96 research outputs found

    Catecholamines and myocardial contractile function during hypodynamia and with an altered thyroid hormone balance

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    The dynamics of catecholamine content and myocardial contractile function during hypodynamia were studied in 109 white rats whose motor activity was severely restricted for up to 30 days. During the first five days myocardial catecholamine content, contractile function, and physical load tolerance decreased. Small doses of thyroidin counteracted this tendency. After 15 days, noradrenalin content and other indices approached normal levels and, after 30 days, were the same as control levels, although cardiac functional reserve was decreased. Thyroidin administration after 15 days had no noticeable effect. A detailed table shows changes in 17 indices of myocardial contractile function during hypodynamia

    Characteristics of Hearing in Elderly People

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    The authors define the term presbycusis and discuss the prevalence of hearing loss in elderly people, its etiology, and methods of diagnostics (anamnesis, evaluation of the peripheral and central parts of the hearing system). The authors emphasize that central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) significantly impairs speech perception in elderly people and makes difficult the rehabilitation of patients with presbycusis. The possibility of improving speech intelligibility by using auditory training is considered. Improved functioning of the central auditory pathways in hearing aid (HA) users with moderate to moderately severe chronic sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and symptoms of CAPD was shown after the auditory training with the use of two approaches (“bottom-up” and “top-down”). The algorithm of the auditory training was designed based on distinction between nonverbal and verbal stimuli of varying complexity, as well as tasks to improve memory (e.g., memorizing poetry). The benefits of the auditory training in the rehabilitation of HA users with low speech intelligibility were demonstrated. Improvement of speech intelligibility in elderly patients with SNHL proves that plasticity of the auditory regions of the brain remains possible throughout the life. Options of the presbycusis prophylaxis are summarized

    Mimicry between respiratory virus proteins and some human immune proteins

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    A comparative analysis on search for amino acid sequences in viral proteins causing respiratory infections (or respiratory infections syndrome) homologous to amino acid sequences from some human immune proteins was performed. The following viruses were used for comparative computer analysis: coronavirus (SARS-CoV), serotype C subgroup adenovirus C (adenoid 71 strain), measles virus (ICHINOSE-BA strain), rubella (Therien strain) and respiratory syncytial (B1 strain) virus. The search for homologous sequences in viral and human immune proteins was carried out by computer comparison of 12 amino acid fragments, which were assigned as homologous at identity in ≥ 8 positions. The data obtained showed that viral proteins contained homologous motifs in several host immune proteins involved in regulating both the inflammatory response and immune response. Mechanistically, all viruses studied were characterized by sequences homologous to host immune proteins such as complement system proteins, integrins, apoptosis inhibitory proteins, interleukins, and toll-like receptors. Such cellular proteins are actively involved in regulating host inflammatory process and immune response formation. Upon that, a set of host immune proteins, to which homologous fragments were found in viral proteins, was individual for each virus. Interestingly, the largest amount of homologous fragments (up to 20) was mainly concentrated in viral proteins with polymerase and protease activity suggesting that these proteins apart to their major role were involved in production of viral nucleic acids and might participate in regulating host immune system. Envelope, internal and non-structural viral proteins, homologous fragments were detected in much smaller quantities (from 1 to 4). In addition, two fragments homologous to various motifs of the same cellular protein were detected in some viral proteins. Thus, the data obtained further support our understanding that signs of immune system disorders in viral infections can result from multi-layered processes associated with modulation of host innate and adaptive immune system, and open up new approaches to study interaction of viruses with host immune system and identify new functions of viral proteins

    Interactive articulation tale as the main form of vocal-choral work with younger preschool children

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    В статье обосновано, что эффективным средством устранения проблем речевого развития младших дошкольников является артикуляционная гимнастика как специальный цикл упражнений, направленных на развитие периферических органов речи, принимающих участие в голосообразовании и произношении звуков.In the article it is justified that an articulatory gymnastics is an effective instrument of eliminating the problems of younger preschoolers’ speech development. Articulatory gymnastics is a special cycle of exercises aimed at development of peripheral organs of speech which take part in voice formation and pronunciation of sounds

    Prospects and Limitations of Socially Oriented Non-Profit Organisations on the Way to Increase the Birth Rate

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    In the system of non-profit organisations, socially oriented non-profit organisations have a special position and comprehensive support from the state. Their activities are associated with the solution of key problems of the national social policy. One of these problems is an increase in the birth rate. It seems that socially oriented non-profit organisations can promote the pronatalist policy. Conclusions about the prospects and limitations of such influence are made based on an analysis of official statistics and regulatory legal acts. The study showed that among the projects receiving state support, the number of pronatalist activities is decreasing year by year. One of the main reasons for that is the lack of a single type of activity to indicate the ownership of such projects and their subsequent funding.В системе некоммерческих организаций особым положением и всесторонней поддержкой со стороны государства обладают социально ориентированные некоммерческие организации. Их деятельность сопряжена с решением ключевых проблем социальной политики страны. Одной из таких проблем является повышение рождаемости. По мнению авторов, идеи пронаталистской политики способны продвинуть социально ориентированные некоммерческие организации. Выводы о перспективах и ограничениях подобного влияния сделаны на основе анализа официальной статистики и нормативно-правовых актов. Исследование показало, что среди проектов, получающих государственную поддержку, количество пронаталистских мероприятий год от года снижается. Одной из главных причин нам представляется отсутствие единого утвержденного вида деятельности для обозначения принадлежности подобных проектов и их последующего финансирования.Исследование проведено в рамках проекта «Институты поддержки российской пронаталистской политики: потенциал и перспективы влияния на рост рождаемости», поддержанного Советом по грантам Президента Российской Федерации на государственную поддержку ведущих научных школ Российской Федерации (НШ-1327.2022.2

    Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Dzerzhinsky District of the Minsk Region of Belarus in the Context of the «Green» Economy

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    The article examines the cultural and natural heritage of the Dzerzhinsky district of the Minsk region of Belarus.В статье рассмотрено культурное и природное наследие Дзержинского района Минской области Беларуси в контексте «зеленой» экономики


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    Objectives: To identify homologous segments of human hemostatic and viral proteins and to assess the role of human hemostatic proteins in viral replication. Materials and Methods: The following viruses were chosen for comparison: influenza B (B/Astrakhan/2/2017), coronaviruses (Hcov229E and SARS-Co), type 1 adenovirus (adenoid 71), measles (ICHINOSE-BA) and rubella (Therien). The primary structures of viral proteins and 41 human hemostatic proteins were obtained from open–access www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov and www.nextprot.org databases, respectively. Sequence homology was determined by comparing 12-amino-acid segments. Those sequences identical in ≥ 8 positions were considered homologous. Results: The analysis shows that viral proteins contain segments which mimic a number of human hemostatic proteins. Most of these segments, except those of adenovirus proteins, are homologous with coagulation factors. The increase in viral virulence, as in case of SARS-Co, correlates with an increased number of segments homologous with hemostatic proteins. Conclusion: Hemostasis plays an important role in viral replication and pathogenesis. The conclusion is consistent with the literature data about the relationship of hemostasis and inflammatory response to viral infections.Цель: выявить в структуре белков исследуемых вирусов фрагменты, гомологичные фрагментам белков системы гемостаза человека, и оценить возможную роль белков системы гемостаза человека в репродукции исследуемых вирусов. Материалы и методы: для сравнительного компьютерного анализа были использованы вирусы гриппа В (В/Астрахань/2/2017 ), коронавирусы (HCov229E и SARS-Co), аденовирусы серотипа 1 (adenoid 71), кори (ICHINOSE-BA) и краснухи (Therien). Источником первичных структур белков анализируемых вирусов и 41 белка системы гемостаза человека служили общедоступные в Интернете базы данных www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov и www.nextprot.org соответственно. Поиск гомологичных последовательностей в структуре вирусных белков и белков гемостаза осуществляли путем сравнения в них фрагментов длиною в 12 аминокислот, принимая родственными те из них, которые проявляли идентичность по ≥ 8 позициям. Результаты: показано, что в структуре исследуемых вирусных белков обнаружены фрагменты, мимикрирующие ряд белков системы гемостаза, при этом значительная часть этих фрагментов гомологична факторам коагуляции крови (за исключением белков аденовируса). Следует отметить, что усиление вирулентности вируса (как в случае коронавируса SARS-Co) коррелирует с увеличением количества фрагментов, гомологичных белкам гемостаза. Заключение: система гемостаза играет важную роль в репродукции исследуемых вирусов, что является новым аспектом их патогенеза и подтверждается данными литературы о взаимосвязи системы гемостаза с развитием воспалительных и иммунных реакций при вирусных инфекциях