176 research outputs found

    Sulfited Tannin Capsules: Novel Stimuli-Responsive Delivery Systems

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    Microcapsules of sulfited Acacia mearnsii tannin (AmST-MCs) were generated for the first time via the sonochemical method. Their stability profile was assessed and set in the general context of tannin microcapsules (TMCs) generated under the same experimental conditions. The analytical data gathered in this work indicate an excellent stability of TMCs over time as well as under high temperature and pressure, which is a major milestone toward the meaningful applications of TMCs in industrial, pharmaceutical, and biomedical applications in which sterilization of TMCs might be a prerequisite. Active release is shown to be efficiently triggered by varying pH and/or salinity, with different profiles for TMCs from sulfited and nonsulfited species. Surfactants also affect the stability of TMCs significantly, with effects eventually amplifiable by pH and the inherent kosmotropic and chaotropic characteristics of salt components in solutions

    Préservation de la diversité génétique dans le genre Gossypium au Burkina Faso: collecte et évaluations préliminaires de cotonniers locaux

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    Le but de l’étude a été de réunir et d’évaluer la diversité génétique des cotonniers traditionnels afin de les valoriser et de les conserver. Dans 243 villages, 336 accessions ont été collectées. Pendant la campagne hivernale 2010-2011, une évaluation préliminaire a été faite à partir de 25 caractères qualitatifs et quantitatifs. Les résultats ont révélé la présence d’un grand nombre d’écotypes différents appartenant aux espèces diploïdes (Gossypium arboreum et G. herbaceum) et tétraploïdes (G. hirsutum et G. barbadense) de cotonniers cultivés. Au plan qualitatif, les caractères «forme des feuilles», «forme des capsules» et «couleur du duvet» ont été les plus discriminants, subdivisant les accessions en 3 groupes. Les variables quantitatives, ont montré une opposition nette entre celles liées à l’architecture et celles liées à la production. L’ACP a mis en exergue 6 groupes de diversité. Les groupes G1, G2 et G3 étaient homogènes. Les autres groupes, cosmopolites, et la forte dispersion d’accessions dans le plan confirment l’importante diversité génétique intra- et inter-écotypes. Cette richesse génétique sera conservée, surtout son évaluation approfondie est en cours. Les cotonniers locaux jadis négligés pourraient s’avérer utiles dans un contexte de changements climatiques et de rétrécissement continu de la base génétique des variétés cultivées.Mots clés : Burkina Faso, cotonniers traditionnels, Gossypium spp., prospection-collecte, diversité morphologique

    Activité anti-androgénique de Leptadenia hastata (Pers.) Decne : effet compétitif des extraits aqueux de la plante et du propionate de testostérone sur des rats impubères castrés

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    Anti-androgenic activity of Leptadenia hastata (Pers.) Decne: competitive effect of the aqueous extracts of the plant and the testosterone propionate on castrated immature rats. The anti-androgenic activity and the evaluation of competitiveness between the extracts of Leptadenia hastata and the testosterone propionate (TP) were studied on Wistar immature castrated rats. The first group received only 0.04; 0.4; 4; 40; 400 and 1,000 µg.kg-1 of TP and the second group received simultaneously these different doses of TP and 200 mg.kg-1 of L. hastata. The various treatments showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) of the weight of androgeno-dependent organs and the level of plasmatic testosterone. At low dosis of TP, the dosis of 200 mg.kg-1 of L. hastata inhibited TP effects, whereas at high doses of TP L. hastata extracts potentiated TP effects. In conclusion, the anti-androgenic effect of the extract of L. hastata is expressed when the TP amounts are weak

    Factors associated with antidiabetic medication non-adherence in patients with incident comorbid depression

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    Aim To identify factors associated with antidiabetic drug (AD) non-adherence among patients with type 2 diabetes and depression. Study Design and Settings We conducted a population-based retrospective cohort study among new AD users with a diagnosis of depression following AD initiation. We used public health insurance data from Quebec. The dependent variable was non-adherence (i.e., < 90% of days covered by ≥ 1 AD) in the year after a depression diagnosis. Different sociodemographic, clinical and medication-related variables were assessed as potential factors of non-adherence to AD treatment. We performed univariate and multivariate logistic regressions. Results We identified 3106 new users of ADs with a diagnosis of depression between 2000 and 2006. Of these individuals, 52% were considered non-adherent to their ADs. Baseline non-adherence, younger age, the addition of another AD to the initial treatment, < 4 drug claims, visits with several different physicians, high socioeconomic status, and a small number of diabetes complications were associated with AD non-adherence. Conclusions The factors identified in the present study may help clinicians recognize patients with type 2 diabetes and incident depression at increased risk for non-adherence. In these patients, close follow-up and targeted interventions could help improve adherence to AD treatment, improve glycemic control and reduce complications

    Circuit et expérience de la gestion pharmaceutique des produits locaux utilisés dans un essai clinique contrôlé par un placebo

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    La spiruline, une algue douée de propriétés thérapeutiques et immunostimulantes, est fréquemment utilisée par les personnes infectées par le VIH (PvVIH). Un essai clinique contrôlé par un placebo, a été menée chez les personnes infectées par le VIH de type 1 (PvVIH-1) avec la spiruline enrichi en zinc et en sélénium, et appelée «spiruline plus». L’objectif de l’étude était de définir un circuit d’approvisionnement et de gestion de la « spiruline plus » et du placebo. L’étude qui a eu l’approbation du Comité d’Ethique National des Sciences et de la Santé a duré 12 mois. Les patients inclus dans l’étude ont été randomisés dans six séries. Les quatre-vingt-dix-sept patients de l’étude étaient composés de 52,6% des sujets sous placebo contre 47,4% sous « la spiruline plus ». Les 63.7% des patients étaient sous traitement antirétroviraux contre 36.3% sans traitement. Neuf cent cinq traitements ont été dispensés aux quatre-cent-quatre-vingt-neuf patients sous placebo et quatre cent seize patients sous « spiruline plus ». Le circuit défini a permis la dispensation de la « spiruline plus » et du placebo aux patients de l’étude pendant 12 mois.Mots clés: Circuit, gestion, «spiruline plus», PvVIH-

    Effets oestrogéniques du macéré aqueux des feuilles de Holarrhena floribunda (G. Don) Dur & Schinz chez la rate ovariectomisée

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    Oestrogenic effects of macerated aqueous extracts of the leaves of Holarrhena fl oribunda (G. Don) Dur & Schinz on ovariectomized rat. Estrogenic effects of aqueous extracts of leaves of Holarrhena fl oribunda have been evaluated by uterotrophic assay. Ovariectomized mice were used and treated subcutaneously during seven days with 50, 100, 200 mg.kg-1 doses of Holarrhena fl oribunda and with 100, 200 mg.kg-1 doses of Holarrhena fl oribunda plus 25 mg.kg-1 of oestradiol 17-β. Estrogenic activity was analysed by uterine dry and wet weight, surrenal gland wet weight, vaginal opening, protein and cholesterol level in uteri horn. Administration of extracts to the doses of 100 and 200 mg.kg-1 exhibits increase of uterine dry and wet weight, surrenal gland wet weight, vaginal opening, protein levels and decrease of level of cholesterol in uterine horn. The results suggest that, aqueous extracts of Holarrhena fl oribunda possesses estrogenic type effect. But when 100 and 200 mg.kg-1 of Holarrhena fl oribunda were given alone with 25 mg.kg-1 of estradiol 17-β, the estrogenic effect was slight. These results supposed that H. fl oribunda is a weak phytoestrogen and the aqueous extracts of the leaves behad as partial agonisti

    First detection of bla TEM, SHV and CTX-M among Gram negative bacilli exhibiting extended spectrum β- lactamase phenotype isolated at University Hospital Center, Yalgado Ouedraogo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Resistance to a wide variety of common antimicrobials is observed among clinical strains designed as extended spectrum β-lactmase (ESBL)  producers. They produce enzymatic protein which inactivates efficiently oxyimino cephalosporin and constitutes a serious global health concern that has complicated treatment strategies. Many studies report high prevalence of ESBL producers among Gram negative bacilli. The aim of this work was to identify the presence of TEM, SHV and CTX-M families in thesestrains which were initially screened by phenotypic method. Gram negative bacilli resisting third or four generation cephalosporin were isolated during anti-biogram study. The presence of ESBL positivity was detected using the double disk synergy test. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of ceftriazon for any strain were determined using E-test manufacturing protocol. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for β-lactamase (bla) genes of TEM, SHV and CTX-M family was carried out using designed primers in 171 ESBL isolates producers. Among 259 Gram negative bacilli collected, 171 (66, 02%) exhibited ESBL producers’ profile. Urine samples constitute major source of ESBL producers. The highest prevalence of ESBL was observed in Escherichia coli (75, 50%). Among ESBL isolates producers, gene prevalence of bla-CTX-M (65, 49%) was highest, followed by bla-TEM (25, 73%) and bla-SHV (18, 71%) in the present study. The frequency of ESBL producing strains among clinical isolates has been steadily increased. Continual drug resistance surveillance and molecular characteristics of ESBL isolates are necessary to guide the appropriate and judicious antibiotic use.Key words: Extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL), double disk synergy test, blaTEM, blaSHV, blaCTX-M, PCR

    Étude de l’oestrus et de la fertilité après un traitement de maîtrise des cycles chez les femelles zébus

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    La recherche a visé à établir les taux de réponse et conception des animaux synchronisés au Crestar® associé à la PMSG. 39 femelles zébus (Bos indicus) Goudali et Azawak constitué de vaches et de génisses ont été utilisées dans l’étude. L’insémination artificielle a été faite de façon systématique 48 heures après l’arrêt du traitement. Le diagnostic de gestation a été déterminé 60 jours après insémination par palpation rectale. Le taux global de l’oestrus induit a été de 94,87%. La parité et la race de femelles n’ont eu aucun effet significatif sur la réponse de l’oestrus. Le délai d’apparition de l’oestrus a été de 30,11 ± 6,24 heures et 32,76 ± 4,75 heures après la fin du traitement respectivement pour les femelles zébus Goudali et Azawak. La durée moyenne de l’oestrus a été de 12,20 ± 1,30 heures (n = 5). Le taux global de fertilité a été de 41,03%. La parité et la race de femelles n’ont eu aucun effet significatif sur la fertilité.Mots clés: Insémination artificielle, Crestar, taux de gestation, synchronisation, Nige

    Microbiological and kinetic detection of gram negative bacilli producing extended-spectrum- β-lactamases (esbl) in emergencies and reanimation units of university hospital center, Yalgadoouedraogo, Burkina Faso

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    Background: Epidemiology of extended-Spectrum- β-lactamases has become worldwide, and our aim was to establish the prevalence of isolates producer in university hospital center Yalgado OUEDRAOGO particularly in reanimation and emergencies units.Material and methods: Prospective study was drive during July 2009 to march 2012 in order to collect strains resisting to third generation of cephalosporin during diagnosis analysis of biological specimens. Susceptibility of bacteria to antimicrobial agents was evaluated by disc diffusion method. Production of extended-spectrum β-lactamases has been investigated by double disc diffusion and kinetic methods.Results: 259 isolates which resisted at least to one of third generation of cephalosporins were collected. Among them 188 (72, 58 %) were positive to synergy test by a double disc diffusion method. The MICs of ceftriaxone determined by E-test were under than 50kg/ml, 100kg/ml et 256kg/ml for respect 81,57°/° ; 55,26°/° et 39,74°/° of isolates. Hydrolyze of β-lactam ring by bacterial extract followed at spectrophotometer showed speeds running at 0 to 0,090UAb.mn-1 for both isolates. Extract of 171 bacterial strains positives to synergy test had hydrolyzed at least one of oxy-iminocephalosporins and were identified as producing extended- spectrum β-lactamases. Spices reported by this study were 99 Escherichia coli (57,89%) ; 28 Klebsisella pneumonia (16,37%) ; 15 Enterobactersp (8,77%) ; 19 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (11,11%) ; 4 Citrobactersp (2,33%) 2 Acinetobactersp (1,16%), 3 Proteus mirabilis (1,75%) and 1 Salmonella typhi (0,05%).Conclusion: This study showed that bacterial resistances by extended- spectrum β-lactamases are a reality in University Hospital center YalgadoOuedraogo. It calls about antibiotics prescription and hospital hygiene in order to reduce emergence and propagation of new resisting bacterial.Keywords: microbial and kinetic analysis, Gram negative bacilli, extended-Spectrum- β-lactamase, emergencies, reanimatio
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