5 research outputs found

    Financial resources and organizational culture as determinants for competitive strategy of enterprises

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    Purpose: The aim of this article is to study the scientific approaches for the formation of a competitive strategy of an enterprise through financial resources and organizational culture. Design/Methodology/Approach: We have approached the research using the method of comparison, the method of abstraction, the induction method, the method of systematization, and the method of grouping. The empirical research is based on regression analysis. Findings: Scientific approaches to the essence of “competitive strategy” are arranged in three directions: the action plan, the production of competitive products, and the management solutions. Formation of a competitive strategy is based on the factors of the internal environment and they have been built on the provision of financial autonomy and the skill of building organizational culture. Practical Implications: An important indicator of the effectiveness of financial resources is the assessment of the company’s competitive potential. We propose the most promising methods for assessing the competitive environment at the tactical and strategic levels. Originality/Value: The advantages of building an effective organizational culture as part of the enterprise’s development strategy are represented by a set of factors, which can be adopted by an enterprise to improve effectiveness.peer-reviewe

    Socio-psychological features and legal norms of the life of adolescents from distant families of labor migrants

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    The article considers the distant family as a social institution of education, formation and development of personality. The current state of solving the problem of socio-psychological and legal work with children from distant families is analyzed. The sample of the study is described in detail by family type, sex, absence of father / mother and duration of absence. The peculiarities of the functioning of the emotional sphere of adolescents from distant families (anxiety, aggression, hostility), low level of socio-psychological adaptation, low level of emotional well-being in the family have been experimentally determined. The relationship between the degree of socio-psychological adaptation of the adolescent’s personality and emotional states is proved. The dependence of gender differences in the functioning of the family and the emotional sphere of adolescents has been established. The types of groups of adolescents from distant families are determined, in particular: anxious, aggressive-anxious, hostile-anxious, aggressive-hostile, absence of manifestation of negative signs. A structural and functional model of social and psychological support of remote families has been developed, which provides for work with adolescents and their parents with the use of special technologies to ensure the effectiveness of conditions that form harmonious family relationships

    Research of readiness of teachers of rural secondary schools for innovations

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    The purpose is to establish the interdependence of key parameters and construct a factor structure of teachers’ readiness to reform and deploy innovative technologies in rural secondary schools. Research methods: ANOVA factor analysis with reduction of factor proportions, standard valid and reliable psychodiagnostics methods, statistical reliability coefficients. Results. The factor structure ensures the following main factors (73.92%). It has been found that the main are “MARI” (F1) (52.56%) and “CRI” (F2) (9.28%), which are interconnected with “SLRI” (F3) (p≤.01) and F4 “PRI” (F4) (p≤.01). Conclusions. It has been stated that the obtained scientific facts give an objective understanding of the subject of research and its determinants. The curriculum for the initiative to modernize education in rural areas is composed of established scientific facts and argumentation of the results obtained. It was noted that results will allow to operationalize the educational and professional training of future specialists in order to prepare them for modernization of training and teaching

    Results of the Implementation of a Comprehensive Socio-Psychological Program to Foster Professional Empathy Among Professionals in the Helping Professions

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    The article presents the results of research on the empathy of policemen, rescuers, doctors and psychologists, as the best representatives among helpers. It also describes the qualitative and quantitative changes in the levels of empathy among these specialists after the implementation of a comprehensive socio-psychological program.The goal is the approval of a complex socio-psychological program for the formation of professional empathy among specialists in helping professions, in particular, police officers, rescuers, doctors and psychologists. To conduct the research, the following methods were used: psychodiagnostic technique “Diagnostics of the empathic abilities level” by V. Boiko, content analysis, and Wilcoxon t-criteria to determine statistically significant shifts. The results. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that empathy undergoes positive changes under the influence of the proposed comprehensive social-psychological program. As we can see the t-Wilcoxon results showed statistically significant shifts at the p&lt;0.01 and p&lt;0.001 levels. Positive changes occurred among representatives of all studied professions, however, the highest rates of change were found among psychologists and police officers.Conclusions. Theoretical analysis shows that empathy is mostly considered as an emotional component of the personality, which often appears in a negative way for specialists of some professions. However, the empathy of rescuers, police officers, doctors and psychologists manifests itself through a behavioral component and contributes to the emergence of empathic actions. Therefore, the positive results of the implementation of a complex socio-psychological program allow us to insist on the effectiveness and feasibility of its application for other specialists in the field of helping professions.</p


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    The purpose of the article is to find out the psychological aspects of eating disorders and to empirically investigate these features in women with food addiction. The article describes the peculiarities of women’s eating behavior and its disorders, which are related to the value attitude to food and its consumption, the stereotype of eating in habitual and stressful situations, orientation to the image of one's body and activities for its formation. Its main violations are nervous (neurotic, psychogenic) anorexia and nervous (neurotic, psychogenic) bulimia. Both disorders are characterized by common signs: dominance of the problem of own weight; distortion of the image of one’s body; change in nutrition value in the value hierarchy. Methods. In the part of the empirical study of the article the author used the following techniques: individual typological questionnaire L. M. Sobchik (ITQ); self-questioning questionnaire Stolin; “Who am I?” methodology by M. Kuhn and T. MacPartland; questionnaire “Do I have a food addiction?” Results. Psychological features of persons with eating disorders are low self-esteem, dominance of depressed mood, hysterical manifestations, a tendency to loneliness, increased demand for self and others in combination with selfishness, detachment from the collective, fixation on the need to hide their tendencies to accumulation, perfectionism, compensation for lack in one area of achievement in another, and so on. According to the results of empirical research, the “self-concept” of food addiction is diffuse, insufficiently differentiated. The dependent person is unable to calmly and with dignity acknowledge the fact of his imperfection, to accept that his real “self” is different from the ideal. Individuals with eating disorders do not have a good understanding of their own value system, work with the mapping of values is impaired, and pseudo-values and qualities of the main pseudo-value - agent of dependence. For a food addict, the addictive agent is food. Conclusions. Correlation analysis of the study revealed a number of significant correlations: positive links of lability with self-interest, self-confidence; self-blame with an addiction scale; anxiety with addiction. Negative associations of the respondent’s age with self-blame were identified; dependence on autosympathy, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-understanding, self-management; self-acceptance scales with addiction, self-management; the scale of spontaneity with addiction; self-interest agitation scales. The low level of differentiation of identities of the subjects may indicate a crisis of identity, seclusion, anxiety, uncertainty, difficulties in control. As for the physical self (physical data and appearance), in the self-descriptions of the addicts they are “unpleasant”, “unattractive”. Most activities, interests, hobbies, activities are related to food, its intake and a rest (“well-cooked”, “television lover”).Мета. З’ясувати психологічні аспекти порушення харчової поведінки та емпірично дослідити ці особливості у жінок з харчовими адикціями. У статті описано особливості харчової поведінки у жінок та її порушень, які пов’язані із ціннісним ставленням до їжі та її вживання, стереотипом харчування у звичних умовах та у ситуаціях стресу, орієнтація на образ власного тіла та діяльність щодо її формування. Основними її порушеннями вважають нервову (невротичну, психогенну) анорексію та нервову (невротичну, психогенну) булімію. Обидва розлади характеризуються спільними ознаками: домінування проблеми власної ваги; спотворення образу власного тіла; зміна цінності харчування в ієрархії цінностей. Методи. В частині емпіричного дослідження статті автором були використані наступні методики: індивідуально-типологічний опитувальник Л.М. Собчика (ІТО); опитувальник cамоставлення В.В. Століна; методика «Хто я?» М. Куна та Т. Макпартленда; опитувальник «Чи є у мене залежність від їжі?». Результати. Психологічними особливостями осіб з порушенням харчової поведінки є занижена самооцінка, домінування депресивного настрою, істеричні прояви, схильність до самотності, підвищена вимогливість до себе та інших у поєднанні з егоїзмом, відстороненість від колективу, фіксація на необхідності приховувати підвищений потяг до їжі від навколишніх, тенденція до накопичення, перфекціонізм, компенсація нестачі в одній сфері досягненнями в іншій тощо. За результатами емпіричного дослідження встановлено, що «Я-концепція» харчового адикта є дифузною, недостатньо диференційованою. Залежна особа нездатна спокійно та з гідністю визнати факт своєї недосконалості, прийняти те, що її реальне «Я» відрізняється від ідеального. Жінки з порушенням харчової поведінки недостатньо добре розуміють власну систему цінностей, робота зі співставленням цінностей у них порушена, на перші місця виходять псевдоцінності та якості головної псевдоцінності – агентзалежності. Для узалежненого від їжі агентом залежності є їжа. Висновки. Внаслідок здійсненого кореляційного аналізу дослідження виявлено низку значимих кореляцій: позитивні зв’язки лабільності з самоінтересом, самовпевненістю; самозвинувачення зі шкалою залежність; тривожність із залежністю. Виявлено обернено пропорційні зв’язки віку респондента із самозвинуваченням; залежністю із аутосимпатією, уявленням про ставлення інших до себе, самовпевненістю, саморозумінням, самокеруванням; шкали самоприйняттям із залежністю, самокеруванням; шкали спонтанність із залежністю; шкали агравація із самоінтересом. Низький рівень диференційованості ідентичностей досліджуваних може вказувати на кризу ідентичності, замкнутість, тривожність, невпевненість, труднощі у контролі. Щодо фізичного Я (фізичні дані та зовнішність), то в самоописах залежних вони «неприємні», «непривабливі». Більшість занять, інтересів, захоплень, діяльності пов’язані з їжею, її прийомом та пасивним відпочинком