89 research outputs found

    Freshwater Wetlands : Their Relevance to the Critical Areas Program of the State Planning Office

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    Freshwater Wetlands : Their Relevance to the Critical Areas Program of the State Planning Office by Timothy Zorach : A Report Prepared for the Maine Critical Areas Program, State Planning Office, 184 State Street, Augusta, Maine 04333. November 1979 Planning Report # 70. Contents: Introduction / Wetland Classification / Ecology of Freshwater Wetland Ecosystems in Maine / Life History of Wetlands / Wetland Management / Freshwater Wetland Evaluation / References Cited and Selected Literature Part II: A Trial Inventory and Identification of Significant Freshwater Wetlands in the Presumpscot River Basin, Saco River Basin and Associated Coastal Drainage Basins.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/me_collection/1054/thumbnail.jp

    Dahlov Ipcar Correspondence

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    Entries include letters typed and hand written on artistic stationery, a photographic image of Ipcar from a newspaper clipping, a page of comments (Perspective, 1970), a card with an image by her father William Zorach, letters on Alfred A. Knopf publisher stationery, and a biography by Borzoi Books for Young Peopl

    Hierarchical characterization of complex networks

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    While the majority of approaches to the characterization of complex networks has relied on measurements considering only the immediate neighborhood of each network node, valuable information about the network topological properties can be obtained by considering further neighborhoods. The current work discusses on how the concepts of hierarchical node degree and hierarchical clustering coefficient (introduced in cond-mat/0408076), complemented by new hierarchical measurements, can be used in order to obtain a powerful set of topological features of complex networks. The interpretation of such measurements is discussed, including an analytical study of the hierarchical node degree for random networks, and the potential of the suggested measurements for the characterization of complex networks is illustrated with respect to simulations of random, scale-free and regular network models as well as real data (airports, proteins and word associations). The enhanced characterization of the connectivity provided by the set of hierarchical measurements also allows the use of agglomerative clustering methods in order to obtain taxonomies of relationships between nodes in a network, a possibility which is also illustrated in the current article.Comment: 19 pages, 23 figure

    Sesso nel Rinascimento

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    Questo volume propone un discorso critico sulla sessualità e sulla cultura visiva dell’Italia rinascimentale. I saggi raccolti tentano di fare luce su una serie di zone d’ombra, dando spazio a tutte quelle pratiche o preferenze considerate in genere come alternative o anomalie, e a un’ampia varietà di scenari “scandalosi”. Particolare attenzione è stata riservata all’aspetto materiale della cultura sessuale, dalle modalità di rappresentazione erotica del corpo agli oggetti e agli strumenti associati all’attività sessuale. Ne emerge un quadro completamente nuovo della sessualità rinascimentale, che spazza via secoli di manipolazioni ed equivoci socio-culturali, svelando scenari finora trascurati o volutamente nascosti. Diciassette saggi provocatori, con incursioni nel campo dell’arte, della letteratura, della storia, e persino della filosofia, organizzati intorno a quattro assi fondamentali: la pratica, la performance, la perversione e la punizione. Questo volume rivela un panorama molto più complesso e una visione del sesso e della sessualità rinascimentali carica di nuove sfumature

    Punishment in the Frame: Rethinking the History and Sociology of Art

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    Images of punishment have featured prominently in Western art and this article explores what might be learnt from studying such pictures of suffering. It seeks to develop an approach to the visual that avoids both the essentialism of art history and the reductionism of sociology by offering a rethinking of the relationships between the two. It begins by setting out the current state of the sociology of art, before discussing ‘new’ art histories that are inspired by social analysis. It then concentrates on how images of punishment have featured in Western art. This substantive material provides a rich resource to understand the force of representation and offers an opportunity to develop an aesthetic sociology that avoids some of the problems identified in the article. The approach developed in the second part is one that seeks to elaborate an aesthetic sociology that combines a historical sensitivity to images with the analytical concerns of social science. It strives to extend the art historian Michael Baxandall’s writings toward more sociological interpretations of visual analysis

    Art is My Life

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    ix, 205 p. ; 26 cm