56 research outputs found


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    The model was created in the О. М. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv students and teachers project "3D Models in Google Earth


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    The analysis of military troop probation period of 194 students of Saratov Military Medical Institute has demonstrated the common drawbacks and defects in the military service activity on provision of military service safely. The determination of these drawbacks allows to plan concrete measures for improvement of this process

    Trends in the field of risk management business tourism

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    The article analyzes the main risk factors in the tourist business, taking into account their specificity. We studied the sequence of steps tourism risk management. Considered a specific method to manage risk through the establishment of time limits for cancellation of the tour. Also investigated methods for transforming risk (the risk of failure, reduce the size of losses, reduce the frequency of damage or loss prevention). The main methods of reducing the account risks: insurance and diversificatio

    New type of centrifugal instability in a thin rotating spherical layer

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    We numerically model the instability of viscous incompressible fluid flows caused by torsional oscillations of the inner sphere in a thin spherical layer with respect to the state of rest. We show that an increase in the frequency of torsional oscillations leads to a change in the mode of the instability, with a transition from secondary flows in the form of Taylor vortices to the structures, which were not previously observed. The revealed instability is found in the frequency range from 0.61 to 2.45 Hz or, if the wavelengths are taken relative to the layer thickness, from 0.67 to 1.33. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research project No. 16-05-00004 and 18-08-00074. MG acknowledges, in part, support from the ERC Advanced Grant No. 320773. Research at the Ural Federal University is supported by the Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, agreement No 02.A03.21.0006. We thank Dr. Laura K. Zschaechner (University of Helsinki, Finnish Center for Astronomy with ESO) for her help with language corrections

    Wave number selection under the action of accelerated rotation

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    Unsteady viscous incompressible flows in a spherical layer due to an increase in the rotation velocity of the inner sphere with constant acceleration are investigated. The acceleration starts at the Reynolds numbers Re corresponding to a stationary flow and ends at Re higher than the stability limit of the stationary flow, whereupon the rotation velocity of the inner sphere remains constant. The outer sphere is fixed and the spherical layer thickness is equal to the inner sphere radius. The inner sphere acceleration effect is studied on both the formation of one of two possible secondary-flow structures after the acceleration has been stopped, namely, traveling azimuthal waves with wavenumbers of 3 or 4, and on the change in the flow structure during the action of the acceleration. It is shown that not only an increase in the acceleration but also a decrease in Re corresponding to the acceleration onset can lead to an increase in the deviation of the instantaneous velocity profiles from their stationary values and can be accompanied by a variation in the secondary flow wavenumber. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Project No. 16-05-00004 and 18-08-00074. MG acknowledges,in part, support from the ERC Advanced Grant No. 320773. Research at the Ural Federal University is supported by the Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, agreement No 02.A03.21.0006

    New type of centrifugal instability in a thin rotating spherical layer

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    We numerically model the instability of viscous incompressible fluid flows caused by torsional oscillations of the inner sphere in a thin spherical layer with respect to the state of rest. We show that an increase in the frequency of torsional oscillations leads to a change in the mode of the instability, with a transition from secondary flows in the form of Taylor vortices to the structures, which were not previously observed. The revealed instability is found in the frequency range from 0.61 to 2.45 Hz or, if the wavelengths are taken relative to the layer thickness, from 0.67 to 1.33.Peer reviewe

    Wave number selection under the action of accelerated rotation

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    Unsteady viscous incompressible flows in a spherical layer due to an increase in the rotation velocity of the inner sphere with constant acceleration are investigated. The acceleration starts at the Reynolds numbers Re corresponding to a stationary flow and ends at Re higher than the stability limit of the stationary flow, whereupon the rotation velocity of the inner sphere remains constant. The outer sphere is fixed and the spherical layer thickness is equal to the inner sphere radius. The inner sphere acceleration effect is studied on both the formation of one of two possible secondary-flow structures after the acceleration has been stopped, namely, traveling azimuthal waves with wavenumbers of 3 or 4, and on the change in the flow structure during the action of the acceleration. It is shown that not only an increase in the acceleration but also a decrease in Re corresponding to the acceleration onset can lead to an increase in the deviation of the instantaneous velocity profiles from their stationary values and can be accompanied by a variation in the secondary flow wavenumber.Peer reviewe

    Problems and prospects of development of ecological tourism in Ireland

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    The paper presents the research on the development of ecological tourism in Ireland. The basic directions and problems of development of ecotourism. Income from ecotourism in the country was analyzed in the article, as well as the model for the attraction of tourists to Irelan


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    The article presents information about the international project «Healthy cities», knowledge about principles and axioms of the project. The authors have analyzed the experience of producing the «City Health Profile» under the project WHO «Healthy cities». The authors believe that the «Health Profile» of each individual city varies depending on specific conditions, both physical (the size of the territory, the state of the environment, its location) and political, and socio-economic. However, the formation of the «City Health Profile» is universally, regardless of geographical location or structure. It was noted that the «City Health Profile» has reflected all aspects of the life of the city, facilitates or barriers the promotion of inhabitants’ health and their well-being. For producing of «City Health Profile» additional data are needed: survey, sociological polls of the city population (self-assessment of their health status, lifestyle and quality of life). The advantage of these researches, carried out in the framework of the project «Healthy Cities», is implementation of complex sociological survey with a focused multi-purpose monitoring, covering all spheres of life in the city, to present a versatile, complete and objective evidences to illustrate the city as a territory of health and make up the holistic picture and the centre of which is the citizen and his/her health according to the WHO recommendations.В статье представлена информация о международном проекте «Здоровые города», рассказано о принципах и аксиомах проекта. Авторы проанализировали опыт создания «Профиля здоровья города» в проекте «Здоровые города» и считают, что «Профиль здоровья» каждого отдельного города варьирует в зависимости от конкретных условий, как физических (размер территории, состояние окружающей среды, место расположения), так и политических, социально-экономических. Тем не менее, построение «Профиля здоровья» универсально вне зависимости от географического положения или структуры. Отмечено, что в «Профиле здоровья города» находят отражение все аспекты жизни города, способствующие или препятствующие здоровью жителей и их благополучию. Для создания «Профиля здоровья города» дополнительно необходимы данные социологических опросов населения города (самооценка состояния здоровья, образ и качество жизни). Комплексное социологическое исследование, проводимое в рамках проекта «Здоровые города», включает многоцелевой мониторинг с охватом всех сфер жизнедеятельности города, чтобы согласно рекомендациям ВОЗ представить разноплановую, целостную и объективную картину города как среды здоровья, а горожанина — центральной фигурой этой среды