682 research outputs found

    A new experimental procedure for characterizing quantum effects in small magnetic particle systems

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    A new experimental procedure is discussed, which aims at separating thermal from quantum behavior independently of the energy barrier distribution in small particle systems. Magnetization relaxation data measured between 60 mK and 5 K on a sample of nanoparticles is presented. The comparison between experimental data and numerical calculations shows a clear departure from thermal dynamics for our sample, which was not obvious without using the new procedure presented here.Comment: LaTeX source, 6 pages, 5 PostScript figure

    Sigmoid stricture associated with diverticular disease should be an indication for elective surgery with lymph node clearance

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    BACKGROUND: The literature concerning stricture secondary to diverticulitis is poor. Stricture in this setting should be an indication for surgery because (a) of the potential risk of cancer and (b) morbidity is not increased compared to other indications for colectomy. The goal of this report is to study the post-surgical morbidity and the quality of life in patients after sigmoidectomy for sigmoid stricture associated with diverticular disease. METHOD: This is a monocenter retrospective observational study including patients with a preoperative diagnosis of sigmoid stricture associated with diverticular disease undergoing operation between Jan 1, 2007 and Dec 31, 2013. The GastroIntestinal Quality of Life Index was used to assess patient satisfaction. RESULTS: Sixteen patients were included of which nine were female. Median age was 69.5 (46-84) and the median body mass index was 23.55kg/m(2) (17.2-28.4). Elective sigmoidectomy was performed in all 16 patients. Overall, complications occurred in five patients (31.2%) (4 minor complications and 1 major complication according to the Dindo and Clavien Classification); none resulted in death. Pathology identified two adenocarcinomas (12.5%). The mean GastroIntestinal Quality of Life Index was 122 (67-144) and 10/11 patients were satisfied with their surgical intervention. CONCLUSION: Sigmoid stricture prevents endoscopic exploration of the entire colon and thus it may prove difficult to rule out a malignancy. Surgery does not impair the quality of life since morbidity is similar to other indications for sigmoidectomy. For these reasons, we recommend that stricture associated with diverticular disease should be an indication for sigmoidectomy including lymph node clearance

    Portosystemic collateral vessels in liver cirrhosis: a three-dimensional MDCT pictorial review

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    PURPOSE: Portosystemic collateral vessels (PSCV) are a consequence of the portal hypertension that occurs in chronic liver diseases. Their prognosis is strongly marked by the risk of digestive hemorrhage and hepatic encephalopathy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT was performed with a 16-MDCT scanner. Maximum intensity projection and volume rendering were systematically performed on a workstation to analyze PSCV. RESULTS: We describe the PSCV according to their drainage into either the superior or the inferior vena cava. In the superior vena cave group, we found gastric veins, gastric varices, esophageal, and para-esophageal varices. In the inferior vena cava group, the possible PSCV are numerous, with different sub groups: gastro and spleno renal shunts, paraumbilical and abdominal wall veins, retroperitoneal shunts, mesenteric varices, gallbladder varices, and omental collateral vessels. Regarding clinical consequences esophageal and gastric varices are most frequently involved in digestive bleeding; splenorenal shunts often lead to hepatic encephalopathy; the paraumbilical vein is an acceptable derivation pathway for natural decompression of the portal system. CONCLUSION: Knowledge of precise cartography of PSCV is essential to therapeutic decisions. MDCT is the best way to understand and describe the different types of PSCV

    Factors limiting complete tumor ablation by radiofrequency ablation

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    The purpose of this study was to determine radiological or physical factors to predict the risk of residual mass or local recurrence of primary and secondary hepatic tumors treated by radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Eighty-two patients, with 146 lesions (80 hepatocellular carcinomas, 66 metastases), were treated by RFA. Morphological parameters of the lesions included size, location, number, ultrasound echogenicity, computed tomography density, and magnetic resonance signal intensity were obtained before and after treatment. Parameters of the generator were recorded during radiofrequency application. The recurrence-free group was statistically compared to the recurrence and residual mass groups on all these parameters. Twenty residual masses were detected. Twenty-nine lesions recurred after a mean follow-up of 18 months. Size was a predictive parameter. Patients\u27 sex and age and the echogenicity and density of lesions were significantly different for the recurrence and residual mass groups compared to the recurrence-free group (p < 0.05). The presence of an enhanced ring on the magnetic resonance control was more frequent in the recurrence and residual mass groups. In the group of patients with residual lesions, analysis of physical parameters showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the time necessary for the temperature to rise. In conclusion, this study confirms risk factors of recurrence such as the size of the tumor and emphasizes other factors such as a posttreatment enhanced ring and an increase in the time necessary for the rise in temperature. These factors should be taken into consideration when performing RFA and during follow-up

    Occupational and educational inequalities in exit from employment at older ages: evidence from seven prospective cohorts

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    OBJECTIVES: Past studies have identified socioeconomic inequalities in the timing and route of labour market exit at older ages. However, few studies have compared these trends cross-nationally and existing evidence focuses on specific institutional outcomes (such as disability pension and sickness absence) in Nordic countries. We examined differences by education level and occupational grade in the risks of work exit and health-related work exit. METHODS: Prospective longitudinal data were drawn from seven studies (n=99 164). Participants were in paid work at least once around age 50. Labour market exit was derived based on reductions in working hours, changes in self-reported employment status or from administrative records. Health-related exit was ascertained by receipt of health-related benefit or pension or from the reported reason for stopping work. Cox regression models were estimated for each study, adjusted for baseline self-rated health and birth cohort. RESULTS: There were 50 003 work exits during follow-up, of which an average of 14% (range 2–32%) were health related. Low level education and low occupational grade were associated with increased risks of health-related exit in most studies. Low level education and occupational grade were also associated with an increased risk of any exit from work, although with less consistency across studies. CONCLUSIONS: Workers with low socioeconomic position have an increased risk of health-related exit from employment. Policies that extend working life may disadvantage such workers disproportionally, especially where institutional support for those exiting due to poor health is minimal

    Non-monotonic field-dependence of the ZFC magnetization peak in some systems of magnetic nanoparticles

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    We have performed magnetic measurements on a diluted system of gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles (~7nm), and on a ferritin sample. In both cases, the ZFC-peak presents a non-monotonic field dependence, as has already been reported in some experiments,and discussed as a possible evidence of resonant tunneling. Within simple assumptions, we derive expressions for the magnetization obtained in the usual ZFC, FC, TRM procedures. We point out that the ZFC-peak position is extremely sensitive to the width of the particle size distribution, and give some numerical estimates of this effect. We propose to combine the FC magnetization with a modified TRM measurement, a procedure which allows a more direct access to the barrier distribution in a field. The typical barrier values which are obtained with this method show a monotonic decrease for increasing fields, as expected from the simple effect of anisotropy barrier lowering, in contrast with the ZFC results. From our measurements on gamma-Fe2O3 particles, we show that the width of the effective barrier distribution is slightly increasing with the field, an effect which is sufficient for causing the observed initial increase of the ZFC-peak temperatures.Comment: LaTeX file 19 pages, 9 postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B (tentative schedule: Dec.97

    PIONIER: a visitor instrument for the VLTI

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    PIONIER is a 4-telescope visitor instrument for the VLTI, planned to see its first fringes in 2010. It combines four ATs or four UTs using a pairwise ABCD integrated optics combiner that can also be used in scanning mode. It provides low spectral resolution in H and K band. PIONIER is designed for imaging with a specific emphasis on fast fringe recording to allow closure-phases and visibilities to be precisely measured. In this work we provide the detailed description of the instrument and present its updated status.Comment: Proceedings of SPIE conference Optical and Infrared Interferometry II (Conference 7734) San Diego 201

    VSI: the VLTI spectro-imager

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    The VLTI Spectro Imager (VSI) was proposed as a second-generation instrument of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer providing the ESO community with spectrally-resolved, near-infrared images at angular resolutions down to 1.1 milliarcsecond and spectral resolutions up to R=12000. Targets as faint as K=13 will be imaged without requiring a brighter nearby reference object. The unique combination of high-dynamic-range imaging at high angular resolution and high spectral resolution enables a scientific program which serves a broad user community and at the same time provides the opportunity for breakthroughs in many areas of astrophysic including: probing the initial conditions for planet formation in the AU-scale environments of young stars; imaging convective cells and other phenomena on the surfaces of stars; mapping the chemical and physical environments of evolved stars, stellar remnants, and stellar winds; and disentangling the central regions of active galactic nuclei and supermassive black holes. VSI will provide these new capabilities using technologies which have been extensively tested in the past and VSI requires little in terms of new infrastructure on the VLTI. At the same time, VSI will be able to make maximum use of new infrastructure as it becomes available; for example, by combining 4, 6 and eventually 8 telescopes, enabling rapid imaging through the measurement of up to 28 visibilities in every wavelength channel within a few minutes. The current studies are focused on a 4-telescope version with an upgrade to a 6-telescope one. The instrument contains its own fringe tracker and tip-tilt control in order to reduce the constraints on the VLTI infrastructure and maximize the scientific return.Comment: 12 pages, to be published in Proc. SPIE conference 7013 "Optical and Infrared Interferometry", Schoeller, Danchi, and Delplancke, F. (eds.). See also http://vsi.obs.ujf-grenoble.f

    Milli-arcsecond astrophysics with VSI, the VLTI spectro-imager in the ELT era

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    Nowadays, compact sources like surfaces of nearby stars, circumstellar environments of stars from early stages to the most evolved ones and surroundings of active galactic nuclei can be investigated at milli-arcsecond scales only with the VLT in its interferometric mode. We propose a spectro-imager, named VSI (VLTI spectro-imager), which is capable to probe these sources both over spatial and spectral scales in the near-infrared domain. This instrument will provide information complementary to what is obtained at the same time with ALMA at different wavelengths and the extreme large telescopes.Comment: 8 pages. To be published in the proceedings of the ESO workshop "Science with the VLT in the ELT Era", held in Garching (Germany) on 8-12 October 2007, A. Moorwood edito

    First AMBER/VLTI observations of hot massive stars

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    AMBER is the first near infrared focal instrument of the VLTI. It combines three telescopes and produces spectrally resolved interferometric measures. This paper discusses some preliminary results of the first scientific observations of AMBER with three Unit Telescopes at medium (1500) and high (12000) spectral resolution. We derive a first set of constraints on the structure of the circumstellar material around the Wolf Rayet Gamma2 Velorum and the LBV Eta Carinae