25 research outputs found


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    Many countries in the world, including Croatia, are facing crises in their economies. There are numerous reasons for this situation, and problems of the business market present one of them. Nevertheless, successful business relationships are what keeps the market alive. Those relationships, namely buyer-seller relationships, are creating and influencing the market and economy on the whole. However, Croatia is living in the age of neoliberalism. As a dominant ideology of todayĀ“s world, it influences how companies behave on the market. On the one hand, it suggests competition as the best solution for existence. On the other hand, the interaction approach, teaches us to change our perspective and to cooperate on the market. In order to benefit the most, the aim of this paper was to review and compare these two approaches, to highlight their features and main differences, and to support them with empirical evidence. The cases of three Croatian companies show the reality of todayĀ“s market and an urgent need for a new business theory and practice


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    In today\u27s global market, a major challenge for every economic entity is to be competitive and achieve its objectives. The method of survival shows that those companies with the lowest costs will survive and remain on the market. G. J. Stigler explained this technique on the market share of different sized companies in the steel industry in the United States. In his method he groups enterprises by size (small, medium and large). Historically, it is known that economic entities have been joining together since the Middle Ages. At that time, traders who formed associations were not engaged only in trade, but also in transportation and monetary activity. Economic entities are still joining together today, mostly in the form of a cooperative, cluster, cooperation, public private partnership or holding. The reason for that lies in the reduction of costs, risks and competition and the possibility of increasing the capacity of economic entities. Also, it should be noted that there is a synergy effect when economic entities join together. We are witnesses of many failed businesses, which did not respond to the economic crisis and the needs of the market.The aim of this paper is to try to connect the technique of survival and joining of economic entities and show how a merger is one of the survival models that in conditions of economic crisis provides options to business entities. Only companies with the lowest costs and high-quality technology can survive and compete in today\u27s market


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    Razvoj poljoprivredne proizvodnje i stvaranje poljoprivredno prehrambenih proizvoda izravno utječe na razvoj ukupnog gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske. Na temelju analize količine proizvodnje, otkupa, izvoza i uvoza te poticaja, poljoprivredni proizvođači, posebno obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva, trebaju donijeti odluku o tome Å”to proizvoditi, kako i za koga proizvoditi. Tim načinom djelovanja, uvažavajući situaciju na tržiÅ”tu i praćenjem želja i potreba potroÅ”ača mogu smanjiti rizik poslovanja i osigurati opstanak i uspjeh na tržiÅ”tu.The development of agricultural production and agricultural and food products directly influences the development of the overall Croatian economy. . Agricultural producers, especially family farms, must make their decisions on what to produce, how and for who based on an analysis of production volume, purchase, exports, imports and state aids. By organising their business in this way, taking into consideration the circumstances in the market and keeping track of the consumersā€™ wishes and needs, they can cut business risks and secure their survival and success in the marke

    The application of the CAPM model on selected shares on the Croatian capital market

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    The Capital Asset Pricing Model is a model that describes the relationship between risk, expected return and valuation of securities. The theoretical and practical value of this model has proved unquestionable, but under ideal circumstances. The theory has been utilized by numerous researchers and it confirms the linear relationship between risk and return under the CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) model showing that greater exposure to risk provides higher returns. However, empirical research showed there were numerous factors that CAPM model did not take into account since it is based on assumptions which exist in reality, but are invisible. Therefore, it is very interesting to study the application of the CAPM model on selected shares on the Croatian capital market and analyze the possibilities of its application in discovering the misvalued shares. Share price changes on the Croatian capital market suggest there are some unknown factors that also influence share valuation. There is no doubt that the fundamental analysis of shares is not sufficient for evaluating the real share value in light of various invisible elements and all available information available which affect their value as well

    Introducing the interaction approach for successful business relationships

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    Many countries in the world, including Croatia, are facing crises in their economies. There are numerous reasons for this situation, and problems of the business market present one of them. Nevertheless, successful business relationships are what keeps the market alive. Those relationships, namely buyer-seller relationships, are creating and influencing the market and economy on the whole. However, Croatia is living in the age of neoliberalism. As a dominant ideology of todayĀ“s world, it influences how companies behave on the market. On the one hand, it suggests competition as the best solution for existence. On the other hand, the interaction approach, teaches us to change our perspective and to cooperate on the market. In order to benefit the most, the aim of this paper was to review and compare these two approaches, to highlight their features and main differences, and to support them with empirical evidence. The cases of three Croatian companies show the reality of todayĀ“s market and an urgent need for a new business theory and practice

    The application of the CAPM model on selected shares on the Croatian capital market

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    The Capital Asset Pricing Model is a model that describes the relationship between risk, expected return and valuation of securities. The theoretical and practical value of this model has proved unquestionable, but under ideal circumstances. The theory has been utilized by numerous researchers and it confirms the linear relationship between risk and return under the CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) model showing that greater exposure to risk provides higher returns. However, empirical research showed there were numerous factors that CAPM model did not take into account since it is based on assumptions which exist in reality, but are invisible. Therefore, it is very interesting to study the application of the CAPM model on selected shares on the Croatian capital market and analyze the possibilities of its application in discovering the misvalued shares. Share price changes on the Croatian capital market suggest there are some unknown factors that also influence share valuation. There is no doubt that the fundamental analysis of shares is not sufficient for evaluating the real share value in light of various invisible elements and all available information available which affect their value as well


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    Marketing kao znanost i disciplina razvija se u skladu s promjenama u druÅ”tvu, promjenama na tržiÅ”tu i promjenama u željama i očekivanjima potroÅ”ača. EkoloÅ”ke promjene utjecale su kako na potroÅ”ače tako i na nove aktivnosti marketinga. Oblikovanje marketinÅ”kih aktivnosti, uvažavajući prirodno okruženje, nazivamo zelenim marketingom. Zeleni marketing je vrsta druÅ”tvenog, ekoloÅ”kog marketinga u kojem se proizvodi, usluge i sve marketinÅ”ke aktivnosti oblikuju i provode uzimajući u obzir djelovanje i utjecaj koji mogu imati na okoliÅ” i druÅ”tvo u cjelini. Ovaj, rastući, tržiÅ”ni segment zelenih potroÅ”ača privukao je veliku pozornost te pružio nove mogućnosti gospodarskim subjektima za razvoj i napredovanje, uz istovremeno pozitivno djelovanje i utjecaj na okolinu i samo druÅ”tvo. UspjeÅ”na primjena zelenog marketinga zahtjeva uz postojanje određenih gospodarskih, političkih i zakonodavnih preduvjeta i sveobuhvatnu i dinamičnu bazu znanja o ponaÅ”anjima i očekivanjima hrvatskih zelenih potroÅ”ača. Tek na temelju toga moguće je u Republici Hrvatskoj razvijati strategiju razvoja zelenog marketinga na mikro i makro razini. Ruralna područja Republike Hrvatske, pa tako i Vukovarsko-srijemska županija, koja su bez industrije, nezagađena i bioloÅ”ki raznolika potencijalne su ekoloÅ”ke oaze za proizvodnju raznovrsnih ekoproizvoda, postojeća su prednost pred konkurencijom na međunarodnom tržiÅ”tem. Sustavnim ulaganjem, dobrim zakonodavstvom te suradnjom gospodarstva i znanosti Republika Hrvatska mogla bi stvoriti prepoznatljivi zeleni brand

    The application of the CAPM model on selected shares on the Croatian capital market

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    The Capital Asset Pricing Model is a model that describes the relationship between risk, expected return and valuation of securities. The theoretical and practical value of this model has proved unquestionable, but under ideal circumstances. The theory has been utilized by numerous researchers and it confirms the linear relationship between risk and return under the CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) model showing that greater exposure to risk provides higher returns. However, empirical research showed there were numerous factors that CAPM model did not take into account since it is based on assumptions which exist in reality, but are invisible. Therefore, it is very interesting to study the application of the CAPM model on selected shares on the Croatian capital market and analyze the possibilities of its application in discovering the misvalued shares. Share price changes on the Croatian capital market suggest there are some unknown factors that also influence share valuation. There is no doubt that the fundamental analysis of shares is not sufficient for evaluating the real share value in light of various invisible elements and all available information available which affect their value as well


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    Poultry meat and eggs are a significant source of nutrients in the human diet. Poultry products are widely consumed because they are nutritionally valuable, there are no religious restrictions on consumption, it is relatively easy to prepare diverse meals based on poultry, and the price of such products is relatively low. The aim of this research was to investigate the development of poultry production in the Republic of Croatia in the period 2010-2014, comprising the period of two years after Croatia joined the EU. The paper also compares data of poultry production in Croatia and in the EU. Over the period in question, total meat production in Croatia was reduced by 23%, meat import was increased by 45%, poultry meat export was increased by 46%, and production of eggs decreased by 20%. At the same time, in the EU countries poultry production was increased by 8.8% on average, export was increased by 10%, and import was reduced by 3.7%, while the egg production stagnated. In 2014, consumption of poultry meat in Croatia was 18.3 kg per capita, and in the EU 26.8 kg per capita. Self-sufficiency in the poultry production over the analyzed period was not satisfactory, therefore in the coming years, Croatia will have to develop quickly this important branch of livestock breeding. In addition to conventional production, faster development refers to production of organic and functional poultry products

    Main determinants of profitability of the largest banks in the Republic of Croatia

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    This paper presents profitability trends in the largest Croatian banks in the period from 2008 to 2012, as well as concentration index trends in the Croatian banking sector. The values of the concentration indices in the Croatian banking sector suggest that a high level of correlation and ā€œsimilarityā€ between the concentration indices is indicative of a quality concentration analysis. This is demonstrated by the following indices: the concentration ratio, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, the Hall-Tideman index, the Rosenbluth index, the Gini coefficient and the entropy measure. It is evident that in the observed period there was an increase in the concentration of the Croatian banking system as a result of a reduction in the absolute number of banks, as well as an increase in the market shares of banks following behind the two banks holding the largest market shares (Zagrebačka banka and Privredna banka). An increase in market shares of the two leading banks increased inequality on the market, thus intensifying market competition between them. The level of concentration on the banking market in Croatia is directly related to the financial performance of banks. Hence, the largest banks in Croatia, which hold 90% of the total market, have recorded very strong financial performance