7 research outputs found


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    Many studies have been conducted on load imbalance in 3-phase electrical installations, but research on the effects of unbalanced electrical loads on 3-phase electrical installations in fishing vessel generators has not been carried out. This study aims to determine the percentage value of load imbalance in the 3-phase electrical installations of KM fishing vessels in Pulau Pinang and observe its effect on the emergence of electric current in the neutral conductor cable in the electrical installation. The Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI) in Volume IV rules for 2019 and 2022 regarding Electrical Installation on Ships requires that, under normal operating conditions, the percentage value of load imbalance in each phase must not exceed 15%. The research was conducted in three stages: March, April, and June 2021. From the study results, it was found that the average percentage value for load imbalance in KM Pulau Pinang on March 12, was 15.73% with an average electric current value of 8 Amperes in the neutral conductor. On April 7, the average percentage of unbalanced load sharing was 23.42% with an average neutral current of 12.26 Amperes. On June 19, the average percentage of unbalanced load sharing was 16.02% with an average neutral current of 6.11 Amperes.This research can provide new information regarding the study of load sharing imbalance and electric current in 3-phase electrical installations on fishing vessels. It can also serve as an evaluation for ship owners in reducing power losses due to the emergence of electric currents in the neutral conductor


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    Kapal perikanan Purse Seine dilengkapi dengan sistem kelistrikan yang dapat di asumsikan penggunaanya terbanyak pada beban lampu Halogen atau lampu yang di fungiskan sebagai pemikat ikan dari jam pengoperasian 18:00 sampai dengan 05:00. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perhitungan nilai kapasitas penggunaan gawai pengaman dan KHA kabel pada sistem kelistrikan di KM. Pulau Pinang. Selanjutnya, menentukan Evaluasi Instalasi Listrik pada kapasitas penggunaan gawai pengaman dan kesesuaian KHA kabel pada sistem kelistrikan di KM. Pulau Pinang. Peninjauan langsung di lapangan dengan cara pengukuran nilai tegangan, daya, dan arus listrik di KM. Pulau Pinang dan mengetahui komponen komponen pada sistem kelistrikan sehingga alur sistem kelistrikan dapat di gambarkan ke bentuk Single Line diagram, hal ini merupakan metode penelitian. Nilai daya tertinggi pada Motor pompa. Kondisi penggunaan kapasitas gawai pengaman listrik pada satu alur penggunaan gawai pengaman listrik pada beban lampu Halogen yaitu 20 Ampere. sedangkan dari perhitungan PUIL di anjurkan dengan kapasitas 10 Ampere. Namun, pada ukuran KHA kabel seluruh sistem kelistrikan di KM. Pulau Pinang di kategorikan sesuai


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    Energi listrik kapal perikanan Pukat Cincin di hasilkan dari Generator Set. Dimana, Kebutuhan daya beban listrik yang berhubungan dengan kapasitas dari Generator harus memiliki nilai efisiensi dari 78% atau sampai dengan 100%. Bertujuan agar tidak terjadi kerugian secara ekonomis. Serta peninjauan kecepatan putaran mesin penggerak Generator yang harus sesuai.  Maka dari itu, penelitian ini dalam Perhitungan nilai efisiensi penggunaan Generator dan Putaran mesin penggerak Generator. Selanjutnya, menentukan Evaluasi nilai efisiensi penggunaan Generator  di KM. Pulau Pinang. Peninjauan langsung di lapangan dengan cara pengukuran nilai tegangan, daya, dan arus listrik di KM. Pulau Pinang hal ini merupakan metode penelitian. Nilai daya tertinggi pada Motor pompa. Pemakaian daya listrik secara keseluruhan permasing masing unit nilai tertinggi terdapat pada lampu Halogen. Nilai teganagan 3 fasa dan arus listrik nilai rata rata terendah dan tertinggi adalah 310,33 Volt 11,33 A dan 316,33 Volt 23,47 A, dan kecepatan putaran mesin penggerak Generator yaitu 1.121,5 rpm.  Selanjutnya, Nilai efisiensi daya aktif terhitung adalah 42,142%, di rekomendasikan kapasitas Generator 30 kVA. Rpm pengoperasian mesin listrik  di simpulkan lebih kecil dari rpm spesifikasi mesin penggerak generator. Dengan catatan rpm mesin penggerak generator tidak melebihi spesifikasi rpm generator (2.800 rpm ≤ 1.500 rpm

    Diseminasi Teknologi Mesin Peniris Minyak di Kelurahan Pelintung, Kota Dumai

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    Fisheries products from marine sector really need to be considered because Indonesia, especially in the waters of Dumai City, has abundant fish resources of up to 571 tons/year. Diversification of processed fish is a solution so that processed fish can be consumed by the community. On the other hand, the local community of Pelintung Village, Dumai City, still lacks appropriate technology that can improve the quality of processed products from diversification. Some processed fish products are of poor quality. Community service activities aim to provide knowledge transfer and use of oil draining machines so that people can improve the quality of processed fish or non-fish. This community service activity uses the method of applying the use of an oil draining machine in Pelintung Village. The essence of this event is the delivery of theoretical and practical material about oil draining machines. The pre-test was carried out before the material was delivered and the post-test was carried out after the material was delivered. Filling in the satisfaction index is done along with filling out the post-test. The results of this activity stated that the community was very enthusiastic as the percentage of correct answers for the pre-test and post-test increased. The results of the pre-test and post-test in the knowledge, operation and maintenance categories increased to 75%, 84% and 100%, respectively. The satisfaction level of participants was also stated to be satisfied with the percentage of 61.7% and getting benefits from this community service activity. This activity must continue to be evaluated so that when holding similar activities, it can be more effective, efficient and sustainable. Recommendations for service activities in the form of processing fishery products that can be practiced directly with the community will be better in the future.Fisheries products from marine sector really need to be considered because Indonesia, especially in the waters of Dumai City, has abundant fish resources of up to 571 tons/year. Diversification of processed fish is a solution so that processed fish can be consumed by the community. On the other hand, the local community of Pelintung Village, Dumai City, still lacks appropriate technology that can improve the quality of processed products from diversification. Some processed fish products are of poor quality. Community service activities aim to provide knowledge transfer and use of oil draining machines so that people can improve the quality of processed fish or non-fish. This community service activity uses the method of applying the use of an oil draining machine in Pelintung Village. The essence of this event is the delivery of theoretical and practical material about oil draining machines. The pre-test was carried out before the material was delivered and the post-test was carried out after the material was delivered. Filling in the satisfaction index is done along with filling out the post-test. The results of this activity stated that the community was very enthusiastic as the percentage of correct answers for the pre-test and post-test increased. The results of the pre-test and post-test in the knowledge, operation and maintenance categories increased to 75%, 84% and 100%, respectively. The satisfaction level of participants was also stated to be satisfied with the percentage of 61.7% and getting benefits from this community service activity. This activity must continue to be evaluated so that when holding similar activities, it can be more effective, efficient and sustainable. Recommendations for service activities in the form of processing fishery products that can be practiced directly with the community will be better in the future


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    Kapal perikanan di Indonesia umumnya menggunakan kayu sebagai bahan utamanya. Selain kayu bahan yang digunakan untuk pembuatan kapal perikanan yaitu komposit fiberglass. Namun, harga dari bahan komposit fiberglass sangat tinggi. Alternatif yang ditawarkan yaitu dengan pergantian matriks fiberglass dengan serat alam. Salah satu serat alam yang melimpah di Indonesia yaitu serat rami. Perbandingan sifat mekanik pada komposit fiberglass dan serat rami sangat perlu dipelajari. Pembuatan komposit fiberglass dan serat rami pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode hand lay up. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini pada pengujian densitas yaitu pada kompoit fiberglass dan komposit serat rami secara berturut-turut yaitu 1,32 gr/cm3 dan 0,93 gr/cm3. Sedangkan pengujian kekerasan didapatkan nilai secara berturut-turut yaitu sebesar 73,23 shore D  dan 56,64 shore D. Pengujian tarik didapatkan nilai kekuatan tarik pada komposit fiberglass 138,65 MPa, sedangkan nilai kekuatan tarik komposit rami sebesar 25,17 MPa. Sedangkan elongansi komposit fiberglass yaitu 7,45% sedangkan komposit rami yaitu 0,54%. Hasil foto makro patahan pada komposit rami memiliki patahan tidak sempurna sedangkan komposit fiberglas memiliki patahan yang memperlihatkan patahan berpenguat tinggi