = 0.008); and people who did not adhere to the use of antiretroviral treatment than those who adhered (AOR: 4.113; 95% CI: 2.567–6.589; p < 0.001). Also, PLHIV who had SARS-CoV-2 infection had significantly higher odds of having oral ulcers than those who did not have the infection (AOR: 14.556; 95% CI: 4.500-47.078; p < 0.001). PLHIV who had co-morbidities had non-significantly higher odds of having oral ulcers than those without co-morbidities (AOR: 1.170; 95% CI: 0.656–2.085; p = 0.595). Conclusion: Oral ulcers may be an indicator of poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy and unsuppressed viral load among PLHIV. It may also be an indicator of SARS-CoV-2 infection and a signal to take prompt and critical care of affected individuals because of the risk for severe COVID-19 for these individuals.publishedVersio

    Peripheral giant cells granuloma as a rare early manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism occurs due to parathyroid adenoma, which as initial presentation in most cases includes recurrent nephrolithiasis (10-25%). Giant cell tumors (GDD) also called osteoclastomas or brown tumors affect the second decade of life and are currently a rare manifestation of primary hyperthyroidism. The incidence of lesion appearance in the maxillary bones is 4.5%. We presented the case of a 36 year old female patient with history of hypertension, who developed an increase in volume in the right maxillary region of 4×3 cm, with incapability of complete occlusion of dental arch, solid dysphagia, biopsy was performed with peripheral giant cells granuloma as a result, PTH serum levels were requested, with result of 1175 pg/ml and serum calcium of 13.24 mg/dl. Parathyroid gammagram was performed with hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue. Patient underwent a selective parathyroidectomy. She had an adequate postoperative evolution and was discharged without complications. The patient had adequate follow up by head and neck surgery in external consultation, serum calcium 7.66 mg/dl, decrease of volume in right maxillary region to 3×3 cm; pathology report with parathyroid adenoma. Surgical treatment of brown tumor is still pending by the maxillofacial surgery department


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    In this paper an alternative method to solve Inequalities that is to consider the real line to locate the roots of the polynomial inequality and proceed as follows exposed: If the polynomial has distinct real roots, factoring proceed, place the roots of the polynomial on the real line and the intervals in which the sign is to analyze the polynomial are formed between each of the roots of it, the first being the one to the right of the main root and the last the one to the left of the lower root. Thus, in the first interval put the + sign as any element belonging to this interval is greater than all the roots of the polynomial, then in the following ranges the sign is placed and so on alternating signs + and restantes.Luego intervals in the solution set will be the union of the intervals according to the sign of the inequality.In other cases, the inequality took a polynomial inequality with distinct real roots and proceed the same way. The fact of placing the roots of the polynomial in one line, makes it easy to understand and becomes a rapid application method.En este trabajo se expone un metodo alternativo para resolver Inecuaciones que consiste en considerar la recta real para ubicar las raíces del polinomio de la inecuacion y proceder de la siguiente manera:Si el polinomio tiene raíces reales distintas, se procede a factorizar, ubicar las raíces del polinomio en la recta real y Los intervalos en los que se va a analizar el signo del polinomio son los que se forman entre cada una de las raíces del mismo, siendo el primero el que esta a la derecha de la raíz mayor y el último el que esta a la izquierda de la raiz menor. Así, en el primer intervalo colocamos el signo + ya que cualquier elemento perteneciente a ese intervalo es mayor que todas las raíces del polinomio, luego en los intervalos siguientes se coloca el signo − y as´ı sucesivamente se van alternando los signos + y − en los intervalos restantes.Luego el conjunto solucion sera la union de los intervalos con el signo de acuerdo a la inecuacion. En los otros casos, llevamos la inecuacion a una Inecuación con polinomio de raíces reales distintas y procedemos de igual manera. El hecho de ubicar las raíces del polinomio en una sola recta, hace fácil su comprensión y se convierte en un método de rápida aplicación.  