5 research outputs found

    Development and mastery of soft skills among graduate students

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    The paper addresses content-related issues, a state-of-the-art assessment, and the key trends in the growth of soft skills. Soft skills should be emphasized in university curricula because they are currently necessary for having decent career possibilities. The article examines the findings of a study on the development of soft skills among postgraduate students at Alfred Nobel University in Dnipro, Ukraine who are majoring in professional education. These statistics demonstrate that postgraduate students are aware of the value of developing soft skills in order to have a successful career. Additionally, creative teaching strategies and tactics geared at developing soft skills will be incorporated into the educational process.The paper addresses content-related issues, a state-of-the-art assessment, and the key trends in the growth of soft skills. Soft skills should be emphasized in university curricula because they are currently necessary for having decent career possibilities. The article examines the findings of a study on the development of soft skills among postgraduate students at Alfred Nobel University in Dnipro, Ukraine who are majoring in professional education. These statistics demonstrate that postgraduate students are aware of the value of developing soft skills in order to have a successful career. Additionally, creative teaching strategies and tactics geared at developing soft skills will be incorporated into the educational process

    Soft skills, their development and mastering among post graduate students

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    The article deals with the issues of the content, assessment of the current state and the main tendencies in the development of the so-called “soft skills”. At present soft skills are essential to have good job opportunities and university curriculum should be focused on developing and mastering them. The article analyses the results of the research of the soft skills development among post graduate students majoring in Professional Education of Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro. These data prove that postgraduate students realize the importance of mastering soft skills to make a successful career. Moreover, innovative teaching methods and techniques aimed at mastering soft skills are to be introduced into the educational process

    Identyfikacja jako wskaźnik entropii społecznej w warunkach globalizacji: ukraińskie realia i kontekst międzynarodowy

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    The purpose of the article is to show modern trends in identification in the context of globalization and the specific conditions of political and economic systems, to indicate ways of influencing their formation, to change the value paradigm of identification associated with harmonious human relations. А hypothesis is that modern identification in Ukraine does not correspond to the liberal-democratic tradition and will continue to generate conflict. The existing identification structure should be used to reorient individuals and groups to effective communication within organizations, which will contribute to the political stability and security of the state. The following approaches and research methods have been used as tools to achieve this purpose: synergetic method; the reflective method; the dialectical method; a comparative method; structural-systemic method; synthesis method. The article covers the following issues: Analysis of identification models; Features of the identification mechanism in post-soviet realities; Modern synergetic model of identification in Ukraine; Peculiarities of culture formation in the conditions of digital and socio-cultural globalization; A new approach to identification as a factor of political stability and security. The authors made the following conclusions: The “ethnic model” of identification turns into a strange attractor, resulting in the Ruelle-Takens scenario. According to the theory of synergetics, this scenario became possible after three bifurcations in the political and economic system of Ukraine over the past 29 years. The “turquoise paradigm” elements should be taken as a basis for model of national identity.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie aktualnych trendów identyfikacji w kontekście globalizacji i specyficznych warunków systemów politycznych i gospodarczych, wskazanie sposobów wpływu na ich kształtowanie, zmiana paradygmatu wartościowego identyfikacji związanego z harmonijnymi relacjami międzyludzkimi. Hipoteza polega na tym, że współczesna identyfikacja na Ukrainie nie odpowiada tradycjom liberalno-demokratycznym i nadal będzie generować konflikty. Istniejące ramy identyfikacji powinny być wykorzystywane do reorientacji poszczególnych osób i grup na skuteczną komunikację w organizacjach, co przyczyni się do stabilności politycznej i bezpieczeństwa państwa. Jako narzędzia do osiągnięcia tego celu zastosowano następujące podejścia i metody badawcze: metodę synergiczną; metodę refleksyjną; metodę dialektyczną; metodę porównawczą; metodę strukturalno-systemową; metodę syntezy. W artykule omówiono następujące zagadnienia: analizę modeli identyfikacji; cechy mechanizmu identyfikacji w realiach postsowieckich; nowoczesny synergiczny model identyfikacji na Ukrainie; cechy kształtowania kultury w warunkach globalizacji cyfrowej i społeczno-kulturowej; nowe podejście do identyfikacji jako czynnika stabilności politycznej i bezpieczeństwa. Autorzy wyciągnęli następujące wnioski: „Model etniczny” identyfikacji przekształca się w dziwny atraktor, w wyniku czego powstaje scenariusz Ruelle-Takensa. Zgodnie z teorią synergii scenariusz ten stał się możliwy po trzech rozwidleniach w systemie politycznym i gospodarczym Ukrainy w ciągu ostatnich 29 lat. Elementy „paradygmatu turkusowego” należy traktować jako podstawę modelu tożsamości narodowej

    Teamwork as an interactive educational technology at pedagogical universities

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    A significant shift is taking place at higher educational institutions and emphasizes group or teamwork during the academic process. This article introduces incorporating teamwork into pedagogical courses. The application of the teamwork pedagogy is relevant due to a strong necessity to find a successful educational technology of professional teachers' competencies development required by the modern international labor market. Sufficient results have been achieved with the use of theoretical and empirical research methods as analysis, generalization, and systematization of scientific papers, observation, reflectivity, and social intelligence diagnosis, pedagogical modeling, questioning, and collecting data. The scientific novelty of the theoretical part is highlighted through the importance of applying teamwork as a more successful educational technology, proving effective tools, and strategies for designing the new teamwork-based educational process of master's degree students in Pedagogy. On the practical side, this new pedagogy has been applied in two universities, and it is concluded that teamwork can enhance problem-solving and creativity, generates understanding, support, commitment, acceptance, and bring out the best of the future university teacher

    Google cloud services as a way to enhance learning and teaching at university

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    The article is devoted to the issue of a cloud-based learning system implementation as a powerful strategy for future specialists’ training at higher educational establishments. Using cloud computing in self-work management of the university courses is essential to equip students with a workload of appropriate educational materials and variable activities for professional training. Theoretical and empirical research methods were applied to select the appropriate services and tools for organizing students’ self-work at university. Critical analysis of scientific literature, synthesis of the data, didactic observation of the educational process, designing of the skeleton for university courses, questionnaires enabled to facilitate the study of the issue. G Suite has been chosen to enhance the quality of training of prospective specialists at a higher educational establishment. This paper introduces the outcomes of the project on applying Google Classroom in the management of students’ self-work while studying university courses. The focus of the first stage of the project was on testing pilot versions of the courses with the aim to work out the requirements and recommendations for incorporation general blended learning model of university courses. Particular attention is drawn to the designed model of the university course based on the curriculum with the necessary components of blended learning in the G Suite virtual environment. Cloud-based higher education is considered as a prospective tool for design of university courses with the need for further research and implementation