14 research outputs found

    A service oriented architecture to provide data mining services for non-expert data miners

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    In today's competitive market, companies need to use discovery knowledge techniques to make better, more informed decisions. But these techniques are out of the reach of most users as the knowledge discovery process requires an incredible amount of expertise. Additionally, business intelligence vendors are moving their systems to the cloud in order to provide services which offer companies cost-savings, better performance and faster access to new applications. This work joins both facets. It describes a data mining service addressed to non-expert data miners which can be delivered as Software-as-a-Service. Its main advantage is that by simply indicating where the data file is, the service itself is able to perform all the process. 漏 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Arquitectura de referencia para el dise帽o y desarrollo de aplicaciones para la Industria 4.0

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    La implementaci贸n pr谩ctica de la Industria 4.0 requiere la reformulaci贸n y coordinaci贸n de los procesos industriales. Para ello se requiere disponer de una plataforma digital que integre y facilite la comunicaci贸n e interacci贸n entre los elementos implicados en la cadena de valor. Actualmente no existe una arquitectura de referencia (modelo) que ayude a las organizaciones a concebir, dise帽ar e implantar esta plataforma digital. Este trabajo proporciona ese marco e incluye un metamodelo que recoge la descripci贸n de todos los elementos involucrados en la plataforma digital (datos, recursos, aplicaciones y monitorizaci贸n), as铆 como la informaci贸n necesaria para configurar, desplegar y ejecutar aplicaciones en ella. Asimismo, se proporciona una herramienta compatible con el metamodelo que automatiza la generaci贸n de archivos de configuraci贸n y lanzamiento y su correspondiente transferencia y ejecuci贸n en los nodos de la plataforma. Por 煤ltimo, se muestra la flexibilidad, extensibilidad y validez de la arquitectura y artefactos software construidos a trav茅s de su aplicaci贸n en un caso de estudio

    S3Mining: A model-driven engineering approach for supporting novice data miners in selecting suitable classifiers

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    Data mining has proven to be very useful in order to extract information from data in many different contexts. However, due to the complexity of data mining techniques, it is required the know-how of an expert in this field to select and use them. Actually, adequately applying data mining is out of the reach of novice users which have expertise in their area of work, but lack skills to employ these techniques. In this paper, we use both model-driven engineering and scientific workflow standards and tools in order to develop named S3Mining framework, which supports novice users in the process of selecting the data mining classification algorithm that better fits with their data and goal. To this aim, this selection process uses the past experiences of expert data miners with the application of classification techniques over their own datasets. The contributions of our S3Mining framework are as follows: (i) an approach to create a knowledge base which stores the past experiences of experts users, (ii) a process that provides the expert users with utilities for the construction of classifiers? recommenders based on the existing knowledge base, (iii) a system that allows novice data miners to use these recommenders for discovering the classifiers that better fit for solving their problem at hand, and (iv) a public implementation of the framework?s workflows. Finally, an experimental evaluation has been conducted to shown the feasibility of our framework

    Fomentando el trabajo aut贸nomo mediante t茅cnicas de gamificaci贸n

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    A pesar de llevar ya unos a帽os inmersos en el Espacio Europeo de Educaci贸n Superior, a煤n existe un n煤mero apreciable de alumnos que no sigue las asignaturas de manera continuada, sino que se limita a estudiar cuando hay pruebas de evaluaci贸n. Con objeto de fomentar el trabajo continuo y cambiar las rutinas de estudio, se gamificaron dos asignaturas de la materia de bases de datos bajo estrategias distintas: una, basada en clasificaci贸n y otra, en medallas. Estas experiencias se describen y analizan en detalle atendiendo a la valoraci贸n de los docentes y a la opini贸n de los alumnos recogida mediante una encuesta an贸nima. Las experiencias tuvieron lugar en el curso acad茅mico 2017-18 con una participaci贸n total de 78 alumnos. Como resultado, se se帽alan consideraciones que puedan orientar a otros docentes en la propuesta de iniciativas de gamificaci贸n.Despite the existence of the European Higher Education Area for quite some years already, a considerable number of students still do not follow subjects continuously during the course. Instead, they limit their work to the study of any graded items. We promoted continuous work with the aim of changing study rutines and of improving the learning outcome. This promotion was based on the gamification of two subjects of database curricula following two different gamification strategies: the first one was defined around a ranking, while the second one consisted in badges earning. These experiences are described and analyzed in this work, taking into account the assessment of the teachers and the students? opinion gathered through a survey. Analyzed data correspond to the 2017-18 edition of each course with a participation of 78 students. As a result, we point out some considerations that may be of interest for teachers when formulating gamification initiatives.Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado en el marco del Proyecto de Innovaci贸n Docente de la Universidad de Cantabria

    Miner铆a de flujos de datos en entornos heterog茅neos y distribuidos: aplicaci贸n en la Industria 4.0

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    Uno de los principales objetivos de la Industria 4.0 es lograr la necesaria integraci贸n horizontal y vertical del sistema de producci贸n. Para ello es necesario desplegar una plataforma digital que integre y procese la ingente cantidad de datos generados en el entorno. Mucha de esta informaci贸n procede del IoT, y, en concreto, corresponde a sensores que emiten flujos continuos de datos cuyo an谩lisis mediante t茅cnicas de miner铆a de datos permitir铆a mejorar los procesos industriales, como por ejemplo construyendo modelos dirigidos al mantenimiento preventivo y predictivo de los sistemas f铆sicos, donde a煤n hay retos abiertos. El objeto de este art铆culo es describir el punto de partida de esta investigaci贸n que es el resultado de un proyecto del plan nacional y discutir su extensi贸n se帽alando las l铆neas de trabajo que se pretenden abordar y los resultados que se per-sigue conseguir para contribuir al avance de la I4.0.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente apoyado por MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa" bajo la subvenci贸n TIN2017-86520-C3-3-R (PRECON-I4) y por la Ayuda Concepci贸n Arenal del Programa de Personal Investigador en formaci贸n Predoctoral de la Universidad de Cantabria y el Gobierno de Cantabria (BOC 18-10-2021)

    Un marco para democratizar la miner铆a de datos: propuesta inicial y retos

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    Movimientos como el de datos abiertos posibilitan que cada vez haya una mayor disponibilidad de datos accesibles para su reutilizaci贸n. A pesar de que el n煤mero de herramientas anal铆ticas que est谩n a nuestra disposici贸n crece cada d铆a, lamentablemente ninguna permite realizar un proceso de extracci贸n de conocimiento directo a usuarios con poca o nula experiencia en el uso de la estad铆stica y de algoritmos de miner铆a de datos. En este art铆culo se presenta una aproximaci贸n a un marco KaaS (Knowledge as a Service) que posibilite a usuarios no expertos la extracci贸n de conocimiento a partir de un conjunto de datos. Se muestra que la propuesta es viable y se plantean los retos a煤n abiertos

    Desarrollo Eficiente de Lenguajes Espec铆ficos de Dominio para la Ejecuci贸n de Procesos de Miner铆a de Datos

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    Aunque las t茅cnicas de miner铆a de datos est谩n consiguiendo cada d铆a una mayor popularidad, su complejidad impide que sean a煤n utilizables por personas sin un s贸lido conocimiento en las mismas. Una posible soluci贸n, ya explorada por los autores de este art铆culo, es la construcci贸n de Lenguajes Espec铆ficos de Dominio que proporcionen una serie de primitivas de alto nivel para la ejecuci贸n de procesos de miner铆a de datos. Dichas primitivas s贸lo hacen referencia a terminolog铆a propia del dominio analizado, enmascarando detalles t茅cnicos de bajo nivel. No obstante, la construcci贸n de un lenguaje espec铆fico de dominio puede ser un proceso costoso. Este art铆culo muestra c贸mo reducir los tiempos de desarrollo de estos lenguajes de an谩lisis mediante la reutilizaci贸n de partes comunes de estos DSLs.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Gobierno de Cantabria (Espa帽a) mediante el Programa de Personal Investigador en Formaci贸n Predoctoral de la Universidad de Cantabria y por el Gobierno de Espa帽a en el proyecto TIN2014-56158-C4-2-P(M2C2)

    On the Automated Transformation of Domain Models into Tabular Datasets

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    We are surrounded by ubiquitous and interconnected soft- ware systems which gather valuable data. The analysis of these data, although highly relevant for decision making, cannot be performed di- rectly by business users, as its execution requires very speci c technical knowledge in areas such as statistics and data mining. One of the com- plexity problems faced when constructing an analysis of this kind resides in the fact that most data mining tools and techniques work exclusively over tabular-formatted data, preventing business users from analysing excerpts of a data bundle which have not been previously traduced into this format by an expert. In response, this work presents a set of transfor- mation patterns for automatically generating tabular data from domain models. The described patterns have been integrated into a language, which allows business users to specify the elements of a domain model that should be considered for data analysis.This work has been partially funded by the Government of Cantabria (Spain) under the doctoral studentship program from the University of Cantabria, and by the Spanish Government under grant TIN2014- 56158-C4-2-P (M2C2)

    An I4.0 data intensive platform suitable for the deployment ofmachine learning models: a predictive maintenance service casestudy

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    The Artificial Intelligence is one of the key enablers of the Industry 4.0. The building of learning models as well as their deployment in environments where the rate of data generation is high and their analysis must meet real time requirements lead to the need of selecting a big data platform suitable for this purpose. The heterogeneous and distributed nature of I4.0 environments where data becomes highly relevant requires the use of a data centric, distributed and scalable platform where the different applications are deployed as services. In this paper we present an I4.0 digital platform based on RAI4.0 reference architecture on which a predictive maintenance service has been built and deployed in Amazon Web Service cloud. Different strategies to build the predictor are described as well as the stages carried out for its construction. Finally, the predictor built with k-nearest algorithm is chosen because it is the fastest in producing an answer and its accuracy of 99.87% is quite close to the best model for our case study

    A reference framework for the implementation of data governance systems for industry 4.0

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    The fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, represents a new stage of evolution in the organization, management and control of the value chain throughout the product or service life cycle. This is mainly based on the digitalization of the industrial environment by means of the convergence of Information Technologies (IT) and operational Technologies (OT) through cyber-physical systems and the Industrial IoT (IIoT) and the use of data generated in real time for gaining insights and making decisions. Therefore data becomes a critical asset for Industry 4.0 and must be managed and governed like a strategic asset. We rely on Data Governance (DG) as a key instrument for carrying out this transformation. This paper presents the design of a specific governance framework for Industry 4.0. First, this contextualizes data governance for Industry 4.0 environments and iden tifies the requirements that this framework must address, which are conditioned by the specific features of dustry 4.0, among others, the intensive use of big data, the cloud and edge computing, the artificial intelligence and the current regulations. Next, we formally define a reference framework for the implementation of Data Governance Systems for Industry 4.0 using international standards and providing several examples of tecture building blocks