234 research outputs found

    Les enzymes antioxydantes circulantes comme marqueurs d'effet chez les mineurs de charbon

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    L'inhalation chronique de poussières de charbon entraîne une migration des cellules inflammatoires dans l'espace alvéolaire. La phagocytose des particules inhalées est suivie par une activation des macrophages et des neutrophiles, appelée " explosion oxydante ". Les cellules inflammatoires libèrent alors des protéases, des médiateurs de l'inflammation et des Espèces Activées de l'Oxygène (EAO). Les EAO sont des molécules dérivées de l'oxygène, ayant une durée de vie courte mais une extrême réactivité. Elles s'attaquent aux membranes des cellules, aux protéines, à l'ADN et sont impliquées dans le développement de nombreuses pathologies telles que la cataracte et le cancer

    Facteurs influençant l'apparition précoce d'une pneumoconiose chez le mineur de charbon

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    National audienceL'incidence de la pneumonoconiose a diminue continuellement parmi les mineurs des houilleres pendant les 30 dernieres annees. Actuellement la plupart des cas sont diagnostiques chez les retraites en moyenne vers l'age de 56 ans. Dans ce contexte l'apparition precoce d'une pneumoconiose est un important probleme de sante au travail

    Gas emissions and active tectonics within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault zone in the Sea of Marmara

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    The submerged section of the North Anatolian fault within the Marmara Sea was investigated using acoustic techniques and submersible dives. Most gas emissions in the water column were found near the surface expression of known active faults. Gas emissions are unevenly distributed. The linear fault segment crossing the Central High and forming a seismic gap – as it has not ruptured since 1766, based on historical seismicity, exhibits relatively less gas emissions than the adjacent segments. In the eastern Sea of Marmara, active gas emissions are also found above a buried transtensional fault zone, which displayed micro-seismic activity after the 1999 events. Remarkably, this zone of gas emission extends westward all along the southern edge of Cinarcik basin, well beyond the zone where 1999 aftershocks were observed. The long term monitoring of gas seeps could hence be highly valuable for the understanding of the evolution of the fluid-fault coupling processes during the earthquake cycle within the Marmara Sea

    Adherence to anti-hypertensive treatment within a chronic disease management 
program: A longitudinal, retrospective study

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    Objective This study assessed pharmacological treatment adherence using the Morisky-Green Test and identified related variables. Method A longitudinal and retrospective study examined 283 patients with hypertension (62.5% women, 73.4 [10.9] years old) who were being monitored by a chronic disease management program for 17 months between 2011 and 2012. Nurses performed all the actions of the program, which consisted of advice via telephone and periodic home visits based on the risk stratification of the patients. Results A significant increase in treatment adherence (25.1% vs. 85.5%) and a decrease in blood pressure were observed (p<0.05). Patients with hypertension and chronic renal failure as well as those treated using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were the most adherent (p<0.05). Patients with hypertension who received angiotensin receptor blockers were less adherent (p<0.05). Conclusions Strategies such as nurse-performed chronic disease management can increase adherence to anti-hypertensive treatment and therefore contribute to the control of blood pressure, minimizing the morbidity profiles of patients with hypertension

    Gas seepage and seismogenic structures along the North Anatolian Fault in the eastern Sea of Marmara

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    We carried out a combined geophysical and gas-geochemical survey on an active fault strand along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) system in the Gulf of İzmit (eastern Sea of Marmara), providing for the first time in this area data on the distribution of methane (CH4) and other gases dissolved in the bottom seawater, as well as the CH4isotopic composition. Based on high-resolution morphobathymetric data and chirp-sonar seismic reflection profiles we selected three areas with different tectonic features associated to the NAF system, where we performed visual and instrumental seafloor inspections, including in situ measurements of dissolved CH4, and sampling of the bottom water. Starting from background values of 2–10 nM, methane concentration in the bottom seawater increases abruptly up to 20 nM over the main NAF trace. CH4 concentration peaks up to ∼120 nM were detected above mounds related probably to gas and fluids expulsion. Methane is microbial (δ13CCH4: −67.3 and −76‰ versus VPDB), and was found mainly associated with pre-Holocene deposits topped by a 10–20 m thick draping of marine mud. The correlation between tectonic structures and gas-seepages at the seafloor suggests that the NAF in the Gulf of İzmit could represent a key site for long-term combined monitoring of fluid exhalations and seismicity to assess their potential as earthquake precursors