81 research outputs found

    The State of Food Security in Algeria: An Analytical Comparative Study of Key Indicators

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    تهدف هذه الورقة العلمية إلى مناقشة نماذج تقييم الأمن الغذائي، كما ترمي إلى تقييم المؤشرات الرئيسية الدالة على حالة الأمن الغذائي في الجزائر مقارنة بدول مشابهة. أظهرت الدراسة أن التبعية للواردات الغذائية من الخارج تعتبر مشكلة حاسمة تهدد الأمن الغذائي في الجزائر، خاصة في ظل تقلبات الأسعار والإنتاج التي تشهدها السوق الدولية للغذاء، وفي خضم الأزمات السياسية والأمنية والصحية الممكنة الحدوث. أيضا، بينت الدراسة أن زيادة الأجر الصافي الشهري للعامل الجزائري في المتوسط للفترة (2009-2019) استجابت لارتفاع أسعار السلع الغذائية. تشكل نفقات الغذاء جزءا هاما من إجمالي النفقات المنزلية للعائلة الجزائرية، ومع ذلك فإن سياسة الدعم الاجتماعي لأسعار السلع الغذائية في الجزائر لا تدعم محدودي الدخل فقط، بل يستفيد منها بشكل رئيس الفئات التي لا تستحقها. يتحصل الفرد الجزائري على حصة ضعيفة من الأغذية غير نشوية مقارنة مع دول متوسطية أخرى، مما يشكل تهديدا لصحته.This scientific paper aims to discuss models for evaluating food security, and intend to assess key indicators reflecting the state of food security in Algeria compared to similar countries. The study revealed that heavy dependence on food imports is a critical issue threatening food security in Algeria, especially amidst price and production fluctuations in the international food market, and potential political, security, and health crises. The study also demonstrated that the increase in the average monthly net income of Algerian workers during the period (2009-2019) responded to the rise in food prices. Food expenses constitute a significant portion of total household expenditures for Algerian families. However, Algeria's social support policy for food prices doesn't effectively aid limited-income individuals, primarily benefiting undeserving groups. Algerians receive a weak average share of non-starchy foods compared to other Mediterranean countries, raising health concerns

    Zona chez le nourrisson: à propos d’un cas

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    Le zona est dû à la réactivation du virus varicelle-zona, celui-ci gagne les ganglions sensitif à partir d’un foyer cutané ou muqueux lors de la primo infection. La survenue de zona chez le nourrisson est une situation rare, celle-ci se caractérise par la prédominance des signes fonctionnelles à type de fièvre et de céphalée est l’absence de douleur post zostérienne. Le diagnostic est clinique et doit être évoqué devant des lésions vésiculeuses groupés en bouquet et dont la disposition suit un métamère. Les complications chez le nourrisson sont rares. Le traitement fait appel aux antiviraux

    Aphtose buccale récidivante, et si c’était une maladie coeliaque

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    L’aphtose buccale récidivante est une maladie le plus souvent bénigne mais parfois invalidante qui évolue de façon chronique et récidivante. Ellepeut être isolée ou associé à d’autre pathologie, d’où l’intérêt de la recherche d’une maladie sous jacente. Nous rapportons le cas d’une aphtosebuccale récidivante révélant une maladie coeliaque chez une patiente âgée de 45 ans.Key words: Aphtose buccale, maladie coeliaque, récidiv

    Microsatellite analysis of traditional eastern grapevine varieties and wild accessions from Geisenheim collection in Germany

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    The Geisenheim collection contains a number of old traditional grapevines obtained during the last century from many countries including wild grapevine accessions. Over 60 samples originating from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Dagestan, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan were probed for analysis. Additionally 25 accessions of wild grapevines some acquired in Germany were included to the tested panel. Accessions were analysed on 9 microsatellite loci (VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD25, VVMD27, VVMD28, VVMD32, VrZAG62 and VrZAG79) for standard grapevine identification done in 4 multiplex PCRs. We obtained 13.56 overall average alleles per locus (12.44 in cultivated and 7.56 in wild grapevines). Expected and observed heterozygosity in cultivated grapevines were 0.826 and 0.644, while among wild accessions it was 0.693 and 0.464 respectively. The most informative locus proved to be VVMD28 in Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sativa and VVMD7 within V. vinifera L. ssp. sylvestris GMELIN. Microsatellite profiling will enable proper identification of cultivars by obtaining groups of synonyms and homonyms through comparative analysis as well assessment future estimation of relatedness between cultivated and wild accessions

    Design of Earth Quake Responses Decentralized Controller in Smart Building Systems

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    Many building systems are known to have complex structure with large dimension variables that characterize its mathematical models. In such case, it is basically desirable to use avoid the use of centralized controller due to the possibility of dimension increase during its implementation. The design of decentralized controller has faced tremendous success especially for large scale systems. The main objective of this book chapter is to design decentralized controller for building system in order to avoid the damages that will be caused by the earth quake responses. This controller is designed to increase the robustness and improve the smart building system responses toward different earth quakes. The optimized behavior of the control system has been analyzed and tested in the framework of the inclusion-contraction of the overlapping decomposition theories. Moreover, the application of this control strategy to smart building system has led to significantly minimize the damages that can be generally caused by the severe earth quakes. Thence, the obtained results have demonstrated the usefulness of the proposed controller for constructing smart cities

    Genetic Origins of Cultivated and Wild Grapevines from Morocco

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    Nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite loci were used to genotype Moroccan grapevine accessions (Vitis vinifera L.) from germplasm collections and from plants cultivated in farm fields or found under wild conditions. The genetic diversity of the global Moroccan sample was equivalent to what has been described for cultivated grapevines from other regions around the Mediterranean basin. The predominant chlorotypes among the analyzed samples were A and C, which are detected at higher frequencies in western and eastern regions of the V. vinifera range. Comparison of Moroccan accession genotypes with published genotypes for other grapevine cultivars shows the existence of multiple synonyms, especially between cultivars grown in Morocco and Spain, as expected given the long history of interaction in the region. Analysis of genetic relationships among Moroccan samples distinguished groups of cultivated and wild samples. The wild samples had chlorotype A, which could represent remnants of natural populations of V. vinifera ssp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi, or chlorotype C, which could represent cultivar derivatives or ancient cultivars generated by spontaneous hybridization among cultivated grapevines. Together the results point out the diverse genetic origin of cultivated and wild samples of grapevine in Morocco and emphasize the need to further collect and characterize its cultivated and wild grapevine germplasm.Peer reviewe

    Genetic characterization and identification of the table grape accessions preserved in the living collection of Ain Taoujdate (Morocco)

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    We have characterized the 60 table grape accessions preserved at the living collection of the Domaine Expérimental de Ain Taoujdate (Morocco) through DNA analyses. Genetic profiling based on 13 SSRs and 240 SNP markers identified up to 40 different genotypes, denoting a certain level of redundancy. This information was useful to detect many cases of misspelled accessions, some misnamed varieties, and several potential new synonymies. The comparison of these genetic profiles with international databases led to the identification of 58 accessions as 38 table grape varieties, half of them corresponding to obtentions bred in recent programs of table grape improvement. Only two accessions (named “Diamant Noir” and “Sultanine Rosée”) did not match any known genetic profile. We found that “Sultanine Rosée” does not correspond to ‘Kishmish Rozovyi’, the described pink-berried variant of ‘Sultanina’. Indeed, it turned out to be a grape variety not catalogued in international genetic databases that arose from the cross between ‘Sultanina’ and ‘Fokiano’, which we suggest to name ‘Sultanine Rose Faux’. Besides, the duo detected between the accession “Diamant Noir” and the variety ‘Moscato D’Adda’ suggests that it might correspond to the table grape variety named ‘Diamante Nero’ (‘Pirovano 57’ × ‘Moscato D’Adda’). We proved that molecular-assisted parentage analyses could be an efficient approach to suggest an identity for grapevine varieties that lack a matching genotype in international catalogues

    Pedigree analysis of the Spanish grapevine cultivar 'Hebén'

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    The use of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers allows genetic identification and parentage analysis of grapevine cultivars. Ancient cultivars like 'Hebén' were widely cultivated in the Iberian Peninsula along its history and likely contributed to the origin of varieties which are still cultivated today. The goal of our study was to search for possible first-degree relationships between the female variety 'Hebén' and other Iberian and Mediterranean cultivars. For this purpose, we used a set of 261 SNP markers which allowed identifying 23 trios and 37 parent-offspring relationships supported by high overall likelihood ratios (LOD scores). The results shed light on the relationships among several cultivars from Spain and Portugal, and demonstrated that 'Hebén' is a major founder of current varieties in the Iberian Peninsula viticulture, and contributed to spread the chlorotype A in this region.L. H. ZINELABIDINE was supported by a fellowship from the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional. J. CUNHA was supported by a Post-doctoral fellowship “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia” (SFRH/BPD/ 74895/2010). LHZ and JC were supported by COST action FA1003 “East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding”, from European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, through the funding of short scientific missions at the ICVV.Peer Reviewe