89 research outputs found

    Multiphase tectonic interaction of Tyrrhenian - Tunisia Margin - Ionian systems: Implications for regional seismogenesis

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    European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May 2020The region at the transition from the west to the east Mediterranean is a complex puzzle of terrains spanning in age from the Mesozoic Ionian lithosphere to the Pleistocene arc and back arc domains of the Tyrrhenian system. Although the region has had a complicated evolutionary history, the current configuration of terrains fundamentally denotes Miocene to recent kinematics. In this contribution we present new data from Tunisia Margin showing the evolution from its formation in early Miocene to recent, the tectonic interaction with the opening of the Tyrrhenian system and its current inversion, and discuss the implications for the regional kinematics evolution. The Tyrrhenian is no longer extending, but all basin borders indicate currently active large-scale thrusting to strike slip tectonics. Tunisia margins formed by a well-know contractional tectonic phase in early Miocene expressed in large-scale tectonics with a clearly imaged thrust and fold belt, cut by Messinian to Pliocene extensional faulting. However, high resolution multibeam bathymetry and images of the shallowest layers indicates ongoing inversion tectonics. We compare the tectonic evolution of north Tunisia and Tyrrhenian with the patterns of deformation of the Ionian tectonic wedge observed in new and reprocessed seismic images. We interpret the current deformation of the Ionian tectonic wedge based on the integration of evolution of the kinematics from the data sets of observations from the three systems. We conclude that the entire region is currently under collision of the Africa Plate with the Adria Plate and the Neogene terrains of the Tyrrhenian Domain. The corollary is the subduction of the Ionian lithosphere is fundamentally stalled so that the megathrust fault is possibly not any longer accumulating significant shortening and most deformation is currently occurring in steeper faults re-activation or cutting the previous structural framewor

    Calibração biostratigráfica das unidades sísmicas da Bacia offshore do Algarve: contribuição do core SWIM04-39

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    Efectuou-se a calibração estratigráfica das unidades sísmicas mais recentes identificadas na Bacia offshore do Algarve recorrendo à análise biostratigráfica (Nanofósseis calcários e Foraminíferos) do core de pistão SWIM04-39. Obteve-se uma idade de cerca de 4.0 Ma (Pliocénico Inferior, Zancliano) para as associações fitoplanctónica e faunística presente nas amostras do referido core. Estes dados permitiram datar o início da intensa subsidência sofrida por esta Bacia como sendo Pliocénico Inferior

    Calabrian Arc Hazards in Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas: First results from the CHIANTI cruise

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    The main objective of the CHIANTI cruise was to collect geophysical marine data to determine the deep crustal structure and plate geometry across the subduction system of the Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas, from the frontal wedge to the arc and back-arc. The goal is to study the processes that operated during the subduction of the Ionian slab of oceanic crust under Calabria, which lead to the development of the Aeolian volcanic arc, and the subsequent opening of the Tyrrhenian basin, and are responsible of the geological hazards that threaten the region. The CHIANTI cruise onboard the Spanish R/V BO Sarmiento de Gamboa started in Barcelona (Spain) on July 12, and finished in Catania (Italy), on August 28, 2015. It consisted of four legs devoted to acquisition of data with different seismic/acoustic techniques in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas. Leg 1 and 2 were focused on the acquisition of deep penetrating Wide-Angle Reflection and Refraction Seismic (WAS) data, Leg 3 on Multichannel Seismic (MCS) Reflection data and finally Leg 4 was devoted to sidescan imaging, coring and single channel seismic acquisition. During the entire cruise, complementary acoustic data (i.e. multibeam bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler) were acquired simultaneously. In this presentation we focus on the seafloor mapping and processed multichannel seismic reflection grid collected on the IONIAN prism. The data show abundant evidence of ongoing widespread deformation across the entire region from the deformation front to the uppermost slope and extending into the Calabrian emerged region. The seafloor mapping shows numerous mud volcanoes associated to fault activity. The seismic images display deformational features active across the entire prims at different locations extending the definition of structures described in previous works of the region with fewer areal coverage. The data show a prism tectonic structure that is distinct from the structure of prism in other subduction systems worldwide

    Seismic and gravity constraints on the nature of the basement in the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary: New insights for the geodynamic evolution of the SW Iberian margin

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    We present a new classification of geological domains at the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary off SW Iberia, together with a regional geodynamic reconstruction spanning from the Mesozoic extension to the Neogene-to-present-day convergence. It is based on seismic velocity and density models along a new transect running from the Horseshoe to the Seine abyssal plains, which is combined with previously available geophysical models from the region. The basement velocity structure at the Seine Abyssal Plain indicates the presence of a highly heterogeneous, thin oceanic crust with local high-velocity anomalies possibly representing zones related to the presence of ultramafic rocks. The integration of this model with previous ones reveals the presence of three oceanic domains offshore SW Iberia: (1) the Seine Abyssal Plain domain, generated during the first stages of slow seafloor spreading in the NE Central Atlantic (Early Jurassic); (2) the Gulf of Cadiz domain, made of oceanic crust generated in the Alpine-Tethys spreading system between Iberia and Africa, which was coeval with the formation of the Seine Abyssal Plain domain and lasted up to the North Atlantic continental breakup (Late Jurassic); and (3) the Gorringe Bank domain, made of exhumed mantle rocks, which formed during the first stages of North Atlantic opening. Our models suggest that the Seine Abyssal Plain and Gulf of Cadiz domains are separated by the Lineament South strike-slip fault, whereas the Gulf of Cadiz and Gorringe Bank domains appear to be limited by a deep thrust fault located at the center of the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain

    The Tyrrhenian Basin: fault activity migration, focusing of deformation, break up, magmatism and fast mantle exhumation

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    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 (EGU2015), 12-17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria.-- 1 pageWe present a new interpretation of the creation of the geological domains and the processes forming the Tyrrhenian basin by rifting of Cratonic Variscan lithosphere. The basin is not presently extending, but its crustal structure preserves information of the temporal evolution of rifting processes. Our work is based on the tectonic structure and stratigraphy of over 3000 km of calibrated multichannel seismic data and full coverage multibeam bathymetry of the basin. From these data circa 2000 km are new and about 1000 are vintage data. The seismic data are used to understand the formation of the domains (continental, backarc magmatism, exhumed mantle) defined with our recently published, under review, or submitted 5 acrossthe-basin wide-angle reflection and refraction transects. The 5 transects provide the Vp distribution of the crustand upper mantle. This information has allowed defining the petrological nature and distribution of the geological domains, and to infer the importance of magmatism in the rifting process, to constrain the location of break up and the expanse of the region of mantle exhumation. The seismic reflection images have been interpreted to map in time and space the evolution of the deformation across the basin. We analyzed the tectonic structure and mapped the calibrated stratigraphy across the basin to understand the temporal evolution and styles of faulting processes. The stratigraphy provides also constraints on the rates at which the different processes of extension, magmatism, break up and mantle exhumation have occurred. The basin has opened with different extension factors from north to south. The northern region stopped opening after a relatively low extension factors. Towards the south extension increased up to full crustal separation. Here extension in some areas was coeval with abundant magmatism. Changing in the locus of faulting and rates of extension led to break up and to a surprisingly fast mantle exhumation. Subsequent fissural large-scale extrusive volcanism produced volcanic ridges and tall seamounts. The sequence of events, the rates at which the events occurred, and the resulting configuration of geological domains in the basin, are all in contrast with conventional models of rifting of continental lithosphere and melting of asthenospherePeer Reviewe

    A wide-angle seismic survey across the Southern Tyrrhenian basin and the Northwestern Ionian (CHIANTI experiment): data and preliminary results

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    In this work we present first results of two wide-angle seismic transects acquired in the Southern Tyrrhenian basin and Northwestern Ionian during the CHIANTI experiment (July 2015). The first transect runs NW to SE starting in the Vavilov basin, crossing the Marsili basin, the currently active volcanic arc of the Aeolian Islands and the Calabrian arc, ending in the accretionary prism of the NW Ionian. This transect is >500 km long and includes 46 OBS and 5 landstations. The second transect crosses the Vavilov basin from N to S at a longitude of 12.5ºE. This one is 180 km long and includes 15 OBS. The preliminary interpretation of the OBS data clearly shows that the crustal structure is very similar in the Marsili and Vavilov basins. They show no crust-mantle boundary reflections and high apparent velocities of up to 8 km/s a few kms below the top of the basement. These results are in good agreement with previous ones obtained in the central Tyrrhenian during the MEDOC-2010 experiment, in which a transition from extended continental crust to magmatically-affected back-arc crust to exhumed mantle that challenges current conceptual models of back-arc extension, has been interpreted. The combination of the results of these two experiments is providing a new view of the nature and configuration of the geological domains in the whole Tyrrhenian basin, giving first order constraints on the processes that have controlled its geodynamic evolution

    Magmatic and non-magmatic history of the Tyrrhenain backarc Basin: new constraints from geophysical and geological data

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    The Western Mediterranean region is represented by a system of backarc basins associated to slab rollback and retreat of subduction fronts. The onset of formation of these basins took place in the Oligocene with the opening of the Valencia Through, the Liguro-Provençal and the Algero-Balearic basins, and subsequently, by the formation of the Alboran and Tyrrhenian basins during the early Tortonian. The opening of these basins involved rifting that in some regions evolved until continental break up, that is the case of the Liguro-Provençal, Algero-Balearic, and Tyrrhenian basins. Previous geophysical works in the first two basins revealed a rifted continental crust that transitions to oceanic crust along a region where the basement nature is not clearly defined. In contrast, in the Tyrrhenian Basin, recent analysis of new geophysical and geological data shows a rifted continental crust that transitions along a magmatic-type crust to a region where the mantle is exhumed and locally intruded by basalts. This basement configuration is at odds with current knowledge of rift systems and implies rapid variations of strain and magma production

    Seismic Oceanography in the Tyrrhenian Sea – Thermohaline Staircases, Eddies and Internal Waves

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    We use seismic oceanography to document and analyze oceanic thermohaline finestructure across the Tyrrhenian Sea. Multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data were acquired during the MEDiterranean OCcidental survey in April-May 2010. We deployed along-track expendable bathythermograph probes simultaneous with MCS acquisition. At nearby locations we gathered conductivity-temperature-depth data. An autonomous glider survey added in-situ measurements of oceanic properties. The seismic reflectivity clearly delineates thermohaline finestructure in the upper 2,000 m of the water column, indicating the interfaces between Atlantic Water/Winter Intermediate Water, Levantine Intermediate Water, and Tyrrhenian Deep Water. We observe the Northern Tyrrhenian Anticyclone, a near-surface meso-scale eddy, plus laterally and vertically extensive thermohaline staircases. Using MCS we are able to fully image the anticyclone to a depth of 800 m and to confirm the horizontal continuity of the thermohaline staircases of more than 200 km. The staircases show the clearest step-like gradients in the center of the basin while they become more diffuse towards the periphery and bottom, where impedance gradients become too small to be detected by MCS. We quantify the internal wave field and find it to be weak in the region of the eddy and in the center of the staircases, while it is stronger near the coastlines. Our results indicate this is because of the influence of the boundary currents, which disrupt the formation of staircases by preventing diffusive convection. In the interior of the basin the staircases are clearer and the internal wave field weaker, suggesting that other mixing processes such as double-diffusion prevail. Synopsis We studied the internal temperature and salinity structure of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Mediterranean) using the multichannel seismic reflection method (the same used in the hydrocarbon industry). Low frequency sound (seismic) waves are produced at the surface with an explosive air source and recorded by a towed cable containing hydrophones (underwater microphones). The data are processed to reveal 'stratigraphy' that result from contrasts in density that are themselves caused by changes in temperature and salinity. In this way we can map ocean circulation in two-dimensions. We also deployed in situ oceanographic probes to measure temperature and salinity in order to corroborate and optimize the processing of the seismic data. We then quantified the internal gravity wave field by tracking the peaks of seismic trace wavelets. Our results show that the interior of the Tyrrhenian Sea is largely isolated from internal waves that are generated by a large cyclonic boundary current that contains waters from the Atlantic ocean and other parts of the Mediterranean. This isolation allows the thermohaline finestructure to form, where small scale vertical mixing processes are at play. Understanding these mixing processes will aid researchers study global ocean circulation and to add constraints that can help improve climate models

    Deep structure of the Tyrrhenian basin from 2-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography of wide angle seismic data

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    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria.-- 1 pageLocated between Italy, Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily the Tyrrhenian Sea is a Neogene back-arc basin formed by continental extension related to the southeastward rollback of the subducting Ionian oceanic plate. This basin is an ideal place to study the evolution of extension process. The basin structure displays different amount of extension along its length, from the low-extension episodes of continental rifting in the northern areas to break up and exhumation of the mantle in the deepest part of the basin. Here there also seems to be evidence of extension-associated volcanism. In order to study the nature of the crust and the 4D evolution of the Tyrrhenian basin, a survey to collect multichannel (MCS) and wide-angle seismic (WAS) data was carried out into the framework of the MEDOC project in 2010 with the coordination of 2 research vessels, the R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa and the R/V Urania. During the experiment a total of 17 MCS lines and 5 WAS lines were acquired, with 125 deployments of both Ocean Bottom Hydrophones and Seismometers (OBH/S) and simultaneous land recordings in Corsica, Sardinia and Italy. In this work we present modeling results along two WAS lines that cross the central and deepest area of the basin. The models, which are obtained by joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography, unveil the seismic structure of the crust and uppermost mantle and the geometry of the Moho boundary. The data selected for the inversion are arrival times of phases refracted through the crust and upper mantle (Pg and Pn phases), and those reflected at the Moho boundary (PmP phases). A statistical uncertainty analysis has been also performed to account for the inverted model parameters uncertainty (velocity values and Moho geometry). The seismic structure of both models reveals a significant lateral variation of the velocity gradient that has allowed defining various different crustal domains. In the western side of the profiles, the models show a progressive transition between a 23 km-thick continental crust, and a thinned, and apparently magmatically-intruded crust with a well-defined Moho boundary. Thinning is more pronounced in the central, deepest part of the basin, where the abrupt thinning coincides with the absence of PmP reflections and, in turn, with that of a well-developed Moho boundary. In this area, the velocity model indicates that the basement is mainly made of exhumed upper mantle rocks such as those described in the ODP Leg 107 in 1990. Finally, in the central part of the basin where the exhumed mantle domain is larger we find three low-velocity anomalies attributed to the extension-related magmatismPeer Reviewe