143 research outputs found

    Sauer’s, Godowsky’s, and Backhaus’s Budapest recitals in the reviews of Géza Csáth (1906–1912)

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    This study analyzes the music critiques of Géza Csáth (1887–1919) on the interpretational achievements of the eminent European pianists Emil von Sauer, Leopold Godowsky, and Wilhelm Backhaus, who gave guest performances in Budapest from 1906 to 1912. By comparing Csáth’s opinions about the performances of the above mentioned pianists with those of the critics who wrote for Hungarian, German, Austrian, French and Serbian newspapers, the authors arrive to the conclusion that, at the time, artists were being more and more explicitly profiled exclusively as performers, while the practice of both composing and performing one’s own compositions, which had been customary, was slowly disappearing. The importance of the chosen critiques by Csáth lies first and foremost in the author’s comments, which indicate the changes happening in the piano practice in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century

    A katonai modernitás illúziója

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    Opportunities and challenges in partitioning the graph measure space of real-world networks

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    Based on a large dataset containing thousands of real-world networks ranging from genetic, protein interaction, and metabolic networks to brain, language, ecology, and social networks we search for defining structural measures of the different complex network domains (CND). We calculate 208 measures for all networks and using a comprehensive and scrupulous workflow of statistical and machine learning methods we investigated the limitations and possibilities of identifying the key graph measures of CNDs. Our approach managed to identify well distinguishable groups of network domains and confer their relevant features. These features turn out to be CND specific and not unique even at the level of individual CNDs. The presented methodology may be applied to other similar scenarios involving highly unbalanced and skewed datasets

    Precession Intuitively Explained

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    Formal explanations of the dynamics of free and heavy tops are considered to be known for centuries. However, intuitive understanding of their unexpected behavior is still a challenge. In this paper, we present elementary force based explanations of precession of heavy symmetric tops, derived in inertial and non-inertial reference frames. Simple calculations are enabled by a model equivalent to a spinning top, namely a square-formed tube carrying a streaming ideal fluid or a frictionless chain. Precession in a combined, gravitational and magnetic field is also discussed

    Mikro-/mezopórusos kompozit zeolitanalóg ferriszilikátok előállítása és vizsgálata = Synthesis and characterization of micro-/mesoporous composite zeolite analogue ferrisilicates

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    Először LTA és MFI zeolitok kialakulását majd átkristályosodását vizsgáltuk [1,3,8]. Kimutattuk a vasionok koordinációjának különbségeit, kapcsolatot találtunk a katalitikus reakciókban mutatott viselkedéssel [2]. MFI vázakban a vasionok átrendeződését, Fe2+-O-Fe3+ centrumok kialakulását detektáltuk [6]. Fe-Beta és Fe-MFI zeolitokon azt találtuk, hogy a N2O bontásában az aktivitás eltérő [9,12]. Ezután Al-, ill. Fe helyettesítéssel szintetizáltunk MCM-22-t. Megállapítottuk, hogy a kétféle helyettesítés eltérő hatású, az előbbi erősebben savas, míg az utóbbi redox sajátosságokat is eredményez [4]. Kompozit Fe-ZSM-5/Fe2O3 és pillérezett Fe-AlPILC aktivitását methomyl nedves katalitikus bontásában hasonlítottuk össze, megállapítottuk, hogy az előbbi, kompozit katalizátor az aktívabb [5]. A továbbiakban a vegyes, mikro-/mezopórusos rendszerek előállításainak módszereit dolgoztuk ki és alkalmaztuk. Először hosszú szénláncot is tartalmazó amfifil templáttal (TPHOC) egylépéses szintézisben Fe-, ill. (Fe+Al) helyettesítéssel állítottunk elő vegyes porozitású ferriszilikátokat. A (Fe+Al) helyettesítéssel előállított mintákban nagyobb mértékben alakultak ki mezopórusok. Egy másik, kétlépéses eljárással először mikropórusos Fe-ZSM-5 ferriszilikát kristályait állítottuk elő, majd ezeket mezopórusos SBA-15 szerkezetbe építve kaptuk a kompozit ferriszilikátot. A projektben elvégzett munkánk eredményeit több összefoglaló közlemény elkészítéséhez is fel tudtuk használni [7,10,11]. | First, LTA and MFI zeolites were studied from the early steps of seeding to recrystallisation [1,3,8]. Available siting of iron ions are compared and correlations with catalytic properties are shown [2]. Rearrangement of iron ions by forming Fe2+-O-Fe3+ dinuclear centres during heating has also been revealed [6]. Fe-Beta and Fe-MFI zeolites were synthesized by different methods, their catalytic activities were evaluated in the decomposition of N2O [9,12]. In the next stage two variants of MCM-22 were synthesized, one with Al, the other with Fe substitution. They exhibit different properties, the former one can be more acidic, the latter may display redox changes [4]. Related structures, composite Fe-ZSM-5/Fe2O3 were compared with pillared Fe-AlPILC in wet decomposition of methomyl, the former one was more active [5]. Further on, novel methods were developed and applied to synthesize micro-/mesoporous structures. First, single iron and combined (Fe+Al) substituted ferrisilicates were prepared in a one-step procedure by using an amphiphil template with a long carbon chain (TPHOC). The (Al + Fe) substitution is more favourable for the formation of mesopores than the one without Al. Another, two-step method was also applied by preparing microporous Fe-ZSM-5 in the first step, then embedding these crystals to a mesoporous SBA-15 host in the second stage. Summarizing reviews, based partly on the results obtained in the project have also been published [7,10,11]
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