87 research outputs found

    Extraction of humic acid by coacervate: Investigation of direct and back processes

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    The two aqueous phases extraction process is widely used in environmental clean up of industrial effluents and fine chemical products for their reuse. This process can be made by cloud point of polyethoxylated alcohols and micellar solubilization phenomenon. It is commonly called “coacervate extraction” and is used, in our case, for humic acid extraction from aqueous solution at 100 mg/L. The surfactants used are alcohol polyethoxylate and alkylphenol polyethoxylate. Phase diagrams of binary water/surfactant and pseudo-binary are plotted. The extraction results are expressed by the following responses: percentage of solute extracted, E (%), residual concentrations of solute and surfactant in dilute phase (Xs,w, and Xt,w respectively) and volume fraction of coacervate at equilibrium (ϕ). For each parameter, the experimental results are fitted to empirical equations in three dimensions. The aim of this study is to find out the best compromise between E and ϕC. The comparison between experimental and calculated values allows models validation. Sodium sulfate, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) addition and pH effect are also studied. Finally, the possibility of recycling the surfactant has been proved

    Contribution to the Thermal Renovation of Old Buildings: Numerical and Experimental Approach for Characterizing a Double Window

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    AbstractIn a global context of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, the construction sector has a great potential for energy savings and environmental impact reduction. Nearly two-thirds of French buildings were built without any existing thermal regulation: thermal renovation of these buildings is a priority. However, some of these buildings are classified as “historical heritage remarkable architecture”; this strong constraint does not allow the use of traditional renovation methods. This study aims to characterize the thermal behavior of a double window. A numerical thermal model is developed taking into account the heat and mass transfer in the double window. A specific experimental platform has also been designed and built to experimentally characterize the behavior of the double window and to validate the developed numerical model. A simulation protocol was then defined and implemented in order to outline the key parameters and therefore make recommendations for double window implementation and their design.The numerical and experimental results were used to characterize the influence of the thickness of the air gap of the double window, the thermal inertia of the facade and the ventilation strategies

    Modélisation et analyse par éléments finis d'un genou humain

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    Le genou humain : de l'anatomie à la biomécanique -- Étude biomécanique du genou humain en compression : reconstruction, génération de maillage, et analyse par éléments finis -- Biomechanics of the human knee joint in compression : reconstruction, mesh generation, and finite element analysis -- Analyse par éléments finis d'un genou humain en varusvalgus -- Finite element analysis of human knee joint in varus-valgus -- Réponse biomécanique d'un genou humain assujetti à des forces antérieures et postérieures -- Biomechanical response of human knee joint under anterior-posterior forces

    Pneumopathie grave avec atteinte bronchique compliquant une varicelle chez un adulte immunocompétent

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    La varicelle est une infection virale cosmopolite, très contagieuse, due au virus varicelle-zona (VZV) et caractérisée par de la fièvre et une éruption papulo-vésiculeuse prurigineuse. L'incidence de la varicelle a significativement augmenté dans les dernières décennies en Europe et aux États-Unis. Chez l'enfant, la varicelle est une infection habituellement bénigne. Chez l'adulte, son évolution peut être émaillée de  complications. La pneumonie varicelleuse est la plus fréquente des complications graves de la varicelle chez l'adulte, avec une incidence estimée de 16 à 33 % et une mortalité pouvant atteindre 20 %. Nous rapportons un cas de varicelle compliquée d'une pneumopathie hypoxémiante. L'examen endoscopique bronchique met en évidence des lésions vésiculeuses de la muqueuse bronchique. Sous traitement antiviral, l'évolution est  favorable.Key words: Varicelle, pneumonie virale, endoscopie bronchique, Aciclovi

    Linguistic geography, Subject and fields of research

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    تهدف هذه الورقة البحثية إلى عرض وتحليل ماهية علم اللغة الجغرافي وموضوع ومجال بحثه، وطرق وتقنيات البحث الميداني التطبيقي، فضلاً عن طرح أهم القضايا والمسائل التي يعالجها هذا العلم مثل إعداد الأطلس اللغوي، والتخطيط اللغوي، ونظم المعلومات، والتعرض بالحديث عن واقع الجغرافية اللغوية في الوطن العربي من خلال طرح استعمالاته في المسائل اللغوية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية. وتطبيقاته العملية وفوائد تطبيقه على مجتمعاتنا المعاصرة، فيما يتعلق باللغة الرسمية واللغة المحلية واللهجات المتنوعة والمتعددة التي تتعدد تبعاً للاختلاف الإقليمي والجغرافي. حيث وبعد البحث خلصنا الى نتيجة مفادها أن علم اللغة الجغرافيا من العلوم التي يشترط ممارستها وتطبيقها في بلداننا العربية لما فيه من فوائد على كل المجالات الحياتية.This research paper aims at presenting and analyzing what is geo-linguistics and the subject and field of research, and methods and techniques of applied field research, as well as the most important issues and issues addressed by this science such as the preparation of the language atlas, linguistic planning, information systems, and exposure to talk about the reality of linguistic geography in the country Arabic, by putting forward its use in linguistic, social, economic and cultural issues. Its practical applications and the benefits of its application to our contemporary societies, with respect to the official language, the local language and the diverse and multiple dialects that vary according to regional and geographical differences. After research, we concluded that geography is one of the sciences that are required to be practiced and applied in our Arab countries because of its benefits on all areas of life

    Conflict in the organization; An Analytical study

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    الصراع ظاهرة اجتماعية، يحدث في المجتمع، بين الأفراد والجماعات وداخل التنظيمات الاجتماعية، كما يتفشى في التنظيمات ذات التكوين البيروقراطي، بفعل عوامل وأسباب عدة، وهي ظاهرة تم دراستها من قبل العديد من المجالات البحثية، واستخلصوا نتائج عدة، إلا أننا في دراستنا نحاول البحث عن ظاهرة الصراع في المنظمات من ناحيته المفاهيمية والواقعية (كعملية لها أسبابها وآثارها)، وفي سبيل ذلك قمنا بمعالجة تحليلية سوسيولوجية للموضوع عن طريق انتهاج الأسلوب العلمي الوصفي التحليلي، وخلصنا في الأخير الى أن الصراع من الناحية المفاهيمية مرتبط بالعديد من المفاهيم المشابهة والمترادفة مثل النزاع، المشكلة، التنافس عدم الاتفاق ...، أما من الناحية الواقعية داخل التنظيمات ذات النشأة البيروقراطية كظاهرة وممارسة فهي جد معقدة وذلك لتعدد متغيراتها، وإختلاف وتشابك أسبابها وعواملها، وتباين المجالات التي تتولد فيها، كما أنها قد تكون ظاهرة إيجابية داخل التنظيم، كما قد تكون لها آثار سلبية ومدمرة للتنظيم، وللأفراد والجماعات المشكلين له ذلك أنه في هذه الحالة نجد بأن كل طرف من أطراف العملية الصراع يحاول القضاء على غريمه وإزاحته من طريقه، بغية أن يتسع مجال مناورته ويحقق أهدافه الشخصية على حساب الطرف الآخر وعلى حساب التنظيم الذي يحيا فيه. Conflict is a social phenomenon, It occurs in society, Between individuals and groups and within social organizations, It is also spread in organizations with a bureaucratic formation, Due to several factors and reasons. This phenomenon has been studied in many scientific fields,  They drew several conclusions,  However, in our study we are trying to search for the phenomenon of conflict in organizations from its conceptual and realistic point of view (As a process that has its causes and effects), To this end, we have dealt with a sociological analysis of the issue, By adopting the scientific, descriptive and analytical method, Finally, we concluded that the conflict Conceptually, It is related to many similar and synonymous concepts such as, The problem, Competition, disagreement ..., As for realistically within the organizations as a phenomenon and practice, it is very complex due to the multiplicity of its variables, the difference and intertwining of its causes and factors, and the variation in the fields in which it is generated, It may also be a positive phenomenon within the organization It may also have negative and destructive effects for the organization, and for individuals and groups, In this case, we find that each of the parties to the conflict process is trying to eliminate and remove its opponent With the intention of expanding his field of maneuver and achieving his personal goals at the expense of the other party and at the expense of the organization in which he lives

    Telemedicine and e-health in Algeria facing challenges in medical practice

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    The Algerian health system operates in a demographic, economic, environmental, and societal specific context to meet the challenges of epidemiological transition. Development of information and communication technologies in this atmosphere allow telemedicine and e-health emergence in the vast country of Algeria. Thus, the country may face these challenges by including them in a national telemedicine plan and making a major focus of global action for the prevention and control of prevalent diseases. The interest to adopt this tool in daily practice stems from an improvement in the quality of communication between practitioners and in the doctor–patient relationship with a possibility of quick access to care and more efficient care pathways. Thus, national goals in fight plans against diseases will be achieved. Telemedicine and e-health projects that methodologically well-defined, respecting regulations and using all means and all available resources, including WHO mobile health, are to be designed and implemented in all areas, especially in the national plan against not-communicated diseases, maternal and child health, old aging health, and mental health. This approach will integrate telemedicine in the health care system whose inevitable implementation can be done on solid foundations and will be actively supported by SATeS

    Trali ou oedème pulmonaire lésionnel aigu post-transfusionnel: à propos d’un cas avec

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    L'oedème pulmonaire lésionnel aigue transfusionnel est une complication classique de la transfusion de produits sanguins labiles, responsable de 17% des décès liés à la transfusion. Il s'agit d'un syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë post-transfusionnel qui se présente comme un oedème pulmonaire aigu non cardiogénique survenant dans les six heures suivant la mise en oeuvre d'une transfusion sanguine. Le mot Trali utilisé pour désigner cet oedème est l'acronyme de l'anglais « transfusion-related acute lung injury »; l'incidence des TRALI déclarés en France reste faible à cause de leurs méconnaissances, faute d'une définition précise tant au plan clinique qu'au plan étiologique. La sensibilisation des médecins à l'identification des TRALI et à la déclaration, notamment en réanimation, doit être poursuivie. Des données récentes ont souligné sa relative fréquence et des études cliniques et biologiques plus attentives ont contribué à une meilleure compréhension de ses mécanismes dont deux sont bien défini: un conflit immunologique d'une part, une activation des polynucléaires neutrophiles par des facteurs lipidiquesd'autre part. Il est également admis que le Trali ne se déclenche que dans un contexte favorisant dont le substratum commun pourrait essentiellement être une leucostase préalable. Le traitement du Trali est celui des oedèmes pulmonaires lésionnels, oxygénothérapie et assistance respiratoire. Nous rapportons un cas de Trali survenu à la suite de la transfusion de 08 concentrés de globules rouges chez un jeune homme de 26 ans.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Anesthésie pour prothése totale de la hanche: à propos de 50 cas

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    La chirurgie de la prothèse totale de la hanche (PTH) est une chirurgie fonctionnelle qui consiste en un remplacement d'une articulation endommagée afin d'améliorer la qualité de vie du patient. L'anesthésie pour PTH exige une préparation rigoureuse à l'intervention, la consultation d'anesthésie sera donc la clef de cette réussite. Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective concernant 60 arthroplasties totales de la hanche implantées chez 50 patients adultes, colligée au sevice de Traumatologie et de chirurgie orthopédique à l'Hôpital Militaire Avicenne de Marrakech sur une période étalée de Janvier 2010 au Décembre 2012. Nous avons évalué la prise en charge anesthésique : pré, per et postopératoire des patients opérés pour une PTH. La moyenne d'âge était de 56,5 ans, le sex-ratio était de 1,63 en faveur des hommes. L'indication prédominante était la coxarthrose primitive. L'anesthésie générale était la technique anesthésique la plus utilisée (66% des cas), l'intubation difficile était rencontrée chez 6 % de nos patients. La durée moyenne de l'acte chirurgical était de 114 +/- 25,33 mn. 12 % de nos patients ont présenté une hypotension artérielle peropératoire. L'incidence de la transfusion homologue perop était de 14%. Nous avons noté 08 cas de complications postop : 03 cas d'infection de la PTH 15 jours après l'intervention, 03 cas de descellement aseptique, 01 cas de luxation de PTH et 01 cas de descellement septique avec un recul moyen de 54 mois.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    New WW-weighted concepts for continuous random variables with applications

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    New concepts on fractional probability theory are introduced and some inequalities for the fractional ww-weighted expectation and the fractional ww-weighted variance of continuous random variables are obtained. Other fractional results related to the two orders-fractional ww-% weighted moment are also established. Some recent results on integral inequality theory can be deduced as some special cases. At the end, some applications on the uniform random variable are given