38 research outputs found

    Eye-tracking study of the perception of folk art on the example of Gzhel and Khokhloma

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    Introduction. Folk art is the basis of spiritual and moral education. Given that folk art is entering our lives in a new way, the chosen topic is relevant. Theoretical analysis. Gzhel and Khokhloma have accompanied the development of artistic taste over the centuries. It is known about the influence of art on the psycho-emotional state of a person, an indicator of which is oculomotor activity. Eye movements can be used as indicators of the perceptual process. Empirical analysis. The characteristic values of blinking, fixations and saccades were revealed during the perception of images of Gzhel and Khokhloma, taking into account the preference for one or another folk art. It has been established that those who prefer Gzhel use a contemplative strategy of observation, while those who choose Khokhloma use a research one. Also, when considering blue-white images, persons who have chosen Gzhel use a rational way of perception, and when perceiving gold images, they use an emotional one. Participants who preferred Khokhloma showed an inverse ratio of perception methods. Conclusion. When considering folk art, different ways of processing information are actualized among people who prefer Gzhel and Khokhloma. The identified features of oculomotor activity will make it possible to use these types of folk art in art therapy when conducting additional research

    On the Biological Regulators of Bloodsucking Blackflies (Diptear:Simuliidae) of Mixed Forests of Belorussian and Ukrainian Woodlands

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    This article considers the natural regulators of blood-sucking Simuliidae subzone of mixed forests on the territory of Belarus and Ukraine. In the mixed forests, the major regulators of preimaginal phases of bloodsucking blackflies are microsporidia (Polidyspirenia simulii,Polidyspirenia sp., Thelohania fibrata, Amblyospora bracteata, A. varians), fungi and mermithides (Gastromermis boophthorae). Caddisfly larvae (Hydropsyche angustipennis, Neureclipsis bimaculata, Polycentropus flavomaculatus,Cyrnus flavidus, Oligostomis reticulata, Brachycentrus subnubilus and Rhyacophila nubila) and fishes (Scardinius erythrophthalmus, Rutilus rutilus, Carassius carassius, Gobio gobio) significantly reduce the number of blackflies larvae and pupae. Adult blackflies are eaten by spiders (Araneus diadematus) dragonflies, robberflies, wasps,frogs (Rana temporaria and Rana terrestris), and insectivorous birds (Delichon urbicum, Hirundo rustica, Apus apus). Bactolarvicid and BLP-2477 are among the most effective biological products


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    In modern science, the issue of studying the decision-making process is challenging. If these decisions are connected with finances: monetary gains or losses - the problem becomes even more acute. Decision-making is almost always connected with risk and uncertainty. In order to investigate the problem of financial decision-making at risk laboratory studies have been conducted to determine the degree of rationality of such decisions as well as the neural and psychodynamic characteristics of the subject. This paper presents the results of the study of this problem at the extreme values of the probability of a gain or a loss - 0.99 and 0.01


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    В статье приводятся результаты теоретического анализа феноменов успеха и успешности в психологии и эмпирического исследования личностных особенностей специалистов Call-центра в связи с успешностью их профессиональной деятельности. Во введении отмечается актуальность разработки надежных критериев оценки деятельности сотрудников сферы обслуживания и, одновременно, сложность этой задачи. На основании обзора литературы делается вывод о том, что феномен успеха раскрывается в отношении к объективному достижению субъекта в конкретной деятельности, а феномен успешности – в отражении и субъективном переживании успеха, условий и возможности его достижения. В исследовании приняли участие 80 сотрудников компании «МегаФон», работающих в должности «оператор контактного центра». Применялись методы анкетирования, тестирования и математической статистики. В качестве объективных показателей успешности профессиональной деятельности сотрудников выступили: 1) скорость обслуживания; 2) экспертная оценка; 3) оценка качества работы сотрудника абонентами. Результаты проведенного исследования свидетельствуют о несовпадении объективных и субъективной оценок успешности профессиональной деятельности специалистов Call-центра, что объясняется различными функциями этих оценок. Делается вывод о том, что процесс оценивания личностью результатов собственной профессиональной деятельности разворачивается в трехмерном пространстве, заданном хронологической, сферо-жизненной и ценностной осями. Приводятся психологические портреты «объективно» и «субъективно успешных» специалистов.The article presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the phenomena of a success and successfulness in psychology and the results of the empirical research of personal features of specialists of the Call center due to the successfulness of their professional activities. The introduction emphasizes the urgency to developing of reliable criteria for assessing the activities of specialist of the service sector and highlighted the complexity of this task. On the basis of literature review it is concluded that the phenomenon of success is revealed in relation to the objective achievement of the subject specific activities, and the phenomenon of successfulness reveal itself in reflection and the subjective experience of success, conditions and the possibility of its achievements. The study involved 80 employees of the company “MegaFon” working in office “contact centre operator”. Used the methods of questioning, testing, and mathematical statistics. As objective indicators of success of professional activity of employees were: 1) speed of service; 2) evaluation by experts; 3) assessment of the clients. The results of the study indicate the discrepancy of objective and subjective assessments of the successfulness of professional activity of specialists of the Call center, because of the different functions of these assessments. It is concluded that the process of assessment by the person of the results of their professional activity takes place in three-dimensional space with chronological, sphere-of-life’s and value axes. The psychological portraits of “objectively” and “subjectively successful” professionals are described

    Laser speckle contrast imaging of cerebral blood flow of newborn mice at optical clearing

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    In this work, we consider the use of optical clearing agents to improve imaging quality of the cerebral blood flow of newborn mice. Aqueous 60%-glycerol solution, aqueous 70%-OmnipaqueTM(300) solution and OmnipaqueTM (300) solution in water/DMSO(25%/5%) were selected as the optical clearing agents. Laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) was used for imaging of cerebral blood flow in newborn mice brain during topical optical clearing of tissuesin the area of the fontanelle. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of glycerol and Omnipaque solutions as optical clearing agents for investigation of cerebral blood flow in newborn mice without scalp removing and skull thinning

    Cerebral venous circulatory disturbance as an informative prognostic marker for neonatal hemorrhagic stroke

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    Neonatal hemorrhagic stroke (NHS) is a major problem of future generation’s health due to the high rate of death and cognitive disability of newborns after NHS. The incidence of NHS in neonates cannot be predicted by standard diagnostic methods. Therefore, the identification of prognostic markers of NHS is crucial. There is evidence that stress-related alterations of cerebral blood flow (CBF) may contribute to NHS. Here, we assessed the stroke-associated CBF abnormalities for high prognosis of NHS using a new model of NHS induced by sound stress in the pre- and post-stroke state. With this aim, we used interdisciplinary methods such as a histological assay of brain tissues, laser speckle contrast imaging and Doppler coherent tomography to monitor cerebral circulation. Our results suggest that the venous stasis with such symptoms as progressive relaxation of cerebral veins, decrease the velocity of blood flow in them are prognostic markers for a risk of NHS and are an informative platform for a future study of corrections of cerebral venous circulatory disturbance related to NHS

    The stress and vascular catastrophes in newborn rats: mechanisms preceding and accompanying the brain hemorrhages

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    In this study, we analyzed the time-depended scenario of stress response cascade preceding and accompanying brain hemorrhages in newborn rats using an interdisciplinary approach based on: a morphological analysis of brain tissues, coherent-domain optical technologies for visualization of the cerebral blood flow, monitoring of the cerebral oxygenation and the deformability of red blood cells (RBCs). Using a model of stress-induced brain hemorrhages (sound stress, 120 dB, 370 Hz), we studied changes in neonatal brain 2, 4, 6, 8 h after stress (the pre-hemorrhage, latent period) and 24 h after stress (the post-hemorrhage period). We found that latent period of brain hemorrhages is accompanied by gradual pathological changes in systemic, metabolic, and cellular levels of stress. The incidence of brain hemorrhages is characterized by a progression of these changes and the irreversible cell death in the brain areas involved in higher mental functions. These processes are realized via a time-depended reduction of cerebral venous blood flow and oxygenation that was accompanied by an increase in RBCs deformability. The significant depletion of the molecular layer of the prefrontal cortex and the pyramidal neurons, which are crucial for associative learning and attention, is developed as a consequence of homeostasis imbalance. Thus, stress-induced processes preceding and accompanying brain hemorrhages in neonatal period contribute to serious injuries of the brain blood circulation, cerebral metabolic activity and structural elements of cognitive function. These results are an informative platform for further studies of mechanisms underlying stress-induced brain hemorrhages during the first days of life that will improve the future generation's health

    Mutation in the Sip1 transcription factor leads to a disturbance of the preconditioning of AMPA receptors by episodes of hypoxia in neurons of the cerebral cortex due to changes in their activity and subunit composition. The protective effects of interleukin-10.

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    peer reviewedThe Sip1 mutation plays the main role in pathogenesis of the Mowat-Wilson syndrome, which is characterized by the pronounced epileptic symptoms. Cortical neurons of homozygous mice with Sip1 mutation are resistant to AMPA receptor activators. Disturbances of the excitatory signaling components are also observed on such a phenomenon of neuroplasticity as hypoxic preconditioning. In this work, the mechanisms of loss of the AMPA receptor's ability to precondition by episodes of short-term hypoxia were investigated on cortical neurons derived from the Sip1 homozygous mice. The preconditioning effect was estimated by the level of suppression of the AMPA receptors activity with hypoxia episodes. Using fluorescence microscopy, we have shown that cortical neurons from the Sip1(fl/fl) mice are characterized by the absence of hypoxic preconditioning effect, whereas the amplitude of Ca(2+)-responses to the application of the AMPA receptor agonist, 5-Fluorowillardiine, in neurons from the Sip1 mice brainstem is suppressed by brief episodes of hypoxia. The mechanism responsible for this process is hypoxia-induced desensitization of the AMPA receptors, which is absent in the cortex neurons possessing the Sip1 mutation. However, the appearance of preconditioning in these neurons can be induced by phosphoinositide-3-kinase activation with a selective activator or an anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10

    Особенности религиозности представителей профессий экстремального профиля (на примере пожарных)

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    The paper examines characteristics of religiosity in employees of Fire Service of EMERCOM. The analysis of the phenomenon of religiosity of personality in psychology demonstrated the lack of its comprehensive treatment and the lack of methodological tools for its studying. The authors (a) underlined the necessity of studying spiritual and moral values of Russians in the conditions of global civilization challenges,(b) distinguished atheistic, Christian (Orthodox) and non-Christian traditions of studying the phenomena of faith, religiosity, and spirituality of an individual, (c) revealed the psychological content of the concepts of “faith” and “religiosity”, and (d) considered the typologies of religiosity of an individual. The study involved 62 employees of the Federal Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region (men) at the age from 21 to 52 with labour experience from a year to25 years. The methods of the study were (a) psychological testing: the questionnaire of the level of religiosity by Yu. V. Shcherbatykh, the “Inspirit” questionnaire (“Index of core spiritual experiences”) by J. Kass in D. L. Spivak’s adaptation; (b) mathematical statistics:Spearman rank correlation analysis, non-parametric Friedman test, and Wilcoxon criterion. The results of the empirical research enabled to make a conclusion about the dominance of three components in the structure of firemen’s individual religiosity: (a) the relation to religion as a philosophical concept, which helped to understand life in all its contradictoriness and often tragic nature, (b) the tendency to considerreligion as a source of support and comfort in uncontrollable conditions, (c) desire to observe the trappings of religious life as a manifestation of internal discipline and the skill of following clear rules and regulations. The experiences which convinced firemen of the existence of God and enhanced the experience of the presence of Godinside a man dominated in their religious experience. Since religiosity is a resource of stress tolerance of representatives of extreme professions, the findings of the study are of direct practical relevance.Статья посвящена изучению особенностей религиозности сотрудников противопожарной службы МЧС. В ходе анализа феномена религиозности личности в психологии констатируются отсутствие его комплексного рассмотрения и неразработанность методического инструментария для его изучения. Обосновывается необходимость изучения духовно-нравственных ориентиров россиян в условиях глобальных цивилизационных вызовов. Разведены атеистическая, христианская (православная) и нехристианская традиции изучения феноменов веры, религиозности и духовности личности; раскрыто психологическое содержание понятий «вера» и «религиозность»; рассмотрены типологии религиозности личности. В исследовании приняли участие 62 сотрудника федеральной противопожарной службы МЧС России по Ростовской области (мужчины) в возрасте от 21 года до 52 лет со стажем работы от 1 года до 25 лет. В работе использованы методы психологического тестирования (тест-опросник уровня религиозности (ТОР) Ю. В. Щербатых, опросник «Инспирит» («Index of core spiritual experiences») Дж. Касса в адаптации Д. Л. Спивака) и математической статистики (корреляционный анализ по критерию Спирмена, непараметрический анализ по критерию Фридмана, T-критерий Вилкоксона). На основе эмпирического исследования сделан вывод о доминировании в структуре индивидуальной религиозности пожарных трех компонентов, обусловленных особенностями их профессиональной деятельности: 1) отношения к религии как к философской концепции, позволяющей осмыслить происходящее в жизни во всей ее противоречивости, а зачастую и трагичности; 2) склонности рассматривать религию как источник поддержки и утешения в условиях, которые невозможно полностью контролировать даже высокопрофессиональными действиями; 3) стремления соблюдать внешние атрибуты религиозной жизни как проявления внутренней дисциплинированности и навыка следовать четким правилам и распоряжениям. Показано, что в религиозном опыте пожарных доминируют переживания, убедившие их в существовании Бога и усиливающие чувство нахождения Бога внутри человека. Подчеркивается практическая востребованность результатов исследования религиозности как ресурса стрессоустойчивости представителей профессий экстремального профиля