75 research outputs found

    Influence of soil moisture regime on the species diversity and biomass of the herb layer of pine forests in the Ural Mountains

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    Adaptation of plant communities is an important factor for maintaining their functioning and stability in changing conditions. The aim of our research is study of the effect of soil moisture regime on the species richness and biomass of the herb layer for old-growth coniferous forests in the Ural Mountains (Russia). The research has been carried out between 57° 00'N; 60° 15''E and 57° 05'N; 60° 25'E. The studied area is part of the Zauralsky hilly piedmont province, the Southern boreal forest region. Sample plots (0.25 hectares) were laid in pine forests growing in habitats with different moisture regimes: insufficient, optimal (stable), and excessive. The research was conducted in 2010. To determine the herb layer productivity, 10-20 subplots 1x1 m in size were laid on each sample plot. Data analysis is based on the One-way ANOVA and species abundance distributions. It has been established that species richness in extreme (insufficient and excessive soil moisture regime (Cowberry pine forest and Pine forest with shrubs and sphagnum) and optimal (stable) soil moisture regime (Multi-herb pine forest) were found to vary significantly, with soil moisture regime being a statistically significant factor. By contrast, herb layer biomass is maintained fairly stable regardless of the soil moisture regimes. ANOVA showed no significant differences between pine forests growing under different soil moisture regimes. It has been found that biomass is maintained by increasing of the dominant species contribution to the overall biomass and increasing of the approximation function graph slope. At the same time, the parameter β of exponential and power approximating functions is increased and can be considered as an indicator of influencing on forest ecosystems and a measure of their adaptation to insufficient and excessive soil moisture. Thus, species abundance distributions can be used as method to measure the effects of factors that determine forest ecosystem composition and functioning. © 2021 Nicolaus Copernicus University. All rights reserved.The work was performed within the framework of the state task of the A.N. Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (state registration no. AAAA-A18-118052590028-9) and as part of the state task of the Botanical garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number 31971488

    Triple molybdates one-, one - and three(two)valence metals

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    The authors thank Ph. D. M. K. Alibaeva, Ph. D. I. A. Gudkova and Ph. D. I. V. Korolkova for participation in the research.The review summarizes experimental data on the phase formation, structure and properties of new complex oxide compounds group - triple molybdates containing tetrahedral molybdate ion, two different singly charged cation, together with tri- or divalent cation. The several structural families of these compounds were distinguished and it shown that many of them are of interest as luminescent, laser, ion-conducting or nonlinear optical materials.The work is executed at partial support of the Russian Foundation for basic research (projects No. 08-03-00384, 13-03-01020 and 14-03-00298)

    Electrophoretic Mobility of Red Blood Cells and Micronucleus Test in Exfoliated Buccal Cells as Stress Intensity Markers

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the electrophoretic mobility of red blood cells (RBCs), cytomorphological and cytogenetical indices in exfoliated buccal epithelial cells of rats during the development of stress reaction. Experiments were carried out on 60 white non-pedigree pubescent rats weighing 180-220g. Both the single and the repeated adrenalin injections provoked a decrease in the level of the RBC electrophoretic mobility. With a single adrenalin injection, the changes in RBC electrophoretic mobility are not so abrupt, with the subsequent development of the adaptive response and reparation of cytogenetic damage. With repeated adrenalin injections, the changes in RBC electrophoretic mobility are abrupt, and the number of pathological epithelial cells increases


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    Specific personal features of 296 children and adolescents exposed to tuberculosis and those with unidentified exposure were comparatively analyzed. Children with unidentified exposure demonstrated psychic tension, poor self-control, poorly developed social communication skills which determined disruptive interpersonal relations and uneasy personal growth. Children exposed to tuberculosis in their families were characterized by judging didactive position towards their neighbors which was formed by dysfunctional patterns of relations in their parental families. Adolescent with unidentified exposure manifested the contrast combination of pre-morbid personal attitudes which had certain etiologic contribution to the development of borderline neurotic states. The higher level of destructive reactions in the interpersonal communication was observed in the adolescents exposed to tuberculosis in their families. Identified personal features are considered to be psychological factors determining the hyperactivation of adaptive systems at the pre-morbid state and consequent development of structural functional disorders in various systems of the host, as well as providing impact on the course of tuberculosis


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    The objective of the study: to compare psychological features of the patients referring for psychological care during treatment of tuberculosis and of those who did not need it.Subjects and methods. 78 new pulmonary tuberculosis patients (median age was 31.3 ± 10.6 years old) were included into the study; all of them were diagnosed with psychological disorders of various severity when admitted to Central Tuberculosis Research Institute for in-patient treatment. The main group included 33/78 (42.3%) patients who referred for psychological help during anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy. 45/78 (57.7%) patients didn't receive any psychological support during anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy (comparison group). There was no significant difference between the number of patients in those groups (χ2 = 1.846; p > 0.1). In both groups, women significantly prevailed over men. Women made 89.5% of cases in the main group (χ2 = 18.944; p < 0.001), and 83.3% of cases in the comparison group (χ2 = 18.68; p < 0.001). The psychological status was assessed by the admission and completion of chemotherapy in the hospital using the Symptom Check List (SCL–90–R). In addition to assessing the current psychological status, we studied the forms of destructive responses, interpersonal interaction styles, quality of life, level of subjective control in various life aspects, and also assessed subjective well-being of the individual.Results. It was found out that the specific psychological features of the patients from the main group were significantly different from the ones of the comparison group (higher level of depressive disorders, less pronounced symptoms of negative affective states, suspicion and negativity towards other people); the difference also included a higher level of internality towards failures and family relations, lower psychological resources needed for positive functioning, and communication and emotional characteristics of the individual. It was demonstrated that patients referred for psychological support not only due to actual problems in the mental sphere, but also due to its specific features, as well as the patient’s personal qualities.Цель исследования: сравнительное изучение психологических особенностей пациентов, обращавшихся за психологической помощью в процессе противотуберкулезной терапии и не нуждавшихся в ней.Материалы и методы. В исследовании приняли участие 78 впервые выявленных больных туберкулезом легких (средний возраст 31,3 ± 10,6 года), у которых при поступлении на стационарное лечение в ФГБНУ «ЦНИИТ» диагностированы нарушения психологического статуса различной степени выраженности. Основную группу исследования составили 33/78 (42,3%) пациента, которые на фоне противотуберкулезной химиотерапии обращались за психологической помощью. Без психологического сопровождения противотуберкулезной химиотерапии (группа сравнения) было 45/78 (57,7%) пациентов. Число пациентов в указанных группах достоверно не различалось (χ2 = 1,846; p > 0,1). В обеих группах достоверно преобладали женщины относительно мужчин: ОГ – 89,5% случаев (χ2 = 18,944; p < 0,001), ГС – 83,3% случаев (χ2 = 18,68; p < 0,001). Оценка психологического статуса проводилась при поступлении и по окончании противотуберкулезной химиотерапии в условиях стационара с использованием клинической шкалы самоотчета Symptom Check List (SCL–90–R). Кроме оценки актуального психологического статуса, изучали формы деструктивного реагирования, стили межличностного взаимодействия, качество жизни, уровень субъективного контроля в различных жизненных сферах, а также проводили оценку субъективного благополучия личности.Результаты. Установлено, что пациенты основной группы достоверно отличались от пациентов группы сравнения особенностями психологического статуса (более высоким уровнем депрессивных расстройств, менее выраженными симптомами негативных аффективных состояний, подозрительности и негативизма по отношению к другим людям), более высоким уровнем интернальности в области неудач и семейных отношениях, меньшим объемом психологических ресурсов, необходимых для позитивного функционирования, а также коммуникативными и эмоциональными характеристиками личности. Показано, что запрос на психологическое сопровождение со стороны пациента определяется не только наличием актуального неблагополучия в психической сфере, но и его спецификой, а также личностными качествами пациента


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    The objective of the study: to compare psychological features of the patients referring for psychological care during treatment of tuberculosis and of those who did not need it.Subjects and methods. 78 new pulmonary tuberculosis patients (median age was 31.3 ± 10.6 years old) were included into the study; all of them were diagnosed with psychological disorders of various severity when admitted to Central Tuberculosis Research Institute for in-patient treatment. The main group included 33/78 (42.3%) patients who referred for psychological help during anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy. 45/78 (57.7%) patients didn't receive any psychological support during anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy (comparison group). There was no significant difference between the number of patients in those groups (χ2 = 1.846; p > 0.1). In both groups, women significantly prevailed over men. Women made 89.5% of cases in the main group (χ2 = 18.944; p < 0.001), and 83.3% of cases in the comparison group (χ2 = 18.68; p < 0.001). The psychological status was assessed by the admission and completion of chemotherapy in the hospital using the Symptom Check List (SCL–90–R). In addition to assessing the current psychological status, we studied the forms of destructive responses, interpersonal interaction styles, quality of life, level of subjective control in various life aspects, and also assessed subjective well-being of the individual.Results. It was found out that the specific psychological features of the patients from the main group were significantly different from the ones of the comparison group (higher level of depressive disorders, less pronounced symptoms of negative affective states, suspicion and negativity towards other people); the difference also included a higher level of internality towards failures and family relations, lower psychological resources needed for positive functioning, and communication and emotional characteristics of the individual. It was demonstrated that patients referred for psychological support not only due to actual problems in the mental sphere, but also due to its specific features, as well as the patient’s personal qualities.Цель исследования: сравнительное изучение психологических особенностей пациентов, обращавшихся за психологической помощью в процессе противотуберкулезной терапии и не нуждавшихся в ней.Материалы и методы. В исследовании приняли участие 78 впервые выявленных больных туберкулезом легких (средний возраст 31,3 ± 10,6 года), у которых при поступлении на стационарное лечение в ФГБНУ «ЦНИИТ» диагностированы нарушения психологического статуса различной степени выраженности. Основную группу исследования составили 33/78 (42,3%) пациента, которые на фоне противотуберкулезной химиотерапии обращались за психологической помощью. Без психологического сопровождения противотуберкулезной химиотерапии (группа сравнения) было 45/78 (57,7%) пациентов. Число пациентов в указанных группах достоверно не различалось (χ2 = 1,846; p > 0,1). В обеих группах достоверно преобладали женщины относительно мужчин: ОГ – 89,5% случаев (χ2 = 18,944; p < 0,001), ГС – 83,3% случаев (χ2 = 18,68; p < 0,001). Оценка психологического статуса проводилась при поступлении и по окончании противотуберкулезной химиотерапии в условиях стационара с использованием клинической шкалы самоотчета Symptom Check List (SCL–90–R). Кроме оценки актуального психологического статуса, изучали формы деструктивного реагирования, стили межличностного взаимодействия, качество жизни, уровень субъективного контроля в различных жизненных сферах, а также проводили оценку субъективного благополучия личности.Результаты. Установлено, что пациенты основной группы достоверно отличались от пациентов группы сравнения особенностями психологического статуса (более высоким уровнем депрессивных расстройств, менее выраженными симптомами негативных аффективных состояний, подозрительности и негативизма по отношению к другим людям), более высоким уровнем интернальности в области неудач и семейных отношениях, меньшим объемом психологических ресурсов, необходимых для позитивного функционирования, а также коммуникативными и эмоциональными характеристиками личности. Показано, что запрос на психологическое сопровождение со стороны пациента определяется не только наличием актуального неблагополучия в психической сфере, но и его спецификой, а также личностными качествами пациента