1,254 research outputs found

    Factorised Steady States in Mass Transport Models on an Arbitrary Graph

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    We study a general mass transport model on an arbitrary graph consisting of LL nodes each carrying a continuous mass. The graph also has a set of directed links between pairs of nodes through which a stochastic portion of mass, chosen from a site-dependent distribution, is transported between the nodes at each time step. The dynamics conserves the total mass and the system eventually reaches a steady state. This general model includes as special cases various previously studied models such as the Zero-range process and the Asymmetric random average process. We derive a general condition on the stochastic mass transport rules, valid for arbitrary graph and for both parallel and random sequential dynamics, that is sufficient to guarantee that the steady state is factorisable. We demonstrate how this condition can be achieved in several examples. We show that our generalized result contains as a special case the recent results derived by Greenblatt and Lebowitz for dd-dimensional hypercubic lattices with random sequential dynamics.Comment: 17 pages 1 figur

    Spatial structures in a simple model of population dynamics for parasite-host interactions

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    Spatial patterning can be crucially important for understanding the behavior of interacting populations. Here we investigate a simple model of parasite and host populations in which parasites are random walkers that must come into contact with a host in order to reproduce. We focus on the spatial arrangement of parasites around a single host, and we derive using analytics and numerical simulations the necessary conditions placed on the parasite fecundity and lifetime for the populations long-term survival. We also show that the parasite population can be pushed to extinction by a large drift velocity, but, counterintuitively, a small drift velocity generally increases the parasite population.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Stress development, relaxation, and memory in colloidal dispersions: Transient nonlinear microrheology

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    The motion of a single Brownian particle in a complex fluid can reveal material behavior both at and away from equilibrium. In active microrheology, a probe particle is driven by an external force through a complex medium and its motion studied in order to infer properties of the embedding material. Most work in microrheology has focused on steady behavior and established the relationship between the motion of the probe, the microstructure, and the effective microviscosity of the medium. Transient behavior in the near-equilibrium, linear-response regime has also been studied via its connection to low-amplitude oscillatory probe forcing and the complex modulus; at very weak forcing, the microstructural response that drives viscosity is indistinguishable from equilibrium fluctuations. But important information about the basic physical aspects of structural development and relaxation in a medium is captured by startup and cessation of the imposed deformation in the nonlinear regime, where the structure is driven far from equilibrium. Here, we study theoretically and by dynamic simulation the transient behavior of a colloidal dispersion undergoing nonlinear microrheological forcing. The strength with which the probe is forced, Fext, compared to thermal forces, kT/b, governs the dynamics and defines a Péclet number, Pe = F^ext/(kT/b), where kT is the thermal energy and b is the colloidal bath particle size. For large Pe, a boundary layer (in which unsteady advection balances diffusion) forms at particle contact on the time scale of the flow, a/U, where a is the probe size and U its speed, whereas the wake forms over O(Pe) diffusive time steps. Similarly, relaxation following cessation occurs over several time scales corresponding to distinct physical processes. For very short times, the time scale for relaxation is set by a boundary layer of thickness δ ∼ (a+b)/Pe, and so τ ∼ δ^2/D_r, where Dr is the relative diffusivity between the probe of size a and a bath particle. Nearly all stress relaxation occurs during this time. At longer times, the Brownian diffusion of the bath particles acts to close the wake on a time scale set by how long it takes a bath particle to diffuse laterally across it, τ ∼ (a+b)^2/D_r. Although the majority of the microstructural relaxation occurs during this wake-healing process, it does so with little change in the stress. Also during relaxation, the probe travels backward in the suspension; this recovered strain is proportional to the free energy stored in the compressed particle configuration, an indicator that the stress is proportional to the free energy density stored entropically in the microstructure. Theoretical results are compared with Brownian dynamics simulation where it is found that the dilute theory captures the correct behavior even for concentrated suspensions. Two modes of forcing are studied: Constant force and constant velocity. Results are compared to analogous macrorheology results for suspensions undergoing simple shear flow

    Single-particle motion in colloids: force-induced diffusion

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    We study the fluctuating motion of a Brownian-sized probe particle as it is dragged by a constant external force through a colloidal dispersion. In this nonlinear-microrheology problem, collisions between the probe and the background bath particles, in addition to thermal fluctuations of the solvent, drive a long-time diffusive spread of the probe's trajectory. The influence of the former is determined by the spatial configuration of the bath particles and the force with which the probe perturbs it. With no external forcing the probe and bath particles form an equilibrium microstructure that fluctuates thermally with the solvent. Probe motion through the dispersion distorts the microstructure; the character of this deformation, and hence its influence on the probe's motion, depends on the strength with which the probe is forced, F^(ext), compared to thermal forces, kT/b, defining a Péclet number, Pe = F^(ext)/(kT/b), where kT is the thermal energy and b the bath particle size. It is shown that the long-time mean-square fluctuational motion of the probe is diffusive and the effective diffusivity of the forced probe is determined for the full range of Péclet number. At small Pe Brownian motion dominates and the diffusive behaviour of the probe characteristic of passive microrheology is recovered, but with an incremental flow-induced ‘microdiffusivity’ that scales as D^(micro) ~ D_aPe^2φ_b, where φ_b is the volume fraction of bath particles and D_a is the self-diffusivity of an isolated probe. At the other extreme of high Péclet number the fluctuational motion is still diffusive, and the diffusivity becomes primarily force induced, scaling as (F^(ext)/η)φ_b, where η is the viscosity of the solvent. The force-induced microdiffusivity is anisotropic, with diffusion longitudinal to the direction of forcing larger in both limits compared to transverse diffusion, but more strongly so in the high-Pe limit. The diffusivity is computed for all Pe for a probe of size a in a bath of colloidal particles, all of size b, for arbitrary size ratio a/b, neglecting hydrodynamic interactions. The results are compared with the force-induced diffusion measured by Brownian dynamics simulation. The theory is also compared to the analogous shear-induced diffusion of macrorheology, as well as to experimental results for macroscopic falling-ball rheometry. The results of this analysis may also be applied to the diffusive motion of self-propelled particles

    VANT-GAN: adversarial learning for discrepancy-based visual attribution in medical imaging

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    Visual attribution (VA) in relation to medical images is an essential aspect of modern automation-assisted diagnosis. Since it is generally not straightforward to obtain pixel-level ground-truth labelling of medical images, classification-based interpretation approaches have become the de facto standard for automated diagnosis, in which the ability of classifiers to make categorical predictions based on class-salient regions is harnessed within the learning algorithm. Such regions, however, typically constitute only a small subset of the full range of features of potential medical interest. They may hence not be useful for VA of medical images where capturing all of the disease evidence is a critical requirement. This hence motivates the proposal of a novel strategy for visual attribution that is not reliant on image classification. We instead obtain normal counterparts of abnormal images and find discrepancy maps between the two. To perform the abnormal-to-normal mapping in unsupervised way, we employ a Cycle-Consistency Generative Adversarial Network, thereby formulating visual attribution in terms of a discrepancy map that, when subtracted from the abnormal image, makes it indistinguishable from the counterpart normal image. Experiments are performed on three datasets including a synthetic, Alzheimer’s disease Neuro imaging Initiative and, BraTS dataset. We outperform baseline and related methods in both experiments

    Surgical Skill Assessment on In-Vivo Clinical Data via the Clearness of Operating Field

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    Surgical skill assessment is important for surgery training and quality control. Prior works on this task largely focus on basic surgical tasks such as suturing and knot tying performed in simulation settings. In contrast, surgical skill assessment is studied in this paper on a real clinical dataset, which consists of fifty-seven in-vivo laparoscopic surgeries and corresponding skill scores annotated by six surgeons. From analyses on this dataset, the clearness of operating field (COF) is identified as a good proxy for overall surgical skills, given its strong correlation with overall skills and high inter-annotator consistency. Then an objective and automated framework based on neural network is proposed to predict surgical skills through the proxy of COF. The neural network is jointly trained with a supervised regression loss and an unsupervised rank loss. In experiments, the proposed method achieves 0.55 Spearman's correlation with the ground truth of overall technical skill, which is even comparable with the human performance of junior surgeons.Comment: MICCAI 201

    Construction of the factorized steady state distribution in models of mass transport

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    For a class of one-dimensional mass transport models we present a simple and direct test on the chipping functions, which define the probabilities for mass to be transferred to neighbouring sites, to determine whether the stationary distribution is factorized. In cases where the answer is affirmative, we provide an explicit method for constructing the single-site weight function. As an illustration of the power of this approach, previously known results on the Zero-range process and Asymmetric random average process are recovered in a few lines. We also construct new models, namely a generalized Zero-range process and a binomial chipping model, which have factorized steady states.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Pemodelan Regresi Spline Menggunakan Metode Penalized Spline Pada Data Longitudinal (Studi Kasus: Harga Penutupan Saham Lq45 Sektor Keuangan Dengan Kurs Usd Terhadap Rupiah Periode Januari 2011-januari 2016)

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    Nonparametric regression is one type of regression analysis used when parametric regression assumptions are not fulfilled. Nonparametric regression is used when the curve does not form a specific pattern of connections. One of the approach by using nonparametric regression is spline regression with penalized spline method. Spline regression using penalized spline method was applied to three closing stock prices on the financial sector such as Bank BRI, BCA and Mandiri with the data of USD currency rate in rupiah. Closing price of stock data and the USD currency rate in rupiah were taken from January 2011 up to January 2016 for in sample data and from February 2016 up to December 2016 for out sample data. The data taken is called longitudinal data which is observing some subjects on specific period. Best spline regression model with penalized spline method is derived from the minimum value of GCV, the number of optimal knots and the optimal orde. Best spline regression model with penalized spline method for longitudinal data was obtained on the orde of 1, the 59 knots, the smoothing parameter with λ value of 1 and the GCV value of 889,797. The R2 value of in sample data was 99,292%, best model performance for in sample data. MAPE value of out sample data is 1,057%, the best accurate performance model
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