4,852 research outputs found

    Complement activation capacity in plasma before and during high-dose prednisolone treatment and tapering in exacerbations of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

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    BACKGROUND: Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) are characterized by intestinal inflammation mainly caused by a disturbance in the balance between cytokines and increased complement (C) activation. Our aim was to evaluate possible associations between C activation capacity and prednisolone treatment. METHODS: Plasma from patients with exacerbations of UC (n = 18) or CD (n = 18) were collected before and during high dose prednisolone treatment (1 mg/kg body weight) and tapering. Friedman's two way analysis of variance, Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed-rank sum test were used RESULTS: Before treatment, plasma from CD patients showed significant elevations in all C-mediated analyses compared to the values obtained from 38 healthy controls (p < 0.02), and in mannan binding lectin (MBL)-concentration and MBL-C4-activation capacity (AC) values compared to UC patients (p < 0.02). Before treatment, plasma from UC patients showed significant elevations only in the classical pathway-mediated C3-AC compared to values obtained from healthy controls (p < 0.01). After treatment was initiated, significant reductions, which persisted during follow-up, were observed in the classical pathway-mediated C3-AC and MBL-C4-AC in plasma from CD patients (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that C activation capacity is up-regulated significantly in plasma from CD patients. The decreases observed after prednisolone treatment reflect a general down-regulation in immune activation

    Microscopic theory of phonon-induced effects on semiconductor quantum dot decay dynamics in cavity QED

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    We investigate the influence of the electron-phonon interaction on the decay dynamics of a quantum dot coupled to an optical microcavity. We show that the electron-phonon interaction has important consequences on the dynamics, especially when the quantum dot and cavity are tuned out of resonance, in which case the phonons may add or remove energy leading to an effective non-resonant coupling between quantum dot and cavity. The system is investigated using two different theoretical approaches: (i) a second-order expansion in the bare phonon coupling constant, and (ii) an expansion in a polaron-photon coupling constant, arising from the polaron transformation which allows an accurate description at high temperatures. In the low temperature regime we find excellent agreement between the two approaches. An extensive study of the quantum dot decay dynamics is performed, where important parameter dependencies are covered. We find that in general the electron-phonon interaction gives rise to a greatly increased bandwidth of the coupling between quantum dot and cavity. At low temperature an asymmetry in the quantum dot decay rate is observed, leading to a faster decay when the quantum dot has a larger energy than to the cavity. We explain this as due to the absence of phonon absorption processes. Furthermore, we derive approximate analytical expressions for the quantum dot decay rate, applicable when the cavity can be adiabatically eliminated. The expressions lead to a clear interpretation of the physics and emphasizes the important role played by the effective phonon density, describing the availability of phonons for scattering, in quantum dot decay dynamics. Based on the analytical expressions we present the parameter regimes where phonon effects are expected to be important. Also, we include all technical developments in appendices.Comment: published PRB version, comments are very welcom

    Displaying and Experiencing Dress Identities in Museums: Case Studies from the Etruscan Period to Modern Times

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    Dress, clothes, and accessories receive and give meaning through their nearness to the human body. As P. Stallybrass writes: “Bodies come and go: the clothes that have received those bodies survive.” It is through the close interaction between dress and person that they both receive their meaning. Clothes shape the human body, and we in return shape our clothes. Dress communicates class, gender, nationality, and marital status, and we leave behind parts of us in its smell, wrinkles, wear, and tear: “Clothes receive the human imprint.” Archaeological and historical dress — no matter how ancient — remain intrinsically linked to their wearers. These are objects of use, affection, value, and memory, and through the study of the dress of past people, we may wear their habits and inhabit their spaces however briefly. The visual appearance of people, in more recent times as well as throughout history, is a clear marker of identity and an important communication medium. For this reason, costume and jewelry serve as an “anchor point” to involve people of the 21st century in studies of the life of prehistoric and ancient societies. This is worth considering, as archaeological textile research needs a strong commitment to public outreach and education, as well as to be integrated into the challenges of our time and to participate in current debates. Through the lens of deep history, it can inspire people to think about such questions as identity, resource use, and shared heritage, among others. Dissemination of textiles and clothing for the broader public in museums is realized through various channels. These range from the exhibition of individual objects, such as textiles, garments, jewelry, and dress accessories, to virtual recreations, and encompasses workshops, citizen science projects for the recreation of historical garments, media-effective historical fashion shows, and reinterpretations of aspects of historical garments through contemporary fashion. This remains an ongoing process, since the interpretation of the past will never be complete, and every generation formulates new approaches. The EuroWeb COST Action (2020–2024) serves as an innovative hub to gain understanding of historical as well as recent dress identities. For this contribution, different aspects of the history of fashion from various museums have been selected as case studies, to demonstrate the wide span of possibilities for displaying and experiencing Dress Identities. Our journey starts with Etruscan jewelry as displayed at the Staatliche Antikensammlungen in Munich (Germany), leading to Early Medieval dress, recreated from various sources as a physical dress ensemble as well as a virtual one, and used for science communication at the Natural History Museum Vienna (Austria) and Halle an der Saale (Germany). As both of the first examples derive from archaeological contexts, we do not have complete garments. This was why we also wanted to explore the possibilities for dissemination of “folk historic costumes”, like a traditional mourning dress as displayed at the Museum Amager (Denmark)

    Soft X-ray resonant scattering study of single-crystal LaSr2_2Mn2_2O7_7

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    Soft X-ray resonant scattering studies at the Mn LII, IIIL_{\texttt{II, III}}- and the La MIV, VM_{\texttt{IV, V}}- edges of single-crystal LaSr2_2Mn2_2O7_7 are reported. At low temperatures, below TN≈160T_\texttt{N} \approx 160 K, energy scans with a fixed momentum transfer at the \emph{A}-type antiferromagnetic (0 0 1) reflection around the Mn LII, IIIL_{\texttt{II, III}}-edges with incident linear σ\sigma and π\pi polarizations show strong resonant enhancements. The splitting of the energy spectra around the Mn LII, IIIL_{\texttt{II, III}}-edges may indicate the presence of a mixed valence state, e.g., Mn3+^{3+}/Mn4+^{4+}. The relative intensities of the resonance and the clear shoulder-feature as well as the strong incident σ\sigma and π\pi polarization dependences strongly indicate its complex electronic origin. Unexpected enhancement of the charge Bragg (0 0 2) reflection at the La MIV, VM_{\texttt{IV, V}}-edges with σ\sigma polarization has been observed up to 300 K, with an anomaly appearing around the orbital-ordering transition temperature, TOO≈220T_{\texttt{OO}} \approx 220 K, suggesting a strong coupling (competition) between them.Comment: Accepted by European Physical Journal

    Concordance between self-reported and measured HIV and hepatitis C virus infection status among people who inject drugs in Germany

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    Background: People who inject drugs (PWID) are disproportionately affected by both HIV and hepatitis C infection (HCV). Awareness of infection status is essential to ensure linkage to appropriate healthcare for those infected, who need treatment and regular follow-up, as well as for uninfected individuals, who need access to targeted testing and counselling services. In this paper we compare self-reported HIV and HCV status with serological markers of infection among PWID recruited through respondent driven sampling. Methods: From 2011 through 2014, biological and behavioural data was collected from 2,077 PWID in Germany. Dried blood spots from capillary blood samples were collected and screened for HCV antibodies, HCV RNA and HIV-1/-2 antibodies. HIV reactive samples were confirmed by Western blot. Results: Laboratory testing revealed that 5 % were infected with HIV and 81 % were aware of being infected. Chronic HCV infection was detected in 41 % of the participants, 2 % had an acute HCV infection, 22 % had a cleared infection, and 34 % were unexposed to HCV. The concordance between self-reported and measured HCV status was lower than for HIV, with 73 % of those with chronic HCV infection being aware of their infection. Conclusions: We found a relatively high awareness of HIV and HCV infection status among PWID. Nevertheless, access to appropriate testing, counselling and care services targeted to the needs of PWID should be further improved, particularly concerning HCV. Trial registration: Ethical approval was received from the ethics committee at the medical university of CharitĂŠ, Berlin, Germany in May 2011 and with an amendment approved retrospectively on 19/11/2012 (No EA4/036/11). The German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information approved the study protocol retrospectively on 29/11/2012 (III-401/008#0035)

    A Systematic Extended Iterative Solution for QCD

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    An outline is given of an extended perturbative solution of Euclidean QCD which systematically accounts for a class of nonperturbative effects, while allowing renormalization by the perturbative counterterms. Proper vertices Gamma are approximated by a double sequence Gamma[r,p], with r the degree of rational approximation w.r.t. the QCD mass scale Lambda, nonanalytic in the coupling g, and p the order of perturbative corrections in g-squared, calculated from Gamma[r,0] - rather than from the perturbative Feynman rules Gamma(0)(pert) - as a starting point. The mechanism allowing the nonperturbative terms to reproduce themselves in the Dyson-Schwinger equations preserves perturbative renormalizability and is tied to the divergence structure of the theory. As a result, it restricts the self-consistency problem for the Gamma[r,0] rigorously - i.e. without decoupling approximations - to the superficially divergent vertices. An interesting aspect of the scheme is that rational-function sequences for the propagators allow subsequences describing short-lived excitations. The method is calculational, in that it allows known techniques of loop computation to be used while dealing with integrands of truly nonperturbative content.Comment: 48 pages (figures included). Scope of replacement: correction of a technical defect; no changes in conten

    results from a cross-sectional study using respondent-driven sampling in eight German cities (2011–14)

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    Background People who inject drugs (PWID) are at increased risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) due to sharing injection paraphernalia and unprotected sex. To generate seroprevalence data on HIV and HCV among PWID and related data on risk behaviour, a multicentre sero- and behavioural survey using respondent driven sampling (RDS) was conducted in eight German cities between 2011 and 2014. We also evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of RDS for recruiting PWID in the study cities. Methods Eligible for participation were people who had injected drugs within the last 12 months, were 16 years or older, and who consumed in one of the study cities. Participants were recruited, using low-threshold drop-in facilities as study sites. Initial seeds were selected to represent various sub-groups of people who inject drugs (PWID). Participants completed a face-to-face interview with a structured questionnaire about socio-demographics, sexual and injecting risk behaviours, as well as the utilisation of health services. Capillary blood samples were collected as dried blood spots and were anonymously tested for serological and molecular markers of HIV and HCV. The results are shown as range of proportions (min. and max. values (%)) in the respective study cities. For evaluation of the sampling method we applied criteria from the STROBE guidelines. Results Overall, 2,077 PWID were recruited. The range of age medians was 29–41 years, 18.5–35.3 % of participants were female, and 9.2–30.6 % were foreign born. Median time span since first injection were 10–18 years. Injecting during the last 30 days was reported by 76.0–88.4 % of participants. Sharing needle/syringes (last 30 days) ranged between 4.7 and 22.3 %, while sharing unsterile paraphernalia (spoon, filter, water, last 30 days) was reported by 33.0–43.8 %. A majority of participants (72.8–85.8 %) reported incarceration at least once, and 17.8–39.8 % had injected while incarcerated. Between 30.8 and 66.2 % were currently in opioid substitution therapy. Unweighted HIV seroprevalence ranged from 0–9.1 %, HCV from 42.3–75.0 %, and HCV-RNA from 23.1–54.0 %. The implementation of RDS as a recruiting method in cooperation with low-threshold drop in facilities was well accepted by both staff and PWID. We reached our targeted sample size in seven of eight cities. Conclusions In the recruited sample of mostly current injectors with a long duration of injecting drug use, seroprevalence for HIV and HCV varied greatly between the city samples. HCV was endemic among participants in all city samples. Our results demonstrate the necessity of intensified prevention strategies for blood-borne infections among PWID in Germany
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