30 research outputs found

    Crisis inspired thoughts

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    Determination of phenolic compounds in medicinal preparations by galvanostatic coulometry

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    In this work, the possibility of using reactions of electrogenerated titrants with phenolic compounds was studied and a method for their coulometric determination in medicaments by galvanostatic coulometry was developed. The research objects were: rutin, salicylic acid and drugs containing phenolic compounds such as «Ascorutin», «Salicylic Paste» and «Salicylic Ointment» of Russian manufacture. Electrogenerated halogens (Cl2, Br2 and I2) and hexacyanoferrate(III)-ions were used as titrants. It was found that for the quantitative determination of phenolic acids, the optimal reagent is electrogenerated bromine, for rutin - electrogenerated bromine and iodine, and for ascorbic acid - any of the studied electrogenerated titrants (Cl2, Br2, I2 and [Fe(CN)6]3-). The correct definition was checked by the «entered-found» method, the error does not exceed 2%. As experimental studies have shown, our method of coulometric titration with electrogenated bromine and iodine is characterized by good reproducibility of results, expression, accuracy and can be used to determine phenolic compounds in drugs, for example, «Ascorutin» tablets. It should be noted that by our procedure it is possible to determine the spectrum of phenol-containing compounds (rutin, ascorbic and salicylic acids) in drugs without their preliminary separation. Therefore, the coulometric method using electrogenerated titrants can be recommended for the determination of salicylic, ascorbic acids and rutin in dosage forms. The proposed method is accurate and eliminates the experiment error in comparison with the Pharmacopoeic method


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    The objects of the study were: rutin - as a representative of the class of flavonoids and polyphenols; salicylic acid as a representative of phenolic acids and drugs containing phenolic compounds such as “Ascorutin”, “Salicylic Paste” and “Salicylic Ointment”. The titrants used were electrogenated halogens (Cl2, Br2 and I2) and hexacyanoferrate (III) ions. Generation was carried out at a constant current strength of I = 10 mA, and the equivalence point was fixed biamperometrically with two polarized electrodes on the coulometric analyzer “Expert-006”. The selected halogens are not only capable of oxidizing phenolic compounds, but also enter into electrophilic substitution reactions of the benzene ring, while the hexacyanoferrate(III)-ions [Fe (CN)6]3- are mild oxidizing agents

    Evaluation of Tourist Attraction Objects in Kaunas City and District

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    Description of the work. This paper presents an analysis of the scientific literature, which is reflected by different authors concept of tourist attraction objects and their evaluation criteria. Analyzing research results and suggesting ways to improve attraction objects.The work is relevant, because in order to maintain the attractiveness of tourist attractions, they need to be improved and developed to meet the needs of tourists. Evaluation of atraction objects helps to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses. The aim is to evaluate tourist attraction objects in Kaunas city and region. Methods of work. Analysis of scientific literature, interviews, questionnaire, SWOT analysis. The objectives: 1. To analyze and present the concept of tourist attraction objects and their classification; 2. To introduce tourist attraction objects in Kaunas city and district; 3. Conducting expert opinion and tourist opinion survey of tourist attraction objects in Kaunas city and district; 4. Provide opportunities for improvement of tourist attraction objects in Kaunas city and district. The structure. The theoretical part analyzes the concept of tourist attraction objects, their classification and evaluation criteria, distinguishes tourism resources and their classification. Defined tourist concept and types. In the analytical part presented the short description of Kaunas city region, briefly presented the most visited tourist attraction objects. The analytical part also includes a questionnaire, interview their analysis and the results. The practical part of the paper presents suggestions how to improve tourist attraction objects. The results of work. After evaluating tourist attraction objects, it turned out that the situation is not good enough, but research has shown and weaknesses of tourist attraction objects (lack of interactive services, insufficient dissemination of information about objects, lack of investment, underdeveloped infrastructure in Kaunas region, lack of some services (active activities in winter, adaptation of objects to families, etc.). Improvements to this problem would include the development of: catering, lodging and various entertainment venues, near bicycle paths, along the Nemunas creation, expanding information infrastructure for tourist attractions, introducing new tourism information tools, strengthening cooperation with foreign countries, organizing conferences and organizing training staff, creation of snack bars from remote locations, etc.Turizmas svarbus daugelyje pasaulio šalių bei regionų. Ši sritis pasaulyje padeda išsaugoti kultūras, aplinką, užtikrina taiką ir saugumą, sukuria naujas darbo vietas, prisideda prie ekonominio augimo, plėtros bei padeda kurti ryšius tarp pasaulio šalių. Lietuva – šalis esanti viename iš lankomiausių pasaulio regionų, Kauno miestas ir rajonas išsiskiria savo gamtos ir kultūros paveldu. Turizmo ištekliai labiausiai pritraukia turistų dėmesį į lankytinas vietas tam tikroje vietovėje. Norint išlaikyti traukos objektų patrauklumą, ir pritraukti kuo daugiau turistų į Kauno miestą bei rajoną verta atlikti turistų traukos objektų vertinimą išskiriant stipriąsias ir silpnąsias puses bei pasiūlyti traukos objektų tobulinimo galimybes

    Organization of work of nurses in patient care at rehabilitation centre

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    Bakalaura darba tēma – Māsu darba organizācija pacientu aprūpē rehabilitācijas centrā. Lai pasargātu pacientus no medicīnas kļūdām, māsu izglītībai jābūt atbilstošai un efektīvai. Uzsākot praktizēt, māsai jāprot pieņemt lēmumus, balstoties uz savām zināšanām un pieredzi klīniskajā praksē. Māsai jāplāno sava darba diena un jāizvirza darba prioritātes, lai izvairītos no kļūdām aprūpējot pacientus. Būtiska nozīme māsu darbā ir pacientu izglītošanai par medikamentozo aprūpi, un spēja uzņemties atbildību par savām darbībām, administrējot pacientam ordinētus medikamentus. Bez tam, rehabilitācijas centrā, jāprot sadarboties ar citiem speciālistiem, kuri ir iesaistīti pacienta rehabilitācijas procesā, lai kopā novērtētu pacienta funkcionēšanas spējas un uzstādītu īstermiņa rehabilitācijas mērķus. Kopumā, tas ietekmē pacienta drošību rehabilitācijas procesa laikā. Māsai jāorganizē savu darbu tā, lai pacients būtu koncentrēts uz savām spējām, lai panāktu labākus rehabilitācijas rezultātus un pasargātu pacientu no māsu darba “blakusefektiem”. Darba mērķis: noskaidrot māsu darba organizāciju pacientu aprūpē rehabilitācijas centrā. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no ievada, piecām nodaļām, deviņiem apakšnodaļām, secinājumiem, izmantotās literatūras saraksta un trim pielikumiem. Pirmajā daļā aplūkota rehabilitācija un tās mērķi. Otrajā daļā aplūkota Dorotejas Džonsones māszinību teorija saistībā ar māsu darba organizāciju pacientu aprūpē rehabilitācijas centrā. Trešajā daļā ir aplūkoti noteicošie aspekti, māsu darba organizācijā. Ceturtajā daļā aplūkoti māsu profesionālo kompetenci veidojošie faktori. Piektajā daļā atspoguļoti pētījuma rezultāti. Pētījumā pielietota kvantitatīva pētniecības metode, pētniecības instruments – aptaujas anketa. Kopējais respondentu skaits 63 no 80 rehabilitācijas centrā strādājošām māsām. Darba noslēgumā tika izstrādāti secinājumi par pētījuma rezultātiem.Undergraduate theme - Organization of work of nurses in patient care at rehabilitation centre. To protect patients from medical negligence, nursing education should be appropriate and effective. But when creating a nurse should be able to make decisions based on their knowledge and experience in clinical practice. A nurse should plan her work day and set work priorities to prepare out of patient care. Patient education plays an important role in patient education, drug care and responsibility for their actions when prescribing medication to a patient. In addition, in a rehabilitation center, you should be able to work with other specialists involved in the rehabilitation of patients in order to jointly assess the patient’s capabilities and set prescription purposes. In general, they have a large impact on patient safety during rehabilitation. The nurse should organize her work in such a way that the patient focuses on her ability to achieve better results in rehabilitation and protect the patient from the “side effects” of care. The purpose of the thesis: to find out the organization of nursing care for the sick in a rehabilitation center. Bachelor’s work consists of introduction, five chapters, nine subsections, conclusions, a list of references and three applications. The first part is devoted to rehabilitation and its goals. The second part discusses the theory of nursing Dorothea Johnson regarding the organization of nursing care for patients in a rehabilitation center. The third part deals with key aspects of the organization of nursing work. The fourth part discusses the factors that shape the professional competence of nurses. The fifth part reflects the results of the study. The study used a quantitative research method, a research tool - a questionnaire. The total number of respondents is 63 out of 80 nurses working in a rehabilitation center. At the end of the work conclusions were made on the results of the study

    Effective care for patients before and after thyroid surgery

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Efektīva aprūpe pacientiem pirms un pēc vairogdziedzera operācijas.” Pētījumā izvēlētais darba mērķis ir noskaidrot faktorus, kuri ietekmē efektīvu pacientu aprūpi pirms un pēc vairogdziedzera operācijas. Pētījumā izvirzītā hipotēze: ja pacienti tiks informēti par pirms un pēc vairogdziedzera operācijas periodu, būs nodrošināta efektīva pacientu aprūpe. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no teorētiskās un pētnieciskās daļas. Darbā izmantota B. Ņūmenas Sistēmas teorijas modelis. Tika analizēti un apkopoti 32 literatūras avoti. Pētījumā tika izmantota kvantitatīvā pētniecības metode – anketēšana, kas sastāvēja no 18 jautājumiem. Praktiskajā daļā uzrādīti pētījuma rezultāti, kas attēloti diagrammās ir veikta šo rezultātu analīze un izdarīti secinājumi. Pētījuma dati apstiprina izvirzīto hipotēzi. Atslēgas vārdi: vairogdziedzeris, aprūpe, māsa, pacients, izglītošana.Bachelor's theme is "Effective care for patients before and after thyroid surgery". The study selected the work aims to clarify the factors affecting the effective care of patients before and after thyroid surgery. The study's hypothesis: if the patient will be informed of before and after thyroid surgery period, it will ensure effective patient care. Bachelor work consists of theoretical and experimental parts. B.Newman Systems theory model is used in the study. It was analyzed and summarized 32 information sources. The study used a quantitative research method - survey, which consisted of 18 questions. In the practical part of the study there are presented results of the survey, which are shown in diagrams, than has been carried out the analysis and conclusions of the results. The study's data and conclusions confirm the hypothesis of the work. Key words: thyroid, treatment, nurse, patient, educating

    Animerad film som resurs för modersmålsstöd : Betydelsen av ryskspråkiga animerade filmer för svensk-ryska barns språkutveckling

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    Denna uppsats beskriver en studie av svensk-ryska barns konsumtion av ryskspråkiga animeradefilmer och filmernas effekter för barnens språkutveckling och lärande. Studien bygger dels på enwebbenkät, dels på intervjuer med rysktalande föräldrar som bor i Sverige. 75 föräldrar till barn iåldrarna 1-11 år besvarade webbenkäten. Sammanlagt ingår 81 barn i enkätundersökningen. 9föräldrar till barn i åldrarna 2-6 år intervjuades. Majoriteten av barnen visar tecken på att filmernabidrar till en ökning av ordförrådet. Övervägande delen av föräldrarna uppger dessutom att filmernager upphov till samtal och inspirerar barnen till lek. Studien visar samband mellan barnensfilmkonsumtion och faktorer som ålder och färdigheter i det ryska språket. Effekterna av deryskspråkiga animerade filmerna för utvecklingen av barnens språkfärdigheter och föräldrarnas syn påbarnens mediekonsumtion diskuteras i ljuset av den sociokulturella teorin och Pierre Bourdieus teoriom disposition och kapital

    Implementation of information technologies in study of discipline "Methods of optimization and decision theory"

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    UK: В роботі розглядається методика застосування інформаційних технологій при вивченні дисципліни «Методи оптимізації і теорія прийняття рішень» EN: We consider the method of application of information technologies in the study of discipline "methods of optimization and decision theory

    Sense and Deduction: The Power of Peewees Applied

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    This paper describes our use of Prolog Word Experts (PWEs) in the Senseval II competition. We explain how we specify our PWEs as sequences of transformation rules and how they can be trained on sense tagged corpus data. We give a semantics of PWEs by translating them into first order predicate logic, and we describe how PWEs can be compiled into Prolog procedures. We furthermore discuss our results for the Swedish lexical sample task -- 63% (fine-grained score) for our best PWE and a second place in the ranking -- and speculate about avenues to further improvement