437 research outputs found

    Impact of forest management regimes on ligneous regeneration in the Sudanian savanna of Burkina Faso

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    Annual early fire, selective tree cutting and grazing exclusion are currently used to manage the State forests of the Sudanian savanna of Burkina Faso, West Africa. Such prescriptions, however, are not based on experimental evidence. The long-term effects of such management on seedlings and saplings and the germination of selected tree species are discussed. Seedling quality attributes are also assessed. Studies over a 10-year period examined the effects of the three management regimes on species richness and population density. Burkea africana Kook, f., Detarium microcarpum Guill. et Perr., Entada africana Guill. et Perr., and Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. seed germination was tested for different temperatures, light conditions, dry heat treatments and scarification methods. The quality of Acacia macrostachya Reichenb.ex DC. and P. erinaceus planting stock was evaluated in relation to nursery production period; field performance was assessed with and without watering. Fire, grazing, and selective tree cutting acted independently on sapling and seedling population dynamics. Early fire reduced sapling recruitment; moderate grazing had no significant effect. Although the overall seedling population density was not affected by any of the treatments, fire and grazing had strong effects on single-stemmed seedling density. Ordination using Principal Component Analysis of the seedling population data revealed species-specific responses to treatments, in particular an increase of lianas compared to other species. D. microcarpum and E. africana seeds did not exhibit dormancy. Exposing B. africana seeds to 95-97% sulphuric acid for 15–20 minutes broke their physical dormancy. All seeds tested were neutrally photoblastic, with an optimal germination temperature of 25–35 oC. E. africana, however, germinated over a wider temperature range. P. erinaceus seeds did not tolerate heat shock; while D. microcarpum and E. africana seeds responded positively at low intensity. Eighteen months after outplanting, survival and growth of Acacia macrostachya and Pterocarpus erinaceus seedlings were not affected by their initial size. Drought and non-drought factors affected seedling survival. Performance of P. erinaceus seedlings could be predicted from initial root collar diameter; more data will be required to build a reliable model. This thesis recommends the use of annual early fire as a forest management tool to be continued if timing, weather conditions and other factors affecting fire intensity are given due consideration. Moderate level of grazing does not affect seedling and sapling recruitment. The current prohibition on grazing State forests may need revision to allow multiple-use management. The low seedling density of socio-economically valuable species indicates that natural regeneration could be supplemented by planting high quality seedlings


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    Abstrak: Tulisan ini merefleksikan eksistensi kehadiran manusia pada konteks modern dan postmodern. Pada konteks ini, manusia sebagai individu dikaruniai akal dan pikiran untuk menuntunnya pada suatu kebaikan dan kebenaran. Metode yang akan digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan filsafat. Analisa akan berpusat pada konteks sebagian isu-isu terkini yang terjadi di Indonesia. Hasil analisis akan dibaca dengan konsep-konsep filsafat, khususnya tentang fenomena manusia sebagai individu pada konteks modern dan postmodern di Indonesia. Hasilnya adalah kontribusi pengetahuan terkait refleksi eksistensi manusia baik sebagai individu dan subjek pada konteks tertentu dipahami sebagai ruang yang dinamis dalam memperoleh suatu pengetahuan kemudian mendialogkannya kembali untuk mengagumi keberbedaan. Selain itu, tulisan ini memberikan sumbangan tentang bagaimana prilaku manusia sebagai individu memiliki strategi dalam menyikapi isu-isu disekitarnya.Kata kunci: Eksistensi kehadiran, refleksi filsafat, modern, postmodern Abstract: This paper reflects the existence of human presence in modern and postmodern contexts. In this context, humans as individuals are endowed with reason and thoughts to guide them to goodness and truth. The method to be used is a qualitative descriptive method with a philosophical approach. The analysis will focus on the context of some of the current issues occurring in Indonesia. The results of the analysis will be read with philosophical concepts, especially regarding the phenomenon of humans as individuals in modern and postmodern contexts in Indonesia. The result is the contribution of knowledge related to the reflection of human existence, both as an individual and as a subject in a certain context, which is understood as a dynamic space in obtaining knowledge and then dialogue again to admire differences. In addition, this paper contributes to how human behavior as an individual has a strategy in addressing surrounding issues. Keywords: Existence, presence, reflection on philosophy, modern, postmoder


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    This study aims to identify and describe the promotion strategy, which is carried out by local online transportation service Cak Ed Delivery Lamongan, to increase the number of customers. By using case study methods and qualitative research types. Researchers conducted observations and interviews based on data obtained from primary data sources, namely the owner of Cak Ed Delivery, Cak Ed Delivery workers, and collaborating partners. Then analyze the data findings with marketing mix theory. The results of this study indicate that the marketing communication strategy is the main basis for local start-up Cak Ed Delivery through promotional activities on social media, giving free vouchers, holding giveaways and collaborating with various partners. As a local start-up, Cak Ed Delivery strives to develop business and compete with competitors in the same field in Lamongan, by providing solutions to address the needs of the Lamongan community, through the services offered and adapting to Lamongan environmental conditions.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui serta mendeskripsikan mengenai strategi promosi, yang dilakukan oleh jasa transportasi online lokal Cak Ed Delivery Lamongan, untuk meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan. Dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus dan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Peneliti melakukan pengamatan dan wawancara berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari sumber data primer, yaitu owner Cak Ed Delivery, pekerja Cak Ed Delivery, dan mitra yang bekerjasama. Kemudian menganalisis temuan data dengan teori bauran pemasaran. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi komunikasi pemasaran, menjadi landasan utama bagi start up lokal Cak Ed Delivery melalui aktivitas promosi pada media sosial, pemberian voucher gratis ongkos, mengadakan giveaway serta menjalin kolaborasi dengan berbagai mitra. Sebagai start up lokal Cak Ed Delivery berupaya dalam mengembangkan bisnis dan bersaing dengan kompetitor dibidang yang sama di Lamongan, dengan memberikan solusi mengatasi kebutuhan masyarakat Lamongan, melalui layanan yang ditawarkan dan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi lingkungan Lamongan

    Perkembangan Dakwah Melalui Media Sosial Instagram

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menjadikan segala aspek kehidupan berkiblat padanya. Begitupula dengan kegiatan dakwah. Dakwah yang sebelumnya dilakukan dengan mengisi ceramah di mushola, khutbah jum’at, masjid, pondok pesantren, kini dakwah dapat dilakukan pada media sosial. bentuk dari media sosial sendiri juga bermacam-macam salah satunya yakni Instagram. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji berbagai penelitian yang telah dilakukan mengenai perkembangan dakwah dari waktu kewaktu dan perkembangannya melalui media sosial khususnya Instagram. penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan literature review dengan menggunakan kata kunci “media sosial Instagramm”, “perkembangan dakwah” dan “dakwah dengan media sosial Instagram”. Hasil dari literature review mengenai perkembangan dakwah ini adalah penggunaan media sosial Instagram ini sebagai media dakwah masa kini dirasa efektif karena jangkauan media sosial yang lebih luas dan data diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun. Praktik dakwah melalui media sosial Instagram yakni da’i atau admin akun dakwah mengunggah pesan dakwah berupa foto atau video dalam instagram tersebut. agar komunikasi terjadi antara mad’u dan da’i dengan menggunakan fitur komentar dalam unggahan tersebut


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    Novi Andari 1 Zida Wahyuddin 2 Jurusan Bahasa Jepang Untag Surabaya Abstrak Membuat proses belajar yang menarik perhatian siswa adalah tugas guru. Guru harus memahami jurus mengajar yang sesuai dengan karakteristik belajar siswanya. Terutama ketika memperkenalkan bidang pembelajaran baru di luar bidang pembelajaran utama di kelas. Agar siswa tertarik dan memperoleh manfaat belajar dalam mempelajari hal baru diperlukan pemilihan model pembelajaran yang tepat. Dalam makalah ini membahas tentang simulasi pembelajaran bahasa Jepang dasar untuk siswa kelas awal sekolah dasar terutama kelas 2 dan 3 melalui media origami yang menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung. Model pembelajaran langsung mengutamakan pendekatan deklaratif dengan titik berat pada proses belajar konsep dan keterampilan motorik, sehingga menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang lebih terstruktur. Simulasi ini dilakukan dalam kegiatan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan penggunaan model pembelajaran langsung dalam proses memperkenalkan bahasa Jepang dasar bagi siswa sekolah dasar kelas awal melalui media origami. Hasil evaluasi belajar ditunjukkan dalam bentuk prosentase pemahaman siswa terhadap bahasa Jepang dasar dan keterampilan origami. Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Langsung, Bahasa Jepang, Media Belajar, Origam

    Immunofunctional assay of human growth hormone (hGH) in serum: A possible consensus for quantitative hGH measurement

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    Confirmation of the diagnosis of GH deficiency in adults and children involves provocative testing for human (h) GH. Different commercially available immunoassays yield largely discrepant results in the measurement of GH levels in human serum. These discrepancies result in doubtful relevance of cut-off levels proposed for GH provocative testing. We have developed an immunofunctional assay method that allows quantitation of only those GH forms in circulation that possess both binding sites of the hormone for its receptor and thus can initiate a biological signal in target cells. An anti-hGH monoclonal antibody recognizing binding site 2 of hGH is immobilized and used to capture hGH from the serum sample. Biotin-labeled recombinant GH-binding protein in a second incubation step forms a complex with those hGH molecular isoforms that have both binding sites for the receptor. The signal is detected after a short third incubation step with labeled streptavidin. The assay is sensitive (detection range, 0.1-100 micrograms/L) and has average inter- and intraassay precisions of 10.3% and 7.3% respectively. Endogenous GH-binding protein does not interfere with the hGH result; placental lactogen slows no detectable cross-reaction in this immunofunctional assay. The degree of immunofunctionally active hGH forms in serum samples, calculated by comparison of immunofunctional assay and RIA results, varied between 52-93%. We propose this immunofunctional assay for GH measurement as a new reference method for hGH quantitation in serum. The immunofunction assay translates only hGH forms into an assay signal that are capable of dimerizing GH receptors and, thus, of initiating a biological effect in target cells


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    Novi Andari 1 Zida Wahyuddin 2 Jurusan Bahasa Jepang Untag Surabaya Abstrak Membuat proses belajar yang menarik perhatian siswa adalah tugas guru. Guru harus memahami jurus mengajar yang sesuai dengan karakteristik belajar siswanya. Terutama ketika memperkenalkan bidang pembelajaran baru di luar bidang pembelajaran utama di kelas. Agar siswa tertarik dan memperoleh manfaat belajar dalam mempelajari hal baru diperlukan pemilihan model pembelajaran yang tepat. Dalam makalah ini membahas tentang simulasi pembelajaran bahasa Jepang dasar untuk siswa kelas awal sekolah dasar terutama kelas 2 dan 3 melalui media origami yang menggunakan model pembelajaran langsung. Model pembelajaran langsung mengutamakan pendekatan deklaratif dengan titik berat pada proses belajar konsep dan keterampilan motorik, sehingga menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang lebih terstruktur. Simulasi ini dilakukan dalam kegiatan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan penggunaan model pembelajaran langsung dalam proses memperkenalkan bahasa Jepang dasar bagi siswa sekolah dasar kelas awal melalui media origami. Hasil evaluasi belajar ditunjukkan dalam bentuk prosentase pemahaman siswa terhadap bahasa Jepang dasar dan keterampilan origami. Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Langsung, Bahasa Jepang, Media Belajar, Origam

    Les Occlusions Intestinales Aiguës (OIA) Par Brides Et Adhérences Post Opératoires : A Propos De 46 Cas Opérés Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Régional de Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso

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    But: Le but de cette étude était de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs des occlusions intestinales aiguës par brides et adhérences post opératoires. Patients et méthode : Il s’est agi d’une étude rétrospective descriptive menée sur deux ans dans le service de chirurgie du centre hospitalier universitaire régional de Ouahigouya, du 1er janvier 2017 au 31 décembre 2018. Elle avait inclus les patients opérés pour une occlusion intestinale aiguë par brides et adhérences post opératoires et possédant un dossier clinique bien documenté. Résultats : Les brides et adhérences post opératoires ont représenté 41,81% des causes d’occlusions intestinales aiguës. La moyenne d’âge des patients était de 37,93 ans. Le sexe masculin était le plus représenté avec 68,57% des cas. La douleur abdominale était le principal motif de consultation. L’appendicite aiguë et la péritonite aiguë généralisée avaient dominé les étiologies des interventions antérieures dans 37,84% des cas. Les brides et adhérences post opératoires étaient survenues durant les cinq premières années dans la majorité des cas. Le délai moyen d’intervention était de 14,43 heures. L’intestin grêle était le plus fréquemment affecté dans 41,30% des cas. La section de brides était le geste chirurgical le plus souvent réalisé dans 34,8% des cas. Les suites opératoires s’étaient compliquées dans 26,09% des cas et la mortalité était de 10,87%. Conclusion : Les occlusions par brides et adhérences postopératoiresreprésentent une cause fréquente d’occlusions intestinales aiguës. Leurdiagnostic est clinique. Le traitement est médicochirurgical et leur pronosticreste grevé d’une forte morbi-mortalité imputable aux retards de diagnostic et de prise en charge. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of acute intestinal occlusions by flanges and post-operative adhesions. Patients and method: This was a two-year descriptive retrospective study conducted in the surgical department of the Ouahigouya Regional University Hospital from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. It included patients operated on for acute intestinal obstruction by postoperative flanges and adhesions and with a well-documented clinical record. Results: The post-operative flanges and adhesions accounted for 41.81% of the causes of acute intestinal obstructions. The average age of the patients was 37.93 years. Males were the most represented with 68.57% of cases. Abdominal pain was the main reason for consultation. Acute appendicitis and generalized acute peritonitis had dominated the etiologies of previous interventions in 37.84% of cases. The post-operative flanges and adhesions occurred during the first five years in the majority of cases. The average response time was 14.43 hours. The small intestine was most frequently affected in 41.30% of cases. The flange section was the most performed surgical procedure in 34.8% of cases. The postoperative operations were complicated in 26.09% of cases and mortality was 10.87%. Conclusion: The postoperative flanges and adhesion occlusions are a common cause of acute intestinal obstructions. Their diagnosis is clinical. The treatment is medico-surgical and their prognosis remains highly morbidity and mortality due to delays in diagnosis and management
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