43 research outputs found

    Search for an interaction mediated by axion-like particles with ultracold neutrons at the PSI

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    We report on a search for a new, short-range, spin-dependent interaction using a modified version of the experimental apparatus used to measure the permanent neutron electric dipole moment at the Paul Scherrer Institute. This interaction, which could be mediated by axion-like particles, concerned the unpolarized nucleons (protons and neutrons) near the material surfaces of the apparatus and polarized ultracold neutrons stored in vacuum. The dominant systematic uncertainty resulting from magnetic-field gradients was controlled to an unprecedented level of approximately 4 pT/cm using an array of optically-pumped cesium vapor magnetometers and magnetic-field maps independently recorded using a dedicated measurement device. No signature of a theoretically predicted new interaction was found, and we set a new limit on the product of the scalar and the pseudoscalar couplings gsgpλ2<8.3×1028m2g_sg_p\lambda^2 < 8.3 \times 10^{-28}\,\text{m}^2 (95% C.L.) in a range of 5μm<λ<25mm5\,\mu\text{m} < \lambda < 25\,\text{mm} for the monopole-dipole interaction. This new result confirms and improves our previous limit by a factor of 2.7 and provides the current tightest limit obtained with free neutrons

    The family as agent of political socialization

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    Assignment (MEcon) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1983.Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record


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    Until recently, there has been little dialogue between scholars who have been researching and theorizing about globalization and those working in the field of family studies. It is often said that globalization is affecting family patterns but the exact nature of that effect, is seldom fleshed out. Family diversity has also become a major theme in family sociology, but the link between it, and globalization is seldom discussed in any detail. The purpose of this paper is to make a modest attempt at bringing together discussions of globalization and family diversity.In the first part, the author considers some of the reasons for this lack of dialogue between globalization and family researchers. In the second, she looks at how globalization has affected family patterns in Europe. Finally, family patterns in South Africa, are compared to those of one European country: Great Britain. One of the main arguments raised is that globalization has had a minimal impact on the family patterns found in individual European societies and that regional differences persist within the European context. However, it is unlikely that these differences are due to globalization. Another argument put forward is that family diversity pertains at the global level. This becomes apparent when the family patterns of an African and European society are compared.Do nedavnega je bilo le malo dialoga med raziskovalci in teoretiki globalizacije na eni strani ter znanstveniki, ki se ukvarjajo z družinskimi študijami, na drugi strani. Pogosto beremo, da globalizacija vpliva na družinske vzorce; kakšni natanko so ti učinki in kakšna je njihova narava, pa pravzaprav še ni bilo dovolj pojasnjeno. Namen tega prispevka je torej poskus vzpostavitve povezav med diskusijama o globalizaciji in o raznolikosti družinskih vzorcev. V prvem delu avtorica obravnava nekatere vzroke za pomanjkanje dialoga med globalizacijskimi in družinskimi študijami. V drugem delu analizira učinek globalizacije in še posebej migracij na družinske vzorce v Evropi. Končno primerja južnoafriške družinske vzorce s tistimi, ki so značilni za eno od evropskih dežel, in sicer za Veliko Britanijo. Raziskava jo privede do sklepa, da je imela globalizacija doslej minimalen vpliv na družinske vzorce, ki jih najdemo v posameznih evropskih družbah, in da razlike med regijami, kar zadeva tradicionalno prevladujoče družinske vzorce, ostajajo znotraj evropskega konteksta skoraj še ravno tako opazne kot nekoč. Prav zato je seveda tem manj verjetno, da bi lahko bile te razlike kakorkoli povezane z globalizacijo. Druga ugotovitev pa je, da se prava raznolikost prevladujočih družinskih vzorcev kaže šele na globalni ravni, kar postane očitno ob primerjavi razreza družinskih vzorcev v eni od afriških in eni od evropskih dežel. Ali bodo globalizacijski procesi sčasoma izničili tradicionalne razlike v prevladujočih družinskih vzorcih na globalni ravni, pa je v tem trenutku nemogoče napovedati

    NETRALOG - Entwicklung und Einsatz bioanaloger Algorithmen in der Schiffsabfertigung Schlussbericht

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    Available from TIB Hannover: F01B55+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman

    A large ‘Active Magnetic Shield’ for a high-precision experiment: nEDM collaboration

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    We present a novel Active Magnetic Shield (AMS), designed and implemented for the n2EDM experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute. The experiment will perform a high-sensitivity search for the electric dipole moment of the neutron. Magnetic-field stability and control is of key importance for n2EDM. A large, cubic, 5 m side length, magnetically shielded room (MSR) provides a passive, quasi-static shielding-factor of about 10⁵ for its inner sensitive volume. The AMS consists of a system of eight complex, feedback-controlled compensation coils constructed on an irregular grid spanned on a volume of less than 1000 m³ around the MSR. The AMS is designed to provide a stable and uniform magnetic-field environment around the MSR, while being reasonably compact. The system can compensate static and variable magnetic fields up to ± 50 μT/m (homogeneous components) and ±5 μT/m (first-order gradients), suppressing them to a few μT in the sub-Hertz frequency range. The presented design concept and implementation of the AMS fulfills the requirements of the n2EDM experiment and can be useful for other applications, where magnetically silent environments are important and spatial constraints inhibit simpler geometrical solutions.ISSN:1434-6044ISSN:1434-605