542 research outputs found

    DNApi: A De Novo Adapter Prediction Algorithm for Small RNA Sequencing Data

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    With the rapid accumulation of publicly available small RNA sequencing datasets, third-party meta-analysis across many datasets is becoming increasingly powerful. Although removing the 3 adapter is an essential step for small RNA sequencing analysis, the adapter sequence information is not always available in the metadata. The information can be also erroneous even when it is available. In this study, we developed DNApi, a lightweight Python software package that predicts the 3 adapter sequence de novo and provides the user with cleansed small RNA sequences ready for down stream analysis. Tested on 539 publicly available small RNA libraries accompanied with 3 adapter sequences in their metadata, DNApi shows near-perfect accuracy (98.5%) with fast runtime (~2.85 seconds per library) and efficient memory usage (~43 MB on average). In addition to 3 adapter prediction, it is also important to classify whether the input small RNA libraries were already processed, i.e. the 3 adapters were removed. DNApi perfectly judged that given another batch of datasets, 192 publicly available processed libraries were ready-to-map small RNA sequence. DNApi is compatible with Python 2 and 3, and is available at https://github.com/jnktsj/DNApi. The 731 small RNA libraries used for DNApi evaluation were from human tissues and were carefully and manually collected. This study also provides readers with the curated datasets that can be integrated into their studies

    Local sequence assembly reveals a high-resolution profile of somatic structural variations in 97 cancer genomes

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    Genomic structural variations (SVs) are pervasive in many types of cancers. Characterizing their underlying mechanisms and potential molecular consequences is crucial for understanding the basic biology of tumorigenesis. Here, we engineered a local assembly-based algorithm (laSV) that detects SVs with high accuracy from paired-end high-throughput genomic sequencing data and pinpoints their breakpoints at single base-pair resolution. By applying laSV to 97 tumor-normal paired genomic sequencing datasets across six cancer types produced by The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network, we discovered that non-allelic homologous recombination is the primary mechanism for generating somatic SVs in acute myeloid leukemia. This finding contrasts with results for the other five types of solid tumors, in which non-homologous end joining and microhomology end joining are the predominant mechanisms. We also found that the genes recursively mutated by single nucleotide alterations differed from the genes recursively mutated by SVs, suggesting that these two types of genetic alterations play different roles during cancer progression. We further characterized how the gene structures of the oncogene JAK1 and the tumor suppressors KDM6A and RB1 are affected by somatic SVs and discussed the potential functional implications of intergenic SVs

    In silico meets in vivo

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    A report of the 6th Georgia Tech-Oak Ridge National Lab International Conference on Bioinformatics 'In silico Biology: Gene Discovery and Systems Genomics', Atlanta, USA, 15-17 November, 2007

    Networking development by Boolean logic

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    Eric Davidson at Caltech has spent several decades investigating the molecular basis of animal development using the sea urchin embryo as an experimental system ( 1) (,) ( 2) although his scholarship extends to all of embryology as embodied in several editions of his landmark book. ( 3) In recent years his laboratory has become a leading force in constructing gene regulatory networks (GRNs) operating in sea urchin development. ( 4) This axis of his work has its roots in this laboratory\u27s cDNA cloning of an actin mRNA from the sea urchin embryo (for the timeline see ref. 1)-one of the first eukaryotic mRNAs to be cloned as it turned out. From that point of departure, the Davidson lab has drilled down into other genes and gene families and the factors that regulate their coordinated regulation, leading them into the GRN era (a field they helped to define) and the development of the computational tools needed to consolidate and advance the GRN field

    Exploring angular distance in protein-protein docking algorithms

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    We present a two-stage hybrid-resolution approach for rigid-body protein-protein docking. The first stage is carried out at low-resolution (15 degrees ) angular sampling. In the second stage, we sample promising regions from the first stage at a higher resolution of 6 degrees . The hybrid-resolution approach produces the same results as a 6 degrees uniform sampling docking run, but uses only 17% of the computational time. We also show that the angular distance can be used successfully in clustering and pruning algorithms, as well as the characterization of energy funnels. Traditionally the root-mean-square-distance is used in these algorithms, but the evaluation is computationally expensive as it depends on both the rotational and translational parameters of the docking solutions. In contrast, the angular distances only depend on the rotational parameters, which are generally fixed for all docking runs. Hence the angular distances can be pre-computed, and do not add computational time to the post-processing of rigid-body docking results

    Accelerating protein docking in ZDOCK using an advanced 3D convolution library

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    Computational prediction of the 3D structures of molecular interactions is a challenging area, often requiring significant computational resources to produce structural predictions with atomic-level accuracy. This can be particularly burdensome when modeling large sets of interactions, macromolecular assemblies, or interactions between flexible proteins. We previously developed a protein docking program, ZDOCK, which uses a fast Fourier transform to perform a 3D search of the spatial degrees of freedom between two molecules. By utilizing a pairwise statistical potential in the ZDOCK scoring function, there were notable gains in docking accuracy over previous versions, but this improvement in accuracy came at a substantial computational cost. In this study, we incorporated a recently developed 3D convolution library into ZDOCK, and additionally modified ZDOCK to dynamically orient the input proteins for more efficient convolution. These modifications resulted in an average of over 8.5-fold improvement in running time when tested on 176 cases in a newly released protein docking benchmark, as well as substantially less memory usage, with no loss in docking accuracy. We also applied these improvements to a previous version of ZDOCK that uses a simpler non-pairwise atomic potential, yielding an average speed improvement of over 5-fold on the docking benchmark, while maintaining predictive success. This permits the utilization of ZDOCK for more intensive tasks such as docking flexible molecules and modeling of interactomes, and can be run more readily by those with limited computational resources

    SeqVISTA: a graphical tool for sequence feature visualization and comparison

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    BACKGROUND: Many readers will sympathize with the following story. You are viewing a gene sequence in Entrez, and you want to find whether it contains a particular sequence motif. You reach for the browser's "find in page" button, but those darn spaces every 10 bp get in the way. And what if the motif is on the opposite strand? Subsequently, your favorite sequence analysis software informs you that there is an interesting feature at position 13982–14013. By painstakingly counting the 10 bp blocks, you are able to examine the sequence at this location. But now you want to see what other features have been annotated close by, and this information is buried several screenfuls higher up the web page. RESULTS: SeqVISTA presents a holistic, graphical view of features annotated on nucleotide or protein sequences. This interactive tool highlights the residues in the sequence that correspond to features chosen by the user, and allows easy searching for sequence motifs or extraction of particular subsequences. SeqVISTA is able to display results from diverse sequence analysis tools in an integrated fashion, and aims to provide much-needed unity to the bioinformatics resources scattered around the Internet. Our viewer may be launched on a GenBank record by a single click of a button installed in the web browser. CONCLUSION: SeqVISTA allows insights to be gained by viewing the totality of sequence annotations and predictions, which may be more revealing than the sum of their parts. SeqVISTA runs on any operating system with a Java 1.4 virtual machine. It is freely available to academic users at

    Constant Sequence Extension for Fast Search Using Weighted Hamming Distance

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    Representing visual data using compact binary codes is attracting increasing attention as binary codes are used as direct indices into hash table(s) for fast non-exhaustive search. Recent methods show that ranking binary codes using weighted Hamming distance (WHD) rather than Hamming distance (HD) by generating query-adaptive weights for each bit can better retrieve query-related items. However, search using WHD is slower than that using HD. One main challenge is that the complexity of extending a monotone increasing sequence using WHD to probe buckets in hash table(s) for existing methods is at least proportional to the square of the sequence length, while that using HD is proportional to the sequence length. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel fast non-exhaustive search method using WHD. The key idea is to design a constant sequence extension algorithm to perform each sequence extension in constant computational complexity and the total complexity is proportional to the sequence length, which is justified by theoretical analysis. Experimental results show that our method is faster than other WHD-based search methods. Also, compared with the HD-based non-exhaustive search method, our method has comparable efficiency but retrieves more query-related items for the dataset of up to one billion items

    TEMP: a computational method for analyzing transposable element polymorphism in populations

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    Insertions and excisions of transposable elements (TEs) affect both the stability and variability of the genome. Studying the dynamics of transposition at the population level can provide crucial insights into the processes and mechanisms of genome evolution. Pooling genomic materials from multiple individuals followed by high-throughput sequencing is an efficient way of characterizing genomic polymorphisms in a population. Here we describe a novel method named TEMP, specifically designed to detect TE movements present with a wide range of frequencies in a population. By combining the information provided by pair-end reads and split reads, TEMP is able to identify both the presence and absence of TE insertions in genomic DNA sequences derived from heterogeneous samples; accurately estimate the frequencies of transposition events in the population and pinpoint junctions of high frequency transposition events at nucleotide resolution. Simulation data indicate that TEMP outperforms other algorithms such as PoPoolationTE, RetroSeq, VariationHunter and GASVPro. TEMP also performs well on whole-genome human data derived from the 1000 Genomes Project. We applied TEMP to characterize the TE frequencies in a wild Drosophila melanogaster population and study the inheritance patterns of TEs during hybrid dysgenesis. We also identified sequence signatures of TE insertion and possible molecular effects of TE movements, such as altered gene expression and piRNA production. TEMP is freely available at github: https://github.com/JialiUMassWengLab/TEMP.git. Acids Research
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