490 research outputs found

    Governance and City Regions

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    City-regions are areas where the daily journeys for work, shopping and leisure frequently cross administrative boundaries. They are seen as engines of the national economy, but are also facing congestion and disparities. Thus, all over the world, governments attempt to increase problem-solving capacities in city-regions by institutional reform and a shift of functions. This book analyses the recent reforms and changes in the governance of city-regions in France, Germany and Italy. It covers themes such as the impact of austerity measures, territorial development, planning and state modernisation. The authors provide a systematic cross-country perspective on two levels, between six city-regions and between the national policy frameworks in these three countries. They use a solid comparative framework, which refers to the four dimensions functions, institutions and governance, ideas and space. They describe the course of the reforms, the motivations and the results, and consequently, they question the widespread metropolitan fever or resurgence of city-regions and provide a better understanding of recent changes in city-regional governance in Europe. The primary readership will be researchers and master students in planning, urban studies, urban geography, political science and governance studies, especially those interested in metropolitan regions and / or decentralisation. Due to the uniqueness of the work, the book will be of particular interest to scholars working on the comparative European dimension of territorial governance and planning

    Governance and City Regions

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    City-regions are areas where the daily journeys for work, shopping and leisure frequently cross administrative boundaries. They are seen as engines of the national economy, but are also facing congestion and disparities. Thus, all over the world, governments attempt to increase problem-solving capacities in city-regions by institutional reform and a shift of functions. This book analyses the recent reforms and changes in the governance of city-regions in France, Germany and Italy. It covers themes such as the impact of austerity measures, territorial development, planning and state modernisation. The authors provide a systematic cross-country perspective on two levels, between six city-regions and between the national policy frameworks in these three countries. They use a solid comparative framework, which refers to the four dimensions functions, institutions and governance, ideas and space. They describe the course of the reforms, the motivations and the results, and consequently, they question the widespread metropolitan fever or resurgence of city-regions and provide a better understanding of recent changes in city-regional governance in Europe. The primary readership will be researchers and master students in planning, urban studies, urban geography, political science and governance studies, especially those interested in metropolitan regions and / or decentralisation. Due to the uniqueness of the work, the book will be of particular interest to scholars working on the comparative European dimension of territorial governance and planning

    proteome analysis of phenotypic modulated vascular smooth muscle cells

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    Die phänotypische Modulation glatter Gefäßmuskelzellen (VSMCs) spielt in der Pathogenese der Atherosklerose eine Schlüsselrolle. Bringt man native glatte Muskelzellen in Kultur, so findet eine phänotypische Modulation zu proliferierenden synthetischen "atherogenen" glatten Muskelzellen statt. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Proteine zu identifizieren, die während der phänotypischen Modulation von glatten Gefäßmuskelzellen reguliert werden. Hierzu wurde das Proteinprofil nativer Mausaorten mit dem kultivierter primärer VSMC verglichen. Mittels zweidimensionaler (2D) Gelelektrophorese und Massenspektrometrie wurden 12 regulierte Proteine identifiziert. Herunterreguliert wurden mitochondriale Stoffwechselenzyme . Hochreguliert wurden "actin cytoplasmic 1/2" als Bestandteil des Zytoskeletts, Annexin A3 und Dimethylarginin Dimethylaminohydrolase 1, das mit vaskulären Erkrankungen assoziiert ist. Des Weiteren erfolgte eine Hochregulation von Proteinen, für die eine Rolle im Zellzyklus und bei der Proliferation beschrieben wurde. Hierzu zählen das "chloride intracellular channel protein I", das ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2N", "ran specific GTPase activating protein und Stathmin. Stathmin wurde noch nicht in Zusammenhang mit VSMCs erwähnt. Mittels Western Blot und semiquantitativer RT-PCR wurde die Expressionsänderung auf Protein-und RNA Ebene bestätigt. Die Hochregulation von Stathmin weist darauf hin, dass Stathmin ein Markerprotein synthetischer VSMCs darstellen und eine Rolle bei der Pathogenese vaskulärer Krankheiten spielen könnte. So konnte mit Hilfe des entdeckungsorientierten Proteomansatzes Proteine identifziert werden, die möglicherweise an der phänotypischen Modulation von VSMCs und damit an der Entstehung der Atherosklerose beteiligt sein könnten. Ein weiteres Ziel war die Identifizierung der Substratproteine der cGMP abhängigen Proteinkinase I (cGKI) in VSMCs. Hierzu wurde die Phosphoproteomanalyse gewählt. Durch Vergleich des Phosphoproteoms von Wildtyp und cGKI-defizienten VSMCs wurden drei potentielle Substratproteine detektiert. Die Identifizierung mittels Massenspektrometrie steht derzeit noch aus.Phenotypic modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) plays a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Cell culture of of vascular smooth muscle cells leads to phenotypic modulation towards proliferating synthetic VSMCs. The aim of this project was to identify proteins that are regulated during phenotypic modulation. Therefore the protein profile of native mouse aorta was compared with cultivated primary VSMCs. Using 2D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry 12 regulated proteins were identified. We found a downregulation of mitochondrial metabolic enzymes We found an upregulatio of"actin cytoplasmic ½, annexin A3 and dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1, that ist associated with vascular diseases. Furthermore we found an upregulation of proteins that play a key role in cell cycle. These are “chloride intracellular channel protein”, “ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2N”, “ran specific GTPase activating enzyme” and stathmin. Stathmin has not been associated yet with vascular smooth muscle cells. Using western blot and rt-pcr we confirmed the change in expression on protein and RNA level. The upregulation of stathmin indicates that stathmin could be a marker protein of synthetic VSMCs and could play a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Using proteome analysis we could identify proteins that could play a role in phenotypic modulation and in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Another aim of project was to identify the substrate proteins of cgmp dependent protein kinase I (cGKI). We used phosphoproteome analysis. We compared the phosphoproteome of wildtype and cGKI deficient VSMCs. We detected three candidates. Mass spectrometry is being mad

    An evaluation of CD39 as a novel immunoregulatory mechanism invoked by COPD

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    Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) are characterized by increased pulmonary and systemic inflammation and commonly caused by bacterial and/or viral infection. Little is known about the T-cell dysregulation in AECOPD that promotes these outcomes. CD39 is an ectonucleotidase able to hydrolyse adenosine triphosphate to create adenosine that may inhibit T-cell responses in patients with AECOPD. Here T-cell expression of CD39 measured by flow cytometry was higher in AECOPD patients than stable COPD patients or healthy controls. Higher expression of CD39 was associated with higher levels of plasma soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor but lower interferon-γ (IFNγ) levels in supernatants from staphylococcal enterotoxin-B stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This links increased expression of CD39 with systemic inflammation and impaired T-cell responses (e.g. IFNγ). The blockade of CD39 pathways may be a novel approach to the control of AECOPD, reducing the dependency on antibiotics

    The development of metropolises in Germany and France

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    The evolution of city regions and metropolises in both countries illustrates the theoretical debates on this particular geographical object. Political legitimacy, significant autonomy and a 'relevant' territorial area should form the basis of these regions. But there is a long way to go from this theoretical vision to practice. In Germany, a slow and contingent bottom-up process can be observed, whereas in France, following a long history of intermunicipality, institutional metropolises are emerging (MAPTAM law of 2014). Metropolregionen and métropoles thus differ. Germany shows incomplete and variable forms of metropolitan organisation, whereas French metropolises are satisfied with simple criteria of competences and resources. However, these 'intermunicipal' métropoles (one exception: Lyon) can also be compared with the large German cities, which are highly individualised political entities, with the city-states (e. g. Hamburg) being the most extreme cases. Two examples, Frankfurt and Lille, illustrate the comparison

    Return of the metro-model? : Governance and planning in metropolitan regions under change. An international comparison of France, Italy and Germany

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    The governance of metropolitan regions is currently re-defined in many European states due to changes in the welfare states and ever-increasing global competition. In some states such as France and Italy, but also in Germany we observe the emergence of scale-specific governance arrangements and planning policies, partially bottom-up and contingent upon regional contexts, partially triggered by incentives and legislation of the central government. Italy and France, for instance, have recently adopted national laws introducing new institutional forms for metropolitan regions, the Métropole and Città Metropolitana. In the federal state of Germany, there is no such thing but there have been soft incentives of the national level leading to the nomination of eleven Europäische Metropolregionen. This chapter compares the recent developments in France, Italy and Germany and seeks to answer the question of who and what drives metropolitan reforms.En molts estats europeus actualment s'està redefinint la governança de les regions metropolitanes a causa dels canvis en els estats de benestar i a una competència global cada vegada més gran. En alguns estats com França i Itàlia, però també a Alemanya, observem el sorgiment d'acords de governança i de polítiques de planificació específics per a aquest tipus de regions, en uns casos sorgits bottom-up i dependents dels contextos regionals, i altres vegades activats pels incentius i la legislació del govern central. Itàlia i França, per exemple, han adoptat recentment lleis nacionals que introdueixen noves formes institucionals per a les regions metropolitanes: Métropole i Città Metropolitana. En l'estat federal d'Alemanya, no existeix tal cosa, però hi ha hagut incentius a nivell nacional que porten a l'establiment d'onze Europäische Metropolregionen. Aquest article compara els desenvolupaments recents a França, Itàlia i Alemanya i busca respondre la pregunta de què i qui impulsa les reformes metropolitanes.En muchos estados europeos actualmente se está redefiniendo la gobernanza de las regiones metropolitanas debido a los cambios en los estados de bienestar y a una competencia global cada vez mayor. En algunos estados como Francia e Italia, pero también en Alemania, observamos el surgimiento de acuerdos de gobernanza y de políticas de planificación específicos para este tipo de regiones, en unos casos surgidos bottom-up y dependientes de los contextos regionales, y otras veces activados por los incentivos y la legislación del gobierno central. Italia y Francia, por ejemplo, han adoptado recientemente leyes nacionales que introducen nuevas formas institucionales para las regiones metropolitanas, Métropole y Città Metropolitana. En el estado federal de Alemania, no existe tal cosa, pero ha habido incentivos a nivel nacional que llevan al establecimiento de once Europäische Metropolregionen. Este artículo compara los desarrollos recientes en Francia, Italia y Alemania y busca responder la pregunta de qué y quién impulsa las reformas metropolitanas

    Post-delivery oxidative stress in women with preeclampsia or IUGR

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    Aim: To compare oxidative stress in patients with preeclampsia (PE) or intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) vs. normal pregnancy (controls) during 48h after delivery. Study design: Women with singleton pregnancies were recruited immediately after delivery (gestational age >26.0weeks). Women with PE or IUGR were matched with healthy controls by age, BMI, gestational age and delivery mode. Venous blood samples and urine samples were tested for oxidative stress products 24h and 48h after delivery. Results: Plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration 24h after delivery was significantly higher in subjects with PE or IUGR (3.41±1.14μmol/L, n=20) than in controls (2.91±0.82μmol/L, n=38) (P=0.04). Urine iPF2α-VI declined from 24 to 48h after delivery significantly in controls (P=0.006) and not in subjects with PE or IUGR (P=0.71). Conclusion: Of the markers tested only MDA is indicating higher oxidative stress in women with PE/IUGR than in normal pregnancy and only at 24h after delivery. No consistent pattern of change in the oxidative stress markers exists between 24-48h after deliver

    States of Environmentalist Media

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    UV Pretreatment Impairs the Enzymatic Degradation of Polyethylene Terephthalate

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    The biocatalytic degradation of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) emerged recently as a promising alternative plastic recycling method. However, limited activity of previously known enzymes against post-consumer PET materials still prevents the application on an industrial scale. In this study, the influence of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation as a potential pretreatment method for the enzymatic degradation of PET was investigated. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) and 1H solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis indicated a shortening of the polymer chains of UV-treated PET due to intra-chain scissions. The degradation of UV-treated PET films by a polyester hydrolase resulted in significantly lower weight losses compared to the untreated sample. We also examined site-specific and segmental chain dynamics over a time scale of sub-microseconds to seconds using centerband-only detection of exchange, rotating-frame spin-lattice relaxation (T1), and dipolar chemical shift correlation experiments which revealed an overall increase in the chain rigidity of the UV-treated sample. The observed dynamic changes are most likely associated with the increased crystallinity of the surface, where a decreased accessibility for the enzymecatalyzed hydrolysis was found. Moreover, our NMR study provided further knowledge on how polymer chain conformation and dynamics of PET can mechanistically influence the enzymatic degradation

    Analyse der verkehrspolitischen Ratsentscheidungen im Zeitraum von 2014 bis 2021

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die kommunalen Entscheidungsprozesse der Verkehrspolitik in den Fokus. Basierend auf relevanten Plandokumenten für die Verkehrsentwicklung, den lokalen Zielformulierungen und den Ratsbeschlüssen wird die verkehrspolitische Entwicklung nachvollzogen. Anhand dessen sollen Innovationen bzw. inkrementelle Prozesse identifiziert werden, die für die verkehrspolitischen Pfade der letzten zehn Jahre prägend sind. Insbesondere die Auswertung der Ratsbeschlüsse ermöglicht es, Schwerpunkte der Planung, bedeutende Entscheidungen, kontroverse Themen, aber auch äußere Einflüsse zu identifizieren. Beispielsweise sind in den Jahren 2019 und 2020 vermehrt Anträge zu Verkehrsthemen festzustellen. Dies steht im Zusammenhang mit dem Diesel-skandal, der Diskussion um die Fahrverbote und dem steigenden Angebot an Fördermöglichkeiten des Bundes. Auch die Erarbeitungsprozesse von Mobilitätskonzepten und ähnlichen Planwerken haben in fast allen Städten einen Bedeutungsgewinn verkehrspolitischer Diskussionen zur Folge. Von besonderem Interesse ist die Frage, ob und wo Unterschiede zwischen den Untersuchungsstädten zu finden sind. Aufgrund der spezifischen und individuellen Rahmenbedingungen der Untersuchungsstädte, sind die Unterschiede nicht so deutlich abzulesen, wie erhofft. Allerdings lassen sich einige Faktoren für eine gute bzw. schwierigere Ausgangssituation ableiten, die nur bedingt von der kommunalen Politik beeinflusst werden können