87 research outputs found

    Analysis of LDEF experiment AO187-2 chemical and isotopic measurements of micrometeoroids by secondary ion mass spectrometry

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    #Experiment AO187-2, that was flown on board the Long Duration Exposure Facility(LDEF), was designed to measure the chemical and isotopic compositions of interplanetary dust impinging on the spacecraft from outer space. Information on the nature and composition of orbital debris was also anticipated. The spacecraft maintained a constant orientation with respect to its velocity vector thereby defining leading and trailing edges that faced respectively into and away from the direction of motion. Arrays of individual capture cells each 80.8 sq cm in size and totaling 237 in number were exposed on both the leading and trailing edges of LDEF. Each cell consisted of a pure Ge target surface slightly separated from a thin (2.5 micrometers) metallized plastic 'entrance foil.' The basic concept was that incoming projectiles would penetrate the foil, strike the Ge target plate at high velocity producing a vapor-liquid cloud that would re-deposit material on the underside of the plastic foil. This material would then be analyzed using the sensitive surface analysis technique of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). In practice, most of the plastic entrance foils failed during the extended period of orbital exposure probably due to a combination of UV embrittlement, large densities of impact events and (for the leading edge) the effects of atomic oxygen erosion in orbit. However the foils failed gradually and most remained in place on the capture cells for a significant fraction of the duration of the flight . Because most of the impactors were small (less than 10 micrometers) they were heated and dispersed in traversing the entrance foils producing clouds of molten droplets and vapor that produced easily identifiable 'extended impacts' on the Ge target plates. Fortunately, it proved possible to make ion probe measurements of projectile compositions from material deposited on the Ge in the extended impact structures

    Si Isotopic Ratios in Mainstream Presolar SiC Grains Revisited

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    Although mainstream SiC grains, the major group of presolar SiC grains found in meteorites, are believed to have originated in the expanding envelope of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars during their late carbon-rich phases, their Si isotopic ratios show a distribution that cannot be explained by nucleosynthesis in this kind of stars. Previously, this distribution has been interpreted to be the result of contributions from many AGB stars of different ages whose initial Si isotopic ratios vary due to the Galactic chemical evolution of the Si isotopes. This paper presents a new interpretation based on local heterogeneities of the Si isotopes in the interstellar medium at the time the parent stars of the mainstream grains were born. Recently, several authors have presented inhomogeneous chemical evolution models of the Galactic disk in order to account for the well known evidence that F and G dwarfs of similar age show an intrinsic scatter in their elemental abundances.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ. 19 pages of text + 17 figures and 4 table

    Quantitative Ion Microprobe Analysis of the Rare Earth Elements in Minerals

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    The lanthanides or rare earth elements (REE) which are present in trace concentrations in rocks are most useful for investigating the origin of these objects. Of the microbeam techniques presently used to measure the REE concentrations of individual crystals, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is the only method sensitive enough to allow the determination of REE abundances in most natural minerals. Usually, energy filtering is applied to remove all complex molecular interferences. All the REE, down to a level of ≤ 100 ppb, can be measured in spots 5 to 20 m in diameter. A growing number of studies involving both terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials have been undertaken

    Sulfur isotopic compositions of submicrometer SiC grains from the Murchison meteorite

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    We report C, Si, N, S, Mg-Al, and Ca-Ti isotopic compositions of presolar silicon carbide (SiC) grains from the SiC-rich KJE size fraction (0.5-0.8 μm) of the Murchison meteorite. One thousand one hundred thirteen SiC grains were identified based on their C and Si isotopic ratios. Mainstream, AB, C, X, Y, and Z subtypes of SiC, and X-type silicon nitride (Si₃N₄) account for 81.4%, 5.7%, 0.1%, 1.5%, 5.8%, 4.9%, and 0.4%, respectively. Twenty-five grains with unusual Si isotopic ratios, including one C grain, 16 X grains, 1 Y grain, 5 Z grains, and 2 X-type Si₃N₄ grains were selected for N, S, Mg-Al, and Ca-Ti isotopic analysis. The C grain is highly enriched in ²⁹Si and ³⁰Si (δ²⁹Si = 1345‰ ± 19‰, δ³⁰Si = 1272‰ ± 19‰). It has a huge ³²S excess, larger than any seen before, and larger than that predicted for the Si/S supernova (SN) zone, providing evidence against the elemental fractionation model by Hoppe et al. Two SN models investigated here present a more satisfying explanation in terms of a radiogenic origin of ³²S from the decay of short-lived ³²Si (τ1/2 = 153 yr). Silicon-32 as well as ²⁹Si and ³⁰Si can be produced in SNe by short neutron bursts; evidence for initial 44Ti (τ1/2 = 60 yr) in the C grain is additional evidence for an SN origin. The X grains have marginal ³²S excesses, much smaller than expected from their large ²⁸Si excesses. Similarly, the Y and Z grains do not show the S-isotopic anomalies expected from their large Si isotopic anomalies. Low intrinsic S contents and contamination with isotopically normal S are the most likely explanations

    Instellar grains within interstellar grains

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    The discovery of crystals of titanium carbide in an interstellar graphite spherule is reported. The new species is particularly interesting in that it came in a protective wrapping (the graphite spherule) which eliminated the possibility of chemical alteration during its residence in the interstellar medium and in the meteorite in which it was discovered

    The primary liquid condensation model and the origin of Barred Olivine Chondrules.

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    Barred olivine (BO) chondrules are some of the most striking objects in chondrites. Their ubiquitous presence and peculiar texture caught the attention of researchers and, as a consequence, considerable effort has been expenced on unraveling their origin(s). Here we report on a detailed study of two types of chondrules: the Classic and the Multiple-Plate Type of BO chondrules from the Essebi (CM2) , Bishunpur (LL3.1), Acfer 214 (CH3) and DAG 055 (C3-UNGR) chondrites, and discuss the petrographic and chemical data of their major mineral phases and glasses. Glasses occur as mesostasis or as glass inclusions, the latter either enclosed inside the olivine bars (plates) or still connected to the mesostasis. The chemical composition of all glasses, characterized by being Si-Al-Ca-rich and free of alkali elements, is similar to those of the constituents , such as chondrules, aggregates, inclusions, mineral fragments, etc.) of CR and CV3 chondrites. They all have high trace element contents (~ 10 x CI) with unfractionated CI-normalized abundances of refractory trace elements and depletions in moderately volatile and volatile elements with respect to the refractory trace elements. The presence of alkali elements (Na+K+Rb) is coupled with a low Ca content and is only observed in those glasses that have behaved as open systems. This result supports the previous finding that Ca was replaced by alkalis (e.g., Na-Ca exchange), presumably through a vapor-solid reaction. The glasses apparently are the quenched liquid from which the olivine plates crystallized. However, they do not show any chemical fractionation that could have resulted from the crystallization of the olivines, but rather have a constant chemical compositions throughout the formation of the chondrule. In a previous contribution we were able to demonstrate the role of these liquids in supporting crystal growth directly from the vapor. Here we extend application of the primary liquid condensation model to formulate a new model for the origin of BO chondrules. based on the ability of dust-enriched solar-nebula gas to directly condense into a liquid, provided the gas/dust ratio is sufficiently low. Thus, propose that chondrules can be formed by condensation of a liquid droplet directly from the solar nebula. The extensive variability in chemical composition of BO chondrules, which ranges from alkali-poor to alkali-rich, can be explained by elemental exchange reactions with the cooling nebula. We calculate the chemical composition of the initial liquid droplet from which BO chondrules could have formed and speculate about the physical and chemical conditions that prevail  in the specific regions of the solar nebula that can promote creation of these objects.Fil: Varela, Maria Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito". Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Complejo Astronómico "El Leoncito"; ArgentinaFil: Kurat, Gero. Universidad de Viena; AustriaFil: Zinner, Ernst. University of Washington; Estados Unido