62 research outputs found

    Nlrp9b Inflammasome Restricts Rotavirus Infection in Intestinal Epithelial Cells

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    Rotavirus, a leading cause of severe gastroenteritis and diarrhoea in young children, accounts for around 215,000 deaths annually worldwide. Rotavirus specifically infects the intestinal epithelial cells in the host small intestine and has evolved strategies to antagonize interferon and NF-κB signalling, raising the question as to whether other host factors participate in antiviral responses in intestinal mucosa. The mechanism by which enteric viruses are sensed and restricted in vivo, especially by NOD-like receptor (NLR) inflammasomes, is largely unknown. Here we uncover and mechanistically characterize the NLR Nlrp9b that is specifically expressed in intestinal epithelial cells and restricts rotavirus infection. Our data show that, via RNA helicase Dhx9, Nlrp9b recognizes short double-stranded RNA stretches and forms inflammasome complexes with the adaptor proteins Asc and caspase-1 to promote the maturation of interleukin (Il)-18 and gasdermin D (Gsdmd)-induced pyroptosis. Conditional depletion of Nlrp9b or other inflammasome components in the intestine in vivo resulted in enhanced susceptibility of mice to rotavirus replication. Our study highlights an important innate immune signalling pathway that functions in intestinal epithelial cells and may present useful targets in the modulation of host defences against viral pathogens

    The Combination of Human Urinary Kallidinogenase and Mild Hypothermia Protects Adult Rats Against Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy-Induced Injury by Promoting Angiogenesis and Regeneration

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    Objectives: Human Urinary Kallidinogenase (HUK) is a tissue kallikrein that plays neuroprotective role in ischemic conditions via different mechanisms. Mild hypothermia (MH) is another robust neuroprotectant that reduces mortality but does not profoundly ameliorate the neurological outcome in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) patients. However, whether the combination of HUK and MH can be used as a promising neuroprotective treatment in HIE is unknown. Methods: One-hundred and forty-four adult Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups: Sham, HIE, HUK, MH and a combination of HUK and MH treatment. The HIE rat model was established by right carotid dissection followed by hypoxia aspiration. The survival curve was created within 7 days, and the neurological severity scores (NSS) were assessed at days 0, 1, 3, and 7. Nissl staining, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL), immunofluorescent staining and western blotting were used to evaluate neuronal survival, apoptosis and necrosis, tight-junction proteins Claudin-1 and Zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), doublecortex (DCX), bradykinin receptor B1 (BDKRB1), BDKRB2 and Ki67 staining. Results: The combined treatment rescued all HIE rats from death and had a best survival curve compared to HIE. The Combination also reduced the NSS scores after HIE at days 7, better than HUK or MH alone. The combination of HUK and MH reserved more cells in Nissl staining and inhibited neuronal apoptosis and necrosis as well as significantly attenuated HIE-induced decreases in claudin-1, ZO-1, cyclin D1 and BDKRB1/B2 in comparison to HUK or MH treatment alone. Moreover, the combined treatment increased the expression of VEGF and DCX as well as the number of Ki67-labeled cells. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that both HUK and MH are neuroprotective after HIE insult; however, the combined therapy with HUK and MH enhanced the efficiency and efficacy of either therapy alone in the treatment of HIE, at least partially by promoting angiogenesis and regeneration and rescuing tight-junction loss. The combination of HUK and MH seems to be a feasible and promising clinical strategy to alleviate cerebral injury following HIE insult. Highlights: -The combination of HUK and MH distinctly reduces neurological dysfunction in HIE rats.-HUK enhances the neuroprotective effects of MH in HIE.-MH attenuates tight-junction disruption, upregulates the BDKR B1/2, DCX and cyclin D1.-The combination of MH and HUK enhances the expressions of MH/HUK mediated-BDKR B1/2, DCX, cyclin D1 and Ki67 positive cells

    Climatic Control on Plant and Soil d13C along an Altitudinal Transect of Lushan Mountain in Subtropical China: Characteristics and Interpretation of Soil Carbon Dynamics

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    <div><p>Decreasing temperature and increasing precipitation along altitude gradients are typical mountain climate in subtropical China. In such a climate regime, identifying the patterns of the C stable isotope composition (δ<sup>13</sup>C) in plants and soils and their relations to the context of climate change is essential. In this study, the patterns of δ<sup>13</sup>C variation were investigated for tree leaves, litters, and soils in the natural secondary forests at four altitudes (219, 405, 780, and 1268 m a.s.l.) in Lushan Mountain, central subtropical China. For the dominant trees, both leaf and leaf-litter δ<sup>13</sup>C decreased as altitude increased from low to high altitude, whereas surface soil δ<sup>13</sup>C increased. The lower leaf δ<sup>13</sup>C at high altitudes was associated with the high moisture-related discrimination, while the high soil δ<sup>13</sup>C is attributed to the low temperature-induced decay. At each altitude, soil δ<sup>13</sup>C became enriched with soil depth. Soil δ<sup>13</sup>C increased with soil C concentrations and altitude, but decreased with soil depth. A negative relationship was also found between O-alkyl C and δ<sup>13</sup>C in litter and soil, whereas a positive relationship was observed between aromatic C and δ<sup>13</sup>C. Lower temperature and higher moisture at high altitudes are the predominant control factors of δ<sup>13</sup>C variation in plants and soils. These results help understand C dynamics in the context of global warming.</p></div

    Blood Meal Acquisition Enhances Arbovirus Replication in Mosquitoes Through Activation of the GABAergic System

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    Mosquitoes are hematophagous insects that carry-on and transmit many human viruses. However, little information is available regarding the common mechanisms underlying the infection of mosquitoes by these viruses. In this study, we reveal that the hematophagous nature of mosquitoes contributes to arboviral infection after a blood meal, which suppresses antiviral innate immunity by activating the GABAergic pathway. dsRNA-mediated interruption of the GABA signaling and blockage of the GABAA receptor by the specific inhibitors both significantly impaired arbovirus replication. Consistently, inoculation of GABA enhanced arboviral infection, indicating that GABA signaling facilitates the arboviral infection of mosquitoes. The ingestion of blood by mosquitoes resulted in robust GABA production from glutamic acid derived from blood protein digestion. The oral introduction of glutamic acid increased virus acquisition by mosquitoes via activation of the GABAergic system. Our study reveals that blood meals enhance arbovirus replication in mosquitoes through activation of the GABAergic system

    Discovery of natural nicking endonucleases Nb.BsrDI and Nb.BtsI and engineering of top-strand nicking variants from BsrDI and BtsI

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    BsrDI and BtsI restriction endonucleases recognize and cleave double-strand DNA at the sequences GCAATG (2/0) and GCAGTG (2/0), respectively. We have purified and partially characterized these two enzymes, and analyzed the genes that encode them. BsrDI and BtsI are unusual in two respects: each cleaves DNA as a heterodimer of one large subunit (B subunit) and one small subunit (A subunit); and, in the absence of their small subunits, the large subunits behave as sequence-specific DNA nicking enzymes and only nick the bottom strand of the sequences at these respective positions: GCAATG (−/0) and GCAGTG (−/0). We refer to the single subunit, the bottom-strand nicking forms as ‘hemidimers’. Amino acid sequence comparisons reveal that BsrDI and BtsI belong to a family of restriction enzymes that possess two catalytic sites: a canonical PD-Xn-EXK and a second non-canonical PD-Xn-E-X12-QR. Interestingly, the other family members, which include BsrI (ACTGG 1/−1) and BsmI/Mva1269I (GAATGC 1/−1) are single polypeptide chains, i.e. monomers, rather than heterodimers. In BsrDI and BtsI, the two catalytic sites are found in two separate subunits. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that the canonical catalytic site located at the N-terminus of the large subunit is responsible for the bottom-strand cleavage, whereas the non-canonical catalytic site located in the small subunit is responsible for hydrolysis of the top strand. Top-strand specific nicking variants, Nt.BsrDI and Nt.BtsI, were successfully engineered by combining the catalytic-deficient B subunit with wild-type A subunit

    Alteration of Sequence Specificity of the Type IIS Restriction Endonuclease BtsI

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    The Type IIS restriction endonuclease BtsI recognizes and digests at GCAGTG(2/0). It comprises two subunits: BtsIA and BtsIB. The BtsIB subunit contains the recognition domain, one catalytic domain for bottom strand nicking and part of the catalytic domain for the top strand nicking. BtsIA has the rest of the catalytic domain that is responsible for the DNA top strand nicking. BtsIA alone has no activity unless it mixes with BtsIB to reconstitute the BtsI activity. During characterization of the enzyme, we identified a BtsIB mutant R119A found to have a different digestion pattern from the wild type BtsI. After characterization, we found that BtsIB(R119A) is a novel restriction enzyme with a previously unreported recognition sequence CAGTG(2/0), which is named as BtsI-1. Compared with wild type BtsI, BtsI-1 showed different relative activities in NEB restriction enzyme reaction buffers NEB1, NEB2, NEB3 and NEB4 and less star activity. Similar to the wild type BtsIB subunit, the BtsI-1 B subunit alone can act as a bottom nicking enzyme recognizing CAGTG(-/0). This is the first successful case of a specificity change among this restriction endonuclease type

    The Combination of Human Urinary Kallidinogenase and Mild Hypothermia Protects Adult Rats Against Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy-Induced Injury by Promoting Angiogenesis and Regeneration

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    Objectives: Human Urinary Kallidinogenase (HUK) is a tissue kallikrein that plays neuroprotective role in ischemic conditions via different mechanisms. Mild hypothermia (MH) is another robust neuroprotectant that reduces mortality but does not profoundly ameliorate the neurological outcome in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) patients. However, whether the combination of HUK and MH can be used as a promising neuroprotective treatment in HIE is unknown.Methods: One-hundred and forty-four adult Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups: Sham, HIE, HUK, MH and a combination of HUK and MH treatment. The HIE rat model was established by right carotid dissection followed by hypoxia aspiration. The survival curve was created within 7 days, and the neurological severity scores (NSS) were assessed at days 0, 1, 3, and 7. Nissl staining, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL), immunofluorescent staining and western blotting were used to evaluate neuronal survival, apoptosis and necrosis, tight-junction proteins Claudin-1 and Zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), doublecortex (DCX), bradykinin receptor B1 (BDKRB1), BDKRB2 and Ki67 staining.Results: The combined treatment rescued all HIE rats from death and had a best survival curve compared to HIE. The Combination also reduced the NSS scores after HIE at days 7, better than HUK or MH alone. The combination of HUK and MH reserved more cells in Nissl staining and inhibited neuronal apoptosis and necrosis as well as significantly attenuated HIE-induced decreases in claudin-1, ZO-1, cyclin D1 and BDKRB1/B2 in comparison to HUK or MH treatment alone. Moreover, the combined treatment increased the expression of VEGF and DCX as well as the number of Ki67-labeled cells.Conclusions: This study demonstrates that both HUK and MH are neuroprotective after HIE insult; however, the combined therapy with HUK and MH enhanced the efficiency and efficacy of either therapy alone in the treatment of HIE, at least partially by promoting angiogenesis and regeneration and rescuing tight-junction loss. The combination of HUK and MH seems to be a feasible and promising clinical strategy to alleviate cerebral injury following HIE insult.Highlights: -The combination of HUK and MH distinctly reduces neurological dysfunction in HIE rats.-HUK enhances the neuroprotective effects of MH in HIE.-MH attenuates tight-junction disruption, upregulates the BDKR B1/2, DCX and cyclin D1.-The combination of MH and HUK enhances the expressions of MH/HUK mediated-BDKR B1/2, DCX, cyclin D1 and Ki67 positive cells

    Zika Virus Non-structural Protein 4A Blocks the RLR-MAVS Signaling

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    Flaviviruses have evolved complex mechanisms to evade the mammalian host immune systems including the RIG-I (retinoic acid-inducible gene I) like receptor (RLR) signaling. Zika virus (ZIKV) is a re-emerging flavivirus that is associated with severe neonatal microcephaly and adult Guillain-Barre syndrome. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying ZIKV pathogenesis remain poorly defined. Here we report that ZIKV non-structural protein 4A (NS4A) impairs the RLR-mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS) interaction and subsequent induction of antiviral immune responses. In human trophoblasts, both RIG-I and melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 (MDA5) contribute to type I interferon (IFN) induction and control ZIKV replication. Type I IFN induction by ZIKV is almost completely abolished in MAVS-/- cells. NS4A represses RLR-, but not Toll-like receptor-mediated immune responses. NS4A specifically binds the N-terminal caspase activation and recruitment domain (CARD) of MAVS and thus blocks its accessibility by RLRs. Our study provides in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms of immune evasion by ZIKV and its pathogenesis

    Draft genome sequence of the mulberry tree Morus notabilis

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    Human utilization of the mulberry–silkworm interaction started at least 5,000 years ago and greatly influenced world history through the Silk Road. Complementing the silkworm genome sequence, here we describe the genome of a mulberry species Morus notabilis. In the 330-Mb genome assembly, we identify 128 Mb of repetitive sequences and 29,338 genes, 60.8% of which are supported by transcriptome sequencing. Mulberry gene sequences appear to evolve ~3 times faster than other Rosales, perhaps facilitating the species’ spread worldwide. The mulberry tree is among a few eudicots but several Rosales that have not preserved genome duplications in more than 100 million years; however, a neopolyploid series found in the mulberry tree and several others suggest that new duplications may confer benefits. Five predicted mulberry miRNAs are found in the haemolymph and silk glands of the silkworm, suggesting interactions at molecular levels in the plant–herbivore relationship. The identification and analyses of mulberry genes involved in diversifying selection, resistance and protease inhibitor expressed in the laticifers will accelerate the improvement of mulberry plants

    Stretchable Filler/Solid Rubber Piezoresistive Thread Sensor for Gesture Recognition

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    Recently, the stretchable piezoresistive composites have become a focus in the fields of the biomechanical sensing and human posture recognition because they can be directly and conformally attached to bodies and clothes. Here, we present a stretchable piezoresistive thread sensor (SPTS) based on Ag plated glass microspheres (Ag@GMs)/solid rubber (SR) composite, which was prepared using new shear dispersion and extrusion vulcanization technology. The SPTS has the high gauge factors (7.8~11.1) over a large stretching range (0&ndash;50%) and approximate linear curves about the relative change of resistance versus the applied strain. Meanwhile, the SPTS demonstrates that the hysteresis is as low as 2.6% and has great stability during 1000 stretching/releasing cycles at 50% strain. Considering the excellent mechanical strain-driven characteristic, the SPTS was carried out to monitor posture recognitions and facial movements. Moreover, the novel SPTS can be successfully integrated with software and hardware information modules to realize an intelligent gesture recognition system, which can promptly and accurately reflect the produced electrical signals about digital gestures, and successfully be translated into text and voice. This work demonstrates great progress in stretchable piezoresistive sensors and provides a new strategy for achieving a real-time and effective-communication intelligent gesture recognition system
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