175 research outputs found

    Consumer behavior on the internet : investigating search, experience, and credence product classification

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    This paper extends the previous literature by proposing a new model incorporating search-experience-credence product classification. The present research investigates the role of the Internet as an information source on the continuum of the search-experience-credence product categorization. Moreover, this research studies some specific factors that influence the information search on the Internet. The pretest distinguishes search, experience, and credence product, The data collection methods, survey instruments, and sample characteristics are reported. The operationalization of the observed and latent variables, scale development, and statistical data analyses of hypothesis are described. The findings show that entertainment and effectiveness of information content positively relate to attitude toward website and purchase intention. Attitude toward website, moderated by need for cognition and site involvement, positively relates to purchase intention. The relationship between attitude toward website and the flow experience is replicated in different context. Results also show that the search-experience-credence product framework is salient in the context of online shopping. Theoretical and managerial implications and future research are discusse

    Surface roughness of thin wood veneers sliced from laminated green wood lumber

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    Freshly-felled Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolate), Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana) and Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum camphora) logs were reconstituted to form laminated lumber with moisture content above fiber saturation point by slicing, finger-jointing, gluing, and cold-pressing processes. The laminated lumber was then sliced into wood veneers, which were air-dried to about 15% moisture content. The surface roughness of the veneer was tested in comparison with two commercial engineered wood veneers using a stylus tracing method. The influence of  the wood surface roughness was relatively  small  for  the  wood  species chosen due  to  their  similar densities. All roughness parameter values were consistently larger along the transverse direction compared with these along longitudinal direction. The values of surface roughness at the finger-joint region were higher than these that at the non-finger-joint region along both longitudinal direction and transverse direction. The two engineered wood veneers had surface roughness values noticeably smaller in the longitudinal direction, but their values in transverse direction were comparable and even larger compared with these of the prepared wood veneers including both non-finger-joint and finger-joint regions.  Overall, the process of laminating finger-jointed green wood planks and subsequently slicing can be used to yield acceptable wood veneers with sufficient surface quality

    A fast-multi-pole accelerated method of fundamental solutions for 2-D broadband scattering of SH waves in an infinite half space

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    The traditional method of fundamental solution (T-MFS) is known as an effective method for solving the scattering of elastic waves, but the T-MFS is inefficient in solving large-scale or broadband frequency problems. Therefore, in order to improve the performance in efficiency and memory requirement for treating practical complex 2-D broadband scattering problems, a new algorithm of fast multi-pole accelerated method of fundamental solution (FM-MFS) is proposed. Taking the 2-D scattering of SH waves around irregular scatterers in an elastic half-space as an example, the implementation steps are presented in detail. Based on the accuracy and efficiency verification, the FM-MFS is applied to solve the broadband frequency scattering of plane SH waves around group cavities, inclusions, a V-shaped canyon and a semi-elliptical hill. It shows that, compared with T-MFS, the FM-MFS has great advantages in reducing the consumed CPU time and memory for 2-D broadband scattering. Besides, the FM-MFS has excellent adaptability both for broad-frequency and complex-shaped scattering problems

    OpenCL-accelerated first-principles calculations of all-electron quantum perturbations on HPC resources

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    We have proposed, for the first time, an OpenCL implementation for the all-electron density-functional perturbation theory (DFPT) calculations in FHI-aims, which can effectively compute all its time-consuming simulation stages, i.e., the real-space integration of the response density, the Poisson solver for the calculation of the electrostatic potential, and the response Hamiltonian matrix, by utilizing various heterogeneous accelerators. Furthermore, to fully exploit the massively parallel computing capabilities, we have performed a series of general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU)-targeted optimizations that significantly improved the execution efficiency by reducing register requirements, branch divergence, and memory transactions. Evaluations on the Sugon supercomputer have shown that notable speedups can be achieved across various materials

    Influence of D-Amino Acids in Beer on Formation of Uric Acid

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    Prekomjerna konzumacija piva može dovesti do povećanja koncentracije mokraćne kiseline u serumu, čime se povećava rizik nastanka uričnog artritisa (gihta), što se prethodno dovodilo u vezu s velikim udjelom purina u pivu. Međutim, novija istraživanja pokazuju da konzumacija povrća bogatog purinima i grahorica ne povećava koncentraciju mokraćne kiseline, što opovrgava tu tvrdnju. Još uvijek nije objašnjeno zašto povećana konzumacija piva može povećati rizik nastanka gihta, pa su ispitani drugi uzročnici nakupljanja mokraćne kiseline u krvi. Pivo sadržava relativno velike koncentracije D-aminokiselina koje nastaju racemizacijom L-aminokiselina tijekom prerade hrane. Katalizom pomoću D-aminokiselinske oksidaze iz D-aminokiselina nastaje H2O2, čijom oksidacijom u prisutnosti Fe2+ nastaju hidroksilni radikali. Pritom dolazi do oštećenja DNA i nastanka purinskih baza u većoj količini, iz kojih djelovanjem različitih enzima nastaje mokraćna kiselina. Neki dodaci hrani, kao što su vitamini i ioni joda, potiču nastanak mokraćne kiseline iz D-aminokiselina. D-aminokiseline u pivu imaju ključnu ulogu u povećanju koncentracije mokraćne kiseline. Biološka uloga D-aminokiselina može objasniti pojavu gihta kod osoba koje učestalo konzumiraju pivo.Excessive intake of beer could increase serum uric acid levels, leading to high risk of gout, which was previously attributed to high purine content in beer. Recent reports that purine-rich vegetables and bean products do not cause higher uric acid levels do not support this theory. Why excessive intake of beer could increase a high risk of gout has been unclear. Other factors affecting the accumulation of uric acid in the blood have been explored. Beer contains relatively high levels of D-amino acids due to the racemization of l-amino acids induced by food processing. D-amino acid was catalyzed by D-amino acid oxidase to produce H2O2, which is further oxidized in the presence of Fe2+ to produce hydroxyl radicals, resulting in DNA damage and formation of a large amount of purine bases, which are oxidized to uric acid by a series of enzymes. Some food ingredients, such as vitamins and I–, prompt D-amino acids to form uric acid. D-amino acids in beer are one of the key factors responsible for the increase in uric acid levels. The biological response of D-amino acids could explain gout occurrence in beer drinkers

    Multilevel spatial confinement of transition metal selenides porous microcubes for efficient and stable potassium storage

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    Recently, potassium-ion batteries (PIBs) have been considered as one of the most promising energy storage systems; however, the slow kinetics and large volume variation induced by the large radius of potassium ions (K+) during chemical reactions lead to inferior structural stability and weak electrochemical activity for most potassium storage anodes. Herein, a multilevel space confinement strategy is proposed for developing zinc-cobalt bimetallic selenide (ZnSe/Co0.85Se@NC@C@rGO) as high-efficient anodes for PIBs by in-situ carbonizing and subsequently selenizing the resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF)-coated zeolitic imidazolate framework-8/zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 (ZIF-8/ZIF-67) encapsulated into 2D graphene. The highly porous carbon microcubes derived from ZIF-8/ZIF-67 and carbon shell arising from RF provide rich channels for ion/electron transfer, present a rigid skeleton to ensure the structural stability, offer space for accommodating the volume change, and minimize the agglomeration of active material during the insertion/extraction of large-radius K+. In addition, the three-dimensional (3D) carbon network composed of graphene and RF-derived carbon-coated microcubes accelerates the electron/ion transfer rate and improves the electrochemical reaction kinetics of the material. As a result, the as-synthesized ZnSe/Co0.85Se@NC@C@rGO as the anode of PIBs possesses the excellent rate capability of 203.9 mA h g−1 at 5 A g−1 and brilliant long-term cycling performance of 234 mA h g−1 after 2,000 cycles at 2 A g−1. Ex-situ X-ray diffraction (Ex-situ XRD) diffraction reveals that the intercalation/de-intercalation of K+ proceeds through the conversion-alloying reaction. The proposed strategy based on the spatial confinement engineering is highly effective to construct high-performance anodes for PIBs

    Identification of SNPs and Candidate Genes Associated With Salt Tolerance at the Seedling Stage in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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    Salt tolerance in cotton is highly imperative for improvement in the response to decreasing farmland and soil salinization. However, little is known about the genetic basis underlying salt tolerance in cotton, especially the seedling stage. In this study, we evaluated two salt-tolerance-related traits of a natural population comprising 713 upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) accessions worldwide at the seedling stage and performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify marker-trait associations under salt stress using the Illumina Infinium CottonSNP63K array. A total of 23 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that represented seven genomic regions on chromosomes A01, A10, D02, D08, D09, D10, and D11 were significantly associated with the two salt-tolerance-related traits, relative survival rate (RSR) and salt tolerance level (STL). Of these, the two SNPs i46598Gh and i47388Gh on D09 were simultaneously associated with the two traits. Based on all loci, we screened 280 possible candidate genes showing different expression levels under salt stress. Most of these genes were involved in transcription factors, transporters and enzymes and were previously reported as being involved in plant salt tolerance, such as NAC, MYB, NXH, WD40, CDPK, LEA, and CIPK. We further validated six putative candidate genes by qRT-PCR and found a differential expression level between salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive varieties. Our findings provide valuable information for enhancing the understanding of complicated mechanisms of salt tolerance in G. hirsutum seedlings and cotton salt tolerance breeding by molecular marker-assisted selection

    GSWO: A Programming Model for GPU-enabled Parallelization of Sliding Window Operations in Image Processing

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    Sliding Window Operations (SWOs) are widely used in image processing applications. They often have to be performed repeatedly across the target image, which can demand significant computing resources when processing large images with large windows. In applications in which real-time performance is essential, running these filters on a CPU often fails to deliver results within an acceptable timeframe. The emergence of sophisticated graphic processing units (GPUs) presents an opportunity to address this challenge. However, GPU programming requires a steep learning curve and is error-prone for novices, so the availability of a tool that can produce a GPU implementation automatically from the original CPU source code can provide an attractive means by which the GPU power can be harnessed effectively. This paper presents a GPUenabled programming model, called GSWO, which can assist GPU novices by converting their SWO-based image processing applications from the original C/C++ source code to CUDA code in a highly automated manner. This model includes a new set of simple SWO pragmas to generate GPU kernels and to support effective GPU memory management. We have implemented this programming model based on a CPU-to-GPU translator (C2GPU). Evaluations have been performed on a number of typical SWO image filters and applications. The experimental results show that the GSWO model is capable of efficiently accelerating these applications, with improved applicability and a speed-up of performance compared to several leading CPU-to- GPU source-to-source translators

    Genetic Properties of a Nested Association Mapping Population Constructed With Semi-Winter and Spring Oilseed Rapes

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    Nested association mapping (NAM) populations have been widely applied to dissect the genetic basis of complex quantitative traits in a variety of crops. In this study, we developed a Brassica napus NAM (BN-NAM) population consisting of 15 recombination inbred line (RIL) families with 2,425 immortal genotypes. Fifteen high-density genetic linkage maps were constructed by genotyping by sequencing (GBS) based on all RIL families, with further integration into a joint linkage map (JLM) having 30,209 unique markers in common with multiple linkage maps. Furthermore, an ultra-density whole-genome variation map was constructed by projecting 4,444,309 high-quality variants onto the JLM. The NAM population captured a total of 88,542 recombination events (REs). The uneven distribution of recombination rate along chromosomes is positively correlated with the densities of genes and markers, but negatively correlated with the density of transposable elements and linkage disequilibrium (LD). Analyses of population structure and principal components revealed that the BN-NAM population could be divided into three groups with weak stratification. The LD decay distance across genome varied between 170 and 2,400 Kb, with LD decay more rapid in the A than in the C sub-genome. The pericentromeric regions contained large LD blocks, especially in the C sub-genome. This NAM population provides a valuable resource for dissecting the genetic basis of important traits in rapeseed, especially in semi-winter oilseed rape