279 research outputs found

    On the importance of notarial documentation for the history of the Spanish language : the case of deontic periphrasis with "deber"

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    On the occasion of the celebration of the centenary of the publication of "Documentos lingüísticos de España", by Ramón Menéndez Pidal, two objectives are proposed: to state the importance of notarial documentation for the history of the Spanish language and to demonstrate that, despite the formulaic form of some parts of these texts, they are a source which registers a considerable number of linguistic innovations in all areas (phonic, morphological, syntactic and pragmatic). In order to demonstrate it, the article deals with three deontic periphrasis with deber found in "Documentos lingüísticos" and another collections of Spanish notary documents.Con motivo de la celebración del centenario de la publicación de "Documentos lingüísticos de España" de Ramón Menéndez Pidal, nos proponemos dos objetivos: reivindicar la importancia de la documentación notarial para la historia de la lengua española y contribuir a demostrar que, a pesar del carácter formulario de algunas partes de estos textos, constituyen una fuente absolutamente necesaria para registrar buen número de innovaciones lingüísticas en todos los ámbitos (fónico, morfológico, sintáctico y pragmático). Para ilustrarlo nos ocuparemos de las tres perífrasis con deber que, a partir del análisis de la dispositio de los "Documentos lingüísticos" y de otras colecciones, que apuntan a diferentes zonas geográficas

    From conceptual to procedural-conceptual meaning : the case of the discourse verbal periphrasis < llegar a +infinitive> in Spanish

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    The purpose of the paper is to explore diachronically the verbal periphrasis whose origin, linked to the birth of the prose of Alfonso X of Castile, allowed another direction of change thus avoiding the intermediate stage of the time domain. It is subtracted, therefore, of the commonly admitted evolutionary patterns of the periphrasis of verbs of motion. Due to “cultured” origin, the acquired conceptual meaning of the verbal periphrasis mitigates into the procedural-conceptual one, similar to discourse markers. Furthermore, with the help of a relatively large corpus, which covers the major works written between the thirteenth and twentieth centuries, the author will try to perceive and discover the reasons that led to its fi nal assessment in Spanish

    Granice władztwa planistycznego gminy w wybranych orzeczeniach sądów administracyjnych

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    This paper is devoted to the boundaries for the planning control solely in the procedure of passing the local spatial development plan. The author discusses the authority of the court to control the planning competence of the commune and considers objections suggesting infringement of boundaries for planning control by the commune. Spatial planning requires a balance of interests – public (including those of local communities) and individual. From the legal point of view these plan stipulations prove defective, which infringe the law, as well as those which are a consequence of abuse of competences attributed to the commune (planning control). It may hardly be expected from commune councils to manage interpretation ambiguities. For this reason it may be and it needs to be expected from the administrative legislature, ex lege guarding the law, to provide rational and practical application and interpretation of law in terms of planning, which would meet social needs.Le considerazioni sono dedicate ai confini del potere di pianificazione urbanistica comunale ma soltanto riguardo alla procedura di approvazione del piano regolatore locale. L’Autore discute il potere del tribunale di verificare la competenza della pianificazione comunale, inoltre prende in considerazione le accuse le quali suggeriscono che i comuni violano i limiti della competenza della pianificazione comunale. La pianificazione urbanistica richiede la capacità di equilibrare gli interessi – pubblici (comprese quelli delle comunità locali) e individuali. Difettose da un punto di vista giuridico sono quelle disposizioni del piano che violano la legge, così come quelle che sono il risultato dell’abuso delle competenze che spettano al Comune (potere della pianificazione urbanistica). È difficile aspettarsi che i Consigli comunali sappiano affrontare i dubbi interpretativi. Per cui, dai tribunali amministrativi, i quali devono salvaguardare ex lege il rispetto della legge, ci si potrebbe e dovrebbe aspettare una razionale, pratica e corrispondente alle esigenze sociali applicazione e interpretazione della legge nell’ambito della pianificazione

    Psych verbs in Spanish and Polish : contrastive analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to show the basic semantic as well syntactic similarities and differences of predicates of psych verbs in Spanish and Polish

    Sobre el caso de un caso. Semántica del dativo polaco y español. Principales diferencias

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    The main purpose of this paper is the contrastive analysis of Polish and Spanish dative, with special focus on the difference which separates the both grammatical systems and their use

    «No se dice "¿qué?", se dice "¿mande?"» : origin and evolution of the formula «mande» in Spanish

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    The objective of the study is to delve into the origin and the process of pragmaticalization of the expression mande, from a directive act of speech. Although its use is currently typical of Mexican Spanish, where with interrogative intonation mande is used to respond to the addressee‘s call or to ask the recipient to repeat the message that the sender has not understood or has not heard well, its uses are well documented in peninsular Spanish from the 16th century. With the help of discursive proximity texts (comedy, dialogue texts, etc. from 16th to 20th centuries), the author tries to find the socio-pragmatic contexts that contributed to the creation of the formula mande