138 research outputs found

    Rebalancing, Growth, and Development in a Multipolar Global Economy

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    Reduction of large and persistent external imbalances is currently a key focus of G-20 discussions. The paper argues that in a progressively multipolar world economy, the goals of global rebalancing, growth, and development are increasingly inter-linked. Growth-oriented rebalancing calls for emphasizing structural reforms and leveraging the role of developing countries in supporting strong and balanced global growth.Basel III, Imbalances, current account, global imbalances, g20, g-20, development, growth, structural reforms, developing countries

    Do we face a global"capital shortage"?

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    The author of this paper assesses the medium- to long-term outlook for global demand and supply of capital. He reaches the following conclusions: 1) the demand for investment funds in developing countries will remain strong, but most increased demand will likely be met by domestic savings. Investment's share in GDP will probably rise in these countries, but so will saving's share, so their net claim on industrial countries'savings is likely to remain small. Of course, savings will not rise automatically. It is essential that policies, institution, and the economic environment be conducive to saving; 2) financial liberalization and integration of international capital markets will continue to give developing countries as a group improved access to private foreign capital. But whether specific countries attract and sustain such inflows will depend on their economic prospects and policies, including conditions that promote domestic saving and investment. Investments needs in developing countries are great, but"effective"demand for foreign capital will remain limited by the countries'perceived creditworthiness and viability; 3) most low-income countries will continue to depend mainly on official capital for some time. But official capital will likely be increasingly scarce, so these countries must identify their domestic resource mobilization and accelerate the policy reform needed to attract private investment; 4) the critical factor in alleviating pressure on global interest rates will be progress on fiscal consolidation in industrial countries, especially the reform of social security systems. Net capital flows from industrial to developing countries are much smaller than the budget deficits in industrial countries; and 5) international capital markets will tend to remain tight in the coming decade, but a severe global capital squeeze and a big increase in global real interest rates are unlikely if industrial countries continue fiscal consolidation. Without such consolidation, global real interest rates could rise well above already high recent levels of about 4 percent, with adverse consequences for all countries.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform,Capital Markets and Capital Flows,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Macroeconomic Management,Environmental Economics&Policies,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism

    The Role of Medical Training Background in Patient Satisfaction

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    The number of international medical graduates (IMG) is increasing and their ability to satisfy patients has never been studied. The purpose of this study is to examine if there is a difference between the patient satisfaction scores of US medical graduates (USMGs) and IMGs. This is a retrospective study in which 2627 returned patient experience surveys of 55 physicians working in Medical Practice in South Western Mayo Health System were evaluated. These surveys were returned from August 2009 to August 2010. An independent t-test and t-inverse test was conducted with significance level of 0.05. The results of t-test lead to conclude with 95% confidence that there is no difference between the patient satisfaction scores of the two groups of physicians. T-inverse test confirms the results of t-test and lead to conclude with 95% confidence that the scores of the two groups of physicians are similar. It is concluded that USMGs and IMGs have similar capability to satisfy their patients and also that patients did not rate USMGs and IMGs differently

    The Good Teacher: A Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions of Asian American Parents

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    This research study examined the general question What do Asian American parents believe to be important characteristics of an effective elementary teacher? In order to investigate this question, the researcher used a qualitative research design employing a semi-structured interview which probed into the personal perceptions voiced by a sample of twelve Asian American parents on the characteristics of good teachers. The twelve Asian American parents who participated in this study were from nine different Asian countries covering the three main regions defined as Asian according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Far East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Indian sub-continent. Also, the study was focused on the Asian American families living in the Southern region of Minnesota. It was discovered that there was a general agreement among the parents regarding the characteristics of good teachers. The findings were arranged into two main sections, vision of education and characteristics of effective teachers. In the first section, vision of education, five aspects were revealed: 1) opportunity, 2) independence, 3) personal growth, 4) respect, and 5) negative consequences of not getting sufficient education. Parents revealed that the main purpose of education is to have opportunities to be independent and have high social status (financially and socially). Education, according to the Asian American parents, is immensely important for the growth of the individuals to live their daily lives because without education, life would be a struggle. The second section, the characteristics of effective teachers, included fifteen themes. Out of fifteen themes, ten were found to be important features in effective teaching. Those features were 1) teachers\u27 expectations, 2) individualized instruction, 3) teacher as a person, 4) teachers\u27 enthusiasm, 5) discipline, 6) relationship between students, teachers, and parents 7) interactional dynamics, 8) life skills, 9) school uniforms, and 10) classroom climate. The other five themes that emerged were of lesser importance to the parents for effective teaching. Those themes were 1) classroom management, 2) physical layout, 3) teachers\u27 knowledge, 4) teacher\u27s gender, and 5) racial/ethnic background of the teacher


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    The online teaching accelerated at an unprecedented pace in the wake of the physical closure of educational institutions in the United Kingdom on 23 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis. This study is based on a survey of mature undergraduate students in private higher education institutes in the South of England and their experience with online teaching during the COVID-19. The questionnaire was sent out to mature undergraduate students studying in three private higher education institutes, and we received 225 responses. A quantitative approach was used to analyse the results. Majority of students 95% were using online teaching for the first time, and they were novice with the online teaching software (Zoom and Microsoft Teams, etc.). They were provided with training for online teaching, especially how to use the software, and they were satisfied with the training. The study also identified challenges students faced during the online teaching such as weak Internet connection, old devices (computer and laptop etc.) low level of digital competency especially among older students, lack of technical support from the institute and stressful transition period. The final findings from the study indicated that the quick decision of switching to online teaching was right, and the majority of students found online teaching excited. Consequently, the majority of students wanted to continue online teaching after the COVID-19 because it provides ease and convenience, no travelling time & cost, freedom and autonomy. The online teaching training for students could be made more effective, and private higher education institutions could also address challenges such as weak Internet connection and old devices (computer, laptop, etc.). Article visualizations

    Histopathological Effects and Element Concentration Of Body Tissues Of Ranid Frog Inhabiting Polluted Water Sites

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    Freshwater or wetlands are being polluted on regular basis due to the release of domestic sewage and most importantly industrial effluents that include chemicals, organic pollutants and heavy metals, and run-off from land-based activities containing leached fertilizers. Pollutants are such substances that reduce quality of water that effect directly and indirectly. The present study was carried out on Korang River Islamabad/Rawalpindi. Two different locations were selected along the Korang River. The data were collected two times during the current study period; March 2012, and October 2012. Ranid frogs (n=10) were captured from all selected sites, which were dissected to collect blood and body tissue samples. During the month of March and October the concentration of heavy metals in water samples increase and decrease significantly at both sites of Korang River. The continuous leaching of contaminants may cause abnormal tissue damage in amphibians making them more vulnerable to predation and competition and also decreased reproductive success

    Isolation and purification of membrane-bound cytochrome c from Proteus mirabilis

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    In the present studies, respiratory chain pathogenic bacterium, Proteus mirabilis, was investigated. In the first phase, growth profile study was performed to optimize the P. mirabilis growth. Maximum bacterial growth could be obtained between 10 – 12 h of culturing time. Down-stream processing was performed by using sonication, ultracentrifugation and detergent solubilization techniques. Partially purified respiratory contents were analyzed spectrophotometrically. Pyridine-ferrochrome and redoxspectra showed the presence of heme-c

    Improving quality of service through road side back-bone network in VANET

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    The vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs) are expected to support a large spectrum of traffic alert, dynamic route planning, file sharing, safety and infotainment applications to improve traffic management. User satisfaction plus in time delivery of real-time messages is the most significant quality evaluation criterion for vehicular applications. High mobility and rapidly changing topologies always lead to intermittent quality of services, higher delay and packet dropping issues in network. To improve the quality of services for multi-hop and dynamic environment, different types of solutions have been proposed. The article introduces multi-protocol label switching based on roadside backbone network to provide widespread, scalable, high-speed, robust quality of services and improve network efficiency. The simulation results showed that proposed model improves data transmission and routing performance in terms of data delivery, throughput, end-to-end delay and achieve adequate utilization of resources
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