17 research outputs found

    La participation des producteurs au conseil agricole : Determinants et leçons apprises dans le departement de l’Atlantique au Benin

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    Au BĂ©nin, le conseil agricole constitue un volet important de la politique agricole et participe Ă  l’apprentissage des exploitants agricoles. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude analyse les dĂ©terminants et les leçons apprises de la participation des producteurs au conseil agricole dans le dĂ©partement de l’Atlantique au BĂ©nin. A cet effet, des donnĂ©es qualitatives et quantitatives ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă  l’aide de guides d’entretien et de questionnaire auprĂšs d’un Ă©chantillon alĂ©atoire de 180 producteurs. L’analyse Ă©conomĂ©trique a montrĂ© que la participation au conseil agricole est dĂ©terminĂ©e par des facteurs intrinsĂšques aux producteurs, notamment l’appartenance Ă  un groupement de producteurs ; l’accĂšs aux institutions de microfinance ; la perception sur l’obtention des avantages en adhĂ©rant au conseil ; et le niveau d’instruction des exploitants agricoles. L’analyse qualitative, qui a servi de fil conducteur Ă  l’analyse quantitative, met en exergue deux facteurs clĂ©s limitant l’accĂšs des producteurs. Il s’agit de l’orientation du conseil agricole vers les exploitations agricoles les plus modernisĂ©es et la spĂ©cialisation et individualisation du conseil agricole. Cette Ă©tude apporte des orientations sur lesrĂ©flexions relatives Ă  l’adĂ©quation et l’adaptation du conseil agricole aux rĂ©alitĂ©s socio-Ă©conomiques de l’Afrique Subsaharienne. Ces orientations sont importantes pour une amĂ©lioration de la stratĂ©gie de mise en Ɠuvre du conseil agricole dans un environnement de politique agricole en pleine mutation. Mots-clĂ©s : Vulgarisation agricole, Conseil agricole, Exploitants agricoles, DĂ©terminants, BĂ©nin.   English title: Farmers’ participation to agricultural advisory: drivers and lessons learnt in Atlantic department in Benin Agricultural advisory is an important part of learning and agricultural policies in Benin. This study analyses the determinants and lessons learned from the participation of farmers to agricultural advisory in the ‘Atlantique’ department of Benin. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected using semi-structured and structure interviews with a random sample of 180 farmers. The econometricanalysis highlights intrinsic factors affecting positively farmers’ participation, namely being membership of farmers’ organisations; access to microfinance institutions; perceiving a benefit in participating to; and the level of education. The qualitative analysis on perception highlights two key limiting farmers’ participation: the orientation of the agricultural advisory towards the most modernized farms; and the individualization and too specialization of the agricultural advisory. This study provides new ideas for improving the strategy for implementing agricultural advisory in a changing agricultural policy environment. These reflections will also contribute to enrich the debate on the adequacy and adaptation of agricultural advisory to the socio-economic realities of Sub-Saharan Africa. Keywords: Agricultural extension; Agricultural advisory; farmers; Determinants; Beni

    Adoption des Technologies Agro-Écologiques : Perception et PrĂ©fĂ©rence des Agriculteurs de la Zone CotonniĂšre du BĂ©nin

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    La promotion des pratiques agro-Ă©cologiques est devenue l’une des options favorables pouvant contribuer durablement Ă  la gestion des sols et Ă  la prĂ©servation des Ă©cosystĂšmes pour la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans le contexte actuel des changements climatiques. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  analyser la perception et la prĂ©fĂ©rence des producteurs sur les pratiques agroĂ©cologiques innovantes promues dans le cadre du « projet d’appui Ă  la Transition Agro-Ă©cologique dans les Zones CotonniĂšres du BĂ©nin (TAZCO) ». Pour faciliter l’adoption de telles technologies par les producteurs, il faut agir sur les dĂ©terminants qui leurs sont favorables. La perception Ă©tant un dĂ©terminant de l’adoption et la prĂ©sente Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour proposer par commune, au moins cinq technologies pour lesquelles les producteurs ont une bonne prĂ©fĂ©rence. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite dans la zone d’intervention du TAZCO, constituĂ©e de Banikoara, Kandi, Oussa-PĂ©hunco, Parakou et Savalou. En utilisant la mĂ©thode d’échantillonnage alĂ©atoire avec le paramĂštre de disponibilitĂ© des producteurs impliquĂ©s, 282 producteurs ont Ă©tĂ© enquĂȘtĂ©s lors de la collecte des donnĂ©es parmi les 300 impliquĂ©s dans la phase pilote du projet. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’un questionnaire structurĂ©, dĂ©veloppĂ© sur smartphones avec l’application ‘’KoBocollect’’. Ces donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l’aide de mĂ©thode multicritĂšre d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision et une liste de cinq technologies variant d’une zone Ă  l’autre a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie. L’étude a montrĂ© que les technologies de la famille « Gestion IntĂ©grĂ©e de la FertilitĂ© du Sol » et « Gestion IntĂ©grĂ©e Agriculture-Elevage » viennent en tĂȘte dans la majoritĂ© des zones d’intervention du TAZCO. Agro-ecological practices promotion become one of the favorable options that can sustainably contribute to soil management and ecosystem preservation for food and nutrition security under climate change context. This study aims to analyze producers’ perception and preference on agro-ecological practices promoted by TAZCO project (Agro-ecological Transition in Benin Cotton Areas). To facilitate promoted technologies adoption by producers, it is necessary to act on determinants affecting thempositively. Based on the fact that perception is one of the technology adoption determinants, the study was carried out to suggesting each of the municipalities involved in the study at least five technologies which received producers’ favorable preference. The study was conducted in the area covered by TAZCO activities (Banikoara, Kandi, Oussa-PĂ©hunco, Parakou and Savalou). Using the random sampling method with producers involved’s availability parameter, 282 producers over to the 300 involved in the pilot project were interwied during data collecting. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire developed under ''Kobocollect'' application on smartphones. The multi-criteria decision-support method was used to analyze collected data and a list of five technologies varying from one zone to another was established. The study showed that the technologies named "IntegratedManagement of Soil Fertility" and "Integrated Management Agriculture-Livestock" revealed to be the most important in the majority of TAZCO intervention areas

    Déterminants socio-économiques du changement des pratiques dans la plateforme de chaßne de valeur du riz étuvé à Malanville, Bénin

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    Au BĂ©nin, l'Ă©tuvage traditionnel est encore largement pratiquĂ© par les transformateurs de riz, ce qui impacte nĂ©gativement la qualitĂ© du riz. A travers la mise en place d’une plateforme d’innovation dans la commune de Malanville, une nouvelle technologie d’étuvage a Ă©tĂ© introduite pour amĂ©liorer le rendement Ă  l'usinage et la qualitĂ© du riz local. Cette Ă©tude a analysĂ© les dĂ©terminants du changement des pratiques d’étuvage du riz au niveau de la plateforme. Des entretiens semi-structurĂ©s et structurĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s avec 200 femmes transformatrices (Ă©tuveuses). Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que la plateforme d’innovation a permis un changement des pratiques d’étuvage conduisant Ă  une amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© du riz. De plus, l’analyse du modĂšle logit binomiale a montrĂ© l’existence de certains facteurs extrinsĂšques (contexte social, innovation) aux Ă©tuveuses et qui ont contribuĂ© au changement de pratique d’étuvage du riz. Ainsi, cette Ă©tude suggĂšre la promotion des plateformes d’innovation dans les zones rizicoles afin d’amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© du riz local au BĂ©nin

    Analyse Des Impacts Environnementaux, Sociaux Et Economiques Des Modes De Production De Coton Conventionnel Et Biologique Au BĂ©nin

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    Cette recherche compare les effets environnementaux, sociaux et Ă©conomiques liĂ©s aux modes de production de coton conventionnel et biologique en utilisant la mĂ©thode d’analyse multicritĂšre. Les donnĂ©es ayant servi Ă  l’étude ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es au sein d’un Ă©chantillon de 93 producteurs dont 34 producteurs de coton conventionnel et 59 producteurs de coton biologique. L’analyse de ces deux modes de production sur le plan environnemental, social et Ă©conomique montre que la production biologique de coton reste le meilleur mode pour une agriculture durable. Les fertilisants et les produits phytosanitaires utilisĂ©s, constituent la principale diffĂ©rence observĂ©e au niveau des deux modes. Les producteurs de coton biologique adoptent les techniques de conservation et de restauration des sols en utilisant les fertilisants organiques et la pratique de la rotation culturale pendant que les producteurs conventionnels utilisent les pesticides et les engrais chimiques de synthĂšse. Ces rĂ©sultats obtenus avec l’analyse multicritĂšre peuvent ĂȘtre discutables et peuvent aussi varier en fonction des critĂšres sĂ©lectionnĂ©s, de la perception des enquĂȘtĂ©s et de la connaissance des chercheurs. Toutefois, ils peuvent servir de base dans les prises de dĂ©cisions relatives Ă  l’agriculture biologique ou conventionnelle et Ă  la protection de l’environnement. This research compares the environmental, social and economic effects of conventional and organic cotton cropping using the multicriteria analysis method. Data were collected from a sample of 93 producers (34 conventional and 59 organic cotton producers). Results show out that organic cotton cropping is the best practice for sustainable agriculture. Fertilizers and phytosanitary products used, constitute the main difference observed in both practices. Organic cotton farmers adopt soil conservation and restoration techniques using organic fertilizers and crop rotation practices while conventional producers use synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Results show out by multicriteria analysis could be influenced by selected criteria, respondents’ perception and researchers’ knowledge. However, they are interesting to serve as basis for decision-making on organic or conventional agriculture and environmental protection

    Occurrence and distribution of damping-off in Vigna subterranea in Benin and identification of associated causal agents

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    Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.), also called ground peas or Bambara groundnut, is a West African seed legume of the Fabaceae family, playing an important social and economic role. The objective of the current study was to determine the occurrence, distribution and incidence of this disease on Bambara groundnut in agroecological production zones in Benin and to identify the causal agents responsible for the damages caused to the crop. A survey was conducted from 2019 to 2020 in five agroecological zones (AEZs) of Benin (AEZ2, AEZ3, AEZ4, AEZ5 and AEZ6). A total of 30 fields of Bambara groundnut were surveyed from 10 municipalities located in the agroeclogical zones of production at the early vegetative stage of the crop. Fields’ size of 0.5 ha were selected and scouted alongside both diagonals to evaluate the damping-off disease incidence. The results showed that damping-off occurred in four out of the five AEZs surveyed. The incidence rates varied from 0.00 to 23.33% in the AEZs 5 and 6 in 2019, and from 0.00 to 18.33% in the AEZ 6 in 2020. The highest incidence rates were obtained in the West Zone of Atacora (AEZ 4) and in the Food crop region of South (AEZ 3). Results of the correlation test showed a relationship between incidence, distribution of damping-off and climatic factors. However, most of regression equations showed a strong relationship between chemical properties of soils and incidence of damping-off. Sclerotium rolfssi was identified in the laboratory as the causal agent of the damping-off disease and isolated from diseased plants in the fields and during greenhouse pathogenicity tests. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of identification of pathogenic fungus as the causal agent of damping-off on Bambara groundnut seedlings in Benin. &nbsp

    Ex‐ante evaluation of promising soybean innovations for sub‐Saharan Africa

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    Open Access JournalThis study undertakes an ex‐ante evaluation of the effects of alternative technology and policy options on soybean supply and demand in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) to 2050. Current soybean consumption in SSA is dominated by cooking oil followed by soybean cake used as animal feed. Due to weak processing sectors and low soybean yields, the region is currently importing about 70% of its consumption requirements. Based on the results from a geospatial bio‐economic modeling framework, soybean consumption in SSA is projected to more than double by 2050 compared to 2010 due in part to a rising population and rising incomes. On the other hand, supply from domestic production is projected to increase by 80% over the same period. Hence, by 2050, net imports into SSA would be nearly 4 times higher than supply from domestic production. Under a future drier climate, some of the production gains achieved through soybean research and extension would be lost and this would further worsen the soybean demand gap in SSA relative to the baseline. This study shows that relying on conventional breeding alone to increase soybean yields in SSA would not be enough to substantially reduce the future demand gap. A combination of promising innovations affecting the soybean value chain across SSA would be needed to close the soybean demand gap in SSA by 2050 under a drier future climate

    When baobab flowers and rainmakers define the season : Farmers’ perceptions and adaptation strategies to climate change in West Africa.

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    Climate change is affecting the livelihoods of rural African populations. In fact, farmers, whose livelihoods depend on agriculture, are likely to bear the brunt of climate change impacts. The extent to which these impacts are felt depends in large part on the extent of adaptation in response to climate change. The aim ofthis paper is to assess Beninese farmers‟ perceptions on climate and adaptation strategies for information and knowledge that may guide decision making and draw the attention on the need to integrate local knowledge in climate adaptation. Focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews were organized with 51 farmers representing diverse farming experiences and farmland positions. In order to make the link between farmers‟ perception on the seasons prediction regarding to plant observation, we identified and observed phenology phases of five Baobab and five cashew plants based on their geographical distribution in the study area. Collected data were analyzed by using the agricultural adaptation and perception model and the dynamic system of knowledge, perception and adaptation. The study shows that farmers have different perceptions of climate change, but at the same time are almost unanimous about the changing of rainfall frequency, which is described as “rain seasons start late and end early”. The study revealed that the Baobab plants flowering phase seems to coincide with the rainy season and confirmed farmers‟ knowledge about good rainy season detecting. The article further lays outthat farmers have developed a range of adaptation strategies, which are situated within the three distinguished spaces; the space of agricultural practices, the space of livelihood diversification, and the space of local culture and learning. The study suggests that understanding farmer‟s perceptions and practices and using them as a starting point for adaptation to climate change could help policy makers to formulate sustainable adaptation strategies

    When baobab flowers and rainmakers define the season: farmers' perceptions and adaptation strategies to climate change in West Africa

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    This paper concludes that the dynamic system of perception, knowledge and adaptation is valuable in better understanding how farmers perceive climate change and choose for specific adaptation strategies. The paper demonstrated how perceptions interact with local knowledge, what potential spaces farmers have to choose adaptation strategies from, and how they actually make decisions regarding which strategies to implement

    Towards sustainable vegetable growing with farmer learning videos in Benin

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    Vegetable production plays an important role in nutrition, food security and poverty reduction in Benin. However, vegetable production is hampered by pests and farmers rely on pesticides to control them. Improving farmers’ knowledge is important for the use of sustainable, intensive agricultural practices. This paper assesses the role of learning video in changing vegetable farmers’ behaviour towards sustainable agriculture. Drawing mainly on mass distribution of learning videos, DVDs entitled ‘Improving vegetable production’ were sold through non-conventional dissemination networks from August to December 2015, to strengthen farmers’ learning. In June 2016, we interviewed a sample of 120 buyers/viewers in four different areas where the DVDs were sold. The interviews were followed by a field visit to collect evidence of the change of practices reported during the interviews. Farmers who watched the videos enhanced their creativity and adapted the learning to their environment by using more sustainable agriculture practices. About 86% of respondents indicated that they now spend less money for pesticides to manage pests and diseases. Video-mediated learning promotes local innovation, improves farmers’ knowledge and triggers agro-ecological practices with little or no input from the conventional extension system

    The distribution of farmer learning videos: Lessons from non-conventional dissemination networks in Benin

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    Commercial channels can be non-conventional networks for disseminating agricultural information, especially if farmers are willing to pay for a DVD with learning videos. Using purposive sampling, we selected retailer and involved them in selling videos compiled in a DVD. Inside the jacket of DVD, we pasted a sticker listing a phone number that buyers or video viewers could call for further questions. We interviewed 341 of the buyers who called that number. After the phone interviews, snowball sampling was used to select 180 farmers for face-to-face interviews in order to validate the information collected during the telephone interviews and to understand the behavioural changes triggered by watching the videos. Within four months of first distributing DVDs to retailers, 80% of the 700 DVDs were sold. Distributing videos through commercial channels gives a fair chance to everyone to learn, since the DVDs were sold on the open market at an affordable price. About 84% of the DVDs were sold at 1 USD, suggesting that all of the respondents were willing to pay for learning DVDs; 86% of respondents said they now spent less money on pesticides after watching the videos. Private sector actors can become “new extensionists” and distribute agricultural information to rural populations