86 research outputs found

    Kulturelle Differenz und sprachliche HybriditÀt am Beispiel des Chicano-Hip-Hop

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    Die hier vorliegende Arbeit ist eine soziolinguistische Studie ĂŒber die hybride Sprachpraxis der Chicanos in den USA. Sie schreibt sich damit in den aktuellen Diskurs der HybriditĂ€t ein. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Darstellung und Analyse sprachlich hybrider PhĂ€nomene, die aus Hybridisierungsprozessen hervorgehen. Das Untersuchungsfeld stellt der Chicano Hip-Hop dar. Die kulturellen Textproduktionen in musikalischer Form ermöglichen Einblicke in eine hybride Jugendund Gegenwartskultur, welche die Bedeutung und Funktionen sprachlich hybrider Markierungen offen legt. Der Sprechgesang, auch Rap, dient hier als Gegenstand der linguistischen Analyse. Methodisch erfolgt die Untersuchung durch eine Sprachanalyse im Sinne einer linguistischen GesprĂ€chsanalyse. Die primĂ€re Frage ist hierbei: Was tut der bi- oder multilinguale Sprecher?6 Und welche Funktion hat sein Tun? Dieser interpretative Ansatz dient der Verifizierung folgender GrundĂŒberlegung: Die Wahl der Sprechform, also die Art und Weise, wie der Sprecher Sprachen und VarietĂ€ten gebraucht, kombiniert, mischt, separiert und neu kreiert ist Ausdruck seiner jeweiligen sozialen und kulturellen IdentitĂ€t. Der Grad der sprachlichen Hybridisierung ist ein wesentliches Indiz fĂŒr die Positionierung des Individuums im plurikulturellen Raum, d.h. im Spannungsfeld der Kulturen. Die These lautet demzufolge: Hybrides Sprechen ist Ausdruck einer hybriden IdentitĂ€t, die verschiedene kulturelle und soziale Zugehörigkeiten in sich zusammenfĂŒhrt. Die Arbeit verfolgt im Rahmen des HybriditĂ€tskonzepts keine sprachstrukturelle, sondern eine interpretative Perspektive multilingualen Handelns. Folglich steht der sprachliche Akteur im Zentrum der Beobachtung. Dementsprechend wird es hier nicht nur um linguistische Begriffsbestimmungen gehen, sondern maßgeblich um die Praxis, Funktion und Bedeutung des hybriden Sprechens im Rap

    Covariant theory of asymptotic symmetries, conservation laws and central charges

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    Under suitable assumptions on the boundary conditions, it is shown that there is a bijective correspondence between equivalence classes of asymptotic reducibility parameters and asymptotically conserved n-2 forms in the context of Lagrangian gauge theories. The asymptotic reducibility parameters can be interpreted as asymptotic Killing vector fields of the background, with asymptotic behaviour determined by a new dynamical condition. A universal formula for asymptotically conserved n-2 forms in terms of the reducibility parameters is derived. Sufficient conditions for finiteness of the charges built out of the asymptotically conserved n-2 forms and for the existence of a Lie algebra g among equivalence classes of asymptotic reducibility parameters are given. The representation of g in terms of the charges may be centrally extended. An explicit and covariant formula for the central charges is constructed. They are shown to be 2-cocycles on the Lie algebra g. The general considerations and formulas are applied to electrodynamics, Yang-Mills theory and Einstein gravity.Comment: 86 pages Latex file; minor correction

    On the Electric Charge of Monopoles at Finite Temperature

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    We calculate the electric charge at finite temperature TT for non-Abelian monopoles in spontaneously broken gauge theories with a CP violating Ξ\theta-term. A careful treatment of dyon's gauge degrees of freedom shows that Witten formula for the dyon charge at T=0T=0, Q=e(n−ξ/2π) Q = e(n - \theta/2\pi) , remains valid at T≠0T \ne 0.Comment: 13 pages, latex file, no figure

    Sozialplanung in Kreisen: Evaluation der EinfĂŒhrung einer integrierten Sozialplanung in zwei Landkreisen in Nordrhein-Westfalen

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    Ein kreisweites strategisches Vorgehen zur Implementierung einer integrierten Sozialplanung bietet zahlreiche Vorteile - sowohl fĂŒr den Landkreis als auch fĂŒr die kreisangehörigen Kommunen. Als Steuerungsinstrument ermöglicht die integrierte Sozialplanung die tiefenscharfe Analyse der sozialen Lage der Bevölkerung, auf deren Grundlage die Bedarfe festgestellt und soziale Dienstleistungen passgenau, effizient und effektiv geplant und umgesetzt werden können. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden zwei Kreise bei der EinfĂŒhrung einer integrierten Sozialplanung wissenschaftlich begleitet. An den Erhebungen (Experteninterviews, Gruppendiskussionen, Dokumentenanalysen) waren ĂŒber 40 Expert_innen beteiligt, deren jeweilige Perspektive auf den örtlichen Sozialplanungsprozess analysiert wurde. Daraus entsteht ein umfassendes Bild von den einzelnen Aspekten einer kreisweiten Sozialplanung. In der Studie werden die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen und die entwickelten LösungsansĂ€tze dokumentiert.A district-wide strategic approach of integrated social planning offers numerous advantages - both for the district as well as for the municipalities in the district. As a management tool, integrated social planning enables a detailed analysis of the social situation of the population. This forms the basis of which the needs can be determined, and the necessary social offers and services can be planned and implemented precisely, efficiently and effectively. In this study, two districts were scientifically monitored in the introduction of integrated social planning. The surveys (expert interviews, group discussions, document analyses) involved over 40 experts whose respective perspectives on the local social planning process were analysed. This provides a comprehensive picture of the individual aspects of social planning in districts as well as the associated challenges and solutions

    Efficacy of a compulsory homework programme for increasing physical activity and improving nutrition in children: A cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Most physical activity interventions in children focus on the school setting; however, children typically engage in more sedentary activities and spend more time eating when at home. The primary aim of this cluster randomised controlled trial was to investigate the effects of a compulsory, health-related homework programme on physical activity, dietary patterns, and body size in primary school-aged children. Methods: A total of 675 children aged 7-10 years from 16 New Zealand primary schools participated in the Healthy Homework study. Schools were randomised into intervention and control groups (1:1 allocation). Intervention schools implemented an 8-week applied homework and in-class teaching module designed to increase physical activity and improve dietary patterns. Physical activity was the primary outcome measure, and was assessed using two sealed pedometers that monitored school- and home-based activity separately. Secondary outcome measures included screen-based sedentary time and selected dietary patterns assessed via parental proxy questionnaire. In addition, height, weight, and waist circumference were measured to obtain body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). All measurements were taken at baseline (T0), immediately post-intervention (T1), and 6-months post-intervention (T2). Changes in outcome measures over time were estimated using generalised linear mixed models (GLMMs) that adjusted for fixed (group, age, sex, group x time) and random (subjects nested within schools) effects. Intervention effects were also quantified using GLMMs adjusted for baseline values. Results: Significant intervention effects were observed for weekday physical activity at home (T1 [P < 0.001] and T2 [P = 0.019]), weekend physical activity (T1 [P < 0.001] and T2 [P < 0.001]), BMI (T2 only [P = 0.020]) and fruit consumption (T1 only [P = 0.036]). Additional analyses revealed that the greatest improvements in physical activity occurred in children from the most socioeconomically deprived schools. No consistent effects on sedentary time, WHtR, or other dietary patterns were observed. Conclusions: A compulsory health-related homework programme resulted in substantial and consistent increases in children's physical activity - particularly outside of school and on weekends - with limited effects on body size and fruit consumption. Overall, our findings support the integration of compulsory home-focused strategies for improving health behaviours into primary education curricula. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, ACTRN12618000590268. Registered 17 April 2018. © 2019 The Author(s)

    Timeless path integral for relativistic quantum mechanics

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    Starting from the canonical formalism of relativistic (timeless) quantum mechanics, the formulation of timeless path integral is rigorously derived. The transition amplitude is reformulated as the sum, or functional integral, over all possible paths in the constraint surface specified by the (relativistic) Hamiltonian constraint, and each path contributes with a phase identical to the classical action divided by ℏ\hbar. The timeless path integral manifests the timeless feature as it is completely independent of the parametrization for paths. For the special case that the Hamiltonian constraint is a quadratic polynomial in momenta, the transition amplitude admits the timeless Feynman's path integral over the (relativistic) configuration space. Meanwhile, the difference between relativistic quantum mechanics and conventional nonrelativistic (with time) quantum mechanics is elaborated on in light of timeless path integral.Comment: 41 pages; more references and comments added; version to appear in CQ

    Neurogenetic and genomic approaches reveal roles for Dpr/DIP cell adhesion molecules in Drosophila reproductive behavior

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    Drosophila reproductive behaviors are directed by fruitless neurons (fru P1 isoforms). A reanalysis of genomic studies shows that genes encoding dpr and DIP Immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) members are expressed in fru P1 neurons. Each fru P1and dpr/DIP (fru P1 ∩ dpr/DIP) overlapping expression pattern is similar in both sexes, with dimorphism in neuronal morphology and cell number. Behavioral studies of fru P1 ∩ dpr/DIP perturbation genotypes point to the mushroom body functioning together with the lateral protocerebral complex. Functionally, we find that perturbations of sex hierarchy genes and DIP-Δ changes sex-specific morphology of fru P1 ∩ DIP-α neurons. A single-cell RNA-seq analysis shows that the DIPs have high expression in a restricted set of fru P1 neurons, whereas the dprs are expressed in larger set of neurons at intermediate levels, with a myriad of combinations

    Two Derivations of the Master Equation of Quantum Brownian Motion

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    Central to many discussion of decoherence is a master equation for the reduced density matrix of a massive particle experiencing scattering from its surrounding environment, such as that of Joos and Zeh. Such master equations enjoy a close relationship with spontaneous localization models, like the GRW model. This aim of this paper is to present two derivations of the master equation. The first derivation is a pedagogical model designed to illustrate the origins of the master equation as simply as possible, focusing on physical principles and without the complications of S-matrix theory. This derivation may serve as a useful tutorial example for students attempting to learn this subject area. The second is the opposite: a very general derivation using non-relativistic many body field theory. It reduces to the equation of the type given by Joos and Zeh in the one-particle sector, but correcting certain numerical factors which have recently become significant in connection with experimental tests of decoherence. This master equation also emphasizes the role of local number density as the ``preferred basis'' for decoherence in this model.Comment: 19 pages, RevTe

    A 12-week, whole-food carbohydrate-restricted feasibility study in overweight children

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    Background: Childhood obesity is a global health concern. Conventional nutrition guidelines have come under scrutiny in helping to achieve long-term healthy weight. An alternative carbohydrate-restricted, higher fat approach has shown to be effective in adults, but research is limited in youth.   Aim: To assess the feasibility of a 12-week whole-food, carbohydrate-restricted diet on weight loss and metabolic health.   Setting: Overweight children aged 8–13 years.   Methods: In this single-arm study, 25 overweight children were provided with whole-food, carbohydrate-restricted dietary guidelines. Primary outcomes – dietary acceptability, adherence and affordability – were assessed qualitatively weekly (telephone) and post-intervention (focus groups). Secondary outcomes – Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, lipids and glycaemic control measures – were assessed at 0 and 12 weeks. Change scores were analysed using the t-statistic and interpreted using the statistical significance threshold, p < 0.05.   Results: Overall, dietary acceptability was mostly positive, and reports of affordability by parents were mixed. Attrition rates were high (48%); adherence was influenced, positively and negatively, by levels of support from friends and family. Completing children reduced BMI by 2.1 ± 1.5 kg.m2 (p < 0.05). Key blood parameter changes included a reduction in triglycerides (−0.17 ± 0.48 mmol/L; p = 0.242) and an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (0.24 ± 0.19 mmol/L; p < 0.05).   Conclusion: Children achieved some weight loss and health outcome success using this dietary approach. For sustainable weight loss maintenance, full family and health professional support, particularly on a more intensive level at the start, may be required
