102 research outputs found

    Probing the heart and mind of the viewer: scientific studies of film and theatre spectators in the Soviet Union, 1917-1936

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    A vast array of research institutes and cultural organizations began to study the viewer of Soviet cinema and theatre in the years following the October Revolution. These investigations called on the techniques of sociology, psychology, and physiology to make Soviet cultural production more “efficient” and “rational.” Belying the conventional assumption that the cultural revolution of 1928–1932 brought empirical research in aesthetics to an abrupt end, this paper traces the continuation and redefinition of studies of the viewer in the Soviet Union after the “Great Break.” My analysis of the work of the “Scientific Research Sector” at the State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK) between 1933 and 1936 outlines how Stalin-era researchers shifted their gaze from viewers’ tastes and attitudes to questions of perceptual management and effectiveness. Exploring the VGIK researchers’ attempts to determine the “laws” of aesthetic perception and optimize intelligibility, the article brings to light the developments in scientific knowledge underwriting Soviet culture's transition to a form “accessible to the millions.

    Economic analysis of ČD Cargo, a.s.

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřená na komplexní ekonomickou analýzu společnosti ČD Cargo, a.s., přední dopravní společnosti, s využitím různých finančních analytických nástrojů a metodik. Analýza zahrnuje finanční výkazy, výkazy peněžních toků, Du Pont analýzu, vertikální a horizontální analýzu, aplikaci teorie zainteresovaných stran, SWOT analýzu a PESTEL analýzu. Klíčová zjištění odhalují finanční výkonnost společnosti, likviditu, ziskovost a dopady na zainteresované strany. Z analýzy vycházejí doporučení pro strategické plánování a řízení rizik s důrazem na připravenost společnosti na případné krize. Celkově práce poskytuje cenné poznatky o finančním zdraví a strategickém postavení společnosti ČD Cargo, a.s., což přispívá k informovanému rozhodování a budoucímu plánování.This bachelor's thesis is focused on a comprehensive economic analysis of ČD Cargo, a.s., a leading transportation company, using various financial analytical tools and methodologies. Analysis includes financial statements, cash flow statements, Du Pont analysis, vertical and horizontal analyses, application of stakeholders’ theory, and SWOT and PESTEL analyses. Key findings reveal the company's financial performance, liquidity, profitability and impact on stakeholders. Recommendations for strategic planning and risk management with an emphasis on the company's preparedness for possible crises given in this paper are solely based on this particular analysis. Overall, this analysis provides valuable insights into the financial health and strategic position of ČD Cargo, a.s., which contributes to informed decision-making and future planning

    The effect of some local anesthetics on protein metabolism in stratified squamous epithelium

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