14 research outputs found

    Sumando Vida a los Años. Propuesta para combatir la soledad y promover una buena salud mental en personas mayores

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    La mejora de las condiciones de vida y los avances de la medicina han facilitado un considerable aumento de la esperanza de vida y, como consecuencia, un importante envejecimiento poblacional. En España, las personas mayores de 65 años representan casi el 20% de la población, y se prevé que este porcentaje crezca significativamente en los próximos años. Afrontar esta situación demográfica es uno de los principales retos de la sociedad en la actualidad. Uno de los desafíos más relevantes es ocuparse de lo que se ha denominado «epidemia de la soledad», es decir, el impacto negativo que la soledad no deseada y el aislamiento social tienen en la salud mental y la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. En España, un 20% de las personas mayores de 65 años declara niveles altos de soledad, un 25% de aislamiento social y 1 de cada 4 sufre depresión. La evidencia científica apunta también a que su abordaje mediante intervenciones multidisciplinares y multidimensionales, sustentadas por recursos institucionales y comunitarios apropiados, tiene un impacto positivo en la calidad de vida y en la salud mental de las personas mayores. La soledad y la mala salud mental que padecen las personas mayores requiere de medidas urgentes orientadas a promover, entre ellas, un buen estado de salud y una calidad de vida óptima. Este documento presenta recomendaciones de actuación basadas en la investigación realizada por el Proyecto QASP - Quality of Life and Aging in Spain, Sweden and PortugalInstituto de Salud Carlos III, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento de la Acción Estratégica en Salud Intramural AESI 2018, Ref: PI18CIII/00046 (Proyecto QASP).N

    Handbook of Active Ageing and Quality of Life: From Concepts to Applications

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    La edición de este libro estuvo a cargo de Fermina Rojo-Pérez y Gloria Fernández-Mayoralas.El documento adjunto contiene la cubierta, portada e índice del libro.This handbook presents an overview of studies on the relationship of active ageing and quality of life. It addresses the new challenges of ageing from the paradigm of positive ageing (active, healthy and successful) for a better quality of life. It provides theoretical perspectives and empirical studies, including scientific knowledge as well as practical experiences about the good ageing and the quality of later life around the world, in order to respond to the challenges of an aged population. The handbook is structured in 4 sections covering theoretical and conceptual perspectives, social policy issues and research agenda, methods, measurement instrument-scales and evaluations, and lastly application studies including domains and geographical contexts.Peer reviewe

    Ageing Perception as a Key Predictor of Self-Rated Health by Rural Older People—A Study with Gender and Inclusive Perspectives

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    This paper investigates positive perceptions of ageing in rural people aged 65 and over as a key predictor of the self-assessment of one’s health. Method: The sample covers a total of 3389 people from the ‘Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement’ (SHARE), wave 6 (W6, 2015). This research analyses men and women who live in a rural environment. A linear regression model is proposed to consider the dependent variable ‘self-rated health’ and independent variables based on measures of quality of life in older adults. This study confirms that rural women perceive their health on the basis of factors different to those of their male contemporaries. The variable ‘How often do you feel/think that you can do the things that you want to do?’ is associated with women’s self-perceived health. In men, a high relationship (with p < 0.001) is obtained for the variables ‘How often do you feel/think look back on your life with a sense of happiness?’ and ‘How often do you feel/think that family responsibilities prevent you from doing what you want to do?’ Certain daily activities (e.g., leisure or care), along with a positive perception of life, influence one’s perceptions of one’s own health, especially in the case of women. In sum, rural older women make a positive evaluation of their own health and ageing, while rural older men relate self-rated health to passivity and reminiscing. There is a need for further research on psycho-social and socio-spatial issues from an intergenerational, technological and gender perspective for rural and territorial influences to attain better health and quality of life for rural older people in comparison to urban people

    Trends of change in home care socio-health services after learning from the COVID-19 pandemic

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    El objetivo del estudio, del que se presentan algunos de sus resultados en este artículo, es conocer las dificultades existentes y las propuestas de mejora para lograr la adecuación de la atención domiciliaria sociosanitaria a las necesidades y preferencias de las personas que requieren cuidados de larga duración. El método utilizado parte de un enfoque participativo basado en la triangulación utilizando material empírico primario derivado de técnicas cualitativas (23 entrevistas a agentes clave y 2 grupos de discusión). Los resultados muestran que desde el Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio (SAD) convencional podría generarse un revulsivo para ampliar su contenido y desarrollar una atención en el entorno que integre diferentes actuaciones y dimensiones: lo social y lo sanitario, la atención formal y la informal, la coordinación entre todos los recursos que existan en el territorio (desde el asociacionismo, el voluntariado, los centros cívicos socioculturales, las farmacias y comercios, entre otros), la atención y apoyo a las familias, las intervenciones en la vivienda, el uso de productos de apoyo y tecnología y la participación social. En suma, urge considerar los retos que se nos presentan para afrontar adecuadamente el cambio demográfico en pro de un envejecimiento activo y saludable, con políticas integrales y centradas en las personas favoreciendo la permanencia en el domicilio y en su entorno comunitario, evitando la institucionalización y dando continuidad a sus proyectos de vida

    O uso de tecnologias digitais de saúde pela população idosa na perspectiva de gênero e intrageracional

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    The use of and access to information and communication technologies (ICT) have become a central component of our day-to-day lives. However, in the current social and healthcare context, certain online activities have become particularly important, such as video calls, online shopping and online healthcare. The objective of this work is to explore the uses and opinions of this type of ‘telehealth’ and ‘teknokare’ tools by the population over 65 years of age, and to also investigate this generation from a gender perspective. The central method was the analysis of the National Observatory of Telecommunications and the Information Society questionnaire Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad, 2016 [Citizens and e-health, 2016], as well as current references. There is a certain mistrust in the use of the Internet in the field of e-health, which results in a reduced implementation of monitoring and telecare technologies. Although they have very positive evaluations, the level of use is limited. The main profile of users is male, aged between 65 and 80 years old, with higher education, living in large cities, cohabiting with children and / or a partner and who has an optimistic perception of their health status. As a conclusion, it should be noted that, despite the fact that there is an evident reduction in the digital divide in older people, in the case of women, especially octogenarians, they continue to be invisible and under-represented in terms of their use and opinions of these ICTs, which is coherent with their lower levels of social and digital engagement confirmed in the latest research.  El uso y acceso a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) se han convertido en un motor del día a día de toda la población. De hecho, en el actual contexto sociosanitario, determinadas actividades en línea han cobrado especial importancia, como las videollamadas, las compras online o la asistencia sanitaria en línea. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en conocer el uso y la opinión de este tipo de herramientas de ‘telesalud' y 'teknokuidado’ por parte de la población mayor de 65 años, e indagar en esta brecha generacional desde una perspectiva de género. El método central será la explotación del cuestionario del Observatorio Nacional de las Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información (ONTSI) Los ciudadanos ante la e-sanidad, 2016, sumado a las referencias actuales. Se constata cierta desconfianza en el uso de internet en materia de ‘e-salud’, lo que deriva en una escasa implementación de tecnologías de monitorización y telecuidado. Si bien éstas cuentan con valoraciones muy positivas, el nivel de uso es limitado. Destaca un perfil de usuario mayoritariamente hombre de entre 65 y 80 años, con estudios superiores, residente en grandes ciudades, conviviente con hijos/as y/o pareja y una percepción optimista de su estado de salud. Como conclusión cabe indicar que existe una evidente reducción de la brecha digital en las personas mayores. Además, en el caso de las mujeres, especialmente las octogenarias, se observa que siguen estando invisibilizadas e infrarrepresentadas también en cuanto al uso y opinión de estas TIC, en coherencia con su menor presencia social y digital confirmada en las últimas investigaciones.A utilização e o acesso às tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) tornaram-se um motor do dia-a-dia de toda a população. Na verdade, no atual contexto social e de saúde, certas atividades online tornaram-se especialmente importantes, como chamadas de vídeo, compras online ou saúde online. O objetivo deste trabalho está focado em conhecer o uso e a opinião deste tipo de ferramentas de ‘telessaúde e teknokuidate’ pela população com mais de 65 anos de idade, e investigar essa lacuna de gerações a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero. O método central será a exploração do questionário do Observatório Nacional das Telecomunicações e da Sociedade da Informação (ONTSI) Cidadãos antes da e-saúde, 2016, adicionado às referências atuais. Existe uma certa desconfiança no uso da internet em questões de 'e-saúde', o que resulta em uma implementação escassa de tecnologias de monitoramento e tele-atendimento. Embora tenham avaliações muito positivas, o nível de uso é limitado. Destaca-se o perfil de um usuário, em sua maioria do sexo masculino, entre 65 e 80 anos, com ensino superior, residente em grandes cidades, morando com filhos e / ou companheiro e com percepção otimista sobre sua saúde. Como conclusão, deve-se destacar que há uma redução evidente da exclusão digital entre os idosos. Além disso, no caso das mulheres, principalmente octogenárias, observa-se que elas continuam invisíveis e sub-representadas também em termos de uso e opinião dessas TICs, em coerência com sua menor presença social e digital confirmada nas últimas pesquisas.A utilização e o acesso às tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) tornaram-se um motor do dia-a-dia de toda a população. Na verdade, no atual contexto social e de saúde, certas atividades online tornaram-se especialmente importantes, como chamadas de vídeo, compras online ou saúde online. O objetivo deste trabalho está focado em conhecer o uso e a opinião deste tipo de ferramentas de ‘telessaúde e teknokuidate’ pela população com mais de 65 anos de idade, e investigar essa lacuna de gerações a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero. O método central será a exploração do questionário do Observatório Nacional das Telecomunicações e da Sociedade da Informação (ONTSI) Cidadãos antes da e-saúde, 2016, adicionado às referências atuais. Existe uma certa desconfiança no uso da internet em questões de 'e-saúde', o que resulta em uma implementação escassa de tecnologias de monitoramento e tele-atendimento. Embora tenham avaliações muito positivas, o nível de uso é limitado. Destaca-se o perfil de um usuário, em sua maioria do sexo masculino, entre 65 e 80 anos, com ensino superior, residente em grandes cidades, morando com filhos e / ou companheiro e com percepção otimista sobre sua saúde. Como conclusão, deve-se destacar que há uma redução evidente da exclusão digital entre os idosos. Além disso, no caso das mulheres, principalmente octogenárias, observa-se que elas continuam invisíveis e sub-representadas também em termos de uso e opinião dessas TICs, em coerência com sua menor presença social e digital confirmada nas últimas pesquisas

    Technological Perception with Rural and Urban Differentiation and Its Influence on the Quality of Life of Older People with Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    The past decade has seen a global increase in population age, especially in developed countries, where aging involves visual diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which severely affect quality of life (QoL) and mental health, as well as increase isolation and care costs. This study investigated how persons with AMD perceive the impact of technology use on their QoL, focusing on potential disparities between urban and rural contexts in Spain. Using a cross-sectional observational design, data from the 2020 National Statistics Institute’s Disability, Personal Autonomy, and Dependency Situations Survey were analyzed, focusing on QoL aspects based on the WHO items of the WHOQOL-100 scale. The results revealed a generally positive perception of technology among participants, with urban residents perceiving technology’s positive impact more favorably. Sex discrepancies in technology perception were also observed, as women exhibited a more positive outlook on technology’s influence on QoL. The analysis of QoL aspects, such as ‘Visibility’, ‘Learning’, ‘Mobility’, and ‘Domestic life’, highlighted distinct challenges faced by rural and urban populations, underscoring the importance of context-specific approaches in technology interventions. However, these perceptions were intertwined with comorbidities, which can exacerbate AMD-related issues. Furthermore, this study explored the role of technology in enhancing QoL among older adults with AMD, examining how it influences daily activities and independence, particularly in the context of AMD management. This study concluded that developing more-inclusive policies tailored to the specific needs of persons with AMD, with special attention to environmental and sex differences, is imperative to enhance the positive impact of technology on their QoL

    Technology, Gender and COVID-19. Analysis of perceived health in adults and older people

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    This chapter aims to know the psychosocial impact and social behaviours and related to the perception of technological needs in adults and older persons with diseases, health problems and/or sensory or motor disabilities. This work delves into this reality from a gender, inclusive and, at the same time, technological, biotechnological and/or virtual device approach. This goal includes two secondary objectives: 1) To know the health conditions that affect the adult and older people, whether they suffer from chronic diseases and health problems. In this way, it will be possible to understand if there are specific conditions in which the adult and older persons have felt especially sensitive during the pandemic outbreak in Spain. 2) To understand the needs of older people with sensory or motor disabilities before the pandemic and how this connects with the looking forward to an activity after COVID-19. One conclusion is that new emerging technologies are essential in aspects such as safety, hygiene and other social factors that help to improve autonomy and independence - such as canes and support devices in functional disability type EGARA - of older persons during and after the pandemic times. In addition to the needs of adults and the older persons prior to the pandemic, especially in older women, there are others that require research from a more inclusive and gender perspective.This work is part of the QASP (Quality of life, Ageing in Sweden, Spain, and Portugal) research project, funded by the Institute of Health Carlos III, Intramural Strategical Action in Health AESI 2018, Ref: PI18CIII/00046, PR: MR Forjaz). We appreciated the support of: ENCAGEn-CM R&D Activities Program (Active Ageing, Quality of Life and Gender. Promoting a positive image of old age and ageing against ageism) (Ref. H2019/HUM-5698) (Community of Madrid-FSE. PR: G. Fernandez-Mayoralas, C Rodriguez-Blázquez, M.S. Agulló-Tomás, M.D. Zamarrón, and M.A. Molina). Moreover, this contribution takes parts of the grant PROMETEO/2019/119 from the Generalitat Valenciana and the Bidons Egara Research Chair of the University Miguel Hernández to Eduardo Fernández. The fieldwork for the qualitative analysis was financed by the ENVACES R&D + i project (MINECO-FEDER, ref. CSO2015- 64115-R. PR: F. Rojo-Perez) and the ENCAGE-CM R&D Activities Program (Community of Madrid-FSE, ref. S2015/HUM-3367. LR: G. Fernandez-Mayoralas).Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of Older People Digital Images: Representations from a Land, Gender and Anti-ageist Perspective

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    There are numerous sociological and psychosocial studies, both classic and current, that have analysed the images and representations of older people and aging. If gender, intersectional and land perspectives are added, the literature consulted is only a few years old, particularly in Spanish. In addition, research based on fieldwork from virtual image banks is still scarce and recent. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the images from some free access image banks (like Freepik, Canva, Pixabay, or Storyblocks) of older people from a gender, intersectional and socio-spatial and land perspective. Methods: 150 images have been analysed following different selected criteria: 22 variables related to gender, activity, socio-spatial environment, natural space and land, among others, briefly describe the main methods or treatments applied. The key results show a stereotyped and barely diverse image of old age and aging around positive representations, with a notable absence of images related to loneliness as opposed to the presence of social relationships. A feminization has also been observed in the representations, with an imbalance in the activities that are carried out (care in the case of women and leisure in the case of men) and in the visible space (indoor among women and outdoor among men). Older people are still identified with a rural, traditional, and more defined territory and not with more diverse and ecological spaces, which are more frequently attributed to younger profiles. This evaluation contributes to linking this necessary connection of current issues and challenges to ageism, sexism and other exclusions derived from territory and socio-spatial aspects. However, more research is still needed, and, in fact, a second phase of the fieldwork is underway to broaden the sample and to expand further evaluations of images

    Older Women Images and Technologies to Increase Gender Peace in Crisis and COVID-19 Times

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    The violence - without the apparent “Gender Peace”, if data and households are examined - occurs against adult and older women, is beginning to become apparent, but there is only information from recent years. The objective is demonstrate that social isolation can be a key factor in gender peace in the case of adult and older women, even more so in the case of disability or dependency situation. This work focuses on what we call older women gender peace based on qualitative techniques. Moreover, women in this vital stage continue to be vulnerable, defenseless, have more fear and risk, despite their plausible gender peace – expression that we contribute - which connects with the current post-health crisis scenario, armed violence and wars. This chapter also contributes to the consideration of technologies addressed to adults and older women to increase gender peace.This work is part of: ENCAGEn-CM R&D Activities Program (Active Ageing, Quality of Life and Gender. Promoting a positive image of old age and aging combating ageism) (Ref. H2019/HUM-5698) (Funded by Programs of R&D in Community of Madrid Social Sciences and Humanities, co-financed with the European Social Fund. PR: G. Fernandez-Mayoralas, C Rodriguez-Blázquez, MS Agulló-Tomás, MD Zamarrón, and MA Molina). Moreover, this contribution takes parts of the grant PROMETEO/2019/119 from the Generalitat Valenciana and the Bidons Egara Research Chair of the University Miguel Hernández to Eduardo Fernández. The fieldwork for the qualitative analysis was financed by the ENVACES R&D+i project (MINECO-FEDER, ref. CSO2015-64115-R. PR: F. Rojo-Perez) and the ENCAGE-CM R&D Activities Program (Community of Madrid-FSE, ref. S2015/HUM-3367. PR: G. Fernandez-Mayoralas).Peer reviewe

    Influence of Active and Healthy Ageing on Quality of Life Changes: Insights from the Comparison of Three European Countries

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    This study aimed to analyze the determinants of quality of life (QoL) in older people in three European countries (Portugal, Spain and Sweden). A sample of 7589 participants in waves 4 (2011) and 6 (2015) of the Survey on Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) project, aged 50 and over and living in Portugal, Spain and Sweden, was included. The CASP-12 scale was used to measure QoL. A principal component analysis was performed to group preselected variables related to active and healthy ageing into the dimensions of health, social participation, and lifelong learning. A linear regression model was built using the change in CASP-12 scores over the 4-year follow-up as the dependent variable, including the interactions between country and each independent variable in the model. After four years, the average QoL increased in Portugal (difference = 0.8, p < 0.001), decreased in Spain (-0.8, p < 0.001), and remained constant in Sweden (0.1, p = 0.408). A significant country-participation component interaction (p = 0.039) was found. In Spain, a higher participation (β = 0.031, p = 0.002) was related to a higher QoL improvement at 4 years, but not in Sweden or Portugal. Physical health and emotional components (β = 0.099, p < 0.001), functional ability (β = 0.044, p = 0.023), and cognitive and sensory ability (β = 0.021, p = 0.026) were associated with QoL changes over time in all countries. The country-specific associations between health, social participation and QoL should be taken into account when developing public health policies to promote QoL among European older people.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio