67 research outputs found

    Porast izdanaka inbred linija kukuruza (Zea mays L.) pod uticajem tretmana semena pesticidima

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    Seed treatment is a common way of fungicide and insecticide use nowadays, since this way of pesticide application can provide the best protection in the vicinity of the future plant. The aim of research was to evaluate the effects of different seed treatments on germination and seedling growth in three maize inbred lines. The research included the seed treatment with several combinations of a fungicide Maxim XL 035-FS (a.i. metalaxil-M + fludioxonil) and neonicotinoid insecticides Gaucho 600-FS (a.i. imidacloprid) and Cruiser 350-FS (a.i. thiamethoxam), as well as untreated seed (control). The results indicated that inbred lines 21202 x 21101 NS and 317659 NS had a highly vigourous seed which was not affected by the seed treatments. The seed treatments with Maxim XL 035- FS+Gaucho 600-FS and Maxim XL 035-FS+Cruiser 350-FS led to a decrease in germination (90.25% and 89.50%, respectively) of maize inbred line 306081 NS as well as a decrease in root length (126.75 mm and 125.25 mm, respectively) and dry root weight (0.135 g and 0.1875 g, respectively) of maize inbred line 21202 x 21101 NS. All seed treatments had positive effects on root growth, as well as on fresh root weight of maize inbred lines 306081 NS and 317659 NS.Tretiranje semena fungicidima i insekticidima je uobičajen način pripreme semena pre setve, s obzirom na to da ovaj način primene pesticida može da pruži najbolju zaŔtitu mlade biljke od patogena i Ŕtetočina u zemljiŔtu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih tretmana semena pesticidima na klijanje semena i početni porast izdanaka različitih inbred linija kukuruza. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo testiranje tretmana semena inbred linija kukuruza sa nekoliko kombinacija fungicida (Maxim XL 035-FS, fludioksonil, 25 g/l + metalaksil-M, 10 g/l) i insekticida (Gaucho 600-FS, imidakloprid 600 g/l i Cruiser 350-FS, tiametoksam, 350 g/l). Netretirano seme je uzeto za kontrolu. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da inbred linije 21202 x 21101 NS i 317659 NS imaju visoko vigorozno seme, na koje nisu uticali testirani preparati. Testirane kombinacije preparata pesticida Maxim XL 035-FS+Gaucho 600-FS i Maxim XL 035-FS+Cruiser 350-FS dovele su do smanjenja klijavosti semena inbred linije 306081 NS (90,25%, odnosno 89,50%), kao i do smanjenja dužine korena (126,75 mm, odnosno 125,25 mm) i mase suvog korena (0,135 g, odnosno 0,1875 g) izdanaka inbred linije 21202 x 21101 NS. Svi testirani tretmani imali su pozitivan uticaj na porast korena izdanaka, kao i na masu svežeg korena izdanaka inbred linija 306081 NS i 317659 NS

    A new efficient domino approach for the synthesis of pyrazolyl-phthalazine-diones. Antiradical activity of novel phenolic products

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    Pyrazolyl-phthalazine-dione derivatives (PPDs) were synthetized in the ionic liquid catalyzed one-pot multicomponent reaction of acetylacetone, 2,3-dihydrophthalazine-1,4-dione, and different aldehydes in moderate to good yields. Six new PPDs were obtained, and the crystal structure of 2-acetyl-1-(4-fluorophenyl)- 3-methyl-1H-pyrazolo[1,2-b] phthalazine-5,10-dione (PPD-4) was determined. The most interesting structural features of the novel PPD-4 is the formation of a rather short intermolecular distance between the F atom of one molecule and the midpoint of the neighbouring six-membered heterocyclic ring. This interaction arranges all molecules into parallel supramolecular chains. UV-Vis spectra of all PPDs were acquired and compared to the simulated ones obtained with TD-DFT. All synthetized compounds were subjected to evaluation of their in vitro antioxidative activity using a stable DPPH radical. It was shown that PPD-7, with a catechol motive, is the most active antioxidant, while PPD-9, with two neighbouring methoxy groups to the phenolic OH, exerted a somewhat lower, but significant antioxidative potential. The results of DFT thermodynamical study are in agreement with experimental findings that PPD-7 and PPD-9 should be considered as powerful radical scavengers. In addition, the obtained theoretical results (bond dissociation and proton abstraction energies) specify SPLET as a prevailing radical scavenging mechanism in polar solvents, and HAT in solvents with lower polarity. On the other hand, the obtained reaction enthalpies for inactivation of free radicals suggest competition between HAT and SPLET mechanisms, except in the case of the (OH)-O-center dot radical in polar solvents, where HAT is labeled as prefered

    Swelling behavior of synthesized poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) hydrogels

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    Poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) has great application in cosmetics, primarily in personal care products. It is used in drug delivery, and in a variety of biomedical applications. Also, significant is the application as an adsorbent of various pesticides. The aim of this paper is to examine structural characterization and the swelling behavior of synthesized poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) copolymer hydrogels with 10 mol% of vinyl acetate and with 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5 and 3.0 mol% of cross-linker ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDM). The characterization of the synthesized hydrogels was performed using FTIR spectroscopy. The swelling study was monitored gravimetrically until equilibrium was reached in solutions of different pH values (3.0, 6.0, 9.0) at a temperature of 25Ā°C. The sensitivity of poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) hydrogels to changes in external temperature was examined by monitoring the change in the equilibrium degree of swelling with increasing fluid temperature from 25ĀŗC to 80ĀŗC in a pH solution of 6.0. FTIR spectra of xerogels confirm the performed synthesis. Swelling of hydrogels poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate) was favored at a lower temperature (25Ā°C), in a solution whose pH=6.0, when the sample with 1.0 mol% EGDM reaches the highest degree of swelling (Ī±e=87.23) compared to the achieved capacity at a temperature of 80ĀŗC (Ī±e=20.74). The most intense phase transition was observed in the temperature range of 40-45Ā°C. Based on the obtained results, the synthesized copolymers can be classified into negative thermosensitive hydrogels that have a lower critical dissolution temperature (LCST). pH sensitivity analysis led to the conclusion that the highest value of the equilibrium degree of swelling (Ī±e=168.97) was observed in the hydrogel sample with 1.5 mol% EGDM in the solution whose pH=9 at 25Ā°C. An increase in the molar content of cross-linkers in the hydrogels composition shows a decrease in swelling capacity at all pH values and temperaturesVIII International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research : RAD 2020 : book of abstracts; Virtual Conferenc

    Regeneration bone tissue by new nanoparticules system based on hydroxiapatite as systems for local delivery of vitamin D3

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    Increased life expectancy in developed countries leads to an increase in the number of musculoskeletal disorders, such as osteoporosis, oasteoratritis thus compromising good dental treatment. There are many drug delivery systems based on hydroxyapatite used in bone tissue regeneration. Vitamin D3 is osteodiferentiation factor which regulates bone formation by increasing osteoblast differentiation and bone mineralization. The aim of this study is to examine new multifunctional nanoparticulate system for local delivery of active form of vitamin D3 by biochemical blood marker and histochemical analysis. The research was carried out on female Westar rats, aged 6-8 weeks, which have been implanted biomaterials in the artificial bone defect. Biochemical markers of osteogenesis were statistically significant after only 6 weeks of implantation. ALP activity in bone tissue was showed by histochemical analysis as well as high level reparatory skills. Local realized Vitamin D3 contribute to bone formation by increasing osteoblast differentiation and bone mineralization

    Bioactive composite materials in regeneration of the resorbed bone of alveolar ridges

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    Bone loss during the systemic osteoporosis has an important role in dentistry and medicine. The aim of the study was the application of bioactive micro and nanocomposite materials, alone, and in combination with autologous plasma in osteoporotic jaw bones of rats with artificially induced osteoporosis. The effect of these composites was measured by histomorphometric and atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis. According to the best obtained results in regeneration and recovery of the resorbed alveolar bone, it can be concluded that nanocomposite combined with autologous plasma may be the material of choice to replace the osteoporotic damaged jaw bone

    Brzina korozije cevi od nerđajućih čelika izračunata pomoću elektrohemijske frekvencione modulacije

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    The use of high energy, ionizing radiation in nuclear medicine is now pervasive and routine. The interaction of gamma radiation with aqueous solutions produces different kinds of reducing and oxidizing agents. Reducing agents represent eaq, Hā€¢ and H2 while oxidizing agents represent H2O2, ā€¢OH, O2, O2 - and HO2 [1]. Production of such species under gamma irradiation, there may affect the rates or mechanisms of corrosion attack modes. In recent times, electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) has caught the attention of corrosion scientists as a rapid and nonā€“destructive technique for the instantaneous determination of corrosion rate. The advantage of the EFM technique is the fact that the measurement can be completed in a short time period [2]. The EFM technique offers an excellent alternative for the analysis of electrochemical corrosion behavior of metals compared with contemporary techniques like potentiodynamic polarization, linear polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and weight loss. This technique provides measurements of corrosion rate directly without knowledge of the Tafel constants. Even though the Tafel constants are not required, it measures them and a change in Tafel constant may indicate a change in corrosion mechanism. The theory behind the technique is the same Butler-Volmer kinetics that underpins all corrosion rate measurements. It is a small signal ac technique where two sine waves (at different frequencies) are applied to the cell simultaneously. In our work, we used the EFM technique to calculate the corrosion rate on stainless steel samples in saline and under gamma radiation.Nerđajući čelici su omiljeni materijali u nuklearnoj medicini zbog jednostavnog održavanja (brisanje, dekontaminacija, itd.). Otpornost na rđanje ovih materijala je smanjena usled istovremenog delovanja hloridnih jona i jonizujućeg zračenja. Brza i nedestruktivna tehnika merenja korozije, kao Å”to je elektrohemijska frekvenciona modulacija (EFM), korisna je za brzu procenu materijala koji moraju biti otporni na rđŠ°nje. Tri različite cevi od nerđajućeg čelika su analizirane pomoću EFM metode i Gamry potenciostata / galvanostata, i izračunate su njihove brzine korozije. Uzorak označen kao S II, koji ne sadrži Mo u svom sastavu pokazuje veću brzinu korozije u odnosu na uzorke koji sadrže Mo ako je istovremeno izložen hloridnim jonima i gama zračenju. Ovaj rezultat je u sagalsnosti sa sastavom nerdjajučćeg čelika dobijenim rentgenskim fluorescentnim spektrometrom koji pokazuje nedostatak bakra i vanadijuma u tragovima, uključujući molibden.57th Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society; June 18-19, Kragujevac, Serbi

    Nanoparticles Ca/Co-HAp in the treatment of weakened bones jaw tegmenta

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    The lack of bone in the jaw tegmenta inflicts major problem and leads to an inability to adequately treat stomatoprosthetic patients. If the bone tissue damage is minor, the balanced activities of osteoblasts and bone osteoclasts can repair it independently. If the damage is bigger it is necessary to support the biological potential to repair the bone, and for that reason nanoparticle\ud biomaterial Ca / Co-HAp was used in this study. The research was done on rats with uniform anatomical and physiological characteristics. Assessment of repair and consolidation of the jaw bone tegmenta was performed by istomorphometric and SEM analysis. The best results were obtained in the experimental group of animals where the Ca / Co-Hap was mixed with autologous\ud plasma. Following the implementation of the above mentioned nanocomposites, a significant formation of new bone was evident on the SEM analysis, as well as the rising of histomorphometric parameters of bone formation, which indicates that the Ca / Co-HAp nanocomposite is the material of choice for the rapid regeneration and repair of bone jaw tegmenta

    Nanoparticles Ca/Co-HAp in the treatment of weakened bones jaw tegmenta

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    The lack of bone in the jaw tegmenta inflicts major problem and leads to an inability to adequately treat stomatoprosthetic patients. If the bone tissue damage is minor, the balanced activities of osteoblasts and bone osteoclasts can repair it independently. If the damage is bigger it is necessary to support the biological potential to repair the bone, and for that reason nanoparticlebiomaterial Ca / Co-HAp was used in this study. The research was done on rats with uniform anatomical and physiological characteristics. Assessment of repair and consolidation of the jaw bone tegmenta was performed by istomorphometric and SEM analysis. The best results were obtained in the experimental group of animals where the Ca / Co-Hap was mixed with autologousplasma. Following the implementation of the above mentioned nanocomposites, a significant formation of new bone was evident on the SEM analysis, as well as the rising of histomorphometric parameters of bone formation, which indicates that the Ca / Co-HAp nanocomposite is the material of choice for the rapid regeneration and repair of bone jaw tegmenta
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