25 research outputs found

    The effect of arsenic (As) contamination on domestic vegetables

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    Elemental arsenic and arsenic compounds are classified as "toxic" and "dangerous for the environment" in the European Union under directive 67/548/EEC. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recognizes arsenic and arsenic compounds as group 1 carcinogens, and the EU lists arsenic trioxide, arsenic pentoxide and arsenate salts as category 1 carcinogens. Arsenic is easily absorbed by vegetables from irrigation water. The accumulation of arsenic in vegetables could pose a serious risk on the quality of vegetables and human health. The two forms of inorganic arsenic, arsenate/As(V) and arsenite/As(III), are easily taken up by plant root cells (e.g. carrot, parsley, kohlrabi). Once in the cell, As(V) can be readily converted to As(III), the more toxic form of arsenic. In the present research we have determined the level of arsenic contamination in two of the economically most important vegetables grown in Hungary (sweet pepper; tomato) and the irrigation water in an arsenic contaminated area. In order to eliminate arsenic, decontamination was achieved by use of a Japanese-developed special cerium filter


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    Spice pepper production has a history of almost 300 years in the southern part of Hungary. In this study the results of two biotechnological improvements are summarized. Anther and isolated microspore culture techniques were improved to release haploid and doubled haploid (DH) lines for spice pepper breeding. Both the anther and isolated microspore culture methods were successfully used in spice pepper haploid production. Microspore culture- derived structures were analysed to identify their different parts. Green plantlets were regenerated from embryos derived from both anther and microspore cultures. Their doubled haploid analogues were integrated into Hungarian spice pepper hybrid seed breeding programmes. One hybrid, Sláger, was released as a new genotype for spice pepper production in 2008 and two hybrid candidates (Délibáb and Bolero) are now being tested in official trials

    The effect of arsenic (As) contamination on domestic vegetables

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    Elemental arsenic and arsenic compounds are classified as "toxic" and "dangerous for the environment" in the European Union under directive 67/548/EEC. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recognizes arsenic and arsenic compounds as group 1 carcinogens, and the EU lists arsenic trioxide, arsenic pentoxide and arsenate salts as category 1 carcinogens. Arsenic is easily absorbed by vegetables from irrigation water. The accumulation of arsenic in vegetables could pose a serious risk on the quality of vegetables and human health. The two forms of inorganic arsenic, arsenate/As(V) and arsenite/As(III), are easily taken up by plant root cells (e.g. carrot, parsley, kohlrabi). Once in the cell, As(V) can be readily converted to As(III), the more toxic form of arsenic. In the present research we have determined the level of arsenic contamination in two of the economically most important vegetables grown in Hungary (sweet pepper; tomato) and the irrigation water in an arsenic contaminated area. In order to eliminate arsenic, decontamination was achieved by use of a Japanese-developed special cerium filter

    The effect of arsenic (As) contamination on domestic vegetables

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    Elemental arsenic and arsenic compounds are classified as "toxic" and "dangerous for the environment" in the European Union under directive 67/548/EEC. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recognizes arsenic and arsenic compounds as group 1 carcinogens, and the EU lists arsenic trioxide, arsenic pentoxide and arsenate salts as category 1 carcinogens. Arsenic is easily absorbed by vegetables from irrigation water. The accumulation of arsenic in vegetables could pose a serious risk on the quality of vegetables and human health. The two forms of inorganic arsenic, arsenate/As(V) and arsenite/As(III), are easily taken up by plant root cells (e.g. carrot, parsley, kohlrabi). Once in the cell, As(V) can be readily converted to As(III), the more toxic form of arsenic. In the present research we have determined the level of arsenic contamination in two of the economically most important vegetables grown in Hungary (sweet pepper; tomato) and the irrigation water in an arsenic contaminated area. In order to eliminate arsenic, decontamination was achieved by use of a Japanese-developed special cerium filter

    „A mosoly is gyógyít?” Beteg gyermekek immunválasza is változhat a Mosolygó Kórház Alapítvány művészeinek látogatásakor = “Does happiness help healing?” Immune response of hospitalized children may change during visits of the Smiling Hospital Foundation’s Artists

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    A pozitív élményekkel kapcsolatos pszicho-neuro-immunológiai vizsgálatok száma kevés, klinikai alkalmazhatósága korlátozott. Célkitűzés: A Mosolygó Kórház Alapítvány művészeinek beteg gyermekekre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálták a szerzők. Módszer: Branülön keresztül, fájdalommentesen vérmintákat vettek infektológiai osztályon mesélő, bábos és kézműves művészek látogatása előtt 30 perccel és utána egy órával. Huszonnégy gyermeket meglátogattak a művészek, a kontrollcsoportban kilenc gyermek volt. Vizsgálták a vérben a lymphocytaszámot és a Th1/Th2 citokinszinteket. A művészek a látogatást követően hatásukat szubjektív skálán értékelték. Eredmények: A meglátogatott csoportban a lymphocytaszám-emelkedés 8,43%-kal kifejezettebb, a csökkenés 12,45%-kal mérsékeltebb volt. A meglátogatott csoportban a lymphocytaszám-emelkedést mutató gyermekek aránya nagyobb volt. A változások a művészek szerint sikeresebb látogatásoknál voltak kifejezettebbek. A meglátogatott csoportban páros t-próbával nem szignifikáns, de nagy szórás mellett is mérhető változást találtunk az interferon-γ-szintben (p < 0,055) és a Th1/Th2 citokin mérlegben (q-érték = 0,076 permutációs teszttel). Következtetések: Ez az első gyermekeken végzett klinikai pszicho-neuro-immunológiai felmérés, amely azt jelzi, hogy a gyermekekre fordított kitüntetett figyelem esetén gyors immunváltozásokkal is számolhatunk. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 1739–1744. | Psychoneuroimmunologic studies on positive emotions are few, and their clinical relevance is limited. Aims: This “SHoRT” (Smiling Hospital Research Team) study evaluates the effects that Smiling Hospital artists have on hospitalized children. Methods: Blood samples were taken in a non-painful way through branules in an accredited Infectology Ward, 30 minutes before and 1 hour after a visit of tale tellers, puppeteers and handicraft artists. 24 children were visited and 9 were included in the control group. Blood lymphocyte counts and Th1/Th2 cytokine levels were determined. Artists evaluated their effect on a subjective scale. Results: In the visited group, the increase of lymphocytes was 8.43% higher, the decrease was 12.45% lower, and the proportion of children showing increased lymphocyte counts was more increased. Changes were more marked after more successful visits. Authors found non-significant, still considerable changes in interferon-γ level (p < 0.055) and in Th1/Th2 cytokine ratios. Conclusions: This pediatric study suggests that immunological changes may develop when more attention is given to hospitalized children. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 1739–1744

    New Challenges in Hungarian Spice Pepper (Capsicum annuum L) Improvement and Cultivation

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    In the last years, the economic situation of spice pepper has deteriorated in Hungary. A lot of farmers have given up growing this crop plant, so the growing area decreased, while the amount of imports (from Spain, China, South-Africa etc.) increased in the Hungarian markets. Some traders mixed the red pepper powder products derived from different countries. In this situation, the purchase of Hungarian spice pepper powder (origin: 100% Hungarian is almost impossible in the market. Furthermore, the problem in connection with toxin content (aflatoxin) of products muddied the reputation of Hungarian spice pepper. In this case, each participant (researchers, breeders, farmers and traders) of the sector needs to find the opportunities to eliminate the risks of spice pepper-growing, production of powder and improve the competitiveness of the sector. The researchers and breeders have to find new genotypes and/or technologies which can improve the quality and quantity of the products, and the other participants of the sector have to utilize the advantages of the inventions


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    A magyarországi fűszerpaprika-ágazatban az elmúlt két évtizedben több lépcsŐben bekövetkezett számottevő visszaesés miatt az ország elvesztette az őrlemény világpiacán korábban betöltött pozícióját, sőt exportunk mára mennyiségben, értékben is alulmarad az importtal szemben. Fejlesztésünk lényege az volt, hogy a szegedi tájkörzetben jelenleg üresen álló fóliaházakat minimális ráfordítással üzembe állítva, a gazdák hideghajtatásos körülmények között termesszenek fűszerpaprikát. Ehhez meg kellett teremteni a megfelelő genotípus hátteret, mégpedig hibrid fűszerpaprika-fajták előállításával. Így lényegesen nagyobb termésbiztonság mellett, a szabadföldinél jobb minőségben lehet anyagilag is versenyképes őrlemény alapanyagot termelni. Reményeink szerint az új kínálat a jövőben egyre nagyobb arányban válthatja ki az import félterméket. A mintegy egy évtizedes nemesítői munka eredményeként ma három szegedi nemesítésű fűszerpaprika-hibrid áll a termelők rendelkezésére: ’Sláger F1’, Bolero F1’ és Délibáb F1’