1,083 research outputs found
Eksistensi Kesenian Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi di Era Globalisasi dan Endemi Covid-19: Suatu Pendekatan Budaya
AbstractCulture is a form of creation and work in society that can be expressed in various forms. One of the cultural elements mentioned is traditional art. Kuda Lumping is one of the traditional arts in the form of dance with horse movements. The city of Semarang as the capital of Central Java province also has the Kuda Lumping art called Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with an emic approach. In the interview, the researcher used SLC technique with an emic perspective so that the data were collected in the form of narratives, stories, and the original language of the construction of the sources in the form of recordings, without any interpretation from the researchers. The data obtained were transcribed and reduced and then abstracted which aims to display the facts. The art of Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi was brought from Demak by Mbah Sargi in the 70s. The origin of the art of Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi comes from the story of King Kelono Suwodhono and his horse army against the giant Buto Ijo. This art is often performed on an annual basis at the “Merti Desa” event in Jurang Belimbing Village, Tembalang. There needs to be more attention from the local government in the right way so that the arts develop better.Keyword: Culture; Art; Leathered Horse; Jurang Belimbing AbstrakKebudayaan merupakan salah satu bentuk hasil cipta dan karya dalam masyarakat yang dapat diekspresikan ke dalam berbagai bentuk. Salah satu unsur kebudayan yang disebutkan adalah kesenian tradisional. Kuda Lumping menjadi salah satu kesenian tradisional berupa tarian dengan gerakan-gerakan kuda.Kota Semarang sebagai ibukota provinsi Jawa Tengah juga memiliki kesenian Kuda Lumping bernama Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan emik. Dalam wawancara peneliti menggunakan teknik SLC dengan prespektif emik sehingga pengambilan datanya dalam bentuk narasi, cerita, dan bahasa asli hasil kontruksi para narasumber dalam bentuk rekaman, tanpa ada interpretasi dari peneliti. Data yang diperoleh ditranskrip dan direduksi lalu kemudian diabstraksikan yang bertujuan untuk menampilkan fakta. Kesenian Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi ini dibawakan dari Demak oleh Mbah Sargi pada tahun 70 -an. Asal Usul kesenian Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi berasal dari kisah Prabu Kelono Suwodhono dan pasukan kudanya melawan raksasa Buto Ijo. Kesenian ini sering dipertunjukan secara rutin tahuanan dalam acara “Merti Desa” di Kampung Jurang Belimbing Tembalang. Perlu adanya perhatian lebih dari pemerintah setempat dengan cara yang tepat agar kesenian tersebut berkembang lebih baik.Kata Kunci: Kebudayaan; Kesenian; Kuda Lumping; Jurang Belimbin
Pengaruh penyaluran bantuan langsung tunai , beras miskin, dan subsidi LPG 3 Kg terhadap jumlah rumah tangga miskin di Kabupaten Gresik
The purpose of this research is to estimate the impact of direct cash assistance (BLT), rice for the poor (Raskin), and LPG subsidies on the number of poor families from 2008 to 2020 using multiple linear analytic techniques and secondary data. The results of the study conclude that what is proven to reduce the number of poor households is BLT, because the cash form of the poor can be used to improve their standard of living such as business capital, while the other two variables, namely Raskin and LPG subsidies, actually increase the number of poor households in the form of basic commodities to support daily life - days so there is minimal opportunity to improve the standard of living
Bowel injury following gynecological laparoscopic surgery
Background: Bowel injury remains a serious complication of gynecological laparoscopic surgery. We aimed to review the literature on this topic, combined with personal experiences, so as to give recommendations on how to avoid and manage this complication.Methods: We performed a narrative review on bowel injury following gynecological laparoscopic surgery using PubMed covering prevention, diagnosis, and management. Search terms used were laparoscopy, gynaecology, injury, bowel, prevention, treatment.Results: Important principles of prevention include proper pre-operative evaluation and increased laparoscopic surgical skills and knowledge. High clinical suspicion is crucial for early diagnosis. Diagnostic workup of suspected cases includes serial abdominal examination, measuring inflammatory markers, and performing imaging studies including abdominal ultrasound and CT scan. When bowel injury is recognized during the first laparoscopic procedure then laparoscopic primary suturing could be tried although laparotomy may be needed. When diagnosis is delayed, then laparotomy is the treatment of choice. The role of robotic surgery and three-dimensional laparoscopic gynecological surgery on bowel injury needs to be further assessed.Conclusion: Early recognition of bowel injury is crucial for a favorable clinical outcome. A combined collaboration between gynecologists and general surgeons is important for timely and proper decisions to be made.Keywords: Laparoscopy, gynaecology, injury, bowel, prevention, treatmen
Social Media Marketing Pada PT BNI Persero Cabang Palembang
This study explains the existence of social media Instagram at PT BNI Persero Cabang Dempo Palembang to find out the extent of social media influence on customer loyalty. This study uses primary data in the form of results from answers to questionnaires. This study uses a quantitative method with multiple linear regression analysis with the results showing that the convenience variable obtained the t value of 4.921 with a significance value of 0.000 less than 0.05. The trust variable obtained by t count value of 4.289 with a significance value of 0.000, less than 0.05. Overall, based on the results of the research and the results of the analysis that has been done, the ease and trust of social media together have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty at BNI Cabang Dempo Palembang
An interactive problem-solving approach to teach traumatology for medical students
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>We aimed to evaluate an interactive problem-solving approach for teaching traumatology from perspectives of students and consider its implications on Faculty development.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A two hour problem-solving, interactive tutorial on traumatology was structured to cover main topics in trauma management. The tutorial was based on real cases covering specific topics and objectives. Seven tutorials (5-9 students in each) were given by the same tutor with the same format for fourth and fifth year medical students in Auckland and UAE Universities (n = 50). A 16 item questionnaire, on a 7 point Likert-type scale, focusing on educational tools, tutor-based skills, and student-centered skills were answered by the students followed by open ended comments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The tutorials were highly ranked by the students. The mean values of educational tools was the highest followed by tutor-centered skills and finally student-centered skills. There was a significant increase of the rating of studied attributes over time (F = 3.9, p = 0.004, ANOVA). Students' open ended comments were highly supportive of the interactive problem-solving approach for teaching traumatology.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The interactive problem-solving approach for tutorials can be an effective enjoyable alternative or supplement to traditional instruction for teaching traumatology to medical students. Training for this approach should be encouraged for Faculty development.</p
Distraction-related road traffic collisions
Objectives: We aimed to prospectively study distraction-related road traffic collision injuries, their contributory factors, severity, and outcome.Methods: Data were prospectively collected on all hospitalized road traffic collision trauma patients in Al-Ain City who were drivers at the collision time over one and half years. Driver’s inattentive behaviors preceding the collision were collected by interviewing the admitted drivers.Results: There were 444 drivers, 330 of them were fully oriented patients, out of them only 44 (13%) were distracted. Nineteen (5.8%) drivers were distracted by using mobile phones, 12 (3.6%) were pre-occupied with deep thinking, six (1.8%) were talking with other passengers, four (1.2%) were picking things in the vehicle, and three (0.9%) were using entertainment systems. The maximum distraction occurred during the time of 6 am - 12 noon when the traffic was crowded. There were no significant differences between distracted and non-distracted drivers in demographical and physiological factors, injured regions, and outcomes.Conclusion: Distraction of alert drivers causes 13% of road traffic collisions in Al-Ain city. About 40 percent of the distracted drivers involved in road traffic collisions (RTC) were using mobile phones. Our study supports the ban of use of cell phones while driving.Keywords: Distraction, prevention, road traffic collision, mobile phon
The biomechanics of lower limb injuries in frontal-impact road traffic collisions
Aim: We aimed to review the biomechanics of lower limb injuries caused by frontal-impact road traffic collisions.Methods: In this narrative review, we identified articles through pubmed, Scopus and Science Direct search engines for the period of 1990-2014. Search terms included: “biomechanics”, “lower limb injury”, “hip injury”, “knee injury”, “foot and ankle injury” and “frontal impact collision”. We studied factors affecting the anatomical site, frequency and severity of the injuries.Results: The most common reported mechanisms of injury were: the impaction of the knee with the dashboard resulting in acetabular fracture or posterior hip dislocation; and toepan intrusion in combination with forceful application of the brake resulting in foot and ankle fractures. The probability of an occupant sustaining significant injury to the hip is increased in taller males, and being out of position during the collision. The probability of an occupant sustaining a fracture to the foot and ankle is increased in shorter female occupants with a large overlap impact or a near oblique collision.Conclusion: Understanding the biomechanics of frontal-impact road traffic collisions is useful in alerting clinicians to the potential lower limb injuries sustained in these collisions.Keywords: Biomechanics, frontal-impact collisions, lower limb injury, knee, thigh and hip injury, lower leg, foot and ankle injury
Care of terminally-ill patients: an opinion survey among critical care healthcare providers in the Middle East
Background: Modern medicine has allowed physicians to support the dying terminally-ill patient with artificial means. However, a common dilemma faced by physicians in general, and intensivist in particular is when to limit or withdraw aggressive intervention.Objective: To study the effect of training background and seniority on Do-not to resuscitate (DNR) decisions in the Middle East.Methods: Anonymous questionnaire sent to members of the Pan Arab Society of Critical Care.Results: The response rate was 46.2%. Most of the responders were Muslim (86%) and consultants (70.9%). Majority of the responders were trained in western countries. Religion played a major role in 59.3% for making the DNR decision. DNR was considered equivalent to comfort care by 39.5%. In a futile case scenario, Do Not Escalate Therapy was preferred (54.7%). The likelihood of a patient, once labeled DNR, being clinically neglected was a concern among 46.5%. Admission of DNR patients to the ICU was acceptable for 47.7%. Almost one-half of the responders (46.5%) wanted physicians to have the ultimate authority in the DNR decision. Training background was a significant factor affecting the interpretation of the term no code DNR (P< 0.008).Conclusion: Training background and level of seniority in critical care provider does not impact opinion on most of end of life issues related to care of terminally-ill patients. However, DNR is considered equivalent to comfort care among majority of Middle Eastern trained physicians.Keywords: Do-not resuscitate, Islam, care of terminally-ill, opinion, trainingAfrican Health Sciences 2013; 13(4): 893 - 89
Penelitianinimengujipengaruh media sosialinstagramterhadaployalitasnasabah PT BNI PerseroCabangDempo Palembang.Media sosialtersebutterdiridariduavariabelyaitukemudahandankepercayaan.Penelitianinibertujuanuntuk 1) mengetahuikemudahanmengakses media sosialinstagram 2) mengetahuipengaruhkepercayaan media sosialinstagramterhadaployalitasnasabah.Sampeldalampenelitianiniadalahnasabah BNI cabangdempoPalembang sebanyak 89 respondendenganteknikpengambilansampelmenggunakanmetoderandom sampling.Teknikpengumpulan data yaitumenggunakankuesionersedangkanteknikanalisismenggunakananalisisregresi linear bergandadanujistatistik.Hasildaripenelitianinimenunjukanbahwa: 1) kemudahanmengakses media sosialinstagramberpengaruhpositifdansignifikanterhadaployalitasnasabah. Hal iniditunjukkannilaikorelasisebesar0,431danthitungsebesar 4,921lebihbesardarittabelsebesar 1,987. 2)Kepercayaan media sosialinstagramberpengaruhpositifdansignifikanterhadaployalitasnasabah. Hal iniditunjukkannilaikorelasisebesar 0,291 denganthitungsebesar 4,289lebihbesardarittabelsebesar 1,987.
Surgeon-performed sonographic findings in a traumatic trans-anal rectal perforation
Early diagnosis and active management of trans-anal rectal injuries is essential for a favorable outcome. Intraperitoneal free air (IFA) is usually diagnosed by an erect Chest X-ray. Point-of-care ultrasound has been recently used to detect IFA. We report a 45-year-old male who presented to the Emergency Department with lower abdominal peritonitis. Surgeon-performed portable point-of-care ultrasound as an extension of the abdominal examination revealed an inflamed omentum with hypoechoic stranding, thickened non compressible small bowel, and free fluid in the pelvis. A transverse abdominal section of the right upper quadrant showed free intraperitoneal air. Rectal examination revealed a longitudinal rectal tear. Laparotomy has confirmed the sonographic findings. There was a 12 cm intraperitoneal tear of the anterior wall of the rectum which was necrotic. This case clearly demonstrates that portable point-of-care ultrasound gives very useful detailed information even when performed by a non radiologist. Surgeons should be encouraged to use point-of-care ultrasound after appropriate training
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