11 research outputs found

    Razgradnja neonikotinoidnih insekticida u pločastom fotoreaktoru

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the photolytic and photocatalytic degradation of neonicotinoids in an aqueous solution. Acetamiprid (ACE) and thiacloprid (TIA), two widely used insecticides, were used as model components. Experiments were performed in a flat-plate photoreactor under conditions of recirculation of the reaction mixture over an immobilised photocatalyst layer (TiO2 modified by urea) using two artificial lamps for simulation of solar irradiation (2.4Ā % UVB and 12Ā % UVA; 300ā€“700Ā nm). The catalyst used was characterised by XRD, UV/Vis-DRS, BET, SEM/EDX, and CHNS analysis. All experiments were performed at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, at a recirculation flow rate of 200Ā cm3Ā minā€“1, and at an initial concentration of ACE and TIA of 10Ā mgĀ dmā€“3. For most measurements, the reaction mixture was sonicated for 15Ā min immediately before charging the reactor. The study focused on the influence of the pH of the initial solution on the efficiency of photocatalytic and photolytic degradation. It was found that photocatalytic degradation of the two model components was most effective under acidic operating conditions, i.e., at pHĀ 4.5, while photolysis resulted in their minimum degradation. It was also observed that pretreatment of the reaction mixture with ultrasound promoted photocatalytic degradation, while in the case of photolytic degradation, the application of ultrasound did not contribute to better degradation. Finally, photocatalytic degradation of TIA proved to be more successful than photodegradation of ACE (66.4Ā % vs. 25.8Ā %) under identical process conditions.Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati fotolitičku i fotokatalitičku razgradnju neonikotinoida u vodenoj otopini. Acetamiprid (ACE) i tiakloprid (TIA), dva naÅ”iroko upotrebljavana insekticida, upotrijebljeni su kao modelne komponente. Istraživanja su provedena u pločastom fotoreaktoru u uvjetima recirkulacije reakcijske smjese primjenjujući imobilizirani sloj fotokatalizatora (TiO2 modificiran ureom) uz dvije komercijalne lampe za simulaciju Sunčeva zračenja (2,4Ā % UVB i 12Ā % UVA; 300Ā ā€“Ā 700Ā nm). Upotrijebljeni katalizator karakteriziran je analizama XRD, UV/Vis-DRS, BET, SEM/EDX i CHNS. Sva mjerenja provedena su pri sobnoj temperaturi i atmosferskom tlaku, protoku recirkulacije od 200Ā cm3Ā minā€“1 te uz konstantnu početnu koncentraciju ACE i TIA od 10Ā mgĀ dmā€“3. Tijekom većine mjerenja, reakcijska smjesa izložena je djelovanju ultrazvuka u vremenu od 15Ā min neposredno prije punjenja reaktora. Ispitan je utjecaj početne pH vrijednosti reakcijske smjese na učinkovitost fotokatalitičke i fotolitičke razgradnje. Nađeno je da je fotokatalitička razgradnja dviju modelnih komponenti najučinkovitija u kiselim uvjetima rada, tj. pri pHĀ 4,5, dok je fotoliza rezultirala njihovom neznatnom razgradnjom. Također, ustanovljeno je da prethodna ultrazvučna obrada reakcijske smjese pospjeÅ”uje fotokatalitičku razgradnju, dok u slučaju fotolitičke razgradnje primjena ultrazvuka ne pridonosi boljoj razgradnji. Konačno, utvrđeno je da je fotokatalitička razgradnja TIA učinkovitija od fotorazgradnje ACE (66.4Ā % vs. 25.8Ā %) pri jednakim radnim uvjetima

    Results of the Surgical Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament

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    Results of the surgical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), using as a graft fourfold hamstring tendons (gracilis and semitendinosus) and middle third of the patellar ligament, were compared. In all patients that were participating in this study clinical examination and magnetic resonance showed ACL rupture, and apart from the choice of the graft, surgical technique was identical.We evaluated 112 patients with implemented patellar ligament graft and fourfold hamstring tendons graft six months after the procedure. Both groups were similar according to age, sex, activity level, knee instability level and rehabilitation program. The results showed that there was no significant difference between groups regarding Lysholm Knee score, IKDC 2000 score, activity level, musculature hypotrophy, and knee joint stability 6 months after the surgery. Anterior knee pain incidence is significantly higher in the group with patellar ligament graft (44% vs. 21%). Both groups had a significant musculature hypotrophy of the upper leg of the knee joint that was surgically treated, six months after the procedure. Both grafts showed good subjective and objective results

    Biomechanical Analysis of the Gracilis and Superficial Third of the Quadriceps Tendons Concerning MPFL Biomechanics

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    The primary goal of this research is the analysis of the biomechanical performances of most common transplants (distal tendon of m.gracilis and upper third of m.quadriceps femoris) used for the reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL). The secondary goal is the comparison of the data obtained from the research with the data available in the literature.The research was conducted on 16 samples of the human tendon, of which there are 8 gracilis tendons and 8 quadriceps tendons. Tensile strength is significantly higher in gracilis tendon (26 MPa - 92 MPa) than in quadriceps tendon (30 MPa - 44 MPa). The extensibility is significantly higher in the quadriceps tendon (10% - 15%) than in the gracilis tendon (13% - 17%). Regarding stiffness (N/mm) there are no significant differences between the groups of gracilis and quadriceps tendons. The module of elasticity is significantly higher in gracilis tendon (235 MPa - 855 MPa) in comparison to quadriceps tendon (239 MPa - 361 MPa).The biomechanical characteristics of the distal surface third of the quadriceps tendon are more favourable than the distal tendon of the gracilis which could prove applicable in operative techniques of reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament when choosing a transplant

    Necessity of introducing the unique protocols for telephone assisted cardiopulmonary reanimation from the dispatch center

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    INTRODUCTION: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is defined as a cessation of normal circulation of blood due to failure of the heart to contract effectively during the systole. Timely treatment of SCA improves chances for survival up to three times, until the discharge from a hospital. OBJECTIVE: Prove that there is a need to introduce a unified protocol for telephone-assisted cardiopulmonary reanimation (CPR) in dispatching centers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, observational research was conducted at the in the Institute for Emergency Medical Service Novi Sad (IEMSNS) in the period from 01 January 2008 to 31 December 2012. Data were collected from application forms indicators of quality of work of emergency medical services (EMS). All the data were calculated by using a statistic package Statistica 7th. RESULTS: During the five-year period, ambulance squads of IEMS Novi Sad had 183.882 patients on the field. CPR was initiated in 198 patients. Prehospital in 213 (25.33%) patients had established spontaneous circulation after CPR applied measures. In the last three years in 68.19% of cases of sudden cardiac arrest was an eyewitness to a layman, and survival in this group of patients was 19.30%. In the group of patients where the eyewitness was the team EMS survival was 36.78%. Activation time and reaction time were increasing trend from 2009 to 2011 that 2012 amounted to 1.32 minutes and 7.67 minutes. At the same time, the trend of successful prehospital CPR where the eyewitness was a layman he was dropped from 23.13% in 2010 to 18.95% in 2012. Trend of successful CPR where the team EMS witnessed was a significant increase, from 29.41% in 2010 to 40% in 2012. CONCLUSION: The increase in population in Novi Sad increasing calls for the dispatch center IEMSNS which results in an extension of the activation time. Greater traffic congestion led to the extension of reaction time. Better equipment and training team leads to a rise in the number of successful CPR when an eyewitness team EMS. At the same time it reduces the number of successful CPR which witnessed sudden cardiac arrest layman. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a unique dispatching protocol for telephone assisted CPR to as many laymen eyewitnesses began CPR before the arrival of EMS teams

    Povezanost kliničkih parametara i prisustva Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans i Porphyromonas gingivalis kod pacijenata sa progresivnim parodontalnim lezijama

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    Background/Aim. Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of periodontal tissues with consequential is bone loss as a result of host immunological reactions caused by periopathogens. The aim of the study was to investigate if there is a correlation between clinical parameters and the presence of two most aggressive periopathogens (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans - Aa and Porphyromonas gingivalis - Pg) in patients with progressive periodontal lesions. Methods. A total of 34 systemic healthy people, 23 to 70 years old, were included in the study. The patients were clinically and radiologically examined, and after that, the representative pocket with greatest pocket depth was chosen and the sample was collected from that place. The measured clinic parameters were: gingival index, index of gingival bleeding, pocket depth and plaque indices. The multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method was used for detection of periopathogens. After obtaining results, appropriate statistical tests were used to correlate the clinical and microbiological results. Results. Aa and Pg were detected in the same percentage of samples. Aa and Pg were detected in 35.29% samples alone, and in 29.41% both were detected. The values of measured clinical parameters did not show a statistical significance between the groups. In analysis of correlations among clinical parameters inside the groups, a statistical significance was found only between gingival and plaque index in the group with Aa. Conclusion. Clinical course of periodontitis in the developed stage does not differ in relation to the presence of different periopathogens as the major inductors of immunologically guided destructive processes.Uvod/Cilj. Parodontopatija je hronično inflamatorno oboljenje parodontalnih tkiva koje za krajnji ishod ima gubitak potpornog koÅ”tanog tkiva zuba usled imunoloÅ”kih reakcija izazvanih parodontopatogenim bakterijama. Cilj studije bio je korelisanje kliničkih parametara i prisustva dve najagresivnije parodontopatogene bakterije (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans - A.a. i Porphyromonas gingivalis - P.g.) kod bolesnika sa progresivnim parodontalnim lezijama. Metode. U studiju su bila uključena 34 sistemski zdrava ispitanika, starost 23-70 godina. Ispitanici su klinički i radioloÅ”ki pregledani i uzorak je uziman iz reprezentativnog parodontalnog džepa sa najvećom dubinom sondiranja. Od kliničkih parametara mereni su gingivalni indeks, indeks krvarenja gingive, dubina parodontalnog džepa i indeks plaka. Prisustvo parodontopatogena dokazivano je multipleks metodom PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), a rezultati su korelisani sa kliničkim parametrima primenom odgovarajućih statističkih testova. Rezultati. Ista procentualna zastupljenost oba mikroorganizma dokazana je u uzorcima, naime i A.a. i P.g. bili su prisutni u po 35,39% uzoraka, a u 29,41% dokazana su oba mikroorganizma. Rezultati su korelisani po grupama formiranim u odnosu na prisustvo bakterija. Vrednosti merenih kliničkih parametara nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale u zavisnosti od prisustva parodontopatogena. Međusobne korelacije kliničkih parametara unutar grupe nisu pokazale statističku značajnost, osim korelacije gingivalnog i plak indeksa u grupi sa A.a. Zaključak. Klinički tok uznapredovale faze parodontopatije ne razlikuje se u odnosu na vrstu parodontalnih bakterija kao induktora imunoloÅ”ki posredovanih destruktivnih procesa

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Primena regenerativnih zahvata u terapiji obolelih od paradontopatija

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a combination of new surgical procedures as a part of regenerative therapy of intrabony defects in humans and compare it to an open flap debridement technique (OFD). The results of this study indicate that the combination technique including bovine porous bone mineral, guided tissue regeneration and growth factor provide better clinical resolution of intrabony defects than treatment with OFD. Results achieved using this experimental technique are also clinically significant since they resulted in pocket reduction and clinical attachment improvement of severe lesions to maintainable levels by supportive periodontal therapy.Cilj savremenih principa terapije obolelog parodoncijuma je regeneracija pripojnog aparata i kompletna rekontrukcija parodontalnih tkiva. To se pre svega odnosi na formiranje novog cementa, nove alveolarne kosti i funkcionalnog periodoncijuma na delu korena zuba koji je bio izložen patogenim efektima dentalnog plaka. Sve ove procedure pokazale su izvanredne kliničke rezultate u terapiji različitih oblika koÅ”tanih defekata parodoncijuma. To bi značilo da se u skoroj budućnosti mogu očekivati takvi materijali, koji će proces regeneracije tkiva parodoncijuma učiniti stvarnim i mogućim

    Protective Effect of Blepharospasm on the Anterior Segment of the Eye

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    The aim of the study was to determine the role of blepharospasm as a protective factor for the anterior segment of the eye by comparing the degree of blepharospasm and changes of the anterior segment structures. The study included sixty female patients older than forty years with the clinical diagnosis of blepharospasm. They were divided into two groups; the first group consisted of patients with stage I and II of blepharospasm with dominant dry eye symptoms, and the second group consisted of patients with stage III and IV of blepharospasm who required interventional therapy (all patients in this study were treated with botulinum toxin type A). Staining of ocular surface with vital dyes such as fluorescein was used to determine ocular surface defects. Fluorescein stains the corneal epithelial defects, which were statistically less pronounced in the interventional group. In conclusion, comparison of the results between the two groups of patients may implicate that advanced blepharospasm has a protective effect on ocular surface

    Protective Effect of Blepharospasm on the Anterior Segment of the Eye

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    Cilj rada bio je odrediti ulogu blefarospazma kao zaÅ”titnog čimbenika prednjeg segmenta oka usporedbom stupnja blefarospazma i promjenama prednjeg segmenta oka. Rad je uključivao 60 žena starijih od 40 godina s kliničkom slikom blefarospazma podijeljenih u dvije skupine. Prvu skupinu činile su bolesnice s I. i II. stupnjem blefarospazma kod kojih su dominirali simptomi suhog oka, a drugu skupinu činile su bolesnice III. i IV. stupnja blefarospazma kod kojih je bila potrebna interventna terapija (sve bolesnice su bile liječene botulin toksinom tipa A). Za bojanje okularne povrÅ”ine radi otkrivanja kornealnih epitelnih defekata rabio se fluorescein. Bojanje kornealnih epitelnih defekata fluoresceinom bilo je statistički značajno manje u intervencijskoj skupini. Usporedba rezultata između promatranih skupina ukazala je na to da izraženi blefarospazam ima zaÅ”titnu ulogu na povrÅ”inu oka.The aim of the study was to determine the role of blepharospasm as a protective factor for the anterior segment of the eye by comparing the degree of blepharospasm and changes of the anterior segment structures. The study included sixty female patients older than forty years with the clinical diagnosis of blepharospasm. They were divided into two groups; the first group consisted of patients with stage I and II of blepharospasm with dominant dry eye symptoms, and the second group consisted of patients with stage III and IV of blepharospasm who required interventional therapy (all patients in this study were treated with botulinum toxin type A). Staining of ocular surface with vital dyes such as fluorescein was used to determine ocular surface defects. Fluorescein stains the corneal epithelial defects, which were statistically less pronounced in the interventional group. In conclusion, comparison of the results between the two groups of patients may implicate that advanced blepharospasm has a protective effect on ocular surface

    Association between clinical parameters and the presence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Porphyromonas gingivalis in patients with progressive periodontal lesions

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    Background/Aim. Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of periodontal tissues with consequential is bone loss as a result of host immunological reactions caused by periopathogens. The aim of the study was to investigate if there is a correlation between clinical parameters and the presence of two most aggressive periopathogens (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans - Aa and Porphyromonas gingivalis - Pg) in patients with progressive periodontal lesions. Methods. A total of 34 systemic healthy people, 23 to 70 years old, were included in the study. The patients were clinically and radiologically examined, and after that, the representative pocket with greatest pocket depth was chosen and the sample was collected from that place. The measured clinic parameters were: gingival index, index of gingival bleeding, pocket depth and plaque indices. The multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method was used for detection of periopathogens. After obtaining results, appropriate statistical tests were used to correlate the clinical and microbiological results. Results. Aa and Pg were detected in the same percentage of samples. Aa and Pg were detected in 35.29% samples alone, and in 29.41% both were detected. The values of measured clinical parameters did not show a statistical significance between the groups. In analysis of correlations among clinical parameters inside the groups, a statistical significance was found only between gingival and plaque index in the group with Aa. Conclusion. Clinical course of periodontitis in the developed stage does not differ in relation to the presence of different periopathogens as the major inductors of immunologically guided destructive processes.Uvod/Cilj. Parodontopatija je hronično inflamatorno oboljenje parodontalnih tkiva koje za krajnji ishod ima gubitak potpornog koÅ”tanog tkiva zuba usled imunoloÅ”kih reakcija izazvanih parodontopatogenim bakterijama. Cilj studije bio je korelisanje kliničkih parametara i prisustva dve najagresivnije parodontopatogene bakterije (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans - A.a. i Porphyromonas gingivalis - P.g.) kod bolesnika sa progresivnim parodontalnim lezijama. Metode. U studiju su bila uključena 34 sistemski zdrava ispitanika, starost 23-70 godina. Ispitanici su klinički i radioloÅ”ki pregledani i uzorak je uziman iz reprezentativnog parodontalnog džepa sa najvećom dubinom sondiranja. Od kliničkih parametara mereni su gingivalni indeks, indeks krvarenja gingive, dubina parodontalnog džepa i indeks plaka. Prisustvo parodontopatogena dokazivano je multipleks metodom PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), a rezultati su korelisani sa kliničkim parametrima primenom odgovarajućih statističkih testova. Rezultati. Ista procentualna zastupljenost oba mikroorganizma dokazana je u uzorcima, naime i A.a. i P.g. bili su prisutni u po 35,39% uzoraka, a u 29,41% dokazana su oba mikroorganizma. Rezultati su korelisani po grupama formiranim u odnosu na prisustvo bakterija. Vrednosti merenih kliničkih parametara nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale u zavisnosti od prisustva parodontopatogena. Međusobne korelacije kliničkih parametara unutar grupe nisu pokazale statističku značajnost, osim korelacije gingivalnog i plak indeksa u grupi sa A.a. Zaključak. Klinički tok uznapredovale faze parodontopatije ne razlikuje se u odnosu na vrstu parodontalnih bakterija kao induktora imunoloÅ”ki posredovanih destruktivnih procesa