88,752 research outputs found

    Comments on the 'China model'

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    This paper reviews the articles by Pan and by Zhu on the China Model. The review of Pan is critical, that of Zhu sympathetic. Pan is criticised for taking an unquestioning attitude towards state supporting ideologies and failing to adequately account for the effects of changes in family structure and class structure in China over the past 50 years. The reviewer broadly agrees with Zhu's comments about a future steady state economy. The article provides statistical data from the recent economic and demographic histories of China and Japan to back up the general conclusions drawn by Zhu

    Science Press, Beijing, China: Fauna Sinica Arachnida: Araneae [Rezension]

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    a) Song Daxiang & Zhu Mingsheng: Thomisidae, Philodromidae. 1997, 259 S., ISBN 7-03-005707-4/Q.684, Preis 44,- Yuan (ca. 9,68 DM) b) Zhu Mingsheng: Theridiidae. 1998, 436 S., ISBN 7-03-006243-4/Q.748, Preis 69,- Yuan (ca. 15,18 DM) c) Yin Changmin et al.: Araneidae. 1997, 460 S., ISBN 7-03-005705-8/Q.682, Preis 76,- Yuan (ca. 16,72 DM) Alle drei Bücher wurden Überwiegend in chinesisch verfaßt. Es findet sich jedoch ein englischer Bestimmungsschlüssel am Ende jedes Werkes. Ihm angeschlossen ist ein Artregister in lateinischer Schrift. Die Zeichnungen der Genitalien und des Habitus sind sehr deutlich und lassen sich in ihrer Genauigkeit sicherlich mit den Zeichnungen M.J. Roberts vergleichen. Die Beschreibungen zur Biogeographie werden zwar im Einführungsteil (Karten) dargestellt, die zugehörigen Textpassagen sind aber in chinesisch geschrieben worden

    Deleuzovska reinterpretacija Zhu Xija

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    I propose an interpretation of Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130–1200) seen through the ontology of Gilles Deleuze. Zhu Xi is one of the most prominent Chinese philosophers, the figurehead of the so-called Neo-Confucian school, and Deleuze is arguably one of the most important Western philosophers of the twentieth century. Both philosophers presented an ontology of differentiation, whose main aspects or stages I try to analyse in the paper: Deleuze’s notions of the virtual, dark precursor, field of individuation, intensities and the actual; and parallel to these, Zhu Xi’s notions of the veins (li 理), supreme ultimate (taiji 太極), energy (qi 氣), and things (wu 物). It is argued that a Deleuzian (re)interpretation of Zhu Xi is possible and that it may open new tools of analysis for studying Chinese philosophy as well as create a conceptual space that can bring together concepts and practices from different traditions.Predlagam novo interpretacijo Zhu Xija 朱熹 (1130–1200) skozi optiko ontologije Gillesa Deleuza. Zhu Xi je eden najbolj znanih kitajskih filozofov in osrednji predstavnik tako imenovane neokonfucijanske šole, Deleuze pa je nedvomno eden najpomembnejših zahodnih filozofov dvajsetega stoletja. Oba teoretika sta ustvarila ontologiji, ki temeljita na razlikovanju. Osrednje vidike oziroma stopnje obeh ontologij in ustreznih tipov razlikovanja bom analiziral v pričujočem članku. Pri tem se bom osredotočil na Deleuzove ideje virtualnega, temačnega predhodnika, polja individuacije, intenzivnosti ter aktualnosti. Vzporedno s temi idejami bom obravnaval tudi Zhu Xijeve pojme žil (li 理), ­skrajnega pola (taiji 太極), energije (qi 氣) in stvari (wu 物). Trdim, da je deleuzovska (re)interpretacija Zhu Xija možna, da nam lahko nudi nova orodja analize za študij kitajske filozofije ter da lahko ustvari nov konceptualni prostor, v katerem bo mogoče združevati ideje in prakse različnih tradicij

    Diradicals and their driving forces

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    Several series of aromatic and quinoidal compounds, such as oligothiophenes (Scheme 1), oligophenylene-vinylenes, oligoperylenes (oligophenyls) and graphene nanoribbon derivatives, are studied in the common context of the capability to stabilize diradical structures. [1,2,3,4]. In this work, we try to clarify how several driving forces (i.e., thermodynamic and entropic) are responsible for the generation of diradical and diradicaloid structures. A combination of different types of molecular spectroscopies (i.e., electronic absorption, electronic emission, excited state absorption, vibrational Raman, vibrational infrared, etc.) as well as hybridized with thermal and pressure-dependent techniques are shown to provide important information about the origin of the formation and stabilization of diradicals. From a conceptual point of view, we analyze these properties in the context of the oligomer approach which is the study of the evolution of these spectroscopic quantities as a function of the oligomer size. References [1] P. Mayorga Burrezo, J.L. Zafra, J. Casado. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 2250. [2] J. Casado, R. Ponce Ortiz, J. T. Lopez Navarrete, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2012, 41, 5672. [3] P. Mayorga Burrezo, X. Zhu, S. F. Zhu, Q. Yan, J. T. Lopez Navarrete, H. Tsuji, E. Nakamura, J. Casado, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 3834-3843. [4] J. Casado, Para-quinodimethanes: A unified review of the quinoidal-versus-aromatic competition and its implications. Top. Curr. Chem. 2017, 375, 73.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Shifting Tides: China and North Korea

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    "The nuclear test was no less than a slap in China's face." Zhu Feng is a professor of the School of International Studies and director of the International Security Program in Peking University

    On the Legal Execution View of Zhu Xi 's Strict Legal Theory

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    本文试图展现朱熹之法律执行观作为其法律思想体系的一部分所展现出的理论与实践品格。本文试图从理论与实践相结合的角度入手阐释朱熹法律执行思想的内涵,并通过朱熹与先秦儒家、法家的对比阐释朱熹法律执行思想的时代意义。本文所采用的方法是制度史与思想史相互印证以及比较的方法。本文主要分为五章: 第一章概述朱熹之德、礼、政、刑的规范理念,并将之作为朱熹法律执行观之理论背景。通过对其无为化民、德本礼末、养民之政等三方面的阐述,揭示其以“德”为核心的治道体系:“德”经由礼、政、刑的辅助、保障作用,进而落实为“养民”“爱民”的现实治理理路。 第二章通过对其法律执行观中佛教因果报应说、犯罪人立场、钦恤的错误理解...This paper attempts to show the theory and practice of Zhu Xi 's view of legal execution as part of its legal system. The purpose of this paper is to explain the connotation of Zhu Xi 's law enforcement thought from the angle of theory and practice, and to explain the significance of Zhu Xi' s thought on the implementation of law through the contrast between Zhu Xi and pre - Qin Confucianists and ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_法律史学号:1362015115090

    Lê Quý Đônova teorija li-qi

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    This paper discusses the work of Lê Quý Đôn (1726–1784), a prominent scholar of Later Lê Vietnam who was deeply influenced by Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism. Lê’s masterwork, the Classified Discourses from Yun Terrace (Yuntai leiyu 芸臺類語, Vân đài loại ngữ), exemplifies this intellectual heritage. This essay considers the text’s first volume in light of Zhu Xi’s theory of li-qi. While drawing deeply from Zhu Xi’s theory of an inseparable li-qi, Lê’s concept of li-qi ultimately originated in Han dynasty qi-transformative cosmology. Also influenced by a Vietnamese tradition of Three Teachings syncretism, Lê integrated Neo-Confucianism with Han cosmology to create a unique li-qi theory.Članek obravnava delo priznanega učenjaka Lê Quýja Đôna (1726–1784) s konca vietnamske dinastije Le, na katerega je močno vplivalo neokonfucijanstvo dinastij Song in Ming. Ta idejna zapuščina se kaže v Lejevem mojstrskem delu Razvrščene razprave iz terase Vinske rutice (Yuntai leiyu 芸臺類語, Vân đài loại ngữ). Članek obravnava prvi zvezek tega dela, in sicer na podlagi Zhu Xijeve teorije o liju in qiju. Čeprav je Lê Quý Đôn izhajal iz Zhu Xijeve teorije o neločljivosti lija in qija, Lejev koncept lija in qija izvira iz transformativne kozmologije, ki se je razvila v dinastiji Han. Le je pod vplivom vietnamske tradicije sinkretizma Treh naukov neokonfucijanstvo povezal s hansko kozmologijo ter ustvaril edinstveno teorijo lija in qija