170 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Report on the Comparative Morphology of the Shoot Apex of Isoetes Macrospora Dur. and Some Effects of Experimentally Applied Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Gibberellic Acid

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    Isoetes macrospora Dur. was found growing in 20 inches to 4 ft. of water in several sandy-bottomed lakes in Itasca County, Minnesota. The pH of the lakes was about 6 and the characteristic tree species of the immediate shorelines were: Thuja occidentalis, Pinus resinosa, Abies balsomea, Populus tremuloides, and Betula papyrifera. Experimental and normal plants were grown submerged in 1-liler beakers in the greenhouse for the 2-week experimental period. The normal shoot apex of /. macrospora is described as having three zones. Zone I, the metrameristem, consists of the superficial layer of initials which divide usually by anticlinal divisions and sometimes periclinal divisions, and the underlying region of irregularly dividing initials. Laterally the metrameristem contributes to zone II, the flanking meristem which gives rise to leaf primordia and primary cortical tissue. Underlying the metrameristem is zone Ill, the central rib meristem which is responsible for growth in length of the plant axis, and is distinguishable from the flanking meristem by position and orientation of cell files. Apical dome height and zonation is similar to that of other species of Isoetes. Experimental plants were treated l and 2 weeks with 10 ppm, 30 ppm, and 70 ppm IAA; 10 ppm, 30 ppm, and 70 ppm GA; and several plants sprayed with a 90 ppm water solution of GA. A proliferation of cortical tissue in the upper port of the corm resulted in plants treated 2 weeks with 30 ppm and 70 ppm IAA. The other treatments produced no obvious results

    Investigating physical science teachers' classroom use of language during teaching

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Science Education May 2016Studies have revealed that the teacher’s science classroom language plays a critical role in learners’ understanding of science concepts. The quality of the teacher’s science language impacts on the quality of learning. Learners encounter difficulties with the science classroom language irrespective of whether they are first or second language speakers of the language of instruction. The difficulty of the science language is mainly due to words having different meanings in science as compared to their everyday meanings, and also the foreignness of some science words (Oyoo, 2012). The language in science is therefore distinct from everyday language. In the South African context, the strategies to improve the quality of science education in secondary schools have not included the language. This study focus on the quality of the teachers’ science language in physical science classrooms. In this study data was collected by means of lesson observations of participant teachers followed by interview of one of the participant teacher. Two teachers participated in the study, and both teachers were from the same school. One teacher was teaching grade 10 physical science and the other teacher was teaching grade 11 physical science. Content analysis was used to analyse both lesson observation and interview transcripts. The findings from the lesson observation revealed that participant teachers overlooked explanation of some technical words as well as some non-technical words used in science context. The interview with one of the teachers showed an unawareness of the difficulty of the science language as he pointed that there was little difference between the science language and everyday language. The study recommends that there should be teacher development programmes dealing specifically with the language problem in science.M T 201

    Implementasi Algoritma Particle Swarm Optimization dan Algoritma Simulated Annealing pada Optimasi Penjadwalan Job-Shop

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    ABSTRAKSI: Penjadwalan Job-Shop merupakan penyelesaikan masalah bagaimana cara menentukan prioritas masing-masing job yang melibatkan mesin dan operasi dengan waktu yang bervariasi. Pada tugas akhir ini, algoritma yang digunakan adalah kombinasi antara Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) dan Simulated Annealing (SA). PSO dipilih karena merupakan algoritma yang cocok dan praktis digunakan untuk ruang lingkup yang cukup besar, selain itu PSO juga merupakan algoritma heuristik yang memiliki tingkat efisiensi yang tinggi karena menggunakan local search dan global search dalam pencarian solusinya. Akan tetapi PSO memiliki kemungkinan solusi yang dihasilkan terjebak dalam optimum lokal, maka digunakan algoritma SA yang memiliki kontrol cooling scheduling untuk menghindari masalah tersebut. Dengan begitu akan didapatkan solusi yang lebih optimal.Kata Kunci : Job-Shop Scheduling, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated AnnealingABSTRACT: Job-shop scheduling problem is of how to determine settlement priority of each job that involves machines and operations with a variable time. In this final task, the algorithm that used is a combintation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Simulated Annealing (SA). PSO was chosen because it is a suitable and practical algorithms that fit used to considerable scope, in addition to the PSO is also heuristic algorithm that has a high degree of efficiency because it uses a local search and global search in the search for a solution. However, PSO has the potential solutions generated trapped in local optimum, then the SA algorithm is used wich has a cooling scheduling to avoid the problem. That way we will get a more optimal solution.Keyword: Job-hop scheduling, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealin

    Caracterización de las empresas agropecuarias através de un sistema de información geográfico en la región del Caldenal. Provincia de la Pampa. República Argentina

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    This work consists of the development of a geographic information system of agri-culture and livestock for the caldenal area of the province of La Pampa, Argentina, using statistical information of the last national agricultural and cattle census (Indec 2002). Within the area under analysis, 1236 agricultural and cattle exploitations, which represent the 15% of the province surface (2.174.300 hectares), were characterized.Este trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema de Información Geográfico Agropecuario para el área del caldenal de la provincia de La Pampa, República Argentina utilizando información estadística del último Censo Nacional Agrope-cuario (Indec 2002). Se caracterizaron 1236 explotaciones agropecuarias en diferentes escalas que representan el 15 % de la superficie de la provincia (2.174.300 hectáreas). Se detectó y localizó espacialmente las actividades ganaderas de mayor importancia; desde el punto de vista agrícola y se identificaron cuatro zonas homogéneas mediante la superposición de numerosas capas temáticas


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    Permasalahan yang penulis ajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai latihan menggunakan alat Crazy catch terhadap kecepatan reaksi penjaga gawang. Adapun yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaruh dari latihan menggunakan alat Crazy catch terhadap kecepatan reaksi penjaga gawang sepakbola. Crazy catch adalah adalah jaring pemantul besar yang dibuat untuk memantulkan bola besar atau kecil. Jaring portabel dan bebas memiliki dua jaring nilon kasar untuk memantulkan bola besar atau kecil dalam arah yang tidak dapat diprediksi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan penjaga gawang PS UPI sebanyak 6 orang, dan untuk sampel diambil dengan teknik total sampling/sampel jenuh dengan mengambil seluruh penjaga gawang sepakbola UKM UPI. Dengan desain penelitian pretest postest group dengan keseluruhan sampel di berikan eksperimen. Instrumen penelitian dengan descriminative reaction test. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 6 minggu dengan latihan 3 kali pertemuan dalam satu minggu. Berdasarkan pengolahan dan analisis data, bahwa hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan latihan menggunakan alat Crazy catch terhadap kecepatan reaksi penjaga gawang sepakbola. Disarankan kepada pembina, pelatih, pengajar sepakbola dan pembaca agar memberikan pelatihan dengan alat Crazy catch dalam rangka meningkatkan kecepatan reaksi dalam pelaksanaan program latihan penjaga gawang; The problem that the authors propose in this study is about training using a Crazy catch tool against the speed of the goalkeeper's reaction. The aim of this research is the effect of training using a Crazy catch tool against the speed of the reaction of the football goalkeeper. Crazy catch is a large reflective net made to reflect large or small balls. The portable and free net has two coarse nylon nets to reflect large or small balls in unpredictable directions. The research method used is the experimental method. The population in this study was 6 UKM UPI football goalkeepers as a whole, and for samples taken by total sampling technique / saturated sample by taking all UKM UPI football goalkeepers. The design of the pretest posttest research group with the whole sample was given experiments. Research instrument with descriminative reaction test. This research was conducted for 6 weeks with three sessions of training in one week. Based on processing and data analysis, the results of this study are that there is a significant effect of training using a Crazy catch tool against the speed of the reaction of the football goalkeeper. It is recommended that coaches, coaches, football instructors and readers provide training with a Crazy catch tool in order to increase reaction speed in the implementation of the goalkeeper training program
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