199 research outputs found

    Nonrelativistic String Theory in Background Fields

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    Nonrelativistic string theory is a unitary, ultraviolet finite quantum gravity theory with a nonrelativistic string spectrum. The vertex operators of the worldsheet theory determine the spacetime geometry of nonrelativistic string theory, known as the string Newton-Cartan geometry. We compute the Weyl anomaly of the nonrelativistic string worldsheet sigma model describing strings propagating in a string Newton-Cartan geometry, Kalb-Ramond and dilaton background. We derive the equations of motion that dictate the backgrounds on which nonrelativistic string theory can be consistently defined quantum mechanically. The equations of motion we find from our study of the conformal anomaly of the worldsheet theory are to nonrelativistic string theory what the (super)gravity equations of motion are to relativistic string theory.Comment: 32 pages; v2: minor clarifications, fixed typos, references added; v3: a reference adde

    An Action for Extended String Newton-Cartan Gravity

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    We construct an action for four-dimensional extended string Newton-Cartan gravity which is an extension of the string Newton-Cartan gravity that underlies nonrelativistic string theory. The action can be obtained as a nonrelativistic limit of the Einstein-Hilbert action in General Relativity augmented with a term that contains an auxiliary two-form and one-form gauge field that both have zero flux on-shell. The four-dimensional extended string Newton-Cartan gravity is based on a central extension of the algebra that underlies string Newton-Cartan gravity. The construction is similar to the earlier construction of a three-dimensional Chern-Simons action for extended Newton-Cartan gravity, which is based on a central extension of the algebra that underlies Newton-Cartan gravity. We show that this three-dimensional action is naturally obtained from the four-dimensional action by a reduction over the spatial isometry direction longitudinal to the string followed by a truncation of the extended string Newton-Cartan gravity fields. Our construction can be seen as a special case of the construction of an action for extended p-brane Newton-Cartan gravity in p+3 dimensions.Comment: 16 pages; v2: references added; v3: 18 pages, published versio

    Multicritical Symmetry Breaking and Naturalness of Slow Nambu-Goldstone Bosons

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    We investigate spontaneous global symmetry breaking in the absence of Lorentz invariance, and study technical Naturalness of Nambu-Goldstone (NG) modes whose dispersion relation exhibits a hierarchy of multicritical phenomena with Lifshitz scaling and dynamical exponents z>1z>1. For example, we find NG modes with a technically natural quadratic dispersion relation which do not break time reversal symmetry and are associated with a single broken symmetry generator, not a pair. The mechanism is protected by an enhanced `polynomial shift' symmetry in the free-field limit.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor typos corrected, references adde

    Anisotropic Compactification of Nonrelativistic M-Theory

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    We study a decoupling limit of M-theory where the three-form gauge potential becomes critical. This limit leads to nonrelativistic M-theory coupled to a non-Lorentzian spacetime geometry. Nonrelativistic M-theory is U-dual to M-theory in the discrete light cone quantization, a non-perturbative approach related to the Matrix theory description of M-theory. We focus on the compactification of nonrelativistic M-theory over a two-torus that exhibits anisotropic behaviors due to the foliation structure of the spacetime geometry. We develop a frame covariant formalism of the toroidal geometry, which provides a geometrical interpretation of the recently discovered polynomial realization of SL(2,Z) duality in nonrelativistic type IIB superstring theory. We will show that the nonrelativistic IIB string background fields transform as polynomials of an effective Galilean "boost velocity" on the two-torus. As an application, we construct an action principle describing a single M5-brane in nonrelativistic M-theory and study its compactification over the anisotropic two-torus. This procedure leads to a D3-brane action in nonrelativistic IIB string theory that makes the SL(2,Z) invariance manifest in the polynomial realization.Comment: 44 page

    Nonrelativistic String Theory and T-Duality

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    Nonrelativistic string theory in flat spacetime is described by a two-dimensional quantum field theory with a nonrelativistic global symmetry acting on the worldsheet fields. Nonrelativistic string theory is unitary, ultraviolet complete and has a string spectrum and spacetime S-matrix enjoying nonrelativistic symmetry. The worldsheet theory of nonrelativistic string theory is coupled to a curved spacetime background and to a Kalb-Ramond two-form and dilaton field. The appropriate spacetime geometry for nonrelativistic string theory is dubbed string Newton-Cartan geometry, which is distinct from Riemannian geometry. This defines the sigma model of nonrelativistic string theory describing strings propagating and interacting in curved background fields. We also implement T-duality transformations in the path integral of this sigma model and uncover the spacetime interpretation of T-duality. We show that T-duality along the longitudinal direction of the string Newton-Cartan geometry describes relativistic string theory on a Lorentzian geometry with a compact lightlike isometry, which is otherwise only defined by a subtle infinite boost limit. This relation provides a first principles definition of string theory in the discrete light cone quantization (DLCQ) in an arbitrary background, a quantization that appears in nonperturbative approaches to quantum field theory and string/M-theory, such as in Matrix theory. T-duality along a transverse direction of the string Newton-Cartan geometry equates nonrelativistic string theory in two distinct, T-dual backgrounds.Comment: 26 pages; v2: minor clarifications, a reference added; v3: clarifications, references added, fixed typo

    New Heat Kernel Method in Lifshitz Theories

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    We develop a new heat kernel method that is suited for a systematic study of the renormalization group flow in Horava gravity (and in Lifshitz field theories in general). This method maintains covariance at all stages of the calculation, which is achieved by introducing a generalized Fourier transform covariant with respect to the nonrelativistic background spacetime. As a first test, we apply this method to compute the anisotropic Weyl anomaly for a (2+1)-dimensional scalar field theory around a z=2 Lifshitz point and corroborate the previously found result. We then proceed to general scalar operators and evaluate their one-loop effective action. The covariant heat kernel method that we develop also directly applies to operators with spin structures in arbitrary dimensions.Comment: 47 pages, 1 figure; v2: appendix C updated, minor typos corrected, references adde

    Scalar Field Theories with Polynomial Shift Symmetries

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    We continue our study of naturalness in nonrelativistic QFTs of the Lifshitz type, focusing on scalar fields that can play the role of Nambu-Goldstone (NG) modes associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking. Such systems allow for an extension of the constant shift symmetry to a shift by a polynomial of degree PP in spatial coordinates. These "polynomial shift symmetries" in turn protect the technical naturalness of modes with a higher-order dispersion relation, and lead to a refinement of the proposed classification of infrared Gaussian fixed points available to describe NG modes in nonrelativistic theories. Generic interactions in such theories break the polynomial shift symmetry explicitly to the constant shift. It is thus natural to ask: Given a Gaussian fixed point with polynomial shift symmetry of degree PP, what are the lowest-dimension operators that preserve this symmetry, and deform the theory into a self-interacting scalar field theory with the shift symmetry of degree PP? To answer this (essentially cohomological) question, we develop a new graph-theoretical technique, and use it to prove several classification theorems. First, in the special case of P=1P=1 (essentially equivalent to Galileons), we reproduce the known Galileon NN-point invariants, and find their novel interpretation in terms of graph theory, as an equal-weight sum over all labeled trees with NN vertices. Then we extend the classification to P>1P>1 and find a whole host of new invariants, including those that represent the most relevant (or least irrelevant) deformations of the corresponding Gaussian fixed points, and we study their uniqueness.Comment: 70 pages. v2: minor clarifications, typos corrected, a reference adde
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