19 research outputs found

    Using the Internet in the E-Marketing

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    In information era, the use of internet is increasingly high in business companies and organizations. Using internet makes internet business and electronic marketing. Geographical borders and time have no meaning when internet exists. Electronic marketing should be on the direction of total marketing. Design of organization is one of the important issues that can be achieved by analyzing the weakness and strength of company and having a true understanding of threads of opportunities. Internet marketing as various approaches like dependent marketing, transaction marketing, and email marketing shows the wide range and the importance of using internet. This paper discusses electronic marketing, the difference between traditional and modern marketing, the effect of internet on mix of marketing, the advantages and limitations of electronic marketing and all kinds of electronic marketing

    Using the Internet in the E-Marketing

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    In information era, the use of internet is increasingly high in business companies and organizations. Using internet makes internet business and electronic marketing. Geographical borders and time have no meaning when internet exists. Electronic marketing should be on the direction of total marketing. Design of organization is one of the important issues that can be achieved by analyzing the weakness and strength of company and having a true understanding of threads of opportunities. Internet marketing as various approaches like dependent marketing, transaction marketing, and email marketing shows the wide range and the importance of using internet. This paper discusses electronic marketing, the difference between traditional and modern marketing, the effect of internet on mix of marketing, the advantages and limitations of electronic marketing and all kinds of electronic marketing

    Using the Internet in the E-Marketing

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    In information era, the use of internet is increasingly high in business companies and organizations. Using internet makes internet business and electronic marketing. Geographical borders and time have no meaning when internet exists. Electronic marketing should be on the direction of total marketing. Design of organization is one of the important issues that can be achieved by analyzing the weakness and strength of company and having a true understanding of threads of opportunities. Internet marketing as various approaches like dependent marketing, transaction marketing, and email marketing shows the wide range and the importance of using internet. This paper discusses electronic marketing, the difference between traditional and modern marketing, the effect of internet on mix of marketing, the advantages and limitations of electronic marketing and all kinds of electronic marketing

    The outcomes of behavioral abnormalities of human resources of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education

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    Background: The last criterion for behavioral abnormality occurs outside social and cultural norms. The present study aimed to design a model of behavioral abnormalities of human resources of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Methods: The outcomes were identified through library studies, and the fuzzy Delphi technique was used with the opinion of experts until we reached a theoretical consensus. First, 13 factors were confirmed using the opinion of 50 experts. Then, a questionnaire was designed based on the results of the first stage of the study, and the experts were asked to specify the importance of each identified stage using verbal variables. Then, the verbal variables were converted into fuzzy triangular numbers, and the triangular fuzzy mean was de-fuzzified using the Minkowski formula by Excel and SPSS-21 software. Results: The members of the expert group reached a consensus on all components (dissatisfaction, drug abuse, alcohol consumption, reduction of motivation, moral corruption, malice and revenge, suicide, absenteeism, early and excessive leaves, theft and destruction of property, procrastination, arguments and physical violence, sexual harassment, violation of laws and character assassination and humiliation of colleagues). The de-fuzzified mean difference of experts' opinions in the two stages was less than 0.1, indicating the intensity of experts' agreement with each of the components of the conceptual model of the study. Conclusion: Behavioral abnormality is one of the problems of today's organizations, and the development of behavioral models in organizations is one way to guide employees' behavior and prevent the occurrence of abnormal behaviors

    The mediating role of organizational self-esteem in the relationship between religious attitude and aggression among staff of administrative organizations in Khash city

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: Aggression is mainly related to important institutional and individual consequences. The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of organizational self-esteem in the relationship between religious attitude and aggression among executive staff.Method: This research is descriptive, utilizing path analysis. The statistical population included all executive staff (N=5000) employed in governmental organizations of khash city (Iran) in 2016. Using the krejcie and Morgan Tables, 355 subjects were selected as the sample through random class method. In order to collect the data, three sets of questionnaires were employed, namely organizational self-esteem, religious attitude, and aggression. To analyze the data, Partial Least Square, and to test the research hypotheses, Structural Equation Modeling was used. All ethical issues were observed in this study and the researchers declared no conflict of interests.Results: The results show that significant coefficient of route between religious attitude and aggression is 12.449, significant coefficient of route between religious attitude and organizational self-esteem is 3.498, significant coefficient of route between organizational self-esteem and aggression is 1.544 that was estimated less than 1.96. Therefore, it can be said that religious attitude does not affect aggression through organizational self-esteem as a mediator variable.Conclusion: Based on the findings, religious attitude raises organizational self-esteem and lowers aggression. Therefore, it is recommended that proper and continuous training in the field of religious awareness should be carried out for administrative staff so that individuals and the society have successful and healthy future.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Ziaaddini M, Dahmardeh H. The mediating role of organizational self-esteem in the relationship between religious attitude and aggression among staff of administrative organizations in Khash city. J Res Relig Health. 2019; 5(1): 101- 11. doi:https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i1.1907

    Drug Use among Residents of Juvenile Correctional Center in Kerman, Iran, and its Relationship with Personality Dimensions and Self-concept

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    Background: Identifying the status of substance misuse and its psychosocial correlates among residents of juvenile correctional centers, as a high risk group, could potentially illuminate the roadmap to prevention of drug use in this group. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 93 individuals aged 13 to 18 were enrolled. A self-administered questionnaire was completed and dropped in a sealed box. It consisted of 4 parts of Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale, NEO Personality Inventory, drug use questions, and demographic variables. All questionnaires were well adapted in the Persian language. MANOVA was used to compare the subscale scores between the drug users and nonusers. Findings: All respondents were male and 40% were illiterate. More than 40% had drug dependent fathers. Use of cigarette, opium, and alcohol in the previous 30 days was reported by 31.9, 52.2, and 15.9% of respondents, respectively. In this population, the score of 3 of the 5 personality factors (i.e., neuroticism, extraversion, and openness) were higher than in the general population (P < 0.001). More than 88% of subjects had negative self-concept. Both the scores of personality and self-concept showed no significant difference based on the status of drug use. Conclusion: Prevalence of lifetime and last-month drug use was found to be high. Regarding the profiles of personality and self-concept, more comprehensive evidence-based interventions are needed for improvement of their mental health

    Perceived Organizational Support and Deviant Behavior

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    ABSTRACT The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the perceived organizational support on employees&apos; deviant behavior. According to Social Exchange Theory, researchers analyze the interrelationships between individuals and leaders, as well as the interaction between individuals and the organization. Social Exchange Theory received much attention by organizational experts during the 1980s which resulted in the perceived organizational support. Based on this theory, employees feel they are supported by the organization when the organization values their cooperation and efforts and pays attention to their welfare. Organizational support includes four dimensions of honesty, supervisor support, job conditions, and organizational rewards. In recent years, research in the field of misconduct in the workplace has increased significantly and has provided a rich knowledge on interpersonal relationships in the workplace to the extent that most antecedents and consequences of negative behaviors in the workplace have been identified in meta-analyses performed. Deviant working behavior refers to a type of behavior that violates organizational norms and threatens the health of both the organization and the staff. Such a behavior covers four dimensions: fiscal deviance, political deviance, production deviance, and personal aggression. After reviewing the research in the field, researchers concluded that increased understanding of organizational support by employees will improve employees&apos; performance and their willingness to remain in the organization, on one hand, and on the other this support reduces work pressures and feedback behaviors. KEYWORDS: Social Exchange Theory, perceived organizational support, fairness of treatment; deviant behavior in the workplace, feedback behaviors

    نقش میانجی عزّت نفس سازمانی در رابطه‌ی بین نگرش مذهبی و پرخاشگری کارکنان دستگاه‌های اجرایی شهر خاش

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: إن الغضب يرتبط بشكل كبير بالعواقب الفردية والمؤسسية الهامة. الغرض من هذا البحث، دراسة دور عزة النفس التنظيمية كعامل وسيط في العلاقة بين التوجه الديني وبين الغضب لدى موظفي الدوائر التنفيذية في مدينة خاش. منهجية البحث: الدراسة الحالية من النوع الوصفي وبطريقة تحليل المسار. اشتمل المجتمع الاحصائي جميع الموظفين (5000) في الدوائر في مدينة خاش عام 2017. بناء على جدول كرجسي ومورغان تم اختيار 355 شخصا من خلال اخذ عينة عشوائية. وفي سبيل جمع البيانات تم استخدام استبيان لقياس الغضب وعزة النفس التنظيمية والتوجه الديني. تم تحليل البيانات وتجزئتها باستخدام طريقة المربعات الصغرى الجزئية كما وقد استُخدم اختبار المعادلة البنائية لاختبار فرضيات البحث. تمت مراعاة جميع الموارد الأخلاقية في هذا البحث؛ واضافة الى هذا فإن مؤلفي المقالةلم يشيروا الى أي تضارب في المصالح. الكشوفات: أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن معامل المسار الملحوظ بين التوجه الديني والغضب كان 12.449 وكان معامل المسار الملحوظ بين التوجه الديني وعزة النفس التنظيمية 3.498 وكان أكبر من 1.96 كما كان معامل المسار الملحوظ بين عزة النفس التنظيمية والغضب هو 544/1 والذي كان أقل من 1.96. لذلك، يمكن الاستنتاج أن التوجه الديني لا يؤثر على الغضب من خلال متغير الوسيط للاعتزاز بالنفس. الاستنتاج: استنادًا إلى النتائج، ان التوجه الديني من خلال زيادة عزة النفس التنظيمية يؤدي الى تقليل الغضب. ولذلك، يقترح أنه مع التعاليم الصحيحة والمستمرة في مجال رفع مستوى الوعي الديني للموظفين التنفيذيين، يتم بذل الجهود لتحقيق مستقبل ناجح وسليم للأفراد وبالتالي للمجتمع كله. &nbsp; يتم استناد المقالة على الترتيب التالي: Ziaaddini M, Dahmardeh H. The Mediating Role of Organizational Self-esteem in the Relationship between Religious Attitude and Aggression among Staff of Administrative Organizations in Khash City. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2019;5(1):101-11. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i1.19077 &nbsp;Background and Objective: Aggression is mainly related to important institutional and individual consequences. The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of organizational self-esteem in the relationship between religious attitude and aggression among executive staff. Methods: This research is descriptive, utilizing path analysis. The statistical population included all executive staff (N=5000) employed in governmental organizations of khash city (Iran) in 2016. Using the krejcie and Morgan Tables, 355 subjects were selected as the sample through random class method. In order to collect the data, three sets of questionnaires were employed, namely organizational self-esteem, religious attitude, and aggression. To analyze the data, Partial Least Square, and to test the research hypotheses, Structural Equation Modeling was used. All ethical issues were observed in this study and the researchers declared no conflict of interests. Results: The results show that significant coefficient of route between religious attitude and aggression is 12.449, significant coefficient of route between religious attitude and organizational self-esteem is 3.498, significant coefficient of route between organizational self-esteem and aggression is 1.544 that was estimated less than 1.96. Therefore, it can be said that religious attitude does not affect aggression through organizational self-esteem as a mediator variable. Conclusion: Based on the findings, religious attitude raises organizational self-esteem and lowers aggression. Therefore, it is recommended that proper and continuous training in the field of religious awareness should be carried out for administrative staff so that individuals and the society have successful and healthy future. &nbsp; Please cite this article as: Ziaaddini M, Dahmardeh H. The Mediating Role of Organizational Self-esteem in the Relationship between Religious Attitude and Aggression among Staff of Administrative Organizations in Khash City. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2019;5(1):101-11. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i1.19077 &nbsp;سابقه و هدف: پرخاشگری به‌ طور عمده به پیامدهای مهم نهادی و فردی مرتبط است. هدف از اين مطالعه بررسی نقش ميانجي‌گری عزّت نفس سازمانی در رابطه‌ی بین نگرش مذهبی و پرخاشگری کارکنان دستگاه‌های اجرایی شهرستان خاش است. روش کار: مطالعه‌ی حاضر از نوع توصیفی با روش تحلیل مسیر است. جامعه‌ی آماري شامل تمام کارکنان (5000 نفر) ادارات شهرستان خاش در سال 1396 بود. بر اساس جدول کرجسی و مورگان، 355 نفر به روش نمونه‌گيري تصادفي انتخاب شدند. برای جمع‌آوری داده‌ها، از سه پرسش‌نامه‌ی پرخاشگری، عزّت نفس سازمانی و نگرش مذهبی استفاده شد. همچنین، برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها از روش حداقل مربعات جزئی؛ و برای آزمون فرضیه‌های تحقیق از روش آزمون معادلات ساختاری استفاده شد. در این پژوهش همه‌ی مسائل اخلاقی رعایت شده است و نویسندگان مقاله هیچ‌گونه تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: نتایج پژوهش نشان داد ضریب معنی‌داری مسیر بین نگرش مذهبی و پرخاشگری 449/12؛ و ضریب معنی‌داری مسیر بین نگرش مذهبی و عزّت نفس سازمانی 498/3 بود که بزرگ‌تر از 96/1 برآورد شدند. ضریب معنی‌داری مسیر بین عزّت نفس سازمانی و پرخاشگری نیز 544/1 بود که کوچک‌تر از 96/1 برآورد شد. بنابراین می‌توان گفت نگرش مذهبی بر پرخاشگری از طریق متغیّر میانجی عزّت نفس سازمانی تأثیر نمی‌گذارد. نتیجه‌گیری: بر اساس نتایج به‌دست‌آمده، نگرش مذهبی از راه افزایش عزّت نفس سازمانی موجب کاهش پرخاشگری می‌شود. بنابراین، پیشنهاد می‌شود با آموزش‌های مناسب و مستمر در زمینه‌ی افزایش آگاهی‌های مذهبی کارکنان اجرایی، تلاش شود تا از این رهگذر بتوان آینده‌یی موفق و سالم برای افراد و در نهایت جامعه ترسیم کرد. &nbsp; استناد مقاله به این صورت است: &nbsp;Ziaaddini M, Dahmardeh H. The Mediating Role of Organizational Self-esteem in the Relationship between Religious Attitude and Aggression among Staff of Administrative Organizations in Khash City. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2019;5(1):101-11. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i1.19077 &nbsp

    Investigating the challenges and barriers of promoting national philanthropy in the charity area: a mixed study

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    Background: Nowadays, charitable activities are considered as one of the most important strategies to reduce poverty and respond to social deprivation. Although many charitable organizations and institutions have been established to organize charitable affairs, the functioning of these centers and organizations is still associated with many barriers. Thus, this study was designed and implemented with the aim of investigating the challenges and barriers of promoting national philanthropy in the area of charity, considering the role of various governmental and social institutions. Methods: This mixed study was conducted using two quantitative and qualitative phases. The quantitative phase included a descriptive-cross-sectional study that was conducted on 300 employees of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee Organization in Kerman province, and the qualitative phase was conducted using the institutional mapping method. The participants in this section included experts in the philanthropy sector at the level of Kerman province. Results: The results of this study revealed that the mean score of the participants in the organizational performance scale was estimated at 118.74±14.74. In the qualitative section, the results showed that policy-making takes place in the public sector regardless of the quality of its implementation, and regarding the non-governmental organizations and charitable organizations, the results indicate their non-participation in decision-making and policy-making. Conclusion: The present research indicated that there are various barriers in the area of national philanthropy, and it is recommended that institutions and organizations operating in the relevant areas pay attention to the identified factors

    Educational method to investigarte the Relationship between Organizational Climate and Deviant Behaviors with the Mediation of Job Alienation Variable (Case Study: National Iranian Copper Industries Company)

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    Regarding the size and dispersion of the complex of copper factories in Iran and the high annual costs of preventing employees' strikes and also reducing deviant behaviors, and the existence of appropriate organizational climate, the aim of the present article is to find an educational method to investigate the relationship between organizational climate and deviant behaviors with the mediation of job alienation variable. This research is applied in terms of purpose, and in terms of nature, it is descriptive-correlation and it was conducted in field method. The statistical population of the research was the employees of the National Iranian Copper Industries Company (1010 people) whom are tried to educate this method. The sample size was calculated using the Cochran formula and 278 individuals were selected by simple random sampling. For data collection, the questionnaire of the organizational climate of Sasman and (Dalal, 2005), the adapted questionnaire of deviant behaviors of (Yoon Goo et al, 2013), and the questionnaire of job alienation of (Rahimi et al, 2016) were used. The reliability of the questionnaires in this research was respectively calculated as 0.851, 0.724, and 0.757. For data analysis, the Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple regression and, path analysis tests were used. The results indicated a positive and significant relationship between organizational climate and deviant behaviors, a negative and significant relationship between job alienation and deviant behaviors, and also explaining about 45% of deviant behaviors by organizational climate variables. It can be said that managers' attention to increase positive organizational climate and to decrease employees' job alienation can lead to further reduction of employees' deviant behaviors