279 research outputs found


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    In this paper, innovations in the field of distributed control systems have been considered. Without any claim for completeness, a short summary on current trends in this area has been provided. A special attention is paid to application of blockchain technologies in distributed control systems, game theoretical approach for distributed control applications, and advantages of distributed control for power systems. Also, one of the main issues of modern distributed control systems ā€“ cybersecurity has been considered

    A new cold war or continuation of the old one

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    After the end of World War II a new era started in international relations. With the defeat of Nazism, fascism and Japanese militarism a decisive role in the creation of this new era played he members of the winning coalition - the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. However, the character of international political relations of the second half of the 20th century was essentially determined by the nature of the relationship between the two super-powers: the USA and the USSR. The deterioration of relations between these two forces started after the Soviet government had taken certain steps in Poland, Iran, Greece and Turkey. These moves were interpreted by the Americans as an attempt to extend the hitherto mutually recognized sphere of influence of the Soviet Union. Russia today believes that the red line has been crossed in Syria, although some dissatisfaction was also shown by Russia on account of the events taking place in Iraq and Libya. Due to conflicting conceptions of foreign policy of the USA and the USSR (the former USSR) and contemporary Russia and the measures taken in order to materialize these policies, strictly in accordance with their own interests, there has been a permanent tension on the international political scene. One gets the impression that the current events represent a sort of closing of the circle and return to the starting positions characteristic of the period before the Second World War

    The state of security of todayā€™s world after 70 years of the United Nations

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    At a time when the United Nations mark 70 years of its existence, when the leaders of the 193 member states of this world organization adopted, with a lot of faith, a transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the world is faced with many difficult challenges to security. Effective indicators of contemporary international security, as well as the challenges, risks and threats that reflect it, show that the security of the modern world has been jeopardized, directly or indirectly, in the highest possible degree, since the end of the Second World War. That is why there is increasing importance of the United Nations, which, with all its drawbacks over the past seventy years, have represented the best model of multilateral cooperation in the field of security and without whose existence the world would have much larger international problems. The efforts this organization makes with the aim to protect and establish peace in the world must be respected, and the contents of the UN General Assembly resolution 59/565 A of 2004, devoted to threats to the international security, should be seen in that light as well

    Prevalencija gastrointestinalnih helminata kod teladi u zapadnoj Srbiji

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    This study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in calves in western Serbia. Throughout 2011 faecal samples were collected from 600 calves aged up to 180 days, samples were examined with the flotation method and a modified McMaster technique. The parasitizing helminth species were identified and the level of infection compared between different age groups. As many as 64.17% animals were found to be infected. The following parasite species were diagnosed: Moniezia spp. (3.17%), Toxocara vitulorum (35.00%), Strongyloides papillosus (34.50%), gastrointestinal strongyles (4.50%) and Trichuris discolor (2.17%). The majority of calves were infected with two, fewer with three or one helminth species, and the smollest number of calves harboured four parasite species. The prevalence of established helminth infections varied depending on the calves' age.Studija je sprovedena sa ciljem da se utvrdi prevalencija gastrointestinalnih helminata kod teladi u zapadnom delu Srbije. Tokom 2011. godine prikupljeni su uzorci fecesa ukupno 600 teladi starosti do 180 dana. Uzorci su pregledani metodom flotacije i modifikovanom metodom po McMasteru. Determinisane su vrste helminata i određena je prevalencija infekcije kod teladi različite starosti. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazali su da je infekcija helmintima bila prisutna kod 64,17% pregledanih životinja. Ustanovljene su sledeće vrste helminata: Moniezia spp. (3,17%), Toxocara vitulorum (35,00%), Strongyloides papillosus (34,50%), želudačnocrevne strongilide (4,50%) i Trichuris discolor (2,17%). Većina teladi istovremeno je bila inficirana dvema vrstama, zatim sa tri i jednom vrstom helminta, dok je kod samo nekoliko životinja bilo ustanovljeno prisustvo četiri vrste ili grupe helminata. Prevalencija infekcija helmintima razlikovala se kod teladi različite starosti

    The Impact of Double Layer Membrane Technique on Bone Regeneration in Postextraction Alveoli-A Pathohistological Experimental Study in Dogs

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    Post extraction alveolar ridge preservation is a preventive oral surgical procedure aimed to preserve the dimensions of the alveolar ridge after removal of the teeth. According to literature data, the utilization of guided bone regeneration for this purpose is absolutely justified. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of resorbable collagen membranes placed in two layers in respect to the application of membranes placed in one layer to the degree of bone regeneration after a tooth extraction. This experimental study was conducted on six adult dogs. In the first phase all four premolars were extracted on both sides in the lower jaw. After the volume-standardisation with bone drill, three post extraction alveoli were filled with bone substitute of equine origin and then covered with: Collagen bioresor bable membrane of porcine origin; collagen bioresorbable membrane of equine origin; pericardial bioresorbable membrane of equine origin. The membranes on the left side were placed in single-layer and on the right side in double-layer manner. After different monitoring periods, histopathological analysis of the samples taken from the experimental regions was performed. A different degree of bone regeneration was achieved between experimental regions in which membranes were placed in one layer and those where membranes were placed in two layers. There was no difference between regions where membranes of different origin were placed in the same manner. The procedure of covering the post extraction alveoli, filled with bone substitute and with resorbable membranes placed in two layers resulted in a higher degree of bone regeneration compared to those where resorbable membranes were placed in one layer

    Promena finansijskog položaja države kao bezbednosni problem

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    The second half of the 20th century will be remembered as the period of the biggest liberalisation in history in the area of international economic relationships. Many factors served that fact. First of all, attempts to eliminate circumstances which were the root cause of previous world wars. Along with liberalisation of the trade processes, there was a process of growth of public debt which significantly restricted public institution activities. Due to lack of funds in the budget, countries were forced to mortgage and pay a significant amount of money for the rates of interest. Developing countries are especially in a very difficult position because they are under constant pressure and are forced to accept unfavorable arrangements in order to make their system work at all. The circumstances which were mentioned are the hardest for the citizens, primarily due to the lack of funds for the financing of the public sector. Because of the various restrictions, the health system, education and public administration, have a constant deficit and are not able to follow the needs of the local population. Dysfunction of national institutions represents a security problem par excellence.Druga polovina XX veka u međunarodnim odnosima ostaće zabeležena u istoriji kao period najveće liberalizacije u sferi međunarodnih ekonomskih odnosa. Mnogi faktori su pogodovali ovoj činjenici. Pre svega, pokuÅ”aj da se otklone okolnosti koje su u korenu uzroka prethodnih velikih svetskih ratova. Sa liberalizacijom trgovinskih procesa paralelno se odvijao i proces rasta javnog duga koji značajno ograničava aktivnosti državnih institucija. Zbog nedostatka sredstava u budžetu, države su primorane da se zadužuju i plaćaju značajna sredstva na ime kamata. Posebno su u teÅ”kom položaju zemlje u razvoju koje trpe razna uslovljavanja i primorane su da prihvataju nepovoljne aranžmane kako bi njihov sistem uopÅ”te funkcionisao. Posledice opisane situacije trpe građani, pre svega, zbog nedostatka sredstava za finansiranje rada javnog sektora. Zdravstveni sistem, obrazovanje i državna uprava zbog raznih restrikcija imaju hronični deficit i nisu u stanju da isprate potrebe lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva. Disfunkcionalnost nacionalnih institucija predstavlja bezbednosni problem par excellence

    Proizvodnja opijuma i rat protiv terorizma - 'nekom rat, nekom brat'

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    Sudden increase in production of opium in Afghanistan which occurred after the arrival of coalition forces fighting against terrorism and maintaining the production on a very high level until today does not allow Washington to claim that its war against terror has been successful. If it is true that substantial financial support is one of the pillars of terrorist organizations and that the money from drugs, according to the estimates of Bin Laden's pursuers in Afghanistan, is a significant financial resource for his terrorist activities, the fact that this kind of trade is still flourishing necessarily leads to the conclusion that countries which take part in the mission led by the US are not capable of stopping it, or that it is against the interests of some people whose influence on the mission is very strong.Nagli skok proizvodnje opijuma u Avganistanu koji je nastupio s dolaskom koalicionih snaga u misiji rata protiv terorizma, i održavanje te proizvodnje na izuzetno visokom nivou sve do danaŔnjih dana, ne daje za pravo VaŔingtonu da svoje ratovanje protiv terorizma proglasi uspeŔnim. Ako je tačno, Ŕto uglavnom niko ne spori, da je solidna finansijska podrŔka jedan od stubova vitalnosti terorističkih organizacija, te da je novac od ilegalne trgovine narkoticima, po procenama samih Bin Ladenovih progonilaca na avganistanskom ratiŔtu, značajan izvor finansiranja njegovih terorističkih poduhvata, činjenica da ta trgovina i dalje cveta neizostavno navodi na razmiŔljanje: ili 'misionari' sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama na čelu nisu u stanju da je obuzdaju, ili nekima koji imaju snažan uticaj na delovanje misije to nije u interesu

    Nodes and Networks: The Generative Role of Cultural Heritage for Urban Revival in Kikinda

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    Using heritage as a cultural artifact in city development is not new, but little has been explored about how urban heritage can be utilized as new generative value and a new planning instrument for the revival of cities. The purpose of this paper is to show the creative and the generative use of urban heritage, both for the extension of cultural and tourist offer of the city and for the improvement of the quality of life in physical, social and economic terms for the community. The case study method was used for the adaptive reuse of projects for heritage buildings and urban revival in Kikinda. We argue that urban heritage has to be used, bearing in mind its spatial, economic and social sustainability aspects, and become a generator of urban revival. We go beyond recognition of the value of heritage as a cultural artifact that should solely be preserved and used as a static element in urban development, and view it more as a dynamic asset for city revival processes. We found that for the heritage nodes to be utilized as the new generative value for the revival of cities, they have to be perceived from the network perspective, thus influencing the urban environment in a sustainable way

    Determining the theoretical reliability function of thermal power system using simple and complex weibull distribution

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    The main subject of this paper is the representation of the probabilistic technique for thermal power system reliability assessment. Exploitation research of the reliability of the fossil fuel power plant system has defined the function, or the probabilistic law, according to which the random variable behaves (occurrence of complete unplanned standstill). Based on these data, and by applying the reliability theory to this particular system, using simple and complex Weibull distribution, a hypothesis has been confirmed that the distribution of the observed random variable fully describes the behaviour of such a system in terms of reliability. Establishing a comprehensive insight in the field of probabilistic power system reliability assessment technique could serve as an input for further research and development in the area of power system planning and operation

    Determining the theoretical reliability function of thermal power system using simple and complex weibull distribution

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    The main subject of this paper is the representation of the probabilistic technique for thermal power system reliability assessment. Exploitation research of the reliability of the fossil fuel power plant system has defined the function, or the probabilistic law, according to which the random variable behaves (occurrence of complete unplanned standstill). Based on these data, and by applying the reliability theory to this particular system, using simple and complex Weibull distribution, a hypothesis has been confirmed that the distribution of the observed random variable fully describes the behaviour of such a system in terms of reliability. Establishing a comprehensive insight in the field of probabilistic power system reliability assessment technique could serve as an input for further research and development in the area of power system planning and operation
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