52 research outputs found

    Imaging outside the box: Resolution enhancement in X-ray coherent diffraction imaging by extrapolation of diffraction patterns

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    Coherent diffraction imaging is a high-resolution imaging technique whose potential can be greatly enhanced by applying the extrapolation method presented here. We demonstrate enhancement in resolution of a non-periodical object reconstructed from an experimental X-ray diffraction record which contains about 10% missing information, including the pixels in the center of the diffraction pattern. A diffraction pattern is extrapolated beyond the detector area and as a result, the object is reconstructed at an enhanced resolution and better agreement with experimental amplitudes is achieved. The optimal parameters for the iterative routine and the limits of the extrapolation procedure are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Anisotropic de Gennes narrowing in confined fluids

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    The collective diffusion of dense fluids in spatial confinement was studied by combining high-energy (21 keV) x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy and small-angle x-ray scattering from colloid-filled microfluidic channels. We found the structural relaxation in confinement to be slower compared to bulk. The collective dynamics is wave vector dependent, akin to de Gennes narrowing typically observed in bulk fluids. However, in stark contrast to bulk, the structure factor and de Gennes narrowing in confinement are anisotropic. These experimental observations are essential in order to develop a microscopic theoretical description of collective diffusion of dense fluids in confined geometries.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys Rev Let

    The Complex Systems and Biomedical Sciences group at the ESRF: current status and new opportunities after Extremely Brilliant Source upgrade

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    The Complex System and Biomedical Sciences (CBS) group at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble is dedicated to the study of a broad family of materials and systems, including soft and hard condensed matter, nanomaterials, and biological materials. The main experimental methods used for this purpose are X-ray diffraction, reflectivity, scattering, photon correlation spectroscopy, and time-resolved X-ray scattering/diffraction. After a recent and successful Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS) upgrade, the Grenoble synchrotron has become the first of the 4th generation high energy facilities, which offers unprecedented beam parameters for its user community, bringing new experimental opportunities for the exploration of the nanoscale structure, kinetics, and dynamics of a myriad of systems. In this contribution, we present the impact of the recent upgrade on the selected beamlines in the CBS group and a summary of recent scientific activities after the facility reopening

    Mechanical Competence and Bone Quality Develop During Skeletal Growth.

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    Bone fracture risk is influenced by bone quality, which encompasses bone's composition as well as its multiscale organization and architecture. Aging and disease deteriorate bone quality, leading to reduced mechanical properties and higher fracture incidence. Largely unexplored is how bone quality and mechanical competence progress during longitudinal bone growth. Human femoral cortical bone was acquired from fetal (n = 1), infantile (n = 3), and 2- to 14-year-old cases (n = 4) at the mid-diaphysis. Bone quality was assessed in terms of bone structure, osteocyte characteristics, mineralization, and collagen orientation. The mechanical properties were investigated by measuring tensile deformation at multiple length scales via synchrotron X-ray diffraction. We find dramatic differences in mechanical resistance with age. Specifically, cortical bone in 2- to 14-year-old cases exhibits a 160% greater stiffness and 83% higher strength than fetal/infantile cases. The higher mechanical resistance of the 2- to 14-year-old cases is associated with advantageous bone quality, specifically higher bone volume fraction, better micronscale organization (woven versus lamellar), and higher mean mineralization compared with fetal/infantile cases. Our study reveals that bone quality is superior after remodeling/modeling processes convert the primary woven bone structure to lamellar bone. In this cohort of female children, the microstructural differences at the femoral diaphysis were apparent between the 1- to 2-year-old cases. Indeed, the lamellar bone in 2- to 14-year-old cases had a superior structural organization (collagen and osteocyte characteristics) and composition for resisting deformation and fracture than fetal/infantile bone. Mechanistically, the changes in bone quality during longitudinal bone growth lead to higher fracture resistance because collagen fibrils are better aligned to resist tensile forces, while elevated mean mineralization reinforces the collagen scaffold. Thus, our results reveal inherent weaknesses of the fetal/infantile skeleton signifying its inferior bone quality. These results have implications for pediatric fracture risk, as bone produced at ossification centers during children's longitudinal bone growth could display similarly weak points. Β© 2019 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    Cryogenic x-ray diffraction microscopy utilizing high-pressure cryopreservation

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    We present cryo x-ray diffraction microscopy of high-pressure-cryofixed bacteria and report high-convergence imaging with multiple image reconstructions. Hydrated D. radiodurans cells were cryofixed at 200 MPa pressure into ???10-??m-thick water layers and their unstained, hydrated cellular environments were imaged by phasing diffraction patterns, reaching sub-30-nm resolutions with hard x-rays. Comparisons were made with conventional ambient-pressure-cryofixed samples, with respect to both coherent small-angle x-ray scattering and the image reconstruction. The results show a correlation between the level of background ice signal and phasing convergence, suggesting that phasing difficulties with frozen-hydrated specimens may be caused by high-background ice scattering.open0

    Pressure-induced non-monotonic crossover of steady relaxation dynamics in a metallic glass

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    Relaxation dynamics, as a key to understand glass formation and glassy properties, remains an elusive and challenging issue in condensed matter physics. In this work, in situ high-pressure synchrotron high-energy x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy has been developed to probe the atomic-scale relaxation dynamics of a cerium-based metallic glass during compression. Although the sample density continuously increases, the collective atomic motion initially slows down as generally expected and then counter-intuitively accelerates with further compression (density increase), showing an unusual non-monotonic pressure-induced steady relaxation dynamics crossover at ~3 GPa. Furthermore, by combining in situ high-pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction, the relaxation dynamics anomaly is evidenced to closely correlate with the dramatic changes in local atomic structures during compression, rather than monotonically scaling with either sample density or overall stress level. These findings could provide new insight into relaxation dynamics and their relationship with local atomic structures of glasses.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Three-dimensional coherent diffractive imaging on non-periodic specimens at the ESRF beamline ID10.

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    The progress of tomographic coherent diffractive imaging with hard X-rays at the ID10 beamline of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility is presented. The performance of the instrument is demonstrated by imaging a cluster of Fe2P magnetic nanorods at 59β€…nm 3D resolution by phasing a diffraction volume measured at 8β€…keV photon energy. The result obtained shows progress in three-dimensional imaging of non-crystalline samples in air with hard X-rays

    High pressure X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy at 4th generation synchrotron sources

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    A new experimental setup combining X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) in the hard x-ray regime and a high-pressure sample environment is developed to monitor the pressure dependence of the internal motion of complex systems down to the atomic scale in the multi-GPa range, from room temperature to 600K. The high flux of coherent high energy x-rays at 4th generation synchrotron source solves the problems caused by the absorption of the Diamond Anvil Cells used to generate the high pressure, enabling the measurement of the intermediate scattering function over 6 orders of magnitude in time, from 10βˆ’310^{-3} s to 10310^{3}s. The constraints posed by the high-pressure generation such as the preservation of the x-ray's coherence, as well as the sample, pressure and temperature stability are discussed, and the feasibility of high pressure XPCS is demonstrated through results obtained on metallic glasses
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