25 research outputs found
The relationship between store image and store brand equity: A conceptual framework and evidence from hypermarkets
Retailers are making considerable efforts to improve their brand management. The challenge they face, however, is how best to integrate coherently their stores, as brands, and their various distributor brands (store brands, private labels, etc.), in order to increase their brand equity and offer the market differential value that will stimulate customer loyalty. From this perspective, it is crucial for retailers to investigate the relationship between the store and their own brands. This study proposes two theoretical models showing the mechanism whereby store image helps increase the equity of a specific type of distributor brand (the store brand). The approach used in this analysis is based, on the one hand, on defining brand equity through its components, using the model in Aaker (1991), and on the other, on including (social and strategic) corporate dimensions in measuring store image. The empirical research made in the hypermarket sector in the Basque province of Gipuzkoa backs the majority of the proposed hypotheses. The results show that store image can be used by retailers to influence all components of store brand equity, essentially through its commercial and strategic dimension. This research is intended to address the clear lack of research on store brand equity.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of FESIDE Foundation
Antecedents of customer loyalty in residential energy markets: Service quality, satisfaction, trust and switching costs
A conceptual framework is proposed that analyses the effect of perceived
service quality, customer satisfaction, trust in the energy provider and
perceived switching costs on customer loyalty in residential energy
markets. Three distinct dimensions of perceived service quality are identified:
technical quality of core services, technical quality of peripheral
services and service process quality (functional service quality). The
proposed model is tested within the scope of a representative survey of
Spanish residential energy customers. Regarding the dimensions of
service quality, the results indicate significant effects only of service
process quality on satisfaction and, indirectly, on customer loyalty.
Loyalty effects of further variables in the model are significant
anagementProtocol: Entrepreneurship in the area of Marketing. Comparing PBL vs active lectures
[EN] This protocol presents a research process which aims to analyze the impact of an active learning model on entrepreneurship of university students of Marketing. First, a learning model is proposed which allows to jointly conducting the content of different subjects and which provides an integrated vision of Marketing. Subsequently, the concept of entrepreneurship is defined and a measuring instrument is mentioned. Through this instrument the information needed to analyze to what extent the new learning model promotes students’ entrepreneurship is gathered. Finally, several possibilities to perform the data analysis are presented.[ES] En el presente protocolo se plantea un proceso de investigación cuyo objetivo es analizar el impacto de un modelo de aprendizaje activo sobre la capacidad emprendedora del alumnado universitario del área de Marketing. En primer lugar, se propone un modelo de aprendizaje que permite desarrollar de forma conjunta el contenido de distintas materias y queproporciona una visión integrada de la función de Marketing. Posteriormente, se define el concepto de capacidad emprendedora y se hace referencia a un instrumento de medida que permite valorar su grado de desarrollo. Mediante este instrumento se pretende recoger la información necesaria para poder analizar en qué medida el nuevo modelo de aprendizaje favorece la capacidad emprendedora del alumnado. Por último, se presentan varias posibilidades para llevar a cabo el análisis de los datos.Las autoras expresan su agradecimiento al profesor Juan A. Marin-Garcia por los valiosos comentarios aportados que han permitido mejorar este trabajo.Rincón Diez, V.; Zorrilla Calvo, P. (2017). Protocolo: Comparación del ABP y lección magistral activa para desarrollar la capacidad emprendedora en estudiantes universitarios del área de Marketing. Working Papers on Operations Management. 8(1):1-8. doi:10.4995/wpom.v8i1.6470SWORD1881Andreu-Andrés, M. Á., & García-Casas, M. (2014). La evaluación de la participación en equipos de trabajo universitarios (Assessment of participation in higher education team working activities). WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 5(1), 1. doi:10.4995/wpom.v5i1.1758Bigelow, J. D. (2004). Using Problem-Based Learning to Develop Skills in Solving Unstructured Problems. Journal of Management Education, 28(5), 591-609. doi:10.1177/1052562903257310Chau, K. W. (2005). Problem-based learning approach in accomplishing innovation and entrepreneurship of civil engineering undergraduates. International Journal of Engineering Education, 21(2), 228-232.Doppelt, Y. (2007). Assessing creative thinking in design-based learning. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.Geitz, G., Joosten-ten Brinke, D., & Kirschner, P. A. (2016). Are marketing students in control in problem-based learning? Cogent Education, 3(1). doi:10.1080/2331186x.2016.1222983Hernández, R.; Pe-a, I.; Guerrero, M.; González-Pernía, J.L.; Ruiz Navarro, J.; Cabello Medina, C.; Medina Tamayo, R.; Hoyos Iruarrizaga, J.; Gutiérrez-Solana, F. (2014). Informe Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Espa-a 2013. Red Espa-ola de Equipos Regionales GEM.Klebba, J. M., & Hamilton, J. G. (2007). Structured Case Analysis: Developing Critical Thinking Skills in a Marketing Case Course. Journal of Marketing Education, 29(2), 132-139. doi:10.1177/0273475307302015Lam, D. (2004). Problem-based learning: An integration of theory and field. Journal of Social Work Education, 40(3), 371-389.Malicky, D. M., Lord, S. M., & Huang, M. Z. (2007). A design methodology for choosing an optimal pedagogy: The pedagogy decision matrix. International Journal of Engineering Education, 23(2), 325-337.Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2017). El grupo como espacio de aprendizaje: Curso de formación del profesorado. Instituto Ciencias de la Educación. Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaMarin-Garcia, J. A., Martínez Gómez, M., & Lloret, J. (2009). Enhancing motivation and satisfaction of students: Analysis of quantitative data in three subjects of industrial engineering. WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, 6(1), 11-21.Nouwen, J., & Van Hoorick, V. (2014). Learning by doing through elaboration of challenging marketing plans. In L. G. Chova, A. L. Martinez, & I. C. Torres (Eds.), Iceri2014: 7th international conference of education, research and innovation (pp. 4562-4567)Revell, A., & Wainwright, E. (2009). What Makes Lectures ‘Unmissable’? Insights into Teaching Excellence and Active Learning. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 33(2), 209-223. doi:10.1080/03098260802276771Scarbrough, H., Bresnen, M., Edelman, L. F., Laurent, S., Newell, S., & Swan, J. (2004). The Processes of Project-based Learning. Management Learning, 35(4), 491-506. doi:10.1177/1350507604048275Shadish, W., Cook, T., & Campbell, D. T. (2002). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. Boston New York: HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY.Sherwood, A. L. (2004). Problem-Based Learning in Management Education: A Framework for Designing Context. Journal of Management Education, 28(5), 536-557. doi:10.1177/1052562904265773Smith, G. F. (2005). Problem-Based Learning: Can it Improve Managerial Thinking? Journal of Management Education, 29(2), 357-378. doi:10.1177/1052562904269642Tena León, M. (2009). Aprendizaje y evaluación de la competencia transversal "creatividad e innovación" en el marco de una titulación adaptada al EEES. Congreso Univest 2009. Girona, Espa-a.Tena León, M. (2010). Aprendizaje de la Competencia Creatividad e Innovación en el marco de una titulación adaptada al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Formación Universitaria, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 11-20.Villa, A.; Poblete, M. (2010). Aprendizaje basado en competencias: una propuesta para la evaluación de las competencias genéricas. Universidad de Deusto.Watts F., García-Carbonell A.; Andreu-Andrés, M.A. (2013). Innovation Competencies Development. INCODE Barometer and User Guide. Turku University of Applied Sciences
Revitalización y dinamización comercial en entornos urbanos: experiencias del País Vasco
Para hacer frente a la creciente competencia entre ciudades como destinos de compra y al desarrollo de las
nuevas formas de comercio periurbano, se viene trabajando, desde hace ya más de una década, en la
planificación y gestión profesional de los espacios urbano/comerciales bajo lo que se conoce como modelo de
Centro Comercial Abierto. Ahora bien, bajo esta denominación nos encontremos con planteamientos bien
distintos y el nombre se emplea como bandera de un modo de entender la dinamización comercial, gestionando
el espacio urbano en que se desarrolla la actividad comercial mediante la colaboración de todos los agentes
implicados, tanto públicos como privados, pero las interpretaciones y su funcionamiento pueden ser muy
diferentes en cada caso.
En el presente trabajo exponemos, mediante el análisis de casos, la evolución de las experiencias de regeneración
y dinamización comercial que se han desarrollado en el País Vasco desde el año 2000. Se analizan los factores
que las han impulsado, evaluando y comparando las condiciones que han marcado, o están determinando, el
avance en las dinámicas de colaboración público-privada para la mejora competitiva tanto del sector comercial
como del entorno en que éste desarrolla su actividad: la ciudad.To face the increasing competition among cities as shopping destinations and new forms of out-of-town
shopping, TCM schemes are being used since more than a decade, for planning the management of urban and
retail spaces. In Spain TCM schemes are called Open City Center but this denomination is not clear. So, the
name uses as flag of a way of understanding the commercial dinamización, in public-private partnership, but the
interpretations can be very different in every case.
In this study we expose, by means of the analysis of cases, the evolution of the regeneration experiences and
commercial invigoration that have been developed in the Basque Country from the year 2000. We analyze the
factors that have stimulated them, evaluating and comparing the determining conditions in the advance of public - private partnership to improve competitiveness, as much of the commercial sector as the environment in which
this one develops its activity: the city
La imagen de la universidad: un modelo de imagen global y las perspectivas de los grupos de interés
[EN] In order to further knowledge regarding the factors that have most influence on the university image, a measurement model was established in this research from the perspective of society and validated using covariance structure analysis. In addition, to ascertain whether such factors and/or their degree of influence differ among stakeholders, an evaluation of measurement invariance was conducted to find out what implications there are for image formation when the perspectives of the different stakeholders are considered. Five samples of stakeholders were used (society, prospective students, current students, graduates, and companies), totaling 1760 respondents. The results showed that affective image, perception of teaching resources, and perception of graduate training significantly influence the formation of overall university image from the perspective of society and that the image structure identified from this perspective is shared by companies, although some differences are observed. However, the model needs adapting to consider the perspectives of prospective students, current students, and graduates. The results also suggested that affective issues have a major importance in image formation from the perspective of all the stakeholders considered and that it is in the cognitive aspects where differences between them become more patent. These findings constitute a valuable contribution for marketing literature as so few works have addressed the study of the university image adopting the standpoint of society or the comparison of different stakeholders. Further, they provide guidance to university managers when determining which aspects are recommendable to act upon for the projection of a favorable image to various audiences.[ES] Con el fin de avanzar en el conocimiento de los factores que influyen sobre la formación de la imagen de las universidades, en esta investigación se planteó un modelo de medición desde la perspectiva de la sociedad que fue validado utilizando técnicas de análisis de estructuras de covarianzas. Además, se realizó una valoración de la invarianza en la medición orientada a conocer las implicaciones que tiene sobre la formación de la imagen la consideración de perspectivas de diferentes colectivos. Se seleccionaron cinco muestras (sociedad, alumnos potenciales, alumnos actuales, titulados y empresas) que sumaron 1760 encuestados. Los resultados revelaron que la imagen afectiva y las percepciones sobre los recursos docentes y la capacitación de los titulados influyen de manera significativa en la formación de la imagen desde la perspectiva de la sociedad, y que la estructura de la imagen identificada desde dicha perspectiva es compartida por las empresas, aunque con ciertas diferencias.
Sin embargo, el modelo demanda adaptaciones al considerar las perspectivas del alumnado potencial, actual y titulado. Las cuestiones afectivas se revelaron determinantes en la formación de la imagen en los cinco colectivos, radicando las diferencias en aspectos cognitivos. Estos resultados representan una contribución de valor para la literatura de marketing dados los escasos trabajos que han analizado la imagen de la universidad desde la perspectiva de la sociedad o que han comparado stakeholders. Además, pueden orientar a los gestores universitarios en la determinación de los aspectos sobre los que conviene actuar para proyectar una imagen favorable hacia audiencias diversas.We thank the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU for the financing received for developing Project NUPV 13/14, within which this study is framed. We also thank Dr Jon Charterina and Dr Andrés Araujo for their valuable suggestions in the design of the questionnaire
El enfoque de marketing como filosofía de gestión de las universidades: un marco de trabajo para orientar su aplicación
[EN] The environment in which university institutions develop their activities has become more competitive over recent decades and market elements have been introduced into the sector. Accordingly, universities have shown a growing interest in developing and maintaining a favourable and distinctive image among their stakeholders. To this end, many of them have focused their efforts on the improvement and renewal of training programs. However, such efforts have not always been matched in the transmission of a more favourable perception among their stakeholders. This context calls for university management with a marketing orientation. However, university marketing is in its early stages in many parts of the world and the incorporation of marketing principles and practices in the field of higher education encounters much reluctance from citizens and academics. This contribution sets out the reasons for this resistance, which may be grounded in a misconception about the discipline, and a working framework for marketing management in universities is proposed to facilitate the practical implementation of marketing philosophy in such institutions. It is a framework whose design involves a combination of services marketing and corporate marketing proposals and highlights aspects that managers of higher education institutions should focus on 1) to meet the demands of different stakeholders with varied (and sometimes conflicting) interests and 2) to move towards the development of a favourable perception among the stakeholders of the institutions they manage.[ES] El entorno universitario se ha vuelto más competitivo durante las últimas décadas y se han introducido en el sector elementos de mercado. Por esta razón, las universidades han identificado la necesidad de contar con una imagen favorable y distintiva entre sus grupos de interés. Para lograrlo, muchas han concentrado sus esfuerzos en la mejora de los programas formativos, aunque ello no se ha visto siempre correspondido en términos de una percepción más favorable entre los stakeholders. Este contexto demanda una gestión de las universidades bajo un enfoque de marketing. Sin embargo, el marketing universitario se encuentra en una fase incipiente en muchas partes del mundo y la incorporación de los principios y prácticas del marketing al ámbito de la Educación Superior cuenta con numerosas reticencias entre ciudadanos y académicos. En este artículo se exponen las razones que han podido motivar tales reticencias, cuyo origen puede estar en un mal entendimiento de la disciplina, y se propone un marco de trabajo para la gestión del marketing en las universidades orientado a facilitar la puesta en práctica de la filosofía de marketing en este tipo de organizaciones. Se trata de un esquema diseñado a partir de la integración de propuestas procedentes del marketing de servicios y del marketing corporativo en el que se destacan los aspectos sobre los que poner el foco para 1) dar respuesta a las demandas de un conjunto de colectivos con intereses variados (e, incluso, contrapuestos) y 2) avanzar hacia el desarrollo de una percepción favorable entre los stakeholders.We thank the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU for the financing received
for developing Project NUPV 13/14, within which the development of this article is framed.
We also thank the two anonymous reviewers whose comments and suggestions contributed
a great deal to improving it
The family business brand
The authors would like to express appreciation to Professor Randolph-Seng and the two anonymous referees for their insightful
comments on earlier versions of this article, although any errors are entirely the authors’ own responsibility. The authors also highly appreciate the institutional support received from the Family Business Centre at the UPV/EHU in collaboration with the DFB/BFA and from the Consolidated Research Group (Code OE7) at the University of Vigo (Spain).Following a bibliometric approach, this study examines research on brand and branding in family businesses to identify influential sources and main areas of knowledge, proposes an integrative framework that provides a holistic perspective of this field with an interdisciplinary cross-fertilization view, and explores new avenues for future research and practice.
Based on 449 bibliographic references retrieved from the Web of Science database through a systematic process, we employed bibliographic coupling analysis to visualize the relationships among key works in the field, and subsequently performed a literature review to deepen the analysis.
The bibliographic coupling analysis structured the existing research into six thematic clusters. Four of them follow an internal perspective and focus on family business identity and its influence on the construction of corporate brand identity, whereas the other two follow an external perspective that explores how family business brands are communicated and perceived by stakeholders and the influence of corporate brands and branding on family business image and reputation. Drawing from an in-depth review of the literature, this study offers a novel integrative framework, together with a set of proposals with managerial and theoretical implications.
The proposed framework aims to clarify the relationship between internal identity and management to build and communicate a family business brand. The study also shows the symbiosis that exists among family values, corporate reputation, brand equity, and awareness in family businesses. The existing interconnection between the family and business generates unique associations that are difficult to imitate.
This study is the first documented attempt at a bibliometric analysis of brands and branding in family businesses, which serves to clarify the linkages between different research streams and connecting marketing, organization, and family business literature to guide future research. Moreover, our integrative framework provides researchers and practitioners with a better understanding of its scope, highlighting the importance of corporate brand strategies beyond the boundaries of marketing departments.This research was partially supported by the Consolidated Research Group funding by the Basque Government under the grant number IT1641-22. It is also received financial support by the Spanish MCIU/AEI/FEDER-UE under the grant number RTI2018-097579-B-I00
Desarrollo de una idea de negocio a partir de un hobby en el Grado en Marketing
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horasLos estudiantes han de trabajar en grupos desarrollando un proyecto que abarca el 50% de la materia y puntuación de dos asignaturas relacionadas en un mismo módulo del Grado en Marketing de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la UPV/EHU. En concreto, la metodología consiste en la creación de un proyecto de negocio a partir de un hobby personal, tomando decisiones para el desarrollo de las variables de producto y distribución del mix de marketing.
Para ello se trabaja en grupos, por afinidad de hobbys. El desarrollo del proyecto contempla tres fases diferenciadas:
Primera fase, común para las dos asignaturas y corresponde a la etapa de diseño/contextualización del proyecto a desarrollar.
Segunda fase, desarrollo independiente del proyecto en cada una de las dos asignaturas, tomando decisiones de marketing correspondientes a las materias de cada una por separado.
Tercera fase, común para las dos asignaturas y correspondiente a la etapa de cierre, en donde se integran conceptos trabajados por separado en cada asignatura, recogiendo y dando coherencia en un mismo documento (Informe Final) a las decisioens tomadas en cada una de ellas por separado.
En el Informe Final del proyecto se verifica la coherencia y complementariedad entre los conceptos trabajados en ambas asignaturas. El mejor Informe Final, valorando orginalidad, contenido y coherencia en las decisones, se presenta en el aula con una puntuación de reconocimiento adicional