1,009 research outputs found

    INTEGRAL timing and localization performance

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    In this letter we report on the accuracy of the attitude, misalignment, orbit and time correlation which are used to perform scientific analyses of the INTEGRAL data. The boresight attitude during science pointings has an accuracy of 3 arcsec. At the center of the field, the misalignments have been calibrated leading to a location accuracy of 4 to 40 arcsec for the different instruments. The spacecraft position is known within 10 meters. The relative timing between instruments could be reconstructed within 10 microsec and the absolute timing within 40 microsec.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A+A letters, INTEGRAL special issu

    Infection Prevention and the Protective Effects of Unidirectional Displacement Flow Ventilation in the Turbulent Spaces of the Operating Room

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    Background: Unidirectional displacement flow (UDF) ventilation systems in operating rooms are characterized by a uniformity of velocity 80% and protect patients and operating room personnel against exposure to hazardous substances. However, the air below the surgical lights and in the surrounding zone is turbulent, which impairs the ventilation system’s effect. Aim: We first used the recovery time (RT) as specified in International Organization for Standardization 14644 to determine the particle reduction capacity in the turbulent spaces of an operating room with a UDF system. Methods: The uniformity of velocity was analyzed by comfort-level probe grid measurements in the protected area below a hemispherical closed-shaped and a semi-open column-shaped surgical light (tilt angles: 0/15/30) and in the surrounding zone of a research operating room. Thereafter, RTs were calculated. Results: At a supply air volume of 10,500 m3/h, the velocity, reported as average uniformity+standard deviation, was uniform in the protected area without lights (95.8% + 1.7%), but locally turbulent below the hemispherical closedshaped (69.3% + 14.6%), the semi-open column-shaped light (66.9% + 10.9%), and in the surrounding zone (51.5%+17.6%). The RTs ranged between 1.1 and 1.7 min below the lights and 3.5+0.28 min in the surrounding zone and depended exponentially on the volume flow rate. Conclusions: Compared to an RT of 20 min as required for operating rooms with mixed dilution flow, particles here were eliminated 12–18 times more quickly from below the surgical lights and 5.7 times from the surrounding zone. Thus, the effect of the lights was negligible and the UDF’s retained its strong protective effect

    Primary Dietary Intervention Study to Reduce the Risk of Islet Autoimmunity in Children at Increased Risk for Type 1 Diabetes: The BABYDIET study

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether delaying the introduction of gluten in infants with a genetic risk of islet autoimmunity is feasible, safe, and may reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes-associated islet autoimmunity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 150 infants with a first-degree family history of type 1 diabetes and a risk HLA genotype were randomly assigned to a first gluten exposure at age 6 months (control group) or 12 months (late-exposure group) and were followed 3 monthly until the age of 3 years and yearly thereafter for safety (for growth and autoantibodies to transglutaminase C [TGCAs]), islet autoantibodies to insulin, GAD, insulinoma-associated protein 2, and type 1 diabetes. RESULTS: Adherence to the dietary-intervention protocol was reported from 70% of families. During the first 3 years, weight and height were similar in children in the control and late-exposure groups, as was the probability of developing TGCAs (14 vs. 4%; P = 0.1). Eleven children in the control group and 13 children in the late-exposure group developed islet autoantibodies (3-year risk: 12 vs. 13%; P = 0.6). Seven children developed diabetes, including four in the late-exposure group. No significant differences were observed when children were analyzed as per protocol on the basis of the reported first gluten exposure of the children. CONCLUSIONS: Delaying gluten exposure until the age of 12 months is safe but does not substantially reduce the risk for islet autoimmunity in genetically at-risk children

    Sodium, renin, aldosterone, catecholamines, and blood pressure in diabetes mellitus

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    Sodium, renin, aldosterone, catecholamines, and blood pressure in diabetes mellitus. Interrelations among plasma renin activity (PRA), aldosterone and Cortisol levels, blood volume, exchangeable sodium, urinary catecholamines, and blood pressure were studied in 35 normal subjects and 60 age-matched non-azotemic patients with diabetes mellitus (60% with hypertension, 15% with orthostatic hypotension). Basal PRA, plasma aldosterone, cortisol, blood volume, plasma potassium, and urinary electrolytes were comparable in diabetic and normal subjects. Diabetic patients, however, had a 10% increase in body sodium (P < 0.01), and 8% of them showed normal postural PRA responses and subnormal aldosterone responses; 22% had subnormal PRA and normal aldosterone responses, and 17% had subnormal responses of PRA and aldosterone. Non-PRA-related aldosterone responses could not be explained by ACTH or electrolytes. Orthostatic decreases in blood pressure correlated (P < 0.01) with both catecholamine excretion and basal PRA. This suggests that in diabetes mellitus, body sodium is increased. Basal PRA and plasma aldosterone are usually normal, but their postural responses are frequently impaired. Absent aldosterone responses, despite normal PRA responsiveness, may reflect an adrenal abnormality or an ineffective form of renin. Marked postural aldosterone stimulation, unrelated to PRA, ACTH, or electrolytes, points to a potent unknown factor in aldosterone control. Low levels of free peripheral catecholamines and PRA may be complementary factors contributing to postural hypotension.Sodium, rénine, aldostérone, catécholamines et pression artérielle dans le diabèté sucré. Les inter-relations entre l'activité rénine plasmatique (PRA), les concentrations d'aldostérone et de cortisol, le volume sanguin, le sodium échangeable, les catécholamines urinaires et la pression artérielle ont été étudiées chez 35 sujets normaux et 60 malades atteints de diabété, sans insuffisance rénale et dont les âges étaient appariés (60% avaient une hypertension et 15% une hypotension orthostatique). La PRA de base, l'aldostérone et le Cortisol plasmatiques, le volume sanguin, le potassium plasmatique et les électrolytes urinaires étaient comparables chez les diabétiques et les sujets normaux. Les malades diabétiques, cependant, ont une augmentation de 10% de leur sodium corporel (P < 0,01). Huit pour cent d'entre eux ont une réponse posturale de PRA normale et une réponse de l'aldostérone inférieure à la normale, 22% ont une réponse de PRA inférieure à la normale et une reponse de l'aldosterone normale, et 17% ont des réponses de PRA et de l'aldostérone inférieures à la normale. Les réponses de l'aldostérone sans rapport avec PRA ne peuvent pas être expliquées par l'ACTH ou les électrolytes. Les diminutions de la pression artérielle liées à l'orthostatisme sont correlées (P < 0,01) à la fois avec l'excrétion de catécholamines et la PRA de base. Ceci suggére qu'au cours du diabéte le sodium corporel est augmenté. La PRA et l'aldosterone de base sont souvent normales mais leur réponse posturale est souvent modifiée. L'absence de réponse de l'aldosterone malgré une réponse normale de PRA peut traduire une anomalie surrénale ou une forme de rénine inefficace. Une stimulation posturale importante de l'aldostérone non expliquée par la PRA, l'ACTH ou les électrolytes oriente vers un facteur inconnu mais puissant du contrôle de la sécrétion d'aldostérone. Des concentrations basses de catécholamines libres et une PRA basse peuvent être des facteurs complémentaires qui participent à l'hypotension posturale

    Verbalization of the Concept "Machine" in the Linguistic World Views of Russian and English Speakers

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    The paper focuses on the verbalization of the concept of "machine" in the Russian and English linguistic conceptions of the world. The study provides a comparative analysis of representation of the concept "machine" in two cultures and reveals ethnocultural specificity for Russian and English speakers. The significance of the work is due to the interest of modern linguistics and the Intercultural Communication Theory in the process of encoding a national mentality in the form of linguistic units. The authors describe ethnoculutural similarities and differences in the verbalization of the concept “machine” in Russian and English

    Studies of aging and HV break down problems during development and operation of MSGC and GEM detectors for the Inner Tracking System of HERA-B

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    The results of five years of development of the inner tracking system of the HERA-B experiment and first experience from the data taking period of the year 2000 are reported. The system contains 184 chambers, covering a sensitive area of about 20 * 20 cm2 each. The detector is based on microstrip gas counters (MSGCs) with diamond like coated (DLC) glass wafers and gas electron multipliers (GEMs). The main problems in the development phase were gas discharges in intense hadron beams and aging in a high radiation dose environment. The observation of gas discharges which damage the electrode structure of the MSGC led to the addition of the GEM as a first amplification step. Spurious sparking at the GEM cannot be avoided completely. It does not affect the GEM itself but can produce secondary damage of the MSGC if the electric field between the GEM and the MSGC is above a threshold depending on operation conditions. We observed that aging does not only depend on the dose but also on the spot size of the irradiated area. Ar-DME mixtures had to be abandoned whereas a mixture of 70% Ar and 30% CO2 showed no serious aging effects up to about 40 mC/cm deposited charge on the anodes. X-ray measurements indicate that the DLC of the MSGC is deteriorated by the gas amplification process. As a consequence, long term gain variations are expected. The Inner Tracker has successfully participated in the data taking at HERA-B during summer 2000.Comment: 29 pages, 22 figure

    Sodium, renin, aldosterone, catecholamines, and blood pressure in diabetes mellitus

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    Sodium, renin, aldosterone, catecholamines, and blood pressure in diabetes mellitus. Interrelations among plasma renin activity (PRA), aldosterone and Cortisol levels, blood volume, exchangeable sodium, urinary catecholamines, and blood pressure were studied in 35 normal subjects and 60 age-matched non-azotemic patients with diabetes mellitus (60% with hypertension, 15% with orthostatic hypotension). Basal PRA, plasma aldosterone, cortisol, blood volume, plasma potassium, and urinary electrolytes were comparable in diabetic and normal subjects. Diabetic patients, however, had a 10% increase in body sodium (P < 0.01), and 8% of them showed normal postural PRA responses and subnormal aldosterone responses; 22% had subnormal PRA and normal aldosterone responses, and 17% had subnormal responses of PRA and aldosterone. Non-PRA-related aldosterone responses could not be explained by ACTH or electrolytes. Orthostatic decreases in blood pressure correlated (P < 0.01) with both catecholamine excretion and basal PRA. This suggests that in diabetes mellitus, body sodium is increased. Basal PRA and plasma aldosterone are usually normal, but their postural responses are frequently impaired. Absent aldosterone responses, despite normal PRA responsiveness, may reflect an adrenal abnormality or an ineffective form of renin. Marked postural aldosterone stimulation, unrelated to PRA, ACTH, or electrolytes, points to a potent unknown factor in aldosterone control. Low levels of free peripheral catecholamines and PRA may be complementary factors contributing to postural hypotension.Sodium, rénine, aldostérone, catécholamines et pression artérielle dans le diabèté sucré. Les inter-relations entre l'activité rénine plasmatique (PRA), les concentrations d'aldostérone et de cortisol, le volume sanguin, le sodium échangeable, les catécholamines urinaires et la pression artérielle ont été étudiées chez 35 sujets normaux et 60 malades atteints de diabété, sans insuffisance rénale et dont les âges étaient appariés (60% avaient une hypertension et 15% une hypotension orthostatique). La PRA de base, l'aldostérone et le Cortisol plasmatiques, le volume sanguin, le potassium plasmatique et les électrolytes urinaires étaient comparables chez les diabétiques et les sujets normaux. Les malades diabétiques, cependant, ont une augmentation de 10% de leur sodium corporel (P < 0,01). Huit pour cent d'entre eux ont une réponse posturale de PRA normale et une réponse de l'aldostérone inférieure à la normale, 22% ont une réponse de PRA inférieure à la normale et une reponse de l'aldosterone normale, et 17% ont des réponses de PRA et de l'aldostérone inférieures à la normale. Les réponses de l'aldostérone sans rapport avec PRA ne peuvent pas être expliquées par l'ACTH ou les électrolytes. Les diminutions de la pression artérielle liées à l'orthostatisme sont correlées (P < 0,01) à la fois avec l'excrétion de catécholamines et la PRA de base. Ceci suggére qu'au cours du diabéte le sodium corporel est augmenté. La PRA et l'aldosterone de base sont souvent normales mais leur réponse posturale est souvent modifiée. L'absence de réponse de l'aldosterone malgré une réponse normale de PRA peut traduire une anomalie surrénale ou une forme de rénine inefficace. Une stimulation posturale importante de l'aldostérone non expliquée par la PRA, l'ACTH ou les électrolytes oriente vers un facteur inconnu mais puissant du contrôle de la sécrétion d'aldostérone. Des concentrations basses de catécholamines libres et une PRA basse peuvent être des facteurs complémentaires qui participent à l'hypotension posturale