52 research outputs found

    Integrating Sensing, Communication, and Power Transfer: Multiuser Beamforming Design

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    In the sixth-generation (6G) networks, massive low-power devices are expected to sense environment and deliver tremendous data. To enhance the radio resource efficiency, the integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) technique exploits the sensing and communication functionalities of signals, while the simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) techniques utilizes the same signals as the carriers for both information and power delivery. The further combination of ISAC and SWIPT leads to the advanced technology namely integrated sensing, communication, and power transfer (ISCPT). In this paper, a multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) ISCPT system is considered, where a base station equipped with multiple antennas transmits messages to multiple information receivers (IRs), transfers power to multiple energy receivers (ERs), and senses a target simultaneously. The sensing target can be regarded as a point or an extended surface. When the locations of IRs and ERs are separated, the MIMO beamforming designs are optimized to improve the sensing performance while meeting the communication and power transfer requirements. The resultant non-convex optimization problems are solved based on a series of techniques including Schur complement transformation and rank reduction. Moreover, when the IRs and ERs are co-located, the power splitting factors are jointly optimized together with the beamformers to balance the performance of communication and power transfer. To better understand the performance of ISCPT, the target positioning problem is further investigated. Simulations are conducted to verify the effectiveness of our proposed designs, which also reveal a performance tradeoff among sensing, communication, and power transfer.Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE for possible publicatio

    Constructing and proving the ground state of a generalized Ising model by the cluster tree optimization algorithm

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    Generalized Ising models, also known as cluster expansions, are an important tool in many areas of condensed-matter physics and materials science, as they are often used in the study of lattice thermodynamics, solid-solid phase transitions, magnetic and thermal properties of solids, and fluid mechanics. However, the problem of finding the global ground state of generalized Ising model has remained unresolved, with only a limited number of results for simple systems known. We propose a method to efficiently find the periodic ground state of a generalized Ising model of arbitrary complexity by a new algorithm which we term cluster tree optimization. Importantly, we are able to show that even in the case of an aperiodic ground state, our algorithm produces a sequence of states with energy converging to the true ground state energy, with a provable bound on error. Compared to the current state-of-the-art polytope method, this algorithm eliminates the necessity of introducing an exponential number of variables to counter frustration, and thus significantly improves tractability. We believe that the cluster tree algorithm offers an intuitive and efficient approach to finding and proving ground states of generalized Ising Hamiltonians of arbitrary complexity, which will help validate assumptions regarding local vs. global optimality in lattice models, as well as offer insights into the low-energy behavior of highly frustrated systems

    Construction of ground-state preserving sparse lattice models for predictive materials simulations

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    This work was supported primarily by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-FG02-96ER45571.First-principles based cluster expansion models are the dominant approach in ab initio thermodynamics of crystalline mixtures enabling the prediction of phase diagrams and novel ground states. However, despite recent advances, the construction of accurate models still requires a careful and time-consuming manual parameter tuning process for ground-state preservation, since this property is not guaranteed by default. In this paper, we present a systematic and mathematically sound method to obtain cluster expansion models that are guaranteed to preserve the ground states of their reference data. The method builds on the recently introduced compressive sensing paradigm for cluster expansion and employs quadratic programming to impose constraints on the model parameters. The robustness of our methodology is illustrated for two lithium transition metal oxides with relevance for Li-ion battery cathodes, i.e., Li2x Fe2(1-x)O2 and Li2x Ti2(1-x)O2, for which the construction of cluster expansion models with compressive sensing alone has proven to be challenging. We demonstrate that our method not only guarantees ground-state preservation on the set of reference structures used for the model construction, but also show that out-of-sample ground-state preservation up to relatively large supercell size is achievable through a rapidly converging iterative refinement. This method provides a general tool for building robust, compressed and constrained physical models with predictive power.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with an in situ\textit{in situ} tunable magnetic field

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful tool for probing the momentum-resolved single-particle spectral function of materials. Historically, in situ\textit{in situ} magnetic fields have been carefully avoided as they are detrimental to the control of photoelectron trajectory during the photoelectron detection process. However, magnetic field is an important experimental knob for both probing and tuning symmetry-breaking phases and electronic topology in quantum materials. In this paper, we introduce an easily implementable method for realizing an in situ\textit{in situ} tunable magnetic field at the sample position in an ARPES experiment and analyze magnetic field induced artifacts in ARPES data. Specifically, we identified and quantified three distinct extrinsic effects of a magnetic field: Fermi surface rotation, momentum shrinking, and momentum broadening. We examined these effects in three prototypical quantum materials, i.e., a topological insulator (Bi2_2Se3_3), an iron-based superconductor (LiFeAs), and a cuprate superconductor (Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+x_{8+x}), and demonstrate the feasibility of ARPES measurements in the presence of a controllable magnetic field. Our studies lay the foundation for the future development of the technique and interpretation of ARPES measurements of field-tunable quantum phases.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    An L0_0L1_1-norm compressive sensing paradigm for the construction of sparse predictive lattice models using mixed integer quadratic programming

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    First-principles based lattice models allow the modeling of ab initio thermodynamics of crystalline mixtures for applications such as the construction of phase diagrams and the identification of ground state atomic orderings. The recent development of compressive sensing approaches for the construction of lattice models has further enabled the systematic construction of sparse physical models without the need for human intuition other than requiring the compactness of effective cluster interactions. However, conventional compressive sensing based on L1-norm regularization is strictly only applicable to certain classes of optimization problems and is otherwise not guaranteed to generate optimally sparse and transferable results, so that the method can only be applied to some materials science applications. In this paper, we illustrate a more robust L0L1-norm compressive-sensing method that removes the limitations of conventional compressive sensing and generally results in sparser lattice models that are at least as predictive as those obtained from L1-norm compressive sensing. Apart from the theory, a practical implementation based on state-of-the-art mixed-integer quadratic programming (MIQP) is proposed. The robustness of our methodology is illustrated for four different transition-metal oxides with relevance as battery cathode materials: Li2xTi2(1-x)O2, Li2xNi2yO2, MgxCr2O4, and NaxCrO2. This method provides a practical and robust approach for the construction of sparser and more predictive lattice models, improving on the compressive sensing paradigm and making it applicable to a much broader range of applications.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Finding and proving the exact ground state of a generalized Ising model by convex optimization and MAX-SAT

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    This paper was supported primarily by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-FG02-96ER45571. In addition, some of the test cases for ground states were supported by the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-14-1-0444.Lattice models, also known as generalized Ising models or cluster expansions, are widely used in many areas of science and are routinely applied to the study of alloy thermodynamics, solid-solid phase transitions, magnetic and thermal properties of solids, fluid mechanics, and others. However, the problem of finding and proving the global ground state of a lattice model, which is essential for all of the aforementioned applications, has remained unresolved for relatively complex practical systems, with only a limited number of results for highly simplified systems known. In this paper, we present a practical and general algorithm that provides a provable periodically constrained ground state of a complex lattice model up to a given unit cell size and in many cases is able to prove global optimality over all other choices of unit cell. We transform the infinite-discrete-optimization problem into a pair of combinatorial optimization (MAX-SAT) and nonsmooth convex optimization (MAX-MIN) problems, which provide upper and lower bounds on the ground state energy, respectively. By systematically converging these bounds to each other, we may find and prove the exact ground state of realistic Hamiltonians whose exact solutions are difficult, if not impossible, to obtain via traditional methods. Considering that currently such practical Hamiltonians are solved using simulated annealing and genetic algorithms that are often unable to find the true global energy minimum and inherently cannot prove the optimality of their result, our paper opens the door to resolving longstanding uncertainties in lattice models of physical phenomena. An implementation of the algorithm is available at https://github.com/dkitch/maxsat-isingPublisher PDFPeer reviewe

    MOHO: Learning Single-view Hand-held Object Reconstruction with Multi-view Occlusion-Aware Supervision

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    Previous works concerning single-view hand-held object reconstruction typically utilize supervision from 3D ground truth models, which are hard to collect in real world. In contrast, abundant videos depicting hand-object interactions can be accessed easily with low cost, although they only give partial object observations with complex occlusion. In this paper, we present MOHO to reconstruct hand-held object from a single image with multi-view supervision from hand-object videos, tackling two predominant challenges including object's self-occlusion and hand-induced occlusion. MOHO inputs semantic features indicating visible object parts and geometric embeddings provided by hand articulations as partial-to-full cues to resist object's self-occlusion, so as to recover full shape of the object. Meanwhile, a novel 2D-3D hand-occlusion-aware training scheme following the synthetic-to-real paradigm is proposed to release hand-induced occlusion. In the synthetic pre-training stage, 2D-3D hand-object correlations are constructed by supervising MOHO with rendered images to complete the hand-concealed regions of the object in both 2D and 3D space. Subsequently, MOHO is finetuned in real world by the mask-weighted volume rendering supervision adopting hand-object correlations obtained during pre-training. Extensive experiments on HO3D and DexYCB datasets demonstrate that 2D-supervised MOHO gains superior results against 3D-supervised methods by a large margin. Codes and key assets will be released soon

    OR-051 Exploration of Potential Integrated Biomarkers for Sports Monitoring Based on Metabolic Profiling

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    Objective Metabolomic analysis is extensively applied to identify sensitive and specific biomarkers capable of reflecting pathological processes and physical responses or adaptations. Exercise training leads to profound metabolic changes, manifested as detectable alterations of metabolite levels and significant perturbations of metabolic pathways in sera, urine, and rarely, in saliva. Several metabolites have been exploited as biomarkers for generally evaluating physical states in almost all sports. However, alterations of metabolic profile caused by specific sports would be heterogeneous. Thus, developments of new techniques are eagerly required to identify characteristic metabolites as unique biomarkers for specifically accessing training stimulus and sports performances. In the present work, we conducted both metabolic profiling and a binary logistic regression model (BRM) of biological fluids derived from rowing ergometer test with the following aims: 1) to examine changes of metabolite profiles and identify characteristic metabolites in the samples of sera, urine, and saliva; 2) to screen out potential integrated biomarkers for sports-specific monitoring. Methods A total of 11 rowers (6 male, 5 female; aged 15±1 years; 4±2 years rowing training) underwent an indoor 6000m rowing ergometer test. Samples of sera, urine and saliva were collected before and immediately after the test. 1D 1H NMR spectra were recorded with a Bruker Avance III 650 MHz NMR spectrometer. NMR spectra were processed and aligned, resonances of metabolites were assigned and confirmed, and metabolite levels were calculated based on NMR integrals. Multivariate statistical analysis was carried out using partial least-squares discrimination analysis (PLS-DA) to distinguish metabolic profiles between the groups. The validated PLS-DA model gave the variable importance in the projection (VIP) for a given metabolite. Moreover, inter-group comparisons of metabolite levels were quantitatively conducted using the paired-sample t-test. Then, we identified characteristic metabolites with VIP>1 in PLS-DA and p<0.05 in t-test. Furthermore, we screened out potential biomarkers based on the characteristic metabolites identified from the three types of biological fluids using the BRM (stepwise). Results The rowing training induced profound changes of metabolic profiles in serum and saliva samples rather than in urine samples. Totally, 44 metabolites were assigned in which 19, 20, and 19 metabolites were identified from serum, urine and saliva samples, respectively. Seven metabolites were shared by the three types of samples. Moreover, five characteristic metabolites (pyruvate, lactate, succinate, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, and acetone) were identified from the serum samples. The elevated levels of pyruvate, lactate and succinate suggested that, the rowing training evidently promoted both oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis pathways. Furthermore, three characteristic metabolites (tyrosine, formate, and methanol) were identified from the saliva samples. Given that tyrosine is the precursor of dopamine, the increased level of salivary tyrosine in all rowers experiencing the test, suggesting that salivary tyrosine could be explored as a potential indicator closely related to nervous fatigue in the test. On the other hand, PLS-DA did not show observable distinction of metabolic profiles between the urine samples before and immediately after the test. Moreover, 20 urinary metabolites did not display detectable altered levels. We then established the BRM with the identified characteristic metabolites, from which we selected one optimal regression model based on serum pyruvate and salivary tyrosine (adjusted R square was 0.935, P<0.001), indicating that the two selected metabolites would efficiently reflect the metabolic alterations in the test. Conclusions As far as the 6000m rowing ergometer test is concerned, serum samples could be a preferred resource for assessing the changes of energy metabolism in the test, while urine samples might have a relatively lower sensitivity to exercise-induced metabolic responses. Even though metabolite levels in saliva samples are generally lower than those in serum and urine samples, some salivary metabolites potentially have higher sensitivities to exercise-induced metabolic responses. Thus, the integration of multiple biomarkers identified from different type of species could potentially provide more sensitive and specific manners to monitor physical states in sports and exercise. This work may be of benefit to the exploration of integrated biomarkers for sports-specific monitoring

    Three-Dimensional Flat Bands and Dirac Cones in a Pyrochlore Superconductor

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    Emergent phases often appear when the electronic kinetic energy is comparable to the Coulomb interactions. One approach to seek material systems as hosts of such emergent phases is to realize localization of electronic wavefunctions due to the geometric frustration inherent in the crystal structure, resulting in flat electronic bands. Recently, such efforts have found a wide range of exotic phases in the two-dimensional kagome lattice, including magnetic order, time-reversal symmetry breaking charge order, nematicity, and superconductivity. However, the interlayer coupling of the kagome layers disrupts the destructive interference needed to completely quench the kinetic energy. Here we experimentally demonstrate that an interwoven kagome network--a pyrochlore lattice--can host a three dimensional (3D) localization of electron wavefunctions. In particular, through a combination of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, fundamental lattice model and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we present the novel electronic structure of a pyrochlore superconductor, CeRu2_2. We find striking flat bands with bandwidths smaller than 0.03 eV in all directions--an order of magnitude smaller than that of kagome systems. We further find 3D gapless Dirac cones predicted originally by theory in the diamond lattice space group with nonsymmorphic symmetry. Our work establishes the pyrochlore structure as a promising lattice platform to realize and tune novel emergent phases intertwining topology and many-body interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure