83 research outputs found

    The density matrix renormalization group method. Application to the PPP model of a cyclic polyene chain

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    The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method introduced by White for the study of strongly interacting electron systems is reviewed; the method is variational and considers a system of localized electrons as the union of two adjacent fragments A, B. A density matrix rho is introduced, whose eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalues are the most significant, the most probable states of A in the presence of B; these states are retained, while states corresponding to small eigenvalues of rho are neglected. It is conjectured that the decreasing behaviour of the eigenvalues is gaussian. The DMRG method is tested on the Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian of a cyclic polyene (CH)_N up to N=34. A Hilbert space of dimension 5 x 10^+18 is explored. The ground state energy is 10^-3 eV within the full CI value in the case N=18. The DMRG method compares favourably also with coupled cluster approximations. The unrestricted Hartree-Fock solution (which presents spin density waves) is briefly reviewed, and a comparison is made with the DMRG energy values. Finally, the spin-spin and density-density correlation functions are computed; the results suggest that the antiferromagnetic order of the exact solution does not extend up to large distances but exists locally. No charge density waves are present.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex, 2 figures, to be published in the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Unscreened Coulomb repulsion in the one dimensional electron gas

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    A tight binding model of electrons interacting via bare Coulomb repulsion is numerically investigated by use of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group method which we prove applicable also to very long range potentials. From the analysis of the elementary excitations, of the spin and charge correlation functions and of the momentum distribution, a picture consistent with the formation of a one dimensional "Wigner crystal" emerges, in quantitative agreement with a previous bosonization study. At finite doping, Umklapp scattering is shown to be ineffective in the presence of long range forces.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages with 8 eps figures. To be published on Phys. Rev.

    Estimating Influenza Vaccine Efficacy From Challenge and Community-based Study Data

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    In this paper, the authors provide estimates of 4 measures of vaccine efficacy for live, attenuated and inactivated influenza vaccine based on secondary analysis of 5 experimental influenza challenge studies in seronegative adults and community-based vaccine trials. The 4 vaccine efficacy measures are for susceptibility (VES), symptomatic illness given infection (VEP), infection and illness (VESP), and infectiousness (VEI). The authors also propose a combined (VEC) measure of the reduction in transmission in the entire population based on all of the above efficacy measures. Live influenza vaccine and inactivated vaccine provided similar protection against laboratory-confirmed infection (for live vaccine: VES  = 41%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 15, 66; for inactivated vaccine: VES  = 43%, 95% CI: 8, 79). Live vaccine had a higher efficacy for illness given infection (VEP  = 67%, 95% CI: 24, 100) than inactivated vaccine (VEP  = 29%, 95% CI: −19, 76), although the difference was not statistically significant. VESP for the live vaccine was higher than for the inactivated vaccine. VEI estimates were particularly low for these influenza vaccines. VESP and VEC can remain high for both vaccines, even when VEI is relatively low, as long as the other 2 measures of vaccine efficacy are relatively high

    On the role of ethylene, auxin and a GOLVEN-like peptide hormone in the regulation of peach ripening

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    Background: In melting flesh peaches, auxin is necessary for system-2 ethylene synthesis and a cross-talk between ethylene and auxin occurs during the ripening process. To elucidate this interaction at the transition from maturation to ripening and the accompanying switch from system-1 to system-2 ethylene biosynthesis, fruits of melting flesh and stony hard genotypes, the latter unable to produce system-2 ethylene because of insufficient amount of auxin at ripening, were treated with auxin, ethylene and with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), known to block ethylene receptors. The effects of the treatments on the different genotypes were monitored by hormone quantifications and transcription profiling. Results: In melting flesh fruit, 1-MCP responses differed according to the ripening stage. Unexpectedly, 1-MCP induced genes also up-regulated by ripening, ethylene and auxin, as CTG134, similar to GOLVEN (GLV) peptides, and repressed genes also down-regulated by ripening, ethylene and auxin, as CTG85, a calcineurin B-like protein. The nature and transcriptional response of CTG134 led to discover a rise in free auxin in 1-MCP treated fruit. This increase was supported by the induced transcription of CTG475, an IAA-amino acid hydrolase. A melting flesh and a stony hard genotype, differing for their ability to synthetize auxin and ethylene amounts at ripening, were used to study the fine temporal regulation and auxin responsiveness of genes involved in the process. Transcriptional waves showed a tight interdependence between auxin and ethylene actions with the former possibly enhanced by the GLV CTG134. The expression of genes involved in the regulation of ripening, among which are several transcription factors, was similar in the two genotypes or could be rescued by auxin application in the stony hard. Only GLV CTG134 expression could not be rescued by exogenous auxin. Conclusions: 1-MCP treatment of peach fruit is ineffective in delaying ripening because it stimulates an increase in free auxin. As a consequence, a burst in ethylene production speeding up ripening occurs. Based on a network of gene transcriptional regulations, a model in which appropriate level of CTG134 peptide hormone might be necessary to allow the correct balance between auxin and ethylene for peach ripening to occur is proposed

    Notch inhibits Yorkie activity in Drosophila wing discs.

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    During development, tissues and organs must coordinate growth and patterning so they reach the right size and shape. During larval stages, a dramatic increase in size and cell number of Drosophila wing imaginal discs is controlled by the action of several signaling pathways. Complex cross-talk between these pathways also pattern these discs to specify different regions with different fates and growth potentials. We show that the Notch signaling pathway is both required and sufficient to inhibit the activity of Yorkie (Yki), the Salvador/Warts/Hippo (SWH) pathway terminal transcription activator, but only in the central regions of the wing disc, where the TEAD factor and Yki partner Scalloped (Sd) is expressed. We show that this cross-talk between the Notch and SWH pathways is mediated, at least in part, by the Notch target and Sd partner Vestigial (Vg). We propose that, by altering the ratios between Yki, Sd and Vg, Notch pathway activation restricts the effects of Yki mediated transcription, therefore contributing to define a zone of low proliferation in the central wing discs

    Mechanisms and mechanics of cell competition in epithelia

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    When fast-growing cells are confronted with slow-growing cells in a mosaic tissue, the slow-growing cells are often progressively eliminated by apoptosis through a process known as cell competition. The underlying signalling pathways remain unknown, but recent findings have shown that cell crowding within an epithelium leads to the eviction of cells from the epithelial sheet. This suggests that mechanical forces could contribute to cell elimination during cell competition