394 research outputs found

    Multiple instance learning for sequence data with across bag dependencies

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    In Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) problem for sequence data, the instances inside the bags are sequences. In some real world applications such as bioinformatics, comparing a random couple of sequences makes no sense. In fact, each instance may have structural and/or functional relations with instances of other bags. Thus, the classification task should take into account this across bag relation. In this work, we present two novel MIL approaches for sequence data classification named ABClass and ABSim. ABClass extracts motifs from related instances and use them to encode sequences. A discriminative classifier is then applied to compute a partial classification result for each set of related sequences. ABSim uses a similarity measure to discriminate the related instances and to compute a scores matrix. For both approaches, an aggregation method is applied in order to generate the final classification result. We applied both approaches to solve the problem of bacterial Ionizing Radiation Resistance prediction. The experimental results of the presented approaches are satisfactory

    Reaping the Rewards of Co-Operation. Franco-British Intelligence Sharing during the Gas War, 1915-1918

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    Based on British and French archive material, this paper seeks to contribute to the limited “coalition warfare historiography” by exploring a neglected but revealing aspect of Franco-British chemical warfare between 1915-1918: Intelligence sharing. A contextual overview of the two allied intelligence services prior to and following the outbreak of war highlights their complementary strength and global reach. The tactical and strategic significance of French and British intelligence failures at the time of the first German poison gas attacks in April 1915 is examined and contrasted with subsequent allied experience. The discussion focuses upon the two most productive sources of allied intelligence information, mainly reports from secret agents and enemy prisoner of war interview digests. The volume, quality and detail of this material, and its importance to the Franco-British gas war effort are underlined. The article demonstrates how closely and effectively the two allies co-operated by exploiting their shared intelligence data to successfully anticipate German initiatives and to mitigate the searching battlefield challenge posed by an enemy whose technological superiority and resource advantages were evident especially during the earlier periods of the gas war on the Western Front

    Tunisian - European Integration Factors Evaluation

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    In this paper I propose an evaluation of the Tunisian-European integration process through the study of the Tunisian economic returns convergence with those of its European economic and financial partners. This work is founded on the influence of three fundamental variables on this convergence. I begin with a descriptive study of these variables, and then try to formulate an empirical measurement to evaluate Tunisian-European integration aspects. Results shows that the Tunisian integration fluctuation through the period is mainly due to the country governance problems and not to the economic or financial spheres. Keywords: Tunisian-European Integration, Convergence, Growth, Returns, Governance, Saving, Investment

    The Role of Engineering Insurance in Completing Projects by Using Bank Loans:An Applied Study in a Sample of Iraqi Insurance Companies and Banks

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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to know the reasons for the discontinuation of engi-neering insurance in Iraqi insurance companies, and how to reactivate engineering insurance in project management and the benefits that bank loans can achieve to Ira-qi insurance companies.   Theoretical framework: The theoretical aspect included the definition of engineer-ing insurance, its origins and types, the concept and characteristics of project man-agement and bank loans and their types, as well as a statement of the role of engi-neering insurance in project management and the advantages of using bank loans in activating engineering insurance.   Design/ Methodology/ Approach: The study relied on the analytical descriptive approach by using the questionnaire tool to measure the relationship between the research variables. Three government companies and a group of Iraqi banks were se-lected.   Findings: The study found the correlative and influencing relationship with the di-mensions of bank loans in activating the engineering insurance through the interpre-tation of the statistical results of the questionnaire data directed to workers in the Iraqi insurance companies.   Research, practical and social implications: Spreading awareness about the im-portance of engineering insurance in encouraging investment for productive and vi-tal projects, reducing the effects of risks associated with projects, and facilitating pro-cedures for obtaining bank loans.   Originality/ Value: The value of the study is to measure the relationship between the engineering insurance variable and the bank loan variable. This study has not been previously addressed by insurance companies and Iraqi banks

    Euro - Mediterranean Zone: Between Macroeconomic and Institutional Integration

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    This paper's purpose is to use a direct and homogeneous measure of regional financial integration for countries which composed the Euro-Mediterranean, economic and financial, principal partners. We tried to gather contributions of three measurements used generally to evaluate financial integration level in order to formalize a global appreciation of this regional phenomenon. Results show that financial yields spread contraction between countries through the period is not due to macroeconomic integration process acceleration but to Euro-Mediterranean institutional similarity. Keywords: Financial Integration; Interest Rate Parity; Investment; Saving; Central Bank Independence; Euro-Mediterranean Space

    Evaluation of genetic diversity among Tunisian grapevines by RAPD markers

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    Thirty-three native Tunisian grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.), previously analysed with biochemical tools, were surveyed with RAPD markers, Eleven primers amplified 54 clear and unambiguous markers. Five groups of varieties were clearly resolved by UPGMA cluster analysis. These results allowed the discrimination of groups of varieties that could not be discriminated by biochemical analyses. In addition, the dendrogram obtained could be shown being independent from both the phenotypic characters and the origin of the accessions.

    Momentum effect in stocks’ returns between the rational and the behavioural financial theories: Proposition of the progressive rationality

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    The puzzling momentum strategies’ payoffs are defying the rational financial theory asserting the stocks returns’ unpredictability. Moreover, the momentum effect persist the main stocks returns’ anomaly escaping any risk-based explanation. The resilience of this phenomenon had favoured the development of behavioural financial field, which breaks with the investor’ full rationality hypothesis. This paper attempts to reconcile between the rational and behavioural financial theories, through the introduction of the progressive rationality concept. Especially, we argue that recognizing the temporary inappropriate investors’ reactions; can resolve the puzzling momentum anomaly.  To fulfil our objective, first we correct the monthly returns inherent to 56 stocks listed on the Tunisian stocks market from January 1998 to December 2011, from the related serial autocorrelations involved by the investors’ over and under reactions. Then, we examine the 6/6 momentum strategy’ excess returns before and after the monthly returns serial autocorrelations’ corrections. The result show that the momentum strategy is still profitable but no longer puzzling, since the related excess return is henceforth fully captured by a ? and a size effect.

    The Impact of Ownership Structure on Bank Profitability and the Diversity of Products: new Evidence from Iraqi Banks

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    Purpose: The objective of this study was to identify the impact of the ownership structure on the profitability and the diversity of banking products in commercial banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange.   Theoretical framework: Investigating the factors affecting bank performance is an important debate these days. The literature refers to the importance of the ownership structure in deriving various types of performance in companies. However, there is still much to investigate and learn about the sensitivity of the performance of banks to various types of ownership structures.   Design/methodology/approach: Using a linear regression model, we analyzed the relationships between ownership structures and the company’s profitability, as well as product diversity for the period span from 2011 to 2020. We focused our investigation on commercial banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange.   Findings: The empirical findings show that the ownership structure has a mixed effect on Iraqi bank profitability measured by return on assets, return on equity, and Q-Tobin ratio. Nevertheless, the result confirm the significant influence of the ownership structure on the diversity of banking products.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The results indicate that Iraqi banks’ regulators and supervisors should give more attention to the sensitivity of banks’ performance and diversity of the products to the effect of ownership structure.   Originality/value: This study is among the first to investigate the relationships between ownership structure measured by the concentration of ownership, institutional ownership, and administrative ownership on the Iraqi commercial banks’ performance, whether financial or non-financial such as the bank's profitability and diversification of its products
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