47 research outputs found

    Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxity of Pd(II), Pt(II) and Pt(IV) complexes with R2edda-type esters

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    U ovom radu su opisane sinteze, karakterizacija i antiproliferativna aktivnost liganada u obliku hidrohloridnih soli, estara etilendiamin-N,N’-di-3-propanske kiseline (H2eddp), (S,S)-etilendiamin-N,N’-di-2-propanske kiseline ((S,S)-H2eddip) i (S,S)-etilendiamin-N,N’-di-2-(4-metil)-pentanske kiseline ((S,S)-H2eddl), kao i odgovarajućih kompleksa sa platinom(IV), platinom(II) i paladijumom(II). Sintetisano je osam novih estara, a to su izopropil i izobutil estri svih navedenih kiselina, a sa (S,S)-H2eddip dobijeni su i ciklopentil i cikloheksil estri. Ova jedinjenja su dobijena refluktovanjem suspenzije kiseline u odgovarajućem apsolutnom alkoholu kome je prethodno ukapan tionil-hlorid. Svi estri su dobijeni u obliku dihidrohlorida: [(S,S)-H2iPr2eddip]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2iBu2eddip]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2cPe2eddip]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2Cy2eddip]Cl2, [H2iPr2eddp]Cl2, [H2iBu2eddp]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2iPr2eddl]Cl2 i [(S,S)-H2iBu2eddl]Cl2. Estri su okarakterisani elementalnom analizom, infracrvenom i NMR spektroskopijom, a [(S,S)-H2iPr2eddip]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2cPe2eddip]Cl2 i [(S,S)-H2iBu2eddl]Cl2 urađena je i rendgenostrukturna analiza. U pokušaju sinteze ciklopentil estra (S,S)-etilendiamin-N,N'-di-2-(3-metil)-butanske kiseline (S,S)-H2eddv, dobijeni su neočekivani monokristali sastava [(S,S)-H4eddv]Br0,17Cl1,83.4C5H9OH. Kompleksi platine(IV) dobijeni su u reakciji natrijum- ili kalijum-heksahloroplatinata(IV) sa navedenim estrima. Sintetisano je pet novih kompleksa platine(IV): [PtCl4{(S,S)-iPr2eddip}], [PtCl4{(S,S)-iBu2eddip}], [PtCl4{(S,S)-cPe2eddip}], [PtCl4(iPr2eddp)] i [PtCl4(iBu2eddp)]. Ovi kompleksi su okarakterisani elementalnom analizom, infracrvenom i NMR spektroskopijom. Kristalna struktura određena je kompleksima [PtCl4{(S,S)-iPr2eddip}] i [PtCl4{(S,S)-cPe2eddip}]. Kompleksi platine(II) dobijeni su u reakciji kalijum-tetrahloroplatinata(II) sa estrima. Sintetisano je tri nova kompleksa platine(II): [PtCl2{(S,S)-iPr2eddip}], [PtCl2{(S,S)-iBu2eddip}] i [PtCl2{(S,S)-cPe2eddip}]. Ovi kompleksi su okarakterisani elementalnom analizom, infracrvenom i NMR spektroskopijom. Sedam novih kompleksa paladijuma(II): [PdCl2{(S,S)-iPr2eddip}], [PdCl{(S,S)-iPreddip}], [PdCl2{(S,S)-iBu2eddip}], [PdCl2{(S,S)-cPe2eddip}], [PdCl2{(S,S)-Cy2eddip}], [PdCl2{(S,S)-iPr2eddl}] i [PdCl2{(S,S)-iBu2eddl}] dobijeno je u reakciji kalijum-tetrahloropaladata(II) sa estrima. Ovi kompleksi su okarakterisani elementalnom analizom, infracrvenom i NMR spektroskopijom...This work describes synthesis, characterization and antiproliferative activity of ligands precursors, esters of ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-3-propanoic acid (H2eddp), (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2-propanoic acid ((S,S)-H2eddip) and (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N’-di-2-(4-methyl)-pentanoic acid ((S,S)-H2eddl), as well as their complexes with platinum(IV), platinum(II) and palladium(II). Eight novel esters are synthesized, isopropyl and isobutyl esters of the mentioned acids, and cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl esters of (S,S)-H2eddip. Thionyl-chloride was intoduced into a flask containing absolute alcohol. The corresponding acid is added forming a suspension which was reflucted. All of the esters were obtained as dihydrochlorides: [(S,S)-H2iPr2eddip]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2iBu2eddip]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2cPe2eddip]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2Cy2eddip]Cl2, [H2iPr2eddp]Cl2, [H2iBu2eddp]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2iPr2eddl]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2iBu2eddl]Cl2. Esters were characterized by elemental analysis, IR and NMR spectroscopy. Crystal structures of [(S,S)-H2iPr2eddip]Cl2, [(S,S)-H2cPe2eddip]Cl2 and [(S,S)-H2iBu2eddl]Cl2 are solved by X-ray analyses. While trying to synthesize the cyclopentyl ester of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(3-methyl)-butanoic acid (S,S)-H2eddv, unexpected crystals suitable for X-ray analysis were obtained and determined - [(S,S)-H4eddv]Br0.17Cl1.83.4C5H9OH. Complexes of platinum(IV) are synthesized in a reaction of potassium-hexachloroplatinate(IV) with esters. Five novel platinum(IV) complexes are obtained: [PtCl4{(S,S)-iPr2eddip}], [PtCl4{(S,S)-iBu2eddip}], [PtCl4{(S,S)-cPe2eddip}], [PtCl4(iPr2eddp)] and [PtCl4(iBu2eddip)]. These complexes are characterized by elemental analysis, IR and NMR spectroscopy..

    Electrochemical properties of some gold(III) complexes with (S,S)-R(2)edda-type ligands

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    Oxidation-reduction properties of eleven gold(III) complexes with (S,S)-R(2)edda-type ligands was studied by cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry in DMSO. Series I: [AuCl2{(S,S)-R(2)eddip}]PF6, (S,S)-eddip = (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-propanoate, R = n-butyl, n-pentyl, isobutyl, isoamyl, cyclopentyl, 1-5; II: [AuCl2{(S,S)-R(2)eddch}]PF6, (S,S)-eddch = (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(3-cyclohexyl)propanoate, R = methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, isobutyl, isoamyl, 6-11. Voltammograms in DMSO showed two successive irreversible reduction steps, where Au-I species were the final reduction product. Reduction potential values are in range from 116 to 156 mV (Ep(1)) and -520 to -572 mV (Ep(2)) for Series I and from 148 to 228 mV (Ep(1)) and -569 to -638 mV (Ep(2)) for Series II. In general, slightly easier reduction of complexes belonging to Series I (higher cytotoxicity) could be due to less steric hindrance around the gold center. Reduction potentials and anticancer activity are not in correlation

    (S,S)-N,N '-Bis(1-carboxy-2-methylpropyl)ethylenediammonium dihalide cyclopentanol tetrasolvate (halide = bromide/chloride similar or equal to 1:12)

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C(12)H(26)N(2)O(4)(2+)center dot-2(Br(0.085)Cl(0.915))(-)center dot 4C(5)H(9)OH, the complete cation is generated by crystallographic twofold symmetry. Contamination of the chloride counter-anion with bromide occured during the preparation, due to the use of 1,2-dibromoethane. One of the solvent molecules is disordered, with occupancies 0.53 (3): 0.47 (3). The crystal packing is stabilized by an infinite two dimensional center dot center dot center dot X center dot center dot center dot H-N-H center dot center dot center dot X center dot center dot center dot hydrogen-bonding network (X: Br(-)/Cl(-) similar or equal to 1:12). In addition, O-H center dot center dot center dot X and O-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds involving solvent molecules are observed

    Kompleksi paladijuma(II) sa ligandima R2edda tipa, deo III - diizobutil-(s,s)-2,2'-(1,2,-etandiildiimino)-di(4-metilpentanoat)-dihidrohlorid i njegov kompleks sa paladijumom(II) - sinteza i karakterizacija

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    A new R(2)edda-type ester, diisobutyl (SS)-2,2'-(1,2-ethane-diyldiimino)di(4-methylpentanoate) dihydrochloride, [(S,S)-H(2)iBu(2)eddl]Cl-2, 1, and its palladium(II) complex, dichloro(diisobutyl (SS)-2,2'-(1,2-ethanediyldiimino)di(4-methylpentanoate))palladium(II), [PdCl2{(S,S)-iBu(2)eddl}], 2, were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, as well as IR and NMR spectroscopy. It was found that complex 2 was obtained as mixture of two diastereoisomers, observed in NMR spectra. The crystal structure of compound I was determined by X-ray diffraction studies and is described. The isolated crystals consisted of one dicationic species [(SS)-H(2)iBu(2)eddl](2+) and two Cl-. The crystal system was tetragonal with the space group P4(2). Hydrogen bonds significant for the manner of packing are N-H1N center dot center dot center dot Cl, 3.049(3) angstrom, 159(3)degrees and N-H2N center dot center dot center dot Cl, 3.100(3) angstrom, 164(3)degrees. An infinite chain was formed building a one layer structure, usual for these types of compounds. The C-2 symmetry axis of the compound passes through the Cl-Cl-i bond vector and lies perpendicular to the plane N2Cl2.Novi estar R2edda-tipa diizobutil-(S,S)-2,2'-(1,2-etandiildiimino)-di(4-metilpen-tanoat)-dihidrohlorid [(S,S)-H2iBu2eddl]Cl2,1, i njegov kompleks paladijuma(II), dihlorodiizobutil-(S,S)-2,2'-(1,2-etandiildiimino)-di(4-metilpentanoat)-paladijum(II) [PdCl2{(S,S)-iBu2eddl}], 2, sintetisani su i okarakterisani uz pomoć elementalne analize, IR i NMR spektroskopije. Nađeno je da je kompleks 2 dobijen kao smeša dva dijastereoizomera, što je primećeno u NMR spektrima. Kristalna struktura 1 je rešena i opisana. Izolovani kristali se sastoje iz jedne dikatjonske vrste [(S,S)-H2iBu2eddl]2+ i dva Cl-. Kristalni sistem je tetragonalan sa prostornim grupom P42. Značajne vodonične veze za način pakovanja su N-H1N•••Cl, 3,049(3) Å, 159(3)°i N-H2N...Cl, 3,100(3) Å, 164(3)°. Time se formira beskonačan lanac i jednoslojna struktura, koji su uobičajeni za ove tipove struktura. Osa simetrije C2 jedinjenja prolazi kroz C1-C1i vektor veze i leži normalno na N2Cl2 ravan. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 142010

    Electrochemical properties of some gold(III) complexes with (S,S)-R(2)edda-type ligands

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    Oxidation-reduction properties of eleven gold(III) complexes with (S,S)-R(2)edda-type ligands was studied by cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry in DMSO. Series I: [AuCl2{(S,S)-R(2)eddip}]PF6, (S,S)-eddip = (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-propanoate, R = n-butyl, n-pentyl, isobutyl, isoamyl, cyclopentyl, 1-5; II: [AuCl2{(S,S)-R(2)eddch}]PF6, (S,S)-eddch = (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(3-cyclohexyl)propanoate, R = methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, isobutyl, isoamyl, 6-11. Voltammograms in DMSO showed two successive irreversible reduction steps, where Au-I species were the final reduction product. Reduction potential values are in range from 116 to 156 mV (Ep(1)) and -520 to -572 mV (Ep(2)) for Series I and from 148 to 228 mV (Ep(1)) and -569 to -638 mV (Ep(2)) for Series II. In general, slightly easier reduction of complexes belonging to Series I (higher cytotoxicity) could be due to less steric hindrance around the gold center. Reduction potentials and anticancer activity are not in correlation

    Design and In Vitro Biological Evaluation of a Novel Organotin(IV) Complex with 1-(4-Carboxyphenyl)-3-ethyl-3-methylpyrrolidine-2,5-dione

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    A novel triphenyltin(IV) compound with 1-(4-carboxyphenyl)-3-ethyl-3-methylpyrrolidine-2,5-dione was synthesized and characterized by IR, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and elemental analysis. In vitro anticancer activity of ligand precursor and synthesized organotin(IV) compound was determined against tumor cell lines: human adenocarcinoma (HeLa), human myelogenous leukemia (K562), and human breast cancer (MDA-MB-453), using microculture tetrazolium test (MTT) assay. The results indicate that complex exhibited very high antiproliferative activity against all tested cell lines with IC50 values in the range of 0.22 to 0.53 mu M. The highest activity organotin(IV) compound expressed against the HeLa cells (IC50=0.22 +/- 0.04 mu M). The ligand precursor did not show anticancer activity (IC50>200 mu M). Furthermore, fluorescence microscopy analysis of HeLa cells reveal that organotin(IV) complex induced apoptosis as a mode of cell death, which is consistent with the increase of cells in the sub-G1 phase

    Procena antikancerogene aktivnosti novih organokalaj(IV) jedinjenja koja sadrže derivate 2-propanske kiseline

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    Two novel organotin(IV) compounds containing 2-propanoic acid derivatives were synthesized and characterized by standard spectroscopic methods. In vitro antiproliferative activity of these complexes was investigated versus four tumor cell lines: PC3 (prostate), HT-29 (colon), MCF-7 (breast) and HepG2 (hepatic) using MTT and CV assays. The results have shown that that synthesized complexes exhibit remarkable anticancer activity toward all tested cell lines with 54 to 113 fold higher activity than the reference compound cisplatin. The obtained promising results indicate the necessity for further in vitro/in vivo research with the aim to investigate the mechanism of action of these potencial antitumor agents.Dva nova organokalaj(IV) jedinjenja, koja sadrže derivate 2-propanske kiseline, sintetisana su i okarakterisana pomoću standardnih spektroskopskih metoda. In vitro antiproliferativna aktivnost ovih jedinjenja ispitana je prema četiri tumorske ćelijske linije: PC3 (prostata), HT-29 (debelo crevo), MCF-7 (dojka) i HepG2 (jetra) pomoću MTT and CV testova. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju da sintetisana jedinjenja ispoljavaju izvanrednu antikancerogenu aktivnost prema svim ispitanim ćelijskim linijama i njihova aktivnost je od 54 do 113 puta veća od aktivnosti referentne supstance, cisplatine. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost daljih in vitro/in vivo istraživanja sa ciljem ispitivanja mehanizma delovanja ovih potencijalnih antitumorskih agenasa

    Procena antikancerogene aktivnosti novih organokalaj(IV) jedinjenja koja sadrže derivate 2-propanske kiseline

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    Two novel organotin(IV) compounds containing 2-propanoic acid derivatives were synthesized and characterized by standard spectroscopic methods. In vitro antiproliferative activity of these complexes was investigated versus four tumor cell lines: PC3 (prostate), HT-29 (colon), MCF-7 (breast) and HepG2 (hepatic) using MTT and CV assays. The results have shown that that synthesized complexes exhibit remarkable anticancer activity toward all tested cell lines with 54 to 113 fold higher activity than the reference compound cisplatin. The obtained promising results indicate the necessity for further in vitro/in vivo research with the aim to investigate the mechanism of action of these potencial antitumor agents.Dva nova organokalaj(IV) jedinjenja, koja sadrže derivate 2-propanske kiseline, sintetisana su i okarakterisana pomoću standardnih spektroskopskih metoda. In vitro antiproliferativna aktivnost ovih jedinjenja ispitana je prema četiri tumorske ćelijske linije: PC3 (prostata), HT-29 (debelo crevo), MCF-7 (dojka) i HepG2 (jetra) pomoću MTT and CV testova. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju da sintetisana jedinjenja ispoljavaju izvanrednu antikancerogenu aktivnost prema svim ispitanim ćelijskim linijama i njihova aktivnost je od 54 do 113 puta veća od aktivnosti referentne supstance, cisplatine. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost daljih in vitro/in vivo istraživanja sa ciljem ispitivanja mehanizma delovanja ovih potencijalnih antitumorskih agenasa